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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aires sits up, "Where is Natalya? I haven't been to the library as of late. But Nexus," She turns to face him, her face centimeters away from his, "It's not just Will! Luna is gone, I haven't seen Tavril at all, Ben is gone, Angel is dying on my account, etc etc etc I kinda want to disappear myself. But I can't." She dipped her hands into the lake and then placed them on Nexus's forehead. What would Loki do?

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"Would you like me to heal Angel? Well it's not healing just me taking her injuries upon myself. But I can, if you want." He sighs slightly but smiles at the cold water. "And I'm sure Loki would help Angel, then go an a huge search for the other ones. Sound like a plan, Angel can help too."

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"Won't it hurt you?" Aires looked up at him. "I mean my brother kissed her and now she's got a fever that won't go down. I don't want to put you through that."

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"I'm tougher than that. I thought you knew me." He laughs slightly then stands up. "Lead the way."

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" I do know you know . . . Which is why I'm trying to protect you. Our relationship is a strange one." She says smiling and standing up. She kisses his cheek and walks in front of him.

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Michael walked onto the dock the first time he had stood in vale since he left to learn more about this world he was thrown into. He had made most of the continents and was returning to beacon mostly the same. His armor no longer sagged on his frame he filled it well and he walked with confidence towards the air docks. His swords swinging at his side samurai style smaller over larger and the right next to each other on the left side. His arm rested on the hilt and his longblack as night hair, now raspy flew about him. His sute was new dark blue with brass trim and a crimson tie. Running to catch the air ship now taking off he jumped the 4 ft to the door as it was almost closed and pushed his way onboard finding a seat. "No time to delay, people to do in things to kill."

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Entering the nurses office Aires sees Angel with tubes all around and in her. "Angel?" She was unresponsive, in a coma. "Angel I'm so sorry. This is Nexus." Aires said softly stepping out of his way. Aires walks up to him and takes his hand in hers and squeezes it tight. "Nexus . . . Thank you." She gently smiles at him. " By the way Nexus, do you know of a woman or better yet a sect of the WF called Phoenix?" She asked him add She watched him take care of Angel. Her breathing was normal and some color flushed her cheeks. "Angel?" She neared her, "Can you hear me?"

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Elinore walked through the halls of Beacon academy after her small...disappearance. There was a new air to the girl, or perhaps, there was no air to her. She was slow and almost lifeless. She lacked both her iconic weapon and her shadowy companion. She walked straight on past the other students without acknowledging a single one until she stood in front of another first year student with a chainsaw in hand. She smiled innocently at the boy before kicking him square in the jaw. The student fell back and dropped the chainsaw which she then picked up and walked straight back out, a dead, pained look in her eyes.
"Are we there yet?" The armored passenger asked the faunus driver of the vehicle they were both in. They were heading toward Beacon Academy in a beat-up car with snowflake emblems imprinted on the doors. Both passengers and driver recently just left Forever Fall after finishing some 'business' related to a Grimm infestation. "I'm just going to give you the same answer from your previous questions. Which was... NO!" The driver yelled out with a annoyed voice. The car was silent for a few more minutes before the blonde passenger of the group spoke out. "Are we there yet?"
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She probably needs to rest. Aires sighs as she bows toward Nexus and excuses herself. She heads toward her favorite spot, the roof, of course. Landing, she lies down and exhales. "What a mess. . . Will, Luna where the dust are you two?"
Elinore stopped in her tracks upon hearing the familiar voice. "Alex...?" she whispered quietly. Immediately following her abrupt stop, a faunus who was clearly not a student but wearing the school uniform came up behind Elinore and pushed her along. Elinore turned her head to catch a glimpse of the tiger before shouting over at him "Alex!" she shouted out before being immediately shoved again, this time with a gun pointed at her back. Her tomfoolery wouldn't be welcomed any longer.
"YES! WE ARE HERE! NOW BE QUIET OR ELSE BOTH OF YOU ARE GOING BACK IN HELLSING!" Alex yelled out after driving into Beacon Academy through the school's back gate. After parking nearby a random building, the tiger faunus kicks the car door open and gets out furious. "Well you shouldn't have put us in there for a few weeks as punishment. Floating around in a box can get boring quickly." Natalya responded with a grin on her face. She gets out of the car and hugs Alex's arm, hoping that it'll calm him down a bit. "It's your fault for trying to steal something from... wait a minute. Did someone call me?" Alex asked before scanning the area for the source of the voice. "Hey, its Elinore! What do you need and who's your new friend?" The professor called out to Elinore and starts walking toward the student with Natalya walking beside him.
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Class. boring. Michael was during of boredom he stood up and walked out of class the teacher would have said something if she weren't to late
Elinore paused once more which warranted one more jab in the back with the gun. Unfortunately, Elinore was never all too afraid of weapons. And she was holding a chainsaw. Elinore revved the weapon and swung it behind her. The faunus jumped back and fired once more at Elinore who blocked the bullet with her temporary weapon that she had held out in front of her just in case exactly that happened. "I wouldn't exactly call him a friend." she laughed angrily. The faunus turned his gun and pointed it at a passingby student, at which point Elinore dropped the chainsaw and put her hands up in surrender. The faunus smirked and walked back up to Elinore, making sure to take the weapon from her this time. "Natalya." the faunus said with a smile, "I didn't expect to see you here, what business might you have at Beacon Acadamy?"
"I decided to leave the criminal lifestyle and follow my dreams to become a school librarian. You know, make a honest living with my life." Natalya sarcastically replied back before letting go of Alex's arm. This allowed Alex to take out his weapon Bluntfire and he slowly approaches the mysterious faunus. "Who are you and what do you want from my student? If you tell me now, I won't smash your head open like a watermelon." He warned the hostile faunus while getting closer him.
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"It's not what I want." The faunus said as he pushed Elinore in front of him. "It's what she wants. Remember your contract." he said before handing her the chainsaw and then walking away. The firey look in her eyes had once again left as she revved the chainsaw once more. "I'm sorry Alex..." she said quietly as she took a battle stance. "Natalya, hand over your weapon."
"Well this is interesting" Michael leans agenist the wall starts packing his pipe looking on the the scene Ellinore was creating
"Eh? What do you mean hand over my weapon?" Natalya asked with a confused look on her face. "I'm not letting anyone else taking Hellsing away from me again." She hugs the ammo box against her chest to prevent the possible chance of someone stealing it from her. "Elinore, stand down. You don't want to fight me." Alex warned Elinore before engulfing Bluntfire on fire with fire dust inside the blunt weapon.

Tinko continued his numeric speech with his eyes closed, walking lazily without a care in the world, he had the faintest knowledge that he was looking for someone.

Whatever, there's nothing like some numbers to keep the brain healthy.

He even did a couple twirls to the droning sound of digit upon digit being recited.

If he could just find a top hat and a cane-

Tinko's inner monologue, and outer-numeral praise, were simultaneously interrupted as he bumped into a faunus boy and subsequently lost his balance.

With the grace of a hormonal alligator strapped to a plane propeller, Tinko spun to try and steady himself. This only led him to accelerate before flying towards the floor.

His head impacted first but, thanks to a minor middle finger from physics, it would seem gravity was not yet done with yet.

And so begins what scholars would say for generations to be the most confusing state of stability ever expressed by the human body.

For a solid five minutes Tinko repeatedly tried getting up, only to fall back down without even the slightest cause for his clumsiness.

Passing teachers and students were shocked, worried, and awed by the spectacle.

Like when a famous couple break out in a humiliating fight during an important event, the onlookers felt the need to help... but could not bring themselves to look away for even the slightest second.

Tinko was like this for a full five minutes, and was only stopped when his last stumble led him to bump into a random student with a chainsaw.

Tinko soon found himself sprawled out on his back staring at the sky. He was briefly aware that he really banged his head on that last fall.

And then he realised he'd stopped stumbling.

He quickly raised his arms in victory and cried tears of joy, Effort's plans had been ruined once again.

Tinko prepared to do a celebratory jig when until he recognized the apparent showdown going on between chainsaw girl and two adults.

Tinko blinked a couple times as he lazily scratched his head.

"Are we supposed to be fighting today?" He asked as he started going over his non-existent mental calendar.
Elinore shook her head slightly, "I really don't..." she said quietly before charging at Alex with the chainsaw. It was weird having a new weapon. It felt a lot different than LunarRedemption, it was light. She moved faster than before, and her hits would probably be harder, probably more clumsy as well. She might even break the poor thing. It was beside the point though. Out of habit, she brought the chainsaw down over Alex
Aires felt the blades grind on her steal wings. "Good thing I got here when I did." The chainsaw was still running but her wings were stronger than that. "Lulu? Alex? Natalya? What the heck is going on? Luna cut it out!" She said blasting her wings away from the weapon. Something was off that was for sure but everyone here at once and the faunus who in the world could that be. "Let's just talk."
Elinore stopped for a moment in her tracks. She took a deep breath and revved the chainsaw again, "Aires. Stay out of this. This doesn't concern you." she said coldly, getting back in her battle stance. "I need to do this." she said with a shake of her head. "So get out of my way so I don't have to hurt you."
"Very well." Aires said, pained from not being able to help her friend. "I understand that I will never understand, but I trust you Lulu." She backed away and retracted get wings.
shaking out the match he had used to light his new brier wood pipe Micheal reached for his ammo pouch on his back it which had under gone a redesign and now held the rounds externally clipped into the belt. He pulled off a fire dust round and opened the breach on his sword and dropped it in still in the sheath proceeding to close the breach and preparing to draw his sword.

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