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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Determining that the sleepy student wasn't his enemy, he points the pistol back at the way he arrived on the roof. "Sorry about that. I got suprised that someone was sleeping on the roof right now." He gets up and offers his free hand to the stranger. "Need a hand?"
"Aren't there policies against openly wielding weapons when not participating in class related combat?" Tinko asked as he drew a small piece of wood from his bathrobe "Like, you know, the kind of safety precautions a school full of deadly, hormonal teenagers would probably-"

Tinko blinked, " Wait... Are you a student?"
William remains silent for a few moments before sitting down next to Tinko. "To tell you the truth... I don't really know. Some tiger faunus told me that I'm a student here, but I'm not sure if that's the truth or not." He replied back while checking his pistol magazine. "But are YOU a student or some random homeless dude sleeping on the roof of a school building?"
"Nope, I got an acceptance program." Tinko said nonchalantly before absent mindedly taking a bite out of the piece of wood.

"Do you think the cafeteria serves ameniera?"
"Not sure. Wanna check it out?" William asked while putting his pistol back into his jacket. Apparently that random girl didn't follow him it seems. "But what's ameniera and is it safe to eat that?"
" Pfft, please..." Tinko waved a hand at the thought " Ameniera is only lethal if you think about it"

Tinko stood up and swallowed the rest of the wood, he then proceeded to stretch before rubbing the back of his head and turning toward the roof access door.

"It depends on the state of mind, amount of stress." Tinko was now yawning in between every other word "See ya buddy, I have to go find a metal man."

He waved goodbye as he opened the door with a barely there look on his face.

"Vegetables are only good with spices and dilated butter." He muttered before waving back "Ciao!"

He then descended the stairs "09877433628453428098774629880866941013729341-"
"Later..." After saying his farewell to Tinko, William noticed that he didn't need to go out a window to get on the roof now. Apparently there was a door for that very purpose. "What to do now?" He lays down and looks up at the dim sky above him. "Dinner might be served soon if memory serves me right. I better get going... but a short nap can't hurt." With that in mind, he blacks out on the roof with his armor still on.
Elinore quietly crept onto the roof and sat next to the sleeping William. It seemed like forever ago that she'd sat up there and not felt the crushing emptiness of being alone. She didn't have much more time until she'd be called back. But at least she could enjoy this little moment, right? "You sleep like a rock still." Elinore chuckled under her breath.
"Oaf!" Aires was knocked backwards by the gun's weight, she saw Natalya getting away. "Wait!" She got up and started to head in that direction. "I want to know other things! You had some connections with the White Fang, right?" Aires yelled as she kept running after her. Crap, Where'd she go?! "I . . . Natalya!" Aires stops and yells, "Who is in charge of the Phoenix Sect of the White Fang!?" Aires looked left, right and flew above to get a better view, but she couldn't see her. Landing she closed her eyes and tried to listen for her.
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"All is right in the world hu, well best go say hello to the new naughty librarian." Michael had just finished his smoke and had cleaned his pipe and he moved on the the library.
Tinko stumbled through the halls as Effort's ghostly apparition did a series of audacious tasks around the school.

Tinko was annoyed, mostly due to Effort's persistence.

Effort was currently talking with his ghostly apparition tutor, who was giving detailed advice for how Effort can study for the upcoming exam.


Tinko usually didn't need to study, his metal buddy, Tinman, would always help him remember the answers.

Tinko had to find him, who knows what horrible events Tinman could experience.

Tinko had lost communication with Tinman once his mother had dumped him at Beacon.

Tinko stuck his tongue out at Effort, which distracted him enough to not notice the woman who barreled right into him.

She came out of nowhere like a freight train on steroids who had nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Immediately, the ghostly apparitions of Effort and the tutor faded from Tinko's mind.

Tinko stumbled to catch himself after his center of gravity was suddenly and unexpectedly thrown off balance.

After catching himself, Tinko focused his sleep deprived eyes on the woman.

Surprisingly, he remembered her from the stand-off he witnessed earlier.
"Shh. Don't say one word." Natalya said after putting her hand over Tinko's mouth. Then she pushes the student against a bookshelf along with her as Aires passes by them. Hoping that her pursuer couldn't hear her, Natalya whispered into Tinko's ear. "Hey kid? Mind distracting that faunus girl nearby? Because if you do, I'll reward you for the task."

William was sleeping until his suit alarmed him that someone was near him. Opening his eyes, he saw a girl sitting next to him. Before saying something to her, he remembered that she was same girl from before. "Damn, she found me. But thanks to my mask covering my face, it seems that I still have the element of suprise." He thought to himself before slowly putting his hand into his jacket. Flipping off the safety, he- Click! Right... the safety makes an obvious sound like that when used. "Dust." He rolls away from Elinore and pulls out his pistol to point it at her. Electricity begins skidding across his armor, which comes from his semblance. "Who are you and why do want my armor?" He asked with a serious tone.
Books out of place scattered on the floor blasts from gun fire. This was the place shifting his wight and drawing his sword Michael in healed... Gun powder books weird smells and 2 people sanding close and one headed away. Sounds of breathing and foot steps. Michael moved forward
Benjamin awoke on his spire to a setting sun. "How long was I out?" The monkey faunus asked no one in particular.

Hayden headed towards the library to do a little bit of research on Grimm and the creatures of darkness. He expected the typical quiet of building, but found it slightly destroyed. "What the dust happened here?"
Elinore turned her head to look at William and laughed, "just like always. Shoot first, ask questions later. Is it weird that I'm used to having you point guns at me now?" she asked with a warm smile before looking away from William and back at the sky "I guess you're still having memory issues so just...bare with me for a moment." she said slowly, drawing her feet in to sit with her knees against her chest, "I probably have five or six days before they deem me useless and kill me. So with that in mind..." Elinore paused and stood up, finally facing William directly again, "especially sense you don't even remember me, I don't think we should see each other anymore. I don't have much time left, and I treasure every moment I got to spend with you, even when you put me in a coma. I'm just...happy I got to see you one last time. I'm just sorry I could never find out what you wanted to show me up here all that time ago before you disappeared on me again." she laughed, obviously holding back tears at that point, "none of this makes sense to you, does it?"
"Sounds like gibberish to me, but... I have a strange feeling that I shouldn't shoot you yet." William replied back as he pointed his pistol to the ground. "I'm not sure what's your current situation, but I think I can help you out." He gets up and walks over to Elinore. "But only for the right price."

Natalya noticed someone approaching her and pulls Tinko into the direction of the newcomer. "Nice to meet you, young man. Now do mind telling me why you have a 'sword' in your hand?" She asked Michael while pulling a sword out of Hellsing.
"This" Michael said as he hefted his sword to about shoulder height still some what pointed in the direction of Natalya. "This is foehammer and I am Michael pleasure to MEAT you" Michael grinned a wicked grin showing his pointed teeth and fired his dust round expelling a cone of flame 5 ft wide and 15 foot long at Nat.
"Woah! Why is everyone trying to kill me today?!" Natalya exclaimed as she creates a white glyph in front of Tinko. This saves the bathrobe student from turning into burning toast since the flame doesn't penetrate through the magical barrier. "Dodge this!" After the flame and glyph dissappears, Natalya throws her sword at Michael. Then she retreats into a different row of bookshelves to get a new item from Hellsing.
"You're not going to ask an orphan girl to break her proverbial boarbatusk bank now are you?" Elinore replied with a chuckle. It felt nice to have William back, especially sense for a little while there, she was once again completely alone. It was like she was getting the team back together. "but I guess I've accumulated enough of a fortune to pay off whatever price you ask for. Unless it's not money you're asking for." she cooed before putting her hands behind her back and grinning, "but William dearest, I think you're actually in debt to me. Saving me and my dear friend is the least you can do after electrocuting me, putting me in a coma, leaving me for a month, replacing me with an AI program, trying to stab me in the neck, pointing several guns at me, and then forgetting about me completely for the third time now. You know, a lot of girls would have broken up with you a lot sooner." she cooed with a wag of her finger. She knew he didn't remember a single bit of that. But that's why the fun and guilt trips really got to flourish. And she hadn't even started making things up yet!
"Your correct, it's not money I'm after. I want you to help me with regaining my lost memory after we deal with your dilemma." William said while putting his pistol away. "But did I really do all of that to you and what do you mean by 'broken up with you sooner'? Do we have a relationship of some sort?"
Elinore looked at William, smiling brightly for a moment before breaking out in a small laugh, "You really are lost, aren't you?" she asked with a smirk, "I'm your girlfriend." she had a feeling she'd be explaining that many more times in the future, she didn't mind much though. His reactions were always interesting. "If you're gunna help me then you should probably know about this thing" Elinore said as she unbuttoned her jacket to reviel a metal collar around her neck "they stole the design from the government or something. It explodes if I try to use my semblance. But it shocks me first as a little warning. I like that little feature. Exploding doesn't sound very fun. I gotta head back though now, it's getting late" she said as she buttoned up her jacket again, "can I see you again tomorrow?"
"Haven't seen anyone yet." The Faunus murmured as he stood up. His chain blades were still on his arms, his scroll lying next to him. "Still no word from Elinore..." He muttered before shooting her a message.


To: Elinore

Subject: Any luck?

Msg: I'm still here to help. On my spire if you need me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"Yeah, I'll probably be available tommorrow." William replied while being shocked with Elinore's current situation. Whoever she's being controlled by, they must mean business if they're willing to put collars on their agents. "But tell me your name before you leave. I can't just call you 'girlfriend' all the time." Though is she really his girlfriend? Natalya never told him he was in a relationship with someone after losing his memory a while back. Actually... what did cause him to lose his memory? She always avoided that subject whenever he asked about it...
"Elinore. But you can call me Luna if you'd like." She said with a smile. She quickly dashed up to him and gave him a quick little kiss on the mask before running towards the stairs "I'll give you a real kiss tomorrow if you don't disappear on me again! And if they don't kill me first!" she called over her shoulder before descending down the stairs again to reclaim her stole spear.

Scarlet opened the scroll she'd taken from her new henchmen once the alert of a new message sounded. She grinned and began tapping away to the "Bejamin" who'd sent the message "Everything is fine. Don't worry about me. -Elinore" she didn't need anyone intervening in her plans to amass an arsenal. The humans would stand no chance against their own weapons.
Benjamin looked at the scroll when the alert appeared. "Huh. Everything is fine- duh duh duh." He mused as he typed back a quick response.


Quick Reply: So our plans are off? How is the search going?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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