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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Guards at all the doors." Scarlet said as she walked down the corridor. Three faunus followed behind her, being the group a small pile of bodies. Junior really needed to hire better help. This was almost too easy. The faunus following her split off in opposite directions to guard the doors to the room with the vault. The third one stayed behind her, following as she walked towards the door, the click of her heels echoed through the empty hallway, a challenge for all those who dared try to hunt her down. She span the wine in her glass from the party she recently 'departed from' to take care of some business. Good thing her husband was still down there, chatting Junior up. She stopped at a locked door and took a step to the side. The mouse faunus rushed forward and began to pick the locks on the door, disconnecting any security triggers attached to the lock. He wasn't Scarlet's number one lock pick for nothing. "M'lady, it's open," the mouse said as he pushed the door in. "This is why us faunus are so superior," she said as she ran her fingers under his chin and walked into the room. She looked at the vault and grinned. All hers~ 
"Yes, that's exactly what we're doing. We're getting a student back as pay. Our only purpose is to be backup just encase something goes wrong on the other side." Elinore told Ferlick under her breath so no one would hear as she waltzed into the building. She would have to stay somewhere near the band in order for people not to question the cello case he had on her.
"I need to do some outside reconnaissance. But it won't take long." Natalya then waves the students to go into the sewer's tunnels by themselves. But Aeron froze the grate off the sewer drain and she sighs. "Fine, but don't blame me if your ears go off..." She opens up Hellsing and pulls out a metal hawk. "F*** YOU! HOW DARE YOU IMPRISON ME IN THE BOX AGAIN! I WILL ELIMINATE YOU!" A.D yelled out when he realized he wasn't in the Void anymore. He begins pecking Natalya with his beak. "Oww! Stop that you stupid A.I!" She smacked the hawk off her and it flew away from her. "EAT BULLETS BIT... oh. Hi there everyone! Nice to meet you all..." The A.I said when he realized there were other students around. "A.D, just go fly around the perimeter and give keep me updated on my scroll. Okay?" The hawk silently nods before flying off to explore the island. Natalya sighs in relief before melting the ice off the grate with a red glyph. She opens up the entrance and jumps inside. "Hurry up! I don't have all day!" She yelled up the open hole before slowly walking down a tunnel.
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Ferlick laughed a bit and entered the party awkwardly looking around. He hated social gatherings and he wasn't any good at being social with new people. His only talent was fighting and strategy so he decided to come up with a strategy for blending in. If he tried to just walk around aimlessly he would draw attention to himself, and if he just ate and sat alone he would be suspicious so he had to interact in some way. That was when he noticed a group of faunas women around his age standing around a table. They were all very loud and seemed to be having a good time, and so he got an idea. He was not good at blending so why not stand out in a good way. He walked up to one of the girls and gave a cordial bow with a smile. "Excuse me miss but nobody told me that angels were going to be guests." He was horrible at flirting after all but they all laughed and he was easily accepted into their conversation. It was a good way to blend after all, be the only man talking with a group of girls and flirting with them. it made you different but it also made you blend right in.
Teri stared at Ferlick. She felt something in her chest and growled silently, the lamppost in her head flickering rapidly. She took a deep breath and calmed herself. 'It's okay, it's just an act.' she thought. Suddenly she felt someone tap her shoulder. She looked around and saw a boy about her age ask her to dance. She nodded and he took his hand and led her away.
Ferlick looked over and noticed Teri get taken away to dance. He suddenly almost crushed the glass of wine in his hand but was easily calmed when he remembered what they were doing there. Also what was wrong with him, Teri was just Trey stuck as a woman. He turned back to his conversation and continued to participate in it. This was all for the sake of the mission though it was getting harder to keep up the act. They were starting to ask how he got invited to the party so he simply lied about being the son of some rich factory owner and how their factory supplied dust all over the world and all sorts of lies, just to keep up a clever cover. He was dying for some action but he would probably just end up talking all night.
Nexus got off the boat and looked at Natalya and raised an eyebrow. "I know my job, I'll get inside and clear a room for the infiltration team. Good luck." He vanishes and reappears in a small room where some guards were playing cards at a table. "Hello boys." He laughs silently and the light bulb above the table flashes. When it comes back the guards are dead with blood everywhere, Nexus leans back in a chair and starts to shuffle the cards.

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As Aeron followed Natalya along the sewer walkway, he turned his attention upwards. Mostly unintelligible garble and party chatter, but he heard a familiar voice say 'Excuse me miss but nobody told me that angels were going to be guests.' That got a chorus of giggles. Smooth, braniac. Smooth. From another direction, Aeron heard 'M'lady, it's open' Aeron's heart skipped a beat. Shit. 'This is why us faunus are so superior' SHIT! Aeron tried to get a bead on the number of footsteps, but there was too much other noise. "We got company. Another group, stealing something. Sounds like White Fang, talk of Fauni. At least two, probably much more. One is in heels, but seems to be in charge, so don't expect any hindrance from her footwear." Aeron whispered, not willing to risk an echo. He also tapped out a message to the other team: 'Some friends showed up to the party, keep an eye out and if you see them, say 'Hi' for me.' He hoped the others wouldn't be stupid enough to read their scrolls publicly, but it was better to keep cover just in case anyway.
Natalya and the rest of the group finally arrives at the entrance to the secret escape route. She opens up the sliding wall and enters a small room with dead bodies everywhere. "Good job Nexus, now stay here and make sure no one else enters this room. This is our only way out." Opening the door, she peeks her head out and scans the hallway for any signs of danger. She signals the team to follow her as she silently walks out with a silenced pistol in her hand. Then a minute after walking around the lower level, the group move to the side when they noticed a faunus guarding the entrance to the vault. "Your right Aeron... someone is stealing my shiz. No one steals my shiz before me." She whispered before shooting the faunus in the head. "Move in and eliminate the enemy. I'll be nearby..." Natalya then cloaks herself and disappears.
Ferlick excused himself from the group and went to the "restroom". Finding himself a secret place he opened his scroll having felt it vibrate a setting he had added to it personally. The message wasn't a good one and it was most likely a sign that something was going to be bad. He walked back and bowed again to the faunas that he had been flirting with before walking to the dance floor and tapping the man currently dancing with Teri on the shoulder. "May I cut in?" He used a very small amount of semblance in order to persuade the weaker mind to allow it as it was of course a common thing. He then placed his hands up to waltz as the song had just changed and it was waltzing music. He placed Teri's hands and began to whisper into her ear. "Just follow my lead it isn't hard alright. I just got a message from the infiltration team. It wasn't exactly straight forward but it sounds like there may or may not be trouble."
Teri was dancing with the guy when suddenly Ferlick cut in. She listened to Ferlick as they danced, silently enjoying it. "Let's keep an eye out." She said. "Prepare to make a scene in case anything goes wrong."
Elinore looked at her scroll, hiding it away in a quiet corner of the room. Another party? This wasn't good. She looked around for the rest of her teammates. She walked through the crowed towards Teri and Ferlick. It was good they got the message too. They'd be prepared for whatever was coming next...

Scarlet opened the safe and started to rummaged through the precious gold and gems in the safe. Finally she found a piece of paper with a key on it, "Ah, here we go." she said as she pulled out the key. "M'lady, Darik is down." the mouse alerted her. Scarlet's ear twitched, unamused. "Seems I wasn't the only one who had this plan. When we get back, make sure to tell his fiance that he's not going to be able to attend the wedding." Scarlet said as she closed the safe and began to walk back out of the room, tucking her key in her shirt.

The second faunus cocked the gun when he was alerted that another hand fallen. He ran into the room and filed in behind Scarlet and the mouse, his gun trained on anything that dared to move.
"Don't worry I'm good at creating a scene." He continued to dance with Teri guiding her through the waltz. It had been a long time since he had learned to dance and this was honestly the first time he had used that experience. He had learned just in case but it never did become important for him to know. He continued to dance and looked around examining all the people to see if any of them stood out in a way. "Has anybody seemed suspicious to you?"
"I haven't noticed a thing." Teri answered. She was going along with the waltz. She suddenly froze as the music turned into a slow dance. Damn her luck! "So...uhhmm..."
Ferlick laughed a bit and looked at her. "Shall I leave you to your previous dance partner?" He let her go and smiled. "I could always get a few more drinks with Jenny, Grace, Terry, and Hannah they were a nice bunch of girls." He wasn't going to say it but they had all given him a way to contact them and asked him to keep in touch with them. "I do seem to be an okay flirt after all."
The door leading to the vault crashes open as the students rush in and point their weapons at Scarlet. Before the second faunus could open fire, his gun was suddenly knocked out of his hand by a invisible force. Natalya uncloaks herself before kicking the faunus away from his comrades. "Hi Catnip! Long time no see! How's the husband and kids?" She asked as she points her gun behind Scarlet's head and had a knife on the mouse Faunus's throat.
She growled again, the lamppost in her head glowing strangely red. "No. I'm good, let's just dance." She said. She didn't want to admit it but it looks like that she might like Ferlick. "And what if we need to get out, saves us time from grouping up."
Aeron was furious. The conversation from the party room kept getting worse and worse. He was in no mood to mess with people, so he fired an airfoil round from Fintan into the mouse Faunus' head, knocking him out, let out a scanning hypersonic screech, and said to the mysterious woman "Key. Now." and held out his hand. "Only the first round was airfoil. Would you like to try your luck as to what the next one is? Please say 'yes', I really need to shoot something else." Aeron's grip on Fintan turned his knuckles even paler than normal, and the room began to chill as Fintan's head took on a dull red glow.
The weapon Aeron was threatening her with suddenly wasn't in his hand anymore. "Ah, if it isn't the gNat. The family is doing fine" Scarlet hissed. The gravity affecting Aeron's weapon seemed to decide that it really liked that back of Natalya's head. It slammed into the girl's head, giving Scarlet enough slack to escape. Scarlet ducked down just encase she did shoot. She positioned her arms around Natalya's torso and flipped the woman over. She lashed out her whip, snapping it at the crowd, "the only thing I hate more than enemies, is competition. Now I'll let you have whatever is in that safe if you just let me return to my party" she offered.
"Kid, chill out. I don't want you killing my old buddy here. Unless you prefer a bullet in the head Catnip, then what- OUCH! Really?!" Natalya exclaimed after Fintan hit the back of her back. She fired off her pistol and nearly hit one of the students with a bullet. "DOUBLE OUCH!" She was now laying down on the ground. Dammit, she should have expected that. "Yeah, we'll let you go if you give me my prize. Otherwise my partners here will force you to give it back." She warned as she slowly got back up.
Aeron tapped Fintan to launch its head, only this time, being stuck, it launched the handle, leaving Aeron with a ball-and-chain-bound shotgun aimed at the woman's face. "You wanna try that again? Because I have several other tricks up my sleeve. Wouldn't wanna see that pretty face go to waste, but what are you gonna do? Am I right? If you passed up that safe for just one key, which I will assume isn't for your sedan, then that's what we want. And believe me," Aeron said, lowering his voice to a hiss "Competition isn't my favorite thing in the world right now either." The rage in Aeron's eyes could cut diamond.
Aires was surveying the area when she saw something move about in the shadows. "Sure everyone go on and do your jobs and leave me here, outside to observe." She nears the shadows and then concentrates. "Nothing? But I could've--huh?" She quickly turned around but froze as she heard the click of someone reloading their weapon against her head. "Oh goodie . . ."

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"My my, you're quite talented aren't you?" Scarlet asked with a smile towards Aeron, "such a smart young faunus, strong too." she cooed. "Tell me darling, what have these humans done to earn you as their ally? Have they made you feel at home at that stupid school of theirs? Have they made you feel loved? Or cared for at all? Tell me, what have they ever done for you? Do you even know why you're on this mission? This woman here couldn't possibly be planning to use this key for good. I'm simply suspending it from her! You can't trust her! But you can trust me," she held her hand out towards him and smiled, "you can join me. I'll make sure your talents aren't wasted. You'll be with other faunus, people who will care for you, and work with you. You can be happy," she said with a smile. Her concentration was trained on the safe behind her. One wrong move and it was going to be vaulted at eny miny miny Natalya.
"Catnip... don't try to convince my current partners against me now. Otherwise you'll force me to pull out my wild card." Natalya warned as she started opening up Hellsing with a smirk. "But don't listen to her Aeron! If you fall for her trap, then she'll just use you like I used you right now! Though I least I'm honest about it!" She stares at Scarlet then to Aeron back and forth, her eyes warning them not to make the wrong choice.
"Yes Natalya, why don't you show these students just how evil you are. Show them why they shouldn't trust a word you say," Scarlet cooed, "dust knows what evil trick you played on them to convince them to partake in such illegal activities. These are students you're dragging down this path of evil Ms. Ruler of the Underworld" Scarlet hissed, "students that went to the same academy I did. You sicken me." she sneered, "you're actually worse then the rest of the human scum in this world."
Aires laughs wickedly as the faunus began to speak, "You're not supposed to be here. State you're name and business or I'll report you to Scarlet."

"Who's Scarlet? Who are you?"

"Her right hand man. I protect her. Now who are you. Tell me or I'll hurt you." Aires yawned "Right Hand man huh? Then she wouldn't mind attending your funeral!" She swings her leg and shot him in the skull. Sprinting her eyes change to neon violet and she blasts through the room where Nat was at but there were others as well. "Whoops look what I stumbled upon. A bunch of interesting people with superiority complexes." She wipes the blood from her face slowly.

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