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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Felix had awoken earlier and had already eaten, though he was another newcomer whom was accepted late, he had come yesterday making this Feli's second day. He was walking through the halls when he saw most likely another student sleepily making engine noises in front of him, Felix wanted to ignore but his curiosity got the better of him, he followed soon realizing that the guy was "racing a snail." The scenario looked cool but he wondered of the student was awake because he couldn't tell. It was then that Felix walked up and waved his hands in the man's face to get a response.
Tinko dropped his arms and went quite as his vision of a raceway and screaming crowds were literally waved away by another student.

In its place were the original hall of the Academy, the Snail still firmly in first place.

"Aw, I'll never catch up to him." Tinko murmured under his breath.

He then turned to face the boy who had waved away his daydream, tilting his head to the side as he struggled to keep awake.

He gave a dissatisfied yawn while wiping his eyes, "Need something?" he asked
Aires walked through the halls of Beacon and noticed two new students. Huh? She smiled a little noticing how tired the boy was. "Excuse me." She said to the two of them. "May I get through?" She asked sweetly flipping her hair. Whether they moved or not was irrelevant, she could move both with her newly found strength. "You two seem to be new here, huh." She smirked ever so slightly.
Tinko blinked at the girl and rubbed his eyes once again.

"Are... you a teacher here?" he asked lazily, not really considering his wording anymore.
Sakuya walked out of the ship, seeing the massive building in front of her.

"Whoa... Talk about massive..." She remarked, walking towards it with confidence.
After the Guards let Reaper in he walked inside the school just to get a few medical supplies just in case. On his way to the nurses office after asking for the supplies he saw Aires and two other people talking. He wanted to say something but he didn't know whether or not it was a good time to mention it. Sighing to himself he began to think and then walked over to the group of people. He felt nervous not because he liked Aires but instead of calling her his sister Truth "Hello Aires....."

"I was going to give him advice for his snail race," Felix joked, "but good point are You a teacher," he looked at the snail then at the other boy and said, "I think it owes you a rematch."
Laughing slightly she eyed the students, "Do I look like a teacher?" It was an honest question, Aires did appear older than other students and her body was more matured then others. Then theboy sped past her. "He's weird . . . " Then she heard someone call out to her. She turned to see Reaper.

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Reaper walked up to her then said "It's been awhile hasn't it..." He sighed "I'm sorry for your loss Aires." He hoped she knew what he meant and he didn't meet her gaze.

"Tch . . ." He spoke of Loki . . . She felt her heart stop, but she smirked evily. " What loss? Now there's nothing to hold me back. I'm not that weak girl you once met." She said coldly, her heart had finally broken.

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Teri frowned when he didn't wake. "Okay...see you later then." She walked out to get some breakfast, Saving Light neatly placed on her back.
Reaper sighed and thought 'She's becoming like me...' He then looked into her eyes and spoke "You were never weak Aires not from the start but now you've changed into a weaker state!" His gaze full of anger "Aires........ You're making the worst mistake you could ever have!" He thought for a moment then said "if you keep acting like this then you'll end up like what I once was......."

"Hmph Oh please . . . I'll never end up like you. . ." She looked him dead in the eyes and her eyes them changed from her mix matched to her neon purple. " Oh look . . ." She whispered licking her teeth, "heh you've gone and angered me. Not a good idea." Her smile was menacing.

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Felix chuckled nervously at the situation, "i'm go-ing to go... see what the other guy's doing," he then jumper out the window and made his way to the wrestling match of the century. He cheered on the fight and decided to be the referee he did his best to avoid the situation happening inside.
"Hmph..... I guess I'm too late then, you've already changed......" The anger in his eyes were gone "I guess Loki would be disappointed if he saw you now actually I think he's disappointed now...." Reaper said those words coldly and he was prepare for anything.

Tinko got the upper-hand over the snail, pulling a 180-suplex and pinning its shell to the ground.

With a tiger roar, Tinko raised the shell to the sky before tearing the slug out with his bare hands.

Tinko threw the slug to the ground before curb-stomping it, spreading its gooey entrails over a one inch radius.

Tinko leaped into the air and struck a pose.

And when he landed....

He got bored again.

Wordlessly, he slumped over and began stumbling back towards the Academy.

He sluggishly stuffed the shell into the pocket of his fuzzy bathrobe as he began muttering to himself.
"Disappointed? No he'd be proud to see her so strong. You really shouldn't open your mouth for people you don't know." Nexus appears behind Aires and raises an eyebrow. "Now then, what are you up too today aires?

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Loki467 said:
"Disappointed? No he'd be proud to see her so strong. You really shouldn't open your mouth for people you don't know." Nexus appears behind Aires and raises an eyebrow. "Now then, what are you up too today Aires?"
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Aires's eyes turn to her normal ice blue and neon purple. "Huh?" She smiled, " Nexus!" She beamed.

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"Teri," She notices her and then smiles. Looking back at Reaper Aires smiles like she used to. She had no idea she was jumping back and forth from person to person inside her.

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"Sure haha, and what do you mean psycho?" She began walking with Teri but turns to look at Reaper, "it was nice seeing you again." She smiled.

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Reaper looked over to Nexus then at Aires "I see now......" Reaper still had his cold gaze as he stared at Nexus "Hardly...... If you knew Loki Nexus you'd know he wouldn't stand this." Having lost all emotion his Evil self was coming back but a voice penetrated his mind 'Ah son you must show this man your true power.' And it disappeared as Reaper stared at Nexus coldly but an evil smirk grew on his face.


"You are aware that Loki is my cousin aren't you? And why would I even remotely want his girl for? So as I said, but in harsher words, shut the hell up and mind your own business. Thanks.... idiot" Nexus clicks his tongue and vanishes in a puff of smoke.

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