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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Being thrown in the air, Angel spun around and landed on the ground (barely) unscathed. "What bigger fish?" She called out to Aires, who was flying overhead. She sprints, ultimately optioning to running on all fours, she was faster that way. "See Tav from up there?!" She yelled at her. She couldn't see Tav anywhere on the grounds, hopefully Aires' bird's eye view could help.
They needed to find Tav, yet they didn't know where he was. Then, something clicked. The roof's building! Angel was sure he'd be there. "I think I know where he is! C'mon!" Angel yelled back, running ahead of Aires, heading for the building they were at before.
Ferlick laughed and nodded. "I still don't have enough info to really start the hunt so we will stop by a favorite chocolate shop of mine in our stolen aircraft." He started up the engines and began all the necessary sequences. "Buckle up Teri this baby will be up and running in five seconds and we might just run into a little trouble. In theory I should be able to fly it but in practice...well I haven't had any."
Aires suddenly feels a presence. It was Kaze. She hurried back to her room. Sorry about this Angel.

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Angel ran until she saw the building she was looking for. "Hay Aires! Could you—" she was cut short when she noticed Aires wasn't above her. She stopped running and turned around, trying to find Aires in the skies, to no luck. "Aires?" She murmured to herself, saddened that Aires has left her without notice. Suddenly, looking for Tav made little sense now. Why did she need to look for him anyway? She didn't know, Aires never told her. Gloomily, Angel entered the building. 'Maybe I'll find him here..' She thought to herself.
"Kaze?! What is it? What's wrong?" Aires shouted as she entered get room through the window but he wasn't there. "Kaze?" Where could he be? She flies back out of her room and into the air.

Kaze sees Angel enter the building; he immediately thinks of her as a threat. A wolf faunus, like that damn traitor Tavril. Since she's a wolf she has to be like him. . . Kaze then sneaks up behind Angel and places her in a head lock. "Gotcha you traitor helper!"

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As Angel was rounding the corner, she saw Tavril with his back to her. She immediately perked up. "Ta—" she was cut off by someone putting her into a headlock and dragging her away. "Gotcha you traitor helper!" She heard from behind him, she couldn't move her head so she didn't know who it was. The voice was unfamiliar to her.

She tried screaming yet couldn't because her jaw was pressed up at whoever was holding her's forearm. She tried standing up, eventually kicking over a trashcan. Still, she continued to struggle.
As Angel struggled Kaze grew impatient and hit the back of her neck. "There that should keep you quiet." Kaze headed to the forest getting ready to interrogate his newly found culprit.

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Tavril had traced the scent of his mother to a locked door. It was a staff access only room. Meaning that she was indeed using that key she stole from that thief they were helping to break into Beacon. But there was another scent lingering with the rest of the group. A familiar scent. "Lulu..." he growled. Annabell gave him one job, and he'd failed at that. He flattened his ears and growled, he was going to kill them. How dare they? He heard a trashcan get knocked over behind him. Were thy still in the building? He turned around and swiftly followed the scent trail.

Elinore sat up and rubbed her head. She had a massive headache. She tried to stand up but found that she'd been chained down. She looked at the chains and sighed "I'm sure this is outdated." she mumbled. Scarlet waled into the room Elinore had been helped up in and smiled, "Hello there deary...I have a...proposition" she cooed.
Tinko watched from the top of a tree as some random guy dragged some random girl off into the woods.

"I should probably do something." Tinko muttered to himself as his eyes struggled to stay open

'Probably' was the key word here, a whole day's worth of looking for him and fighting Grimm had taken a toll on his effort reserves.

"Someone else will deal with it!" He happily decided before promptly passing out.

Having not propped himself up before hand, Tinko fell from the tree and landed face-first in the shrubbery with a loud smack.

Soon, his snores drifted up from his downed form.
Angel struugled one last time before she was knocked out unconcious. The last thing she heard was her kindnapper's voice. "There, that should keep you quiet." She her him/her say, befora everything went black.
"This is so dumb, Lulu is missing and now Kaze. What the dust is going on?" Aires's frustration was growing with each passing hour. She lands in a clearing and sits on the ground. "No Will, no Luna, no Alex, Loki's dead . . . Kaze's missing and he's a threat, Angel and Tavril are somewhere but I don't know where . . . Nexus is gone, that one Bat faunus is dead, Teri and Ferlick never bother to acknowledge me anyways but I don't know where they are, Reaper is off with some girl wherever he is, that Tinko guy is always asleep, Michael disappeared after that last mission when I almost died . . . And my own father is now dead. Plus where the hell is Ben? WHY THE DUST AM I ALWAYS LEFT ALONE!?" She threw a rock into the lake in front of her and then she realized where she was. She slowly stood up and walked a couple of paces toward the water, then she saw it. The blood stains from when Nexus killed Loki. Her heart pulsed hard. She couldn't anymore. "Loki is gone Aires and he's never ever coming back. Why can't I understand that? Do I want someone to love me again? Is that it?" She paused and looked out at the lake "No I don't think that's what I want." Aires sat down again and decided, "A grave! That's how I'll say good bye to Loki . . . A grave underwater in this very Lake."

Angel's body was dragged to the forest and Kaze finally sets her down. "Sorry sis, looks like ai finally have a lead and I'm not giving it up. This isn't the exact faunus I'm looking for but she'll have to do for mother." Kaze then picks up Angel in his arms and flies toward his mother's domain. This girl has the scent of Tavril on her if we can interrogate her just right she'll crack and tell us everything we need to know if not She makes good bait.

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Angel awoke to the feeling of the cool wind on her face. She opened her eyes, blinking once, twice, three times. She had seen where she was yet her brain hasn't registered it in yet. After a few minutes, she finally noticed. "Why is the ground so far away.." She murmured. Then her brain had finally registered where she was. "I– I'm flying?! No.. That's impossible!" She looked back to whoever was carrying her.

"Aires?" She called out. She was the only bird faunus she knew. "Aires. Where are w going?" She called out again. "Wait.. You're not Aires.." She noticed that it was a male. "I'm being kidnapped! Help!"
"Hush child! Quit thrashing or you'll fall." Kaze said frustrated. He could sense that he was close to the Phoenix and maneuvered himself from danger. Landing, he covered the girl's mouth and entered the chamber's with more holding cells than one could count. He shoved Angel into and locked the cell. "Stay here. We'll be right back." His cold dead blind eyes glazed over her face and he walked away.

Aires found a round stone and threw it into the middle of the lake. She dove into the area where it landed and holding her breath she grabbed the stone and it dragged her. Landing at the bottom of the lake she fixed the stone into a good position and then turned around. She shot the grave a good couple times until the words: Loki Valentine, A Hero, A Friend. A Person To Never Forget. Aires looked at her handy work and smiled realizing she was running out of air. She began to swim back up to the surface. I'll always love you Loki . . . Rest in Peace. She bid him a farewell.
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Nexus appears on the edge of the lake and sighs rubbing his temples. "I say those fools in the White Fang are absolutely insane." He looks over and spots Aires, he raises an eyebrow and lights one of his cigarettes, the red smoke showing where he was to her.

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Reaching the surface of the water Aires gasps for breath and coughs afterwards. She lays her head on the ground her body still submerged in the lake when she sees red smoke out of the corner of her eye. She glanced over and saw Nexus. Huh, he's back . . . She had gotten so use to being alone that seeing a familiar face was odd. She lifted herself out of the water and her whole self was drenched. Ringing the water out of her long hair she slowly approached Nexus. "Long time no see, Nexus, how'd the mission go?" She smiled, "It's good to see you."
"Simply terrible, some people just don't know who's obviously the better. So they love to fight and it gets bloody. Sorry I was away for so long my dear. I hate missions like that. How's everything been so far, I miss much?" He pulls a small towel from his bag and places it around her neck. He sighs slightly and sits against the tree and groans heavy.

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My dear? Oh how Aires missed being called something tender, but from Nexus's mouth it sounded a bit suspicious, but she still loved it. She flipped her hair over and began drying it off with the towel all the while answering his question. "I don't really know if you have missed much. After the encounter with Reaper . . . well Will is gone, Alex is missing, now Elinore is no where to be found and I just lost sight of brother, Angel, Tavril, Ferlick and Teri. Tinko asleep somewhere in a tree and Ben is somewhere, probably with Hayden." She flips her hair back and it cascades down her back passing her torso. "Ah, that's better, oh and I just finished making a grave for Loki." She hands the towel back to him after try it with a gust of wind from her wings. Then she gazed at his eyes and her heart pounded. What's this feeling? She shook her head and then smiled up at him, "Thanks."

Kaze re-entered the room and removed the blindfold that Angel had on. "There you go beautiful. Now are you ready to talk? Where is that traitor? Where is Tavril?" Kaze asked her pulling her face towards her. He looked into her eyes, "You smell delightful, if only I could see what you really look like." He smirked evilly and then bit her ear, "Now talk."
He nods slightly and looks up at her, smiling painfully. "You can go on ahead, I've need rest." He closes his eyes slowly and with a sigh is fast asleep

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Aires strokes his faces lightly and brushed some of the hair away from him. "Alright," she whispered, "I'll be waiting for you." She kissed his forehead and then spread her wings and leaped into the sky soaring high.
Angel was shoved into a danky cell in an unknown area. She would be lying to herself if she said she wasn't scared. Scared was an understatement— she was terrified. Who was he? What did he want with her? She's never seen him in her whole life.

She curled up into a ball in the corner and started sobbing silent tears. 'Aires.. Tavril.. Someone.. Save me..'
Kaze could sense she was shaking. His heart was weak enough when it came to girls but his fear for what his mother would do to him was far greater. "Look just tell me where we can find Tavril. He's a traitor and we need to bring him to justice." She began to cry and he slowly wiped her tears away, "Darling do not be afraid, I won't hurt you, but others will." Kaze was debating on whether or not he should make her sleep but decided to keep her awake. "What's your name?"
Angel felt a hand wipe her tears away. 'They want Tavril?.. Why?.' She debated on whether or not to tell him. She chose not to. Then, he asked for her name. "A- Angel.." She told him, her voice, slightly cracked, was barely above a whisper. She was scared, and it showed. Yet she wondered why he was so gentle.
Kaze sighed, "Angel, that's beautiful. You're kind, I can tell. Alright then I'm assuming you don't know anyone by the name of Tavril though you are a wolf faunus." Kaze then dimmed the lights and locked the door. The guards outside heard the door lock and then they proceeded to pound the door,

"Master Phoenix, what are you doing?" Kaze shouted back to them,

"Things are about to get real. Do not bother me."

"As you wish." The guards left and and he then shut the lights off. He nears Angel and leans to whisper in her ear. "If I let you go you make it seem as if you and I put up a good fight. If you go all the way down the hall then turn right and on the third left you'll see an opening on the ceiling, that's how I get in and out of here. I hope you're good at combat because you're gonna need it and I hope you can swim. It's not going to be easy and you may be re-captured. But this is the only way, unless you tell me what I need to know." He was so close to her face it insane.

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