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Fandom Beacon Academy.

She looked wide-eyed at Aires. "Fast recovery eh?" Angel chuckled. "Sure thing." She walked up to the door and opened it. "Lead the way."

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Aires smiled "I've been hit by lighting before and well other stuff so I'm pretty good at taking hits." She made her way to the dining hall where she saw Teri and Ferlick.

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Angel whistled at Aires' reply. "You can really take a beating eh?"

She noticed the two guys in the hall. She elbowed Aires and drew herself closer to her. "Friends of yours?" She asked, looking at them.

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Aires smirked a little, "I don't know if I'd call them friends. And one is a girl although she used to be a guy. Don't ask I don't even know." She laughed slightly.

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Angel almost choked at what Aires said.

"Meh, the other one's cute though." She giggled. "Don't worry, i know I have weird taste in men."

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" Well you're not wrong about Ferlick. He is attractive. But I never said that." She threatened with a wicked smile. Having herself some She landed a spot next to the door. "Wow, I never eat, but I guess I'm really hungry now."

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"My lips are sealed." Angel added with a wink. She grabbed a sandwich and plopped down on a seat right infront of Aires.

"I haven't seen any other students yet, besides the few that are outside." She told Aires, resting her chin on her hand.

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Elinore had taken the incoming truck as an excuse to step back without being noticed. She opened up the paper scroll she'd received earlier and read it. She crumbled up the paper and whipped out her scroll "I don't care if I'm not supposed to contact you" Elinore hissed into the device, "I hired you to do ONE JOB, and time is running out....listen here you, I will end- Oh," Elinore suddenly stopped and closed the scroll when Benjamin came back up onto the roof. "H-hey there Benjamin, how have you been?" she asked with a nervous smile. Talk about close calls.
Benjamin didn't say anything about the nervous smile or the tail end of the threat he heard. He simply returned the smile and replied with "So now she speaks," chuckling a little before sitting down. "I have been fine I guess. You doing alright?" He questioned, reaching into his pocket for something to fidget with.

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Elinore sighed and shook her head, "not really..." she said quietly, "William's disappeared with no trace. I've done everything I can to find him but it's been no help" she sighed, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to go through some...drastic measures to get him back"
Benjamin continued to fish in his pocket for anything. "Well, we'll get him back here." The Faunus said. "Sometimes things have to be done by yourself." He started, thinking of all the stupid quotes from movies and other media. He eventually gave up on his search and gave his full attention to Elinore.
"Yeah..." Elinore mumbled under her breath. Elinore cracked a devious smile, "Hey, Benjamin, have you ever been part of the White Fang?" she cooed. All she needed to coax that librarian out was they key they were supposed to steal that the White Fang got instead. With a little more information, perhaps Elinore could steal it back. Because obviously Torchwick wasn't going to be any help.
Benjamin recoiled a little bit at the question. "Um. I guess I kinda was. Um, do you remember when you guys first found me?" He asked relaxing and exhaling a deep breath. "I'm now here so there is no reason why you guys shouldn't know how I ended up on that ship." The Faunus stated, flicking his tail in the air.
"Outside. . . oh crap, Lulu" She face palmed herself. "I gotta go." She rushed off then turn to Angel and smiled. "Sorry" She smirked, "I'm heading to the roof if you wanna come and meet some new people."

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"And that's perfectly fine if you don't want me to pry" Elinore said with a nod, "I just want to know if it'd be possible for someone like me to get in." not being a faunus was once again getting in her way, but she wasn't going to let that get in her way this time.
"Huh.. Sure. Got nothing better to do anyway." Angel replied getting up from her seat and followed Aires outside.
Benjamin recoiled again as he heard what Elinore was asking. "Um, what? You want to get in. No. Nuh-uh. You do not want in. They figured out I was a 'traitor to the faunus cause' and locked me in the brig of that ship. You aren't even a faunus. They won't let you in unless you are put in command by a top ranking member." He started, standing up and pacing.
"But what if I disguised myself as a-" Elinore cut herself off when she saw Aires leaving out of the building "We'll talk about this later" she whispered before looking over at Aires and another student who was with her, "Oh hey there." she said with a nod
"What?" Aires asked Elinore. "You want in?" She only caught a bit of the conversation.

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Benjamin pulled out his scroll and sent Elinore a quick message as the other two showed up.

To:: Elinore

Subject:: You're crazy but...

Msg:: meet by the spire where I lived until recently. If Aires wants to help i guess she can too.

He hit send and looked up at the two. he had added the second sentence upon hearing what the other faunus had said. "Hello. Who's your friend Aires?" he asked, his tail flicking near Elinore's head.
"Oh right, heh, sorry this is Angel. Angel this is Elinore and Benjamin." She smiled eyeing both of them.

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"Get into a new club obviously!" Elinore said with a nervous laugh as she swatted Benjamin's tail away from her head. "Nice to meet you Angel. Another faunus? Great, now I'm the only one without cool powers." she muttered, "and I don't even have my cyborg to poke fun at."
"I'm Elinore, she's Benjamin." he says with a joking smile and offering his hand for a shake. "Nice to meet you." He then turned to Elinore. "You have cool powers. Your semblance is an aura of fire right? I don't even know what mine is if I have one..."
"Hi. Nice to meet you." Angel said with a smile. "And don't worry, you're not missing out on much. My tail practically has a mind of its own sometimes." She added.

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