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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Ferliiiiicck!" She shouted. She neared him was clenched her fist, ready to beat the daylight out of him. "You better have a good reason on why you ditched me!"
"I was just you know securing a ride for us ahead of time." He smiled a bit and nervously laughed pointing to a seat near the pilots. "I figure you know if we already have a plane ready when everyone is here it would be easier for us to take off." Again he laughed nervously and obvious sign that his original plans were different and he had suddenly changed them. "On another note when did your semblance become so frightening?" He had pulled out his scroll and was currently typing out a message to Elinore. "I plan to find Alex what information do you have on his disappearance?"
Teri smiled sweetly, making her image more frightening. "I have no idea what you're talking about." She approached him some more. "Are you telling the truth?" She asked, suspicious of his behavior.
He nodded and gulped deeply. "Where is your lamppost? You are gonna need that aren't you?" He was frightened of her right now and he had good reason. He had been inside her head for a while just floating in her subconscious trying his best to clean up all the darkness and he wasn't sure right now if he had gotten everything. "I would hate for you to not have something you needed." The one upside to the nurses office was they left you with your weapon and so Phoen had always been with him ready for action. "I'll wait right here will you go get it."
Teri grabbed Ferlick by the collar. "No, you are going to rest. Am I clear?" She said while dragging him to the nurse's office. "And I always have Saving Light." She said while revealing the lamp post that seemed a bit smaller than it usually was.
Ferlick struggled to try and get out of Teri's grip but to no avail. It appeared that she had successfully stolen it from death himself. "But Teri I went through all this trouble to knock out the guard and everything! I feel fine I'm ready to go come on please?" He desperately tried using his semblance to enter thoughts into her mind about letting him fly away and that she would come to but they were weak and frantic. "Please Teri just this once? I'll get you chocolates on the way!"
"Huh? Yeah, I'm good." Angel said, smiling at Aires. "You on the other hand, look like you're about to throw up. I should be the one asking if you're ok. Are you?" She asked, her tail swishing around behind her. She looked so pale and she's sweating in the cold. "Should we bring you back to the nurse's office?"
Her ears twitched "I'm alright." She smiled and then mouthed the words 'Do-you-like-him?' making sure Tavril's back was towards her.

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As Aires mouthed the words "Do you like him?" Angel's face instantly burned up, turning every shade of red you could imagine. "Aires!" She said in embarrasment, stompping her foot in the process. It suddenly felt very hot in here.
Aires stumbled backwards because of Angel's sudden alarm. She tripped over the edge and fell. "Heh oops." She said flying back up top nudging Angel's arm. "Haha, you're silly!" She patted her head landing on the ground.

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With her face still scarlet red, she turned towards the direction of the school's back gates. "I-I'll be going f-first then!" She stuttered, still flustered with Tavril beside her, praying that he doesn't see her bright red face. "Bye guys!" Angel practically screamed, then jumped down from the roof, running towards the direction of the back gates, and away from Tavril and Aires.
"I'm a wolf remember?!" Angel yelled at her, her wolf ears comes in handy at times. They're not just for decoration! She countinued running until she reached the back gates, not a soul in sight.
Aires exhaled relieved, "I've never met a wolf that could scale a building this tall before." She whispered. Then Aires spots Ferlick and Teri, "What the?" She hos down and lands next to Angel. "What are they doing?"

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"Oh Dust! You startled me!" She exclaimed. "Hey.. Where's Tavril? Did you leave him up there?" Angel asked her, trying to look up on the roof.
"Huh Tav? He plays by his own rules but I'm sure he'll join us. Between be and you I think he's taking a liking to you. Haha."

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"Impossible. I just got here! Maybe he likes that Elino— hey.. Isn't that Teri and Ferlick?" She stopped and pointed to the car that was speading away.
Aires looks at the other two. "Oh dust, those two or nothing but trouble I swear. And isn't he supposed to be resting? Geez." Aires ruled her eyes her wings pulsing, "You coming? We gotta keep them out of trouble." She asked Angel.

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"I'm right behind ya." Angel replied, stretching her limbs and facing the direction of the vehicle, sped off at full speed.. Or as fast as her two feet could take her.
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Aires flew and landed on the ship that Ferlick had taken control of. "Hmm let's see what his plan is."

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Tavril had come to the conclusion that all girls were crazy, human or otherwise. Instead of jumping off the side of the building like LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE he took the stairs, which would take just a little longer than everyone else's path. When he reached the main part of the building he caught a wift of a familiar smell. Telling himself there was no possibility he could be right, he continued towards the gate. There was no way his mother and her pack could do anything in the school without getting caught.
Angel's wolf ears quickly perked up. "Something doesn't seem right.." she muttered to herself. "Aires, do you have this strange feeling that you're being watched? Because I do.." Angel told her as she placed her hand on Aires' shoulder. Something was definetly wrong here.
That smell, could it be her? Aires looks at Angel, "Looks like we have bigger fish to fry. We have to find Tavril. Come on." Aires grabs Angel's hands and thrusts into the air. She then searches the skies for Travril. "Tav! Where are you?"

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