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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Not really" Tavril mumbled, "I mean Aires is gone and so is Elinore, but having Elinore gone is more like a miracle than an awkward moment." he laughed, "so then how long have you been at Beacon? I haven't seen you around, but then again I don't see many people around." avoiding people was Tavril's specialty
The man was about to insult her until he realized that Beacon Academy was a place that one can get lost in easily if your new there. Sighing in defeat, he gives Elinore the scroll. "Tell me... do you know who's scroll this is?" He asked her.
Angel laughed at what Tavril said about Elinore. "Yes. I just came today actually. And you're right about one thing, I haven't seen any other students around much either." She said to Tavril.
"I'm sure you'll see more. This is a university after all." Tavril said with a flick of his tail. "But I'd stay away from the humans. Especially Cardin. Killing students is still against the rules so the most we can do is avoid him." he sighed

Elinore took the scroll and stopped walking. She opened it and turned her back to the man "where did you find this?" she asked quietly. A lead. Finally...a lead. She closed the scroll and hugged it up against her chest. This was...wonderful.
This piqued Angel's interest, causing her wolf ears to twitch. "Cardin? Who's he? I don't think I've met him yet." She said, her tail coiling around her abdomen. She grabbed her tail and placed it back behind her. "I swear this tail has a mind of its own sometimes." She said with a huff.
"It's from one of your professors. I think his name was... Alan?" He said with a puzzled look. Clearly he forgot what that Faunus's name was but it didn't matter anymore. For all he knew, that man could dead right now. "He sent me here to deliver a message to your dean. Something that you'll never know about." The man takes the scroll away from Elinore. "Now can we get moving? I don't have all day."
"Welcome back, Ms. Phoenix, we trust your mission was a success."

"Hmph, of course it was, just who do you think I am." Her wings retracted into her back. Her eyes were violet, like her mother's, it wasn't the same Aires that was at Beacon. She walked a little ways to a bunker that held the criminals that were going to be executed for the day. "Ms. Phoenix . . . You're back."

"This is what I was summoned for?" The guard was trembling as he apologized. Aires sighed as her eyes vibrated and then a flash of white lightb shined as screams of some of the most merciless men cried out for their lives. An evil smile spread across her face as she licked the blood off the side of her mouth. "Where's Nexus?"

"On a separate mission my lady." Aires looks at the guard and exhales walking away.

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"Alex sent a message?" Elinore echoed quietly, "alright, hurry up." she said as she hurried to the dean's office. She stood by the door and gestured for the man to enter. She would just have to wait for them to finish so she could find out where Alex was. Then she could find William.

"Cardin is a student whose main hobbies include bullying faunus. Avoid him at all costs." Tavril growled, "and all you gotta do to control your tail is just practice moving it around." he said with a smirk as his tail swished back and forward
Benjamin was the one that felt awkward. "Um, you two have fun. I gotta go do something." He said with an awkward laugh and shot a chain blade into the spire he used to sleep in, repelling up it and our of listening range. "Hope everyone else is having more fun." He said before napping in the sun.

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"Looks like I'll be making an unfortunate enemy then." Angel said as she whipped out her bo staff and started spinning it around, eventually getting caught in her tail. "Ack! Mother of dust!" She exclaimed as she tried freeing her weapon from her tail's grip. As she finally managed to break free of her tail she looked at Tavril with embarrasment written all over her face. "So.. Practice moving it around?" She said, her face flushed from what just happened.
"Thank you. I will feel forever grateful for your good deed for the rest of my life." The man said sarcastically before entering the office. "Excuse me, are Professor Ozpin? I have a message for you."

Professor Ozpin was looking out the window when he heard someone enter his office. "Yes, I'm the man your looking for. But who sent you?" He asked without looking at the man.

Straightening his white suit (or whatever was left of it), he walks toward the dean with the scroll in his hand. "I think his name was... Al? You know? The guy you sent to deal with the company's Grimm problem a few days ago?" Before he could give Ozpin the scroll, he felt something pointy on his back.

"Don't move any closer to him." Glynda Goodwitch said as she took the scroll away from him and walk over to Ozpin, her wand still pointed at the stranger. After checking the files in the cracked scroll, the dean finally looks at the man with a expressionless face. "Hmm... I thank you for sending this message to me, sir. You can go back to your boss now."

Slightly nodding his head toward the dean and his assistant, the man walks out of the room.

"Glynda... get Mr. Schnee on the phone. I need to talk to him."
"Aires." She turns to see her brother. "Kaze . . ." She then carefully scans his face. "What happened to you? Who did this to you? Was it Father?" His face appears to be burned, his arms were slashed with gruesome cuts and his body appeared very fragile.

"Don't worry about it. What are you doing in this section of the White Fang? I never thought you'd be captured by the Talonz." She smirked, "I'm not captured idiot." His eyes widen, " You mean to tell me that you're part of this sect. But why? You're a Phoenix seriously I got jacked up and you're just chilling here because you think you're a freaking-" He stopped suddenly as he noticed her eyes. "What's going on with you?" Aires then grabbed his hand as her eyes turned to her normal mix matchedness. "Come on, I can treat your wounds back at Beacon. I know you can't see yourself but you're in pretty bad shape. You'll be safe there too."

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Ferlick sighed and grabbed his usual meal for when he was upset. It was a large sandwich that contained enough spices to make a grown man cry. The woman behind the counter starred at him wide eyed as if they had seen a ghost but Ferlick just took his meal and sat down taking a big bite. "I can't take sitting around here I have to get going." He took another big bite and looked out the window. He didn't know where to start so he might as well just sweep the area. "Time to get a ship."
Tinko had observed the man carefully before the interactions with Elinore had led them to make haste into the academy.

Tinko stood there rubbing his nose for a while.

"Didn't smell a trace of him..." Tinko muttered as he sniffled a bit.

There were ways around that of course, but would he really go through so much effort?

Tinko hated playing detective, it took time and effort.

He and Effort were bitter rivals. staring each other down on two opposing fronts.

But Effort was relentless in its onslaught of goals and responsibilities, how it loathed the very idea of sleep and relaxation.

Tinko balled up a fist as soon as the man and the other student were gone.

He then shook it up at the sky, where Effort cast a gloomy eye on him, hoping to rid him of his carefree life.

Damnitt, he had to know if he was connected... But the effort! It made him tear up inside.

Finally Tinko went to scaling the walls of the Academy again.

One he had found a way into the vents, Tinko paused to do some snooping.

Primarily in the vents around the dean's office.

He had forced himself awake through the entire conversation held there, but immediately forgot the details afterwards.

As soon as the scroll was passed on to the dean and the man exited, Tinko put an authentic detective pipe in his mouth and began blowing bubbles as he made his way to the roof through the vents.

Exiting the vents on the roof, Tinko continued blowing big juicy bubbles as he stumbled towards the Roof Access door.

Making his way down to the main floor, Tinko left a trail of bubbles that lingered in the halls behind him.

Finally reaching the main entrance, Tinko stepped outside.

A flood of bubbles passed him as they were freed into the sky, Tinko completely ignored them as he pulled the pipe from his lips and pointed to the sky.

"I have absolutely no idea what to do next!!!" He chanted with vigor before throwing his pipe to the ground and crushing it under his shoe.

Already, Effort's influence destroyed even the barest hope of an early day's sleep.
Every student attending Beacon Academy received a message on their scroll. The sender was from Professer Ozpin himself.

"Dear Students of Beacon Academy,

If anyone is interested in participating in a 'Grimm Extermination Mission', please visit the back gates at 10:00 AM tommorrow morning. More information will be announced there. Be ready to leave the academy if you plan on going.


Professer Ozpin"

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Aires finally reached the gates of Beacon after a long day of flying when she receives a new message on scroll.

"You know Aires, you'll get busted if the White Fang find out you're allied with Beacon Scum."

"Hush!" She covers his mouth, "No one here knows I'm with the White Fang and no one in the White Fang knows I'm here at Beacon. It's that simply. I have abilities that most don't. Abilities that others would kill for, but the fact they are mine. So come off it." She helps her struggling brother to her room. "Sit down, I'll get some water."

"Hey Aires why are you helping me?" Kaze asks her, his nose wrinkling up. She let out a big sigh,

"Because like it or not you are my brother. . . I have no one. Lulu is determined to find William and I determined to help her no matter what it takes. I've lost the one person that loved me for me and I mean . . . you're not . . . so bad . . . I guess." She gave him some water to drink and started to mix a couple of herbs she had in a drawer.

"This might hurt so bare with me." She warned him and he nodded. She placed the mixed on all of his cuts and carefully scanned his face for signs of pain. His once beautiful golden eyes were now ruined by dust explosions. They were a faded puke color. She felt bad for her brother. They were so close. But what ever happened between them. She dabbed his face when he took her wrist in his hands,

"Hey let go-"

"Aires . . ." his tone lowered, "Father is dead." She dropped the rag she was using and stared at his face: expressionless.

"What? Why? How? What?"

"You heard me. Father is dead. Mother killed him." Aires was so confused.

"Mother? What mother? What are you saying? Kaze?" She slowly stood her ground and her breathing quickened.
Benjamin had a great view of the entire campus from his spire which he took advantage of, taking in a panoramic view of the school. When he reached a point that he could see the gates, he spied Aires and another bird faunus conversing. "Huh, never seen him before..." Benjamin mumbled as he sat up. He also noticed that his scroll had a new message. "Grimm extermination? I guess I can do it if I don't have to help Elinore..." he said, noticing that there was no reply from his friend.

Hayden was eating when he got back to his room and read the message from Professor Ozpin. "This seems fairly important and fun." the teen said as he grabbed Trivial and slung the weapon on his back. "Time to do some sparring then..."
Angel took out her scroll and read the message. "Grimm extermination huh? Sounds dangerous.. And fun." She said with a smile. "Looks like I'll be busting some backs then. Tavril, you coming or not?" She asked eyeing Tavril once more.
Aires trembled, "You should get some rest, I don't know about you but I gotta a mission to go on in the morning." She opened her window. "Get some sleep and don't make a sound." She then sat on her window sill and fell backwards out of it. Spreading her wings as she neared the ground she soars into the sky.

Aires landed and had a pack work her. She waited for what this mission would be like. She didn't know what to expect but she had all the essentials she could think of. "Hmm I wonder who else is going to be coming." She asked herself looking through pack when her brother's words ring inside her mind, Father is dead "No! STOP!" She shot up into the air and then landed on the roof, panting.

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Elinore checked her scroll and closed it again. Fighting grimm or finding Will. There would be more grimm. She tucked her device away and leaned up against the door. How long was this meeting gunna take anyways? Hurry it up, she had places to be, people to save. Elinore tapped her foot impatiently. She heard a crash down the hallway and Elinore make the horrible mistake and stepping towards the noise to find out what it was. She caught a glimpse of a mouse faunus before someone grabbed her from behind and put a rag over her mouth. The chemicals on it only took seconds to knock her out. "Well," a female voice cooed as she picked the limp girl up and hoisted her over her shoulder, leaving Elinore's axe leaning against the wall in the hallway, "that was easy." she chuckled before walking down the hall. Her new found toy made it all too easy to sneak in through back doors undetected. Scarlet had no problem leaving the building undetected either. Good thing the principal's little pet was busy with some Schnee worker.

Tavril flattened his ear and looked away from Angel for a moment, "Erm...." he mumbled, he did have an obligation to protect Elinore which was the only reason he stayed at this hellhole anyways. But...the girl could protect herself. She did that whole...firey thing a bunch anyways. "Yeah," Tavril finally said with a nod, "why not. C'mon, we don't want all the good one to-" he was cut off when Aires landed back down on the roof "welcome back little bird. Come back to kill some grimm?" he asked her. Without any humans in the area, the harshness in his tone was gone, or at least, less intense.
Aires felt a shiver go through her body and her face turned white as a sheet of paper. Her stomach twisted into knots and she knew something was wrong but what. Oh what's this, I feel like I'm gonna be sick. She smiled slightly at Tavril feeling the sweat bead up on her forehead. "I mean yeah anything to build my training." She exhaled sharply. "What's up with you two? Where's Benjamin? Angel, you okay? "

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Noticing that Teri was busy with her scroll Ferlick took his chance. He was still in pretty bad shape but he was able to get where he needed to go. Waiting for Teri to glance at her scroll Ferlick ran to the door with as little noise as he could. Using a small bit of his semblance he imposed the thought on everyone in the room that perhaps now was a good time to use their scrolls hoping that nobody would notice that it was an imposed thought. Once he exited the dining hall he made a beeline towards where they kept the airships hoping for an easy quick hijacking.
"Hey Ferl-" She started but noticed he was gone. Suddenly a dark aura emanated from her and the walls around her slowly disintegrated. "W-w-why you..." She said through gritted teeth as she head to the most likely place he would be. Each step she took echoed, making her approach ominous.
Ferlick could feel Teri coming and he didn't much like the aura that was following her. He was struggling with the thought of what to do in the situation he came to the conclusion that it was best to pretend he was waiting for Teri. He walked up to one of the guards standing in front of a ship and in a quick burst of his semblance the man was on the floor in a heap. He then got into the cockpit and waited for Teri to arrive.

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