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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Felix followed Jessica Parker eager to learn more from him, although it was most likely because he forgot what he was doing. When noticing the trees he had no idea why Jessica was rubbing leaves but he was curious about the trees and through logic and reasoning he concluded that there was a secret message in the trees and that Jessica was trying to decipher them, man, that guy was smart.
"Everyone has to have a hobby" Elinore replied with a nervous laugh as she coaxed the crow off her shoulder and onto her finger. She took the slip of paper off its leg and tucked it in her sleeve "So where have you been lately? You know what, don't tell me, but we've got to find a plan to coax that fake librarian out."
She thought she saw Lulu take something from the crow but then decided it was her imagination. "I guess everyone does." Aires agreed with Luna. Where have I been lately? I'm let's see with the White Fang, killed quite a few people mercilessly, and have been training to be an assassin. She thought to herself. But how could she let Luna know all of that. "Fake librarian? Oh the one that took Will. Hmm, is she part of the White Fang? Where's Alex, can't he help?" Aires was a little lost with the events since she tended to blackout or in critical moments. She had a bad habit of exploding anything or anyone when her eyes changed color.

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Tinko went through several more leaves until finally, he stopped and looked at one with the most serious expression he could muster.

With a sharp intake of breath, Tinko began hyperventilating and quickly devoured that single leaf before jumping down from the tree.

With his stumbling walk, Tinko made his way back towards the Academy.

Despite his apparent seriousness, Tinko still looked as if he would pass out at any given moment.
Ben and Hayden were walking back to the school's grounds, nearly silent as they walked. They hadn't gone too far into the forest, so it wasn't a long walk back. Hayden walked with Trivial on his shoulder while Benjamin decided to have some fun and jump from obstacle to obstacle. "Would you cut that out?" Hayden questioned after following the faunus' movements for a few minutes. "Just walk like a normal person."

"This is more fun. And incase you haven't noticed, I am not very normal." Ben replied with a smirk. The monkey faunus then proceeded to walk back to the campus next to Hayden.
Ferlick woke with a start his mind finally returned to his body. He wasn't sure how long it had been, but he was happy to be awake again. He felt weak and as he tried to stand a group of nurses pushed him back down insisting that he was not ready for that yet. He didn't listen and immediately regretted it falling onto the floor and hitting his head hard. It hurt more than usual and it felt as if his whole body shook with the force. "How long..." He couldn't even finish his sentence the dry taste in his mouth keeping his tongue from moving any further. "Where is Alex?"
"I haven't seen him either..." Elinore sighed with a shake of her head. She sat down and shook her head again, she was almost out of hope, she had absolutely nothing to go off of, he'd disappeared off the face of the earth "I'm going to go raid the Grim Reaper today" she finally said firmly, "Alex's store has to have some clue."
Teri suddenly halted as she felt a presence leave her head. She then started to run to the infirmary. "Ferlick!" She shouted once she got in.
Ferlick looked up at Teri and smiled a bit. He was uncomfortable and currently chugging water given to him by the nurses. He always hated medical treatment because it left you unable to do basic things for long periods of time. "How are you doing Teri? I seem to have woken up, and was wondering if Alex is around. I have a question for him." He coughed a few times and chugged some more water looking around. "More like an assault but its kind of a question."
"We need a plan of attack. Going through his stuff might actually be fun. I'm in. But we need a team, if we're gonna get Will back and finds that woman we need to form an alliance." Aires thought about her alliance with the White Fang again. She could probably use them to her advantage. But her alter ego might be an issue. She sighed loudly and then she felt her wings twitch. "Gah, This is frustrating." She smiled at Luna.

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Stumbling back onto the campus, Tinko stumbled drunkenly towards the doors.

He threw them open and nearly fell in, but was able to steady himself at the last second.

"If Tinman's sending messages again, then he has to be close." Tinko muttered to himself as his eyes darted around the interior in a paranoid fashion.

Tinko began searching the place, most bystanders were put off by the overly thorough comb over he was giving the place.

Reaching into his bathrobe, Tinko took out a dust crystal and began nibbling on it absentmindedly while he searched.

He became more and more paranoid as his investigation continued.

But he was determined to find
him as quickly as possible.
Benjamin and Hayden made it back to the school, parting ways as they reached the main courtyard. Hayden went back to his room to do some studying and Benjamin headed for the roof and his spire.

On the way he spied Aires hovering by someone sitting on the roof. He debated whether or not to pass by the bird faunus and say hello. In the end he decided to, scaling the building and walking along the edge of the roof in the direction of the two people.

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Aires looked over her shoulder and smiled. " Benjamin." She sweetly, her mix matched eyes looking up at him. "Long time no see." She stuck her tongue out at him playfully. "What's up?"

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Benjamin grinned back. "Ditto. It has been awhile. Guess everyone has been busy. Anyone seen Will?" He said, finally noticing that Elinore was the person that Aires was with. Way to go, asshole...he thought as began mentally punching himself. He just continued to grin playfully on the outside.

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He was well aware of the fact that Alex and Will were both gone, and had a feeling it wasn't good for Elinore. "Um, I'm sorry." The Faunus said, rubbing the back of his head.

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Aires looked at Elinore then at the sky then at Benjamin. She looked determined all of a sudden. "Benjamin" She said slightly grabbing his shoulders, "We need help in finding both Will and Alex. Will you help us? I'm also thinking about asking Teri and Ferlick for their help as well." She looked into his eyes and smiled sweetly once more. "Please?"

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Benjamin flicked his tail and crouched. "Sure. I'm not sure how big of a help I can be, but I will certainly join you." He looked at Elinore who remained silent and then back at Aires. "We can't loose another person. Except maybe Alex. I don't mind if I don't have to talk to him again." He still had hard feelings about being held prisoner via explosive device. "And AD."

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A Schnee Dust Company transport truck was speeding toward Beacon Academy. The truck came from the direction of Forever Fall with a few dozen Beowolfs pursuing it. Guards were shooting at the Grimm with assault rifles from the back of the truck in a desperate attempt to kill them. This was useless since the Beowolfs were starting to jump onto the truck, only holding on due to their sharp claws. The invaders throw the panicking guards out of the truck and begin moving towards the driver.

The driver could hear the screams of the fallen guards as half of the horde stopped to slaughter them. "Dammit, they're on the truck!" The guard sitting next to the driver exclaimed while shooting at the approaching Beowolfs. The driver kept his eyes on the dirt path and dared not to look at the side mirror. Metal being crushed by the Beowolf's claws was enough proof to tell his mind not look back. "Look! We're nearly there!" The driver yelled out in joy when he saw the walls that protects the school a mile away. "Dust yeah! We're going to make it!" The guard said when he also saw the walls. That was a big mistake. While turning his head to look at the walls, a hairy hand violently pulls him out of his seat. "AHH!"

Guards were patrolling on top of the school's walls when they noticed a truck driving toward the gates. Before they could stop it, the truck crashes through the gate. "Alert the captain and Professer Ozpin that we have been breached! Put the school on... what the dust." The gatekeeper ordered before noticing the approaching Beowolf horde. The guards begin firing at the werewolf-like Grimm as the dark creatures enter the breached gate.

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Ferlick stood up and spat a little blood onto the floor disgusted at the taste. "No just to get out of this damned nurses office. I hate it in here smells like dying people." He suddenly looked down and smelled his arm. "I hate smelling like I'm dying." He stood up and leaned against a nearby wall to keep upright looking at Teri. "If he is missing then lets find him, I want to have a...chat." He seemed mad, really mad and it had a reason. His last moment of true consciousness his mind went out and it felt every presence around him if only for a second. His consciousness had exploded and felt Alex. "That man was there and I want to know what he knows. But first...how long have I been out?"
Aires giggled at Benjamin then she heard something. She saw what looked like an ambush of Grimm but what kind. . . "DUST!" She exclaimed, "We're being attacked!" Without thinking she dives off the roof and yells to her friends, " Get to safety!" She knew that they wouldn't. Aires flew over the Beowolfs and began to fire at them with her boots. She shot rounds of whatever kinds of dust she had. She couldn't stop them alone. Landing on the ground by the breached gates her wings engage and she shoots as many feather blades as she can. "Wahoo!" She smiles then looks around for Benjamin and Luna. "Where are they? They better be-Ahh!" A grimm strikes at her shoulder and sends her to knees. She grips her bleeding shoulder and recalls Loki. This is how we met . . . Loki . . . I have to snap out of this but my body won't move! Aires tried with all her force but she simply couldn't as she saw a Beowolf coming at her. "Damn."

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Benjamin leapt off the roof after Aires, landing while she seemed to be halfway to the van. "Hold up!" He yelled, even though he knew it was useless. As he ran, he checked his pockets for any dust. Of course they were empty since he never bothered to grab any the last time he had the chance.

Then he looked up just in time to see Aires being attacked. "Uh-oh." He said simply as he fired, but the Faunus was out of range. Cursing, he ran faster in an attempt to make it to Aires.

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"I. Said. Move!" Her body finally listened to her command she kicked her leg towards the wolf and fired. She saw some more Grimm being lured to someone else. Ben! She ran towards him, ignoring the pain in her shoulder and then saw another Beowolf behind him. Where are they all coming from?! She rammed herself into Ben shielding him with her body as the Grimm swipes. Damn it, this kinda hurts, she thought to herself. She looked at Benjamin, "You okay? Thanks for the help." She could feel her back was torn. She got off of Ben and steadied her damaged body. This is nothing. "Heh, alright," she cocked her boots, reloading them, "Let's go."
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"Yeah, I'm fine." He replied, standing. He wasn't expecting to be tackled but got ready to fight.

(I'm busy right now. Be back later)

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