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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Alex raises Bluntfire in front of him and slowly approachs Elinore with caution. "Elinore, before you try killing me for a stupid box, just tell me why you need Hellsing for. I'm sure I can deal with any problem that are troubling you with ease." He said with a smile. "Helping my students is my job after all."

Natalya creeps her way back into the beaten-up car and closes the door. "So who do you think is going to win?" She asked the armored passenger, who remained in the vehicle the entire time. "I don't know. That girl has a chainsaw, but Master will probably find a way to beat her with his weapon." He replied while looking out the window. "Though she does look familiar..."
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Tinko got up and took a wobbly step back, he then let his tired eyes roll over to the adult that chainsaw-girl was facing down.

"Hey Mister, is the chainsaw girl supposed to act this violent? Is this some kind of class or something?"
"I really don't want to hurt you." Elinore repeated quietly, "but if I don't give her that box, she's going to kill Tavril and Lulabelle. Then whoever else stands in her way in getting that box. Just hand it over and no one dies. That's all we want, right?" Elinore asked, clearly her mental state was being strained. Not a good time to have a chainsaw. "And if I give it to her, she'll let me see William again. Isn't that great?" she asked as she revved the chainsaw again, lightening zapping across the blades. Lightening dust? Fun.
"Wait, who's this 'she' you speak of? Plus I have-" Before Alex could finish his sentence, the sound of a car driving off behind him could be heard by everyone there. "Sorry, but not today little girl! The box is staying with me!" Natalya yelled out of the window as she drives away from the group. She pushes her foot on the pedal and is driving away at high speed.

"Great... now I have no backup." Alex muttered to himself as he watched the car drive away. Then he noticed Tinko and had a great idea to deal with Elinore... hopefully. "Yeah, we're having a sparring session together since we ran out of students to spar with Elinore. But if you spar with her right now, I'll make sure to give you a A+ for my class today."
"No, all that matters is that you try your best to be a good sparring partner for your fellow classmate." Alex replied back.
"I'm not going to let her get away!" Elinore snapped. "Scarlet is going to kill them!" she looked like she was about to turn on her semblance on when a collar hidden under the extended collar of her jacket zapped her. Elinore took another deep breath and turned the chainsaw off "I will find you. And I will get that box." she said coldly as she turned her back to Alex and Tinko. She started to walk away and a van pulled up beside in which she climbed into with the stolen chainsaw before it drove away.
"No... that's not necessary, kid. I don't need Ozpin strangling me for losing more then one student today." Alex said while putting Bluntfire away. He turns to the gathering crowd that formed due to the commotion outside. "Nothing to see here everyone. Go back to your classes or whatever you were doing beforehand." Alex announced out loud. "Unless all of you want detection with me tommorrow morning?" The crowd quickly disperses and Alex heads toward the dining hall to get something to eat. He didn't get to eat a proper meal for a long time.

"Did we lose them?" Natalya asked after stopping the car in front of the library. "Yes we did, considering that no one followed us at all." The armored student replied back while getting out of the car. The librarian notions him to follow her inside and makes him wait in a dark section of the building. "Stay here while I talk to someone I know in here, okay?" Natalya told him before heading off to find the head librarian to explain for her sudden disappearance. Having nothing to do, the student begins reading a random book.
Tinko shrugged and headed back inside.

He knew he was doing something important before that whole fiasco...

Hmmmm... Oh, right!

"If you move," Aires said coldly her eyes shifting colors, "I'll kill you." Aires couldn't just let Natalya get away. "Next time you should probably take into account that there's a student at Beacon Academy that can dusting fly . . ." Her eyes narrowed. She was not in a mood to play. "What are you and Alex up to? What's going on?"
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Natalya stops and turns around to see Aires right behind her. She didn't notice her presence until now. "Damn, you caught me red handed! I suppose I should tell you my devious plan to take over Remnant with an army of marshmallow soldiers." She scoffed before leaning on a bookshelf. "Does that satisfy your curiosity, birdy? Or do you want a more detailed description of my plan to rule the world?"
"Well in all honesty I would love a more detailed description. I have many questions but only few that you yourself could probably answer. Is Alex in on this stupid plan of yours?" Aires said her wings unfolding and turning into blades. "Oh and of course, Where's Will?"
"Yes, Alex is making the marshmallow soldiers and is training them how to fight." Natalya said with arms crossed. "Also William is developing cracker armor for the troops. Once complete, they'll be indestructible!" She silently laughs to her own joke and wonders if Aires would attack her soon.

In the dining hall, Alex sits down at a empty table and begins eating his meal. It's been a while since he last ate in this very room due to a Grimm problem in Forever Fall. Probably been there for a week. "Better tell Ozpin that I'm back." Finished with his meal, he heads toward Beacon Tower to report to the school's dean.

The armored student got bored after reading the book for a few minutes and left the library to explore the school grounds. Aimlessly walking around with no destination in mind, he heads into a random building.
Round two of these stupid little raids. She wondered how long she could keep doing this so easily. The last time she literally just picked up the weapon and walked out. Perhaps if she did it twice in a row someone would start taking action. She was really split upon if she wanted them to or not. On one hand, she was defenseless prior to jacking a weapon, and she didn't like hurting the other students. On the other hand, every failed mission was another broken bone for Tavril. Scarlet had broken his arm for failing to get that box. This time her one and only goal was to take the weapon and leave. Nothing else. Elinore walked into the school once more and looked for a student who was alone, jading herself over so she could go through with this...again.
Aires smirked, "Fine have it your way." She said firing blades at Natalya. Aires doubles back releasing more pining Natalya to the wall. Something is wrong, this is too easy. . .What is she planning?
Elinore started walking back, holding a spear over her shoulder, when she passed a student aimlessly wondering around. She recognized his armor as something she believed long gone. She stopped with her back to him, pausing for a moment. "Hey, you." she said firmly to the armored figure. "Where'd you get that suit?"
Natalya snaps her fingers to summon a white glyph, which caused the pinned blades to separate from her. "Tsk, don't you have any respect for the library?" She jumps up and another glyph appears underneath her in midair. Whispering a few words under her breath, she opens Hellsing and pulls out a shotgun. Pumping it with a shell, she points the firearm at Aires. "Now you deserve a time out... in Hell!" The librarian open fires at the student at rapid speed, causing shotgun shells to fly out of the chamber everywhere.

"Hmm? Is that question being directed to me?" The student asked Elinore after stopping to face her back. Noticing that no one else was nearby, he answers her question. "I made this suit by myself. But where did you get that spear of yours? Didn't you wield a chainsaw before?"
Aires encircles herself in her wings. "Damn. Way to go, Aires, you just can't learn to stay away." Shifting her weight she flips onto her hands and cocks her boots shooting towards her. "No use. Damn it all to hell!" Aires shouted flipping back into her feet.
"I was sure William was the only one who made his own armor. But he left me...again, quite a while ago."she said quietly before turning around to face him. She took a battle stance again and smirked, "and I used to wield an axe. Unfortunately....it's gone now. So, I'm guessing you're not going to part with that armor of yours without a fight?" she asked.
The shot from the boots pushes Natalya off her glyph and onto the ground. "Oww... didn't expect that." Getting off the ground immediately, she throws the empty shotgun toward Aires before running into a random row of bookshelves.

"Yup." The student jumps away from Elinore and pulls out a hidden pistol from his jacket midflight. He begins firing at her and after making contact with the floor, turns his body around and begins running away from her. "Didn't know another guy had the same name as me in this school..." He muttered to himself as he runs up a staircase to get to the roof.
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Tinko liked sleeping on the roof, and if resort's schemes today were any indication, it's that Tinko had to stay as rested as possible.

Anything can be solved with the right amount of energy put forward on the applicant's part.

We have to remember...

Tinko shook his head as his mind tried to smother the thought with the promise of comfort.
Elinore stared at the man as he ran away. Now she was sure. She didn't care how it was possible, and memory was never one of his strong suits. But that blue ribbon around his waist. "William!" Elinore shouted after her long lost friend. She dropped the stolen spear and ran after him. Hopefully he could get over the whole trying to take his armor long enough for her to talk to him. Even if it was just shortly.
William arrives at the roof after climbing out a window to reach his destination. Making sure he wasn't being chased by that random girl he met recently, he walks backwards with his pistol pointed at the way he arrived on the roof. "Once I see her head pop up, just shoot her right between the eyes. Alex would understand that it was out of self def- Whoa!" William was too focused on shooting his pursuer that he tripped over something big. Falling on his bum, he points the pistol at the student he tripped on. "Who are you and... are you sleeping?"
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Tinko slowly raised his torso from the roof to get a better look at the guy that just tripped on him.

"Hmmm, I WAS sleeping until Mr. E got me in his clutches once more."

Tinko yawned as he got into a sitting position and half-heartedly shook his fist towards the skies above.

In his deluded mind, Tinko saw the mental representation of Effort mocking him in the skies.

His mental representation basically looked like a construction worker with no face and the word EFFORT engraved on his hard hat.

After willing Effort away, Tinko focused on Mr. Trippy Mcfallsonya

"Hey, is that a gun?" Tinko asked before rubbing his cheek and yawning again

"Could ya not shoot me in the face? I'd prefer to have an open casket funeral."

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