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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Ferlick's mind was a sleep but it was still out there. His semblance had never truly worn off and so his consciousness floated above his body. Is this what it feels like to be dead? He couldn't see anything but he could feel other minds around him and he felt himself float from one to another. There were so many minds in the city alone all of them with their own thoughts and their own desires. Or is this just my semblance still active while I'm almost dead? Suddenly he stopped on one mind in particular that of Teri. he could see all her thoughts and the one that currently had dominion over her him. He was frantic suddenly, she was going to shoot herself. Suddenly he began pushing his own consciousness against hers trying desperately to take control of a small part of her body pushing his own disembodied thoughts to make her hand drop the gun. Don't do this Teri don't you dare do this! He was trying his hardest to make his thoughts into her own desperately his consciousness banged around in her head pulling at her brain and trying to make it hear him and feel him. Put the gun down!
Scarlet's eyes widened as she thought her offer of friendship was going to be turned into her last doings, but Natalya saved her with her mage glyphs. She stood in shock for just a couple minutes. Seduction? What? She was old enough to be his mother, in fact, her son was just about his age! She was offering a genuine friendship, for him to join the White Fang, obviously the message was not received well, and now he had ran way. She narrowed her eyes and flattened her ears when she finally got over the shock. "You see that? He ran away, because you're not treating your faunus right. Typical human..." she sneered. "Here, take the key," she said as she took a skeleton key off the unconscious mouse faunus's belt and threw it on the ground by Natalya. "Our paths will cross again." she said before walking to the opening in the wall Aires made. She stood there for a couple seconds before jumping down.

Elinore watched the events between Aeron and Ferlick unfold, but not for long. Unknown to Elinore, Ferlick had an ability that knocked people out by using his mind power. Elinore was not excluded from the phenomenon. Someone asked her about cello, she looked back at him, the room swaying, "Back...up celllist..." she mumbled before passing out. It was usually bad for the leader of the mission to pass out. Especially when the main team needed help. Hopefully someone would wake her up, or at least get up there to go help her classmates.
Natalya picks up the skeleton key and lift it up in triumph. That was a easy mission. She looks at Team B (or what was left of it) and gives them all a salute. "That was a successful mission everyone! We got what we wanted and we don't need to be so sneaky anymore. Apparently Team A caused a lot of chaos in the party upstairs... well that's if they're the cause of the strange noises though." She looks at the open safe behind her with a smirk. Everything but the key were left alone and it was all hers for the taking. Opening up Hellsing, she heads to the safe and puts everything inside the ammo box. She texts Nexus that mission was complete before leading Tavril (if he's the only one left...) upstairs. Noticing Elinore on the ground, she slaps the unconscious student in the face. "Wake up! Now is not the time to sleep gi- huh?" Natalya noticed she was being lifted off the ground by someone wearing a orange tuxedo.

"Markus and whoever isn't knocked out right now... go help Aires with her current situation. Head to her location as quickly as possible and bring everyone back to Beacon. That's an order." Alex asked coldly when he looked at the mentally-frozen Natalya with cold eyes. He didn't know why the librarian was at the party for, but he was sure of one thing. Someone is getting tortured very soon. "Also take cello girl along with you. I don't want anymore students on this island before you leave." The faunus professor then carries the woman downstairs. They needed to have a long talk with each other...
Markus nodded. "It will be done."He didn't mind taking orders from alex. He felt that teachers were more important then just guards. But markus was a guard captain, and it was easy to tell because of the shield on his shoulder. He began to walk. He noticed someone that he didn't want to see. It was his old boss. But she was doing something. But he also couldn't believe that elinore was laying on he ground, was she being hurt. "Do you guys need any help?"
Teri was ready and willing to shoot herself, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't pull the trigger. It was as if something was preventing her from killing herself. Shesubbed pathetically as she put Cobra down and fell. The last thing she ever saw was darkness.
Ferlick celebrated inside her mind as he got her to put the trigger down but as she fell he began to searched her mind. It was for the memory he had seen once of twice, of a lamppost that went out. He spent a few minutes looking for it until he finally found it. As usual he spent all his energy to light the lamppost back up destroying the darkness and the Grimm and then he placed himself smiling and leaning against the lamppost. Hey Teri can you hear me? I'm kind of trapped inside your mind right now I promise not to peak in places I shouldn't but can you hear me?
Teri was in her mind when her lamppost glowed back to life and she saw Ferlick. '...Ferlick...' She ran and hugged him. 'I'm sorry I got you hurt' she cried. 'I'm sorry for not being able to do anything!'
Ferlick laughed and hugged her back. "Don't worry I am just stuck here in your subconscious for a while. It's safe enough in here if I can keep myself thinking." He smiled and tapped the lamppost. "This thing is really useful too. It's easy enough to light up and tends to clear you up, must have been important." He looked at Teri and then looked around the town. "While I'm stuck here, might I ask what happened that ingrained this place into your mind forever? It seems very important to you." He began to walk around the town only a few steps to look at the different buildings lampposts coming back to life as he got close to them. "Is it where you decided to be a hunter?"
"This..." She said. "...Is the very place I got Saving Light." She knocked the lamppost a couple times. "This very lamppost that I tore off the ground and used to clear an entire town full of Grimm." She stopeed the both of them. "Hey Ferlick..." As he turned she dove for him and landed a swift kiss.
Ferlick almost fell down from the kiss and stared at Teri confused for a moment. He looked at her and then smiled a bit. "For all my intelligence I can't think of the proper way to respond." He simply smiled and kissed her before looking back to the lamppost. "I've seen this place many times though, it haunts you. You have to remember that this lamppost." He knocked on it and smiled. "Is always lit, and if it isn't I'll come in and put a flame back in it."
"I hope you don't mind I'll be in here a while seeing the world through your eyes. My body is a little broken and my brain can't handle itself right now. I promise not to force you to do anything like earlier." he smiled and looked around. "I hope that I don't get hungry I only have so much power at the moment, just enough to light lampposts and walk around in a memory."
"Huh?" Aires feels a tug at her mind. "Nexus?" She could have sworn she heard him. After giving some of her forbidden dust to Ferlick, she leaves him there on the shore. "If someone doesn't come for you little boy . . . Well then that won't be my problem." She walked away in the direction of the call when she caught a scent she knew all too well. "Lulu . . ." She turned away from the scent and flew into the sky calling out to Nexus with her mind. She looked around but couldn't find any sign of him and then she spotted the orange mess that was Alex. "ALEX!" She yelled dive bombing into him. At least she thought it was. . . "Ow . . . Note to self, don't do that anymore. She said rubbing her head.
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The personal transport ship approached Beacon Academy.

Onboard a mother and her son were having a serious discussion.

"Mom, why can't I go back to bed?" Tinko Masseman asked his mother lazily as he stumbled around the ship.

His mother held onto a support with one hand and pinched the bridge of her nose with the other.

"Darling, we've already discussed this, you need responsibilities in life!" She stated.

Tinko blinked at her statement as he fumbled with his bathrobe.

"I do believe," he muttered half conscious "that sleep is a serious responsibility."

His mother sighed as the back of the transport slid open.

Tinko's lazy eyes scanned over the walkway that led to the Academy.

"Now the Academy was generous enough to let you in so late in the year, but you still need to talk to a teacher about where you'll be sleeping or who you'll be working with."

His mother looked at Tinko, only to find him eying the walkway.

"Comfy," he muttered drowsily

Without missing a beat, his mother stood and kicked him out of the ship.

He landed in a heap on the walkway.

"Have fun in school darling!" His mother exclaimed as the ship flew off.

Tinko laid there on the walkway for a bit...

And soon, the sound of snoring drifted up from his downed form.
Alex walked out of the mansion to only become a cushion for Aires. He lifts Aires and himself off the ground before realizing it was heavily raining outside. The weather can be unpredictable most of the time in Vale. "Everyone, let's head back to Beacon. I doubt Ozpin would be happy if he found out that his students crashed a private party." He told everyone behind him as he lead the team to a unoccupied Bullhead. Turning on the engines, he flies the airship to back to the mainland. After picking up the unconscious Ferlick and Teri, they made it back to Beacon past its curfew. The airship lands on the school's air docks and everyone gets out. Alex carried a snoring student off the walkway and to the infirmary. The professor made sure the nurses would help Tinko when he wakes up. The rest of the group puts the unconscious on beds before leaving for their rooms. Alex yawns as he walks back to his room. "What a crazy night." He muttered while putting Hellsing on top of a table. He pulls off Natalya's gloves and lays them next to the ammo box. Laying down on his bed, Alex goes to sleep. Zzz...


Two weeks later

The dining hall was filled with students who were eating their breakfast. Though students who had combat training that morning might realize that their original combat professor isn't going to teach them for a while. Alex had to suddenly go on a trip to a unknown location. This made Professer Oobleck in charge of Alex's combat classes during the tiger faunus's absence. Also, no one has seen or heard from the new librarian for a while. It's as if she disappeared from existence. Even a 1st-year student went missing beforehand. But this is simply another normal day at Beacon Academy...

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Teri woke up and rolled out of her bed. She got dressed and went to Ferlick's room, entering without making a sound. "Ferlick~Wake up, we're late for breakfast." She said while putting her face in close proximity to his.
Markus was laying on the floor in his room. He passed out on the floor, not to mention that it is very comfy on the floor as well. An alarm went of, it was just his regular alarm, it was telling him to get up, it's day outside. "Huh...whaaa." He hit the snooze and went back to bed.
Reaper was training by doing all sorts of stuff, he's been so busy that he has barely any time to train so he was giving it his all. Once he finished training he relaxed for a bit. The Grimm were told to report to Reaper if anyone from beacon academy came here or if Alex came.
Aires wakes up, yawning and realizes she's in her room at Beacon. "What the?" She wondered what she was still doing here. She stretched and then got ready for the day. "I'm hungry. . . Hmm might add all go and enjoy some kind of breakfast. " She giggled and headed out the window. She soared through the sky and then softly landed.

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Tinko grumbled as he stumbled through the halls of the Academy.

After waking up in the infirmary, Tinko had to answer a bunch of boring questions administered by the medical staff.

After answering them, they left just long enough for Tinko to stumble out and into the hall.

Didn't his mom tell him to talk to a teacher or something?

Tinko guessed that was what he had to do.

What do teachers look like around here?

Did it even matter.

As his thoughts jumbled together Tinko bumped into several students in the hall.

Ignoring them, Tinko continued blindly stumbling around in a search for the answer to what he was supposed to be doing.

Or maybe it was a search for another bed.

Why'd he leave the comfy medical beds?

He could probably sleep on the floor.

Sleep always came first, no matter what.

He stopped and began eying the floor.

"Comfy..." he muttered sleepily
Elinore walked through the halls of Beacon towards the roof. The past month had been brutal. Two deaths of friends. One under her watch. Aires had gone missing, probably due to Loki's death. That b*tch librarian didn't return William as she promised, and then she disappeared alone with Alex; her only leads on how to get William back. This would be the second time he'd disappeared on her, and her hopes of getting him back had worn thin. She pulled off the miracle once, but she wasn't sure if she could do it again. Her entire world had been toppled, like a carpet yanked out from under her. Once again, she was alone. The students had learned to stay out of her way between her trips from the roof the the cafeteria and back; the only places she stayed now. Her mood had...left something to be desired.
Benjamin had taken the role of a normal student over the past two weeks. His life had been pretty simple and boring, but it was nice that he didn't have to try to escape the police or fight the White Fang. He was disappointed in a way that Alex was no longer the combat instructor, yet he also felt relieved. He woke up in his room, something he had finally grown accustomed to, and journeyed to the cafeteria for food.

Hayden's life hadn't been too different, further improving his weapon. He had not ventured out much, leaving his room for only classes and meals. He knew he should have gone out more, but he felt more improvement was more beneficial. But now he was finished and decided to get some fresh air by venturing out into the courtyard.
Reaper stopped training and took a shower. Thoughts roamed his head as he thought about Beacon academy and he spoke to himself "Maybe I........ Was wrong about humans, though I'm still not convinced if they really are good, but I know that Beacon academy and it's occupants are different then most." He thought for a bit then said "I'm going to visit her!" He said with a sad but proud tone "And I'm going to tell her that I changed!" Once his shower was finished he puts on his Armor, straps his sword to his waist and goes towards Beacon academy. He of course sent a carrier Pigeon to tell them he's coming over for a little bit.
Tinko stared at the floor for a solid seven minutes before a sharp intake of breath drew his attention.

He turned and found nothing, much to the confusion of his sleep-deprived mind.

He wasn't really sleep deprived, he was just lazy.

Of course, he would never tell that to anyone solely on the fact that he didn't want to listen to any more rants about how productivity was key.

He knew that already, he just didn't care.

After searching for the sharp-breather, Tinko sighed before continuing the audacious task of walking at a snail's pace.

Well... a nearby snail was actually making some headway.

Tinko excepted the challenge he conjured up in his mind and began racing the snail with the force of a thousand pillows.

The thought of pillows distracted him, and the snail soon pulled a mad swerve.

Tinko was caught off guard, and nearly lost headway on the racing track.

The snail turned back to flip him off before taking the lead.

Tinko tried desperately to get his car steady again.

Passing students were openly confused as they glanced at Tinko, who was leaned up against a wall snoring and making engine sounds.

He made hand motions indicating he was driving, which pretty much freaked several students out.
Sakuya's transport ship would soon be landing at Beacon Academy, and she was excited to say the least.

She thought about what her parents told her to do, a confident smile on her face. She wasn't surprised to get accepted so late, because she was an ace student and fighter, but just how quickly her parents sent her away was what caught her by surprise.

"I'm sure they had good intentions." She told herself, her bow strapped to her back.

She wondered who she would meet, or who to talk too when she arrived.

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