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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Feli followed the mysterious wrestler he mentioned, "that's usually grounds for disqualification but that's getting a little official, so you won... As there is no alternative at the moment," he formed a belt shaped cloud and gave it to the winner sure it would disperse almost immediately but it was nice while it would last. He got a little curious again so he asked, "what's your name anyways,"
Reaper stood there but turned to Aires "I need your help Aires with a certain matter, once you're done meet me by the gates, I want you to meet someone." And Reaper began walking away down the hall to get his supplies and he sends Legion a message telling him to gather some of his troops and to wait by the grave. After Reaper gets his supplies he waits at the gate for Aires.

"Name..." Tinko muttered "Name...."

He tilted the head to the side as he reentered the school halls.

"I don't know, I guess I'll be Jessica Parker until I remember"

And with that, Tinko continued his search for...

...Teacher, maybe?




Tinko was now journeying to find a T-shirt.

Let nothing stand in his way.
Aires gobbles her food and then smiles excusing herself from the table. " Reaper!" She waved nearing him. " Hey what's up?"

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Reaper looked at Aires then said "I want you to meet someone you don't have to follow me if you don't want to but I just thought that you should meet my friend." The coldness was gone and he was happy but also sad at the same time.

Her curiosity got the better of her. "Sure!" She smiled, "You look sad. You okay?" She asked looking up at him with mixmatched eyes.

Back at the White Fang, Sora was busy preparing for the fateful encounter with her daughter. Sora couldn't believe her son would keep a secret like that from her. Why would her husband do such a thing as to get rid of her baby girl? Sora had a plan and nothing was going to stop her, nothing. "Let's reek some havoc." She smiled wickedly.
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Reaper looked at Aires "I'm fine it's just been awhile since I saw her that's all....." Reaper began walking towards the forest, his heart racing, and thoughts filled his head 'will she remember me? Will she hate me? Will she be happy?' He was nervous but he must see her again but he's worried about how she'll react to seeing him.

Reaper kept on walking "She's a friend that for awhile I thought was dead...." He was trying not to let loose a few tears but he calmed himself down a bit.

"What supposedly happened to this person to make you think they were dead?" She mumbled. Aires was wondering what she had gotten herself into. She noticed Reaper struggling but she said nothing.

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Reaper suddenly was quiet for the rest of the trip and in a few hours they reached the forest Truth was living in. Sighing to himself Reaper spoke "Alright this is where she lives well the area anyway...... She lives in the forest center so let's continue." And he entered the forest.

Truth was making herself some soup with deer meat in it. It smelled divine and it tasted as good as it smells too but preparing a grata meal takes time so she'll have to wait for another hour before the meal is finished.

Aires smells something cooking. She lightly places her hand on his shoulder and smiles. "Whoever this is, it's gonna be okay."

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Reaper relaxed as Aires placed her hand on his shoulder "I just hope everything goes smoothly...." And he navigated through the forest to its center. Upon arriving they saw a house and with a deep breath Reaper walked up to the house and knocked on the door.

Truth was setting the table when she heard a knock "That's strange......." Then she yelled "Hold on I'm coming!" She quickly took off her apron and tided herself up.

Aires was hiding behind Reaper. She was worried and her mind was certainly off thinking about other things. She wanted to see Lulu. How it killed her. She had left her, thinking she'd keep her safe, but instead she hurt her. I don't think Lulu will forgive me for that. But Will disappeared how many times before. . . but he's her boy . . . I'm nothing special. . . "Hold on I'm coming!" She heard a female say from inside the house. The moment of truth had finally arrived.
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A crow flew down and landed next to Elinore on the roof. The black haired girl turned her head and picked the bird up, untieing a piece of paper from its ankle "Messenger pidgins. Really? I thought we were beyond this kind of technology" she sighed, though she wasn't all too familiar with the ins and outs of this sector. She read the note and sighed, "still hasn't turned p on the market? What on earth is that key for..." she mumbled. She figured if she found the key, it'd get her one step closer to finding William again...if he still even remembered her...she...missed him....So to get him back, she and a certain Roman Torchwick had become 'penpals'. She provided information about buildings he wanted to rob, he helped her track down the bitch that stole William.
Benjamin finished his breakfast and decided to go have a walk. May be I'll go up to my spire... he thought as he emerged from the building. He found Hayden nearby, testing out the modifications he had made to Trivial. "Aren't you supposed to do that off school grounds?" he asked the other student.

Hayden finished the motion he was currently in and turned to Benjamin, Trivial resting on his shoulder. "Um, no?" he said with a shrug and shifted the broadsword. "Maybe..."

"How long have you been modifying your sword?" he questions the teen and began walking towards the nearby woods, gesturing for Hayden to follow. "C'mon, lets go see this thing in action." he says without waiting for an answer. He had gown to appreciate the weapons other students owned, much fancier and powerful than his own. Maybe I should add some more modifications or maybe just upgrade...

"Where we going?" Hayden said, interrupting Ben's train of thought.

"The woods. Not the greatest training ground, but it works well for practice. So, Hayden, you got a nickname? Maybe..."

"It's just Hayden. Nothing else." he states flatly. "What about you?"

"Ben, Dodger, Monkey-boy, No-good-Faunus, Ruffian, Degenerate, criminal, Prisoner 11279-" Benjamin starts, pausing and counting with his fingers and tail.

"Okay, okay, you can stop. Wait, you are a criminal?" Hayden asks, freezing midstride. He considered detaining Ben, but only took a step back and readied Trivial.

"Whoa, hold up. Calm down. Yes, I was a criminal. I stole, cheated, and ended up attacking a discriminatory store owner." he said, holding up his Chain Blade and lowering Hayden's blade from his neck. "He refused to sell me these, I got in a fight, I won, the police eventually caught me, I was arrested, they cut a deal with me, and now they probably think I'm dead."

"Alright, I believe you, for now..." he said, shifting Trivial to its sheathed form. "Let us continue then." He stated and began walking again.

Benjamin resumed the lead and guided them to the woods. "Here we are. Now, let's see what this beast can do." he said, staring at Hayden.
I shouldn't be here, Aires thought to herself. "I'll let you be, you got this okay Reaper." She smiled like she always did and flew away. "I hope he's not too disappointed that I didn't stay. But I don't think my presence wad welcome."

Shelooked over and saw Luna on the roof. "It's Lulu." She said to herself. "Time to face her." She missed her friend so much, all of her friends. But things were not the same as they use to be, nor would they ever go back to those "good old days". She sighed landing delicately behind Luna on the rooftop. Aires's appearance was dark, she looked so different but she found the courage and said ever so lightly, "Lulu, I'm sorry. . ." Hoping Luna would turn around and face her she continued, "will or can you forgive me?" She had lost William and Aires had lost Loki, but at least they could get William back. Together they could succeed, but that depended on them sticking together. Aires didn't move but she trembled slightly wondering if she would accept or reject her completely. It was peaceful up on the roof, even the wind blew silently.

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Elinore turned around and smiled at the familiar voice. She hadn't seen Aires in a while. Maybe she'd gotten over her post death mourning. She crumbled up the paper and folded her arms, "what kind of a team member would I be if I couldn't forgive you? It's about time you got back, it's lonely being the only member of our made-up team." she chuckled. Teams still hadn't been officially announced, but the four of them had made a close-knit group, even if one was dead now.
Hayden nodded at the faunus and hefted his sword as he walked towards a nearby tree. Once he was a few feet away he readied the weapon and slashed, making a large cut through the tree. he then swapped Trivial to its staff form and made a second incision, lower on the remaining stump.

Benjamin sat there, observing the controlled strikes. "C'mon, let loose. Let's see it." the faunus urges the teen.

Hayden replied with a frustrated sigh and swapped the lower end to a submachine gun, shooting at the tree to the right of Ben's head. "You aren't very patient, are you?" he questioned before deconstructing the staff into a sword and smg combination. He fired a barrage of bullets combined with timed slashes and stabs for a little while as Ben just sat.

This continued for a little while and until Hayden stopped. "What's up?" Ben questioned, standing on his feet.

"I'm finished. Let's head back." Hayden stated, walking back towards the school.

This tree seemed to be hiding something.

Tinko stared at the tree.

"Tell me your secrets..."

Tinko couldn't remember when he'd wandered out of the Academy building, the only thing he could think about was this tree.

It didn't seem too different from a normal tree, but it did have what looked like a red X painted on it.

Tinko sniffed the X, it didn't seem to be sniff activated.

He leaped onto one of the tree's lower branches and climbed into the dense mesh of leaves on top.

He began rubbing down random leaves with his fingers.

The bags under his eyes were heavy, but he rubbed away diligently for god knows why.

He continued rubbing random leaves until he just stopped.

He bent low to sniff the leaf he had been currently rubbing.

Pulling away, he smirked and slid the leaf into his bath robe.

He then continued rubbing leaves as if it were the only thing in the world.

"Yes... all of the secrets...."
Aires smiled back at her. She closed in to hug her but stopped herself. She looked at the ground then back at her, "Alright, what's the plan?" She asked her, "We need to get Will back. But how? What have you been working on?" Aires's ears perked up a bit she thought she heard something, but disregarded it.

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Elinore smiled nervously at Aires, "A plan?" she asked as she rubbed the back of her head, "I don't really have a plan....William was the plan guy" she didn't want anyone to know of her dwellings in the underworld just yet, not until they proved to be worth anything. Another crow cawed as it landed down on Elinore's shoulder. More news? It had to be something good then if Torchwick would send two. She couldn't check just yet though.
"That's unusual. When did you start to hale birds, Lulu?" She asked smirking. Aires felt an uncomfortable shift in the wind. Her wings ached and she stared at the crow.

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Reaper saw aires leave and now standing alone in front of the door he took a deep and nervous breath as the door swung open revealing his sister. Reaper was accepted by his sister finally and they had a nice dinner and conversation. Reaper asked his sister to help him In his alliance and she agreed on one condition, that he will stay the way he is forever. Reaper of course agreed and they both began preparing to go back to beacon academy as a family again.

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