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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Teri smiled sheepishly as she walked out. "It's the one with all the burns, holes and cracks." She walked into her room and into her closet. "Now where was it..." She picked up a small box and smiled. "Hello Cobra, looks like your getting used."
Aires head to her room and crashed. " Geez, what a day. . . Now it's off to day Will . . . I wonder what Nexus is up too..."

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Ferlick sighed and placed the dagger back into the inner workings of Phoen. "Will I have to dress formally because I can tell you that I do not have anything formal to wear." He yawned and looked at his hand injecting himself with some stolen morphine. "Gotta keep up a prescription or I might be of no use on this mission eh." He laughed and coughed a bit placing Phoen in it's sheath and stretching his broken hand to make sure it still worked.
Aeron had slipped off when people broke into their own conversations, switching into a black T-shirt, people lack pleather jacket, and some black jeans. Nothing high-tech or specialized for stealth, but it was as close as he was going to get to Covert Ops gear on his budget; 0. Aeron flew to the docks with a sandwich from the cafeteria and sat there, on the roof of a building , watching people go about their business as he ate. He looked at the concrete below him and gave serious consideration to shifting his body weight forward just a few inches. He could drop to the ground, not unfurl his wings, and end it all right now... Aeron shook his head and took a step back from the edge of the roof. As the sun in the sky burned darker and darker red, Aeron knew with more and more certainty that someone was not going to come back from this mission. But as he saw the barge floating in towards the harbour, preparing to pick up the party guests, he made a vow that if he could, he would make sure that the only casualty was him.
Natalya nods and pulls a tuxedo out of Hellsing. "Here, wear this Ferlick. It'll probably fit you." She tossed the folded formal clothing at Ferlick. "Team A, bring your weapons to the docks tomorrow. I'll get something prepared for that problem." With that all said and done, everyone leaves the library and she goes back to work. After she finished work for the day, she heads outside into the darkness. She sends a message to one of her client/business partners on her way back to her room.

"Nexus, meet me at the city docks tomorrow at 17:00. I'm going to steal something from Junior and I need your assistance. Expect 100,000 lien to be transferred into your account after the mission is over.

-Natalya, Leader of the Hellsing"

Entering her room, she yawns before laying down on her bed and falls asleep.


The next day at the City Docks, 16:50

A van pulls up in front of the building Aeron was top on. Natalya gets out of the vehicle and was wearing her usual uniform, only it all black now. She checks the time on her scroll and taps her foot impatiently on the concrete ground. Those Team A & B brats better hurry up. The airship is nearly here and the party guests are waiting nearby my location. Can't let someone I know see me here. They might think I'm going to the party... kind of. She noticed Aeron on top of the building roof and waves at him to come down. "Get down from there! They might label you as a suspicious person you buffoon!"
Nexus appears next to Natalya and cracks his neck. "Good morning Natalya, I was surprised to hear from you. Any details you'd like to share or am I too wait for the others?" He smirks slightly and adjusts his vest.

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Natalya pulls out her scroll and tells Nexus the entire infiltration plan while showing him a map of the island. "Your going to be on Team B with me. Your job is to silently eliminate any security units in the mansion's sewers. Junior got pretty shaken up after having his butt kicked by Beacon students two times in a row, so be prepared for anything." After explain the rest of the plan to Nexus, she gives him a tight hug. "But how are you Nexus? Have the Talonz been treating you well for the past year?"
Aires lands next to Nexus. "Natalya huh? Okay then, let winged beings be. Flying is our way of life." She said stretching and looking over at Nexus, she bites his ear and smirks, "Morning." She then looks at Aeron and waves, she could tell something was up but kept it to herself. Aires yawns a tiny and then looks at the sky.

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"Been better, finished a few of my jobs and now I am told to watch for troubling students. Not much else really, just waiting for things to do. And you have given me something fun." He returns the hug and yawns wide, his fangs still showing. His ear twitches and he looks around, before checking his pockets.

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"Well that's good to hear. But what are you two talking about? It's the afternoon right now, not the morning you sleepy heads!" Natalya teased after pulling away from Nexus's hug.
Reaper rested for a while and when he gets up he decides to organize many things like scouts, the blacksmiths, training rooms, and many other things. Reaper also sent a text to Alex telling him where his base was, it's in a cave in the marsh, and it also said that if he knows some students who have potential to get stronger with Dust and combat that he should either send them to the cave or have them escorted. The day was filled with inspections and the such.

Aeron walked in the building through the roof access door and gathered up his little camp he had made for the night he spent, listening to Natalya and Nexus' conversation. He could leave the signs of life, as the building had been foreclosed for years, squatters came and went. People with so little that they had to live like hunter-gatherers; stealing and foraging for any food to eat and clothes to wear, moving when there was nothing left to forage or the local law was onto their stealing. Aeron had never had to live this way, but he had come close. Aeron left a sealed MRE for whoever came here next, as the people before him had left things like a lamp, matches, a bedroll. A tacit agreement between people who have never met and have nothing to spare to leave a small gift for the next person to come here. Aeron watched through a hole in the rotting wood that boarded up the grimy, second-story windows. He watched the crowd slowly forming, and the air barge inching closer to the docks. When he saw some specific faces in the crowd, Aeron tapped out a message on his Scroll, sending it to Natalya, as she was the leader of this mission, and Nexus and Ares, as he had reasoned out where they had been, besides 'together'. The message read 'White Fang bigwigs, don't get recognized.' After sending the message, Aeron scanned the faces around the area for someone specific, but didn't spot him. Don't know why I thought he'd show up. Aeron thought. He sighed and stepped back from the peephole. Stupid to hope for that much. Aeron wondered where Ferlick and Teri were. Probably together somewhere he thought, scowling. Aeron slipped out of the door and leaned against the van as he waited for go-time.
Teri arrived a few moments later. "I'm here..." She said a bit sleepily. She noticed Aeron scowling. "Why so grumpy Aeron?" She held out a small gun. "I'm armed and ready, let's get this over with." She hid it and climbed on top of the van and layed down.
Ferlick made it to the van with a sigh. He was constantly adjusting his tux and he had the tie barely around his neck. "Why do people wear these things! It's itchy and the tie is killing me!" He sat down next to Teri and glanced at her before looking forward. "You look fancy right now Teri." He began fiddling with Phoen making sure the dust intake was full and all the wiring was working. He hadn't taken the time to hide his weapon and so it sat in its sheath across his lap the same as always, He had removed the handlerchief from the suit pocket and put three vials of red dust in there instead. "What's our mission again? I failed to pay attention the first time." He looked over and nodded to Aeron smiling a bit to him before laying back amd waiting.
"I've known you for years now and you do not know how to play the cello." Tavril sighed as he walked up to the group with Elinore beside him. Tavril may have done a bit overboard with the stealth mission getup. He worse his old professional spy uniform from when he was in the White Fang, along with a mask over the bottom half of his face that imitated the white and red markings in Grimm. Elinore walked beside him with a long black dress and a cello case strapped across her back, "you made sure I didn't die for a couple years, you don't know what I can and can't do." she retorted as she joined up with the group. "It looks like we've got about everyone....but Aires." Elinore sad with a nod as she scanned over the group.
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Natalya clasps her hand together when everyone finally arrived. "Okay, everyone's here now! As you all know, we're planning on infiltrating Junior's private island to steal some valuables of his. Members of Team A will go to the party as guests." She said while handing out invitations and sticky paper to Elinore, Teri, and Ferlick. "Those sticky papers are enchanted with a special glyph. It can hold one item in it and release the item anytime, but it's a one use only enchantment. So only use it when the situation calls for it." Then she tells Aeron, Tavril, Nexus, and Aires to get in the van. "Make sure to avoid anyone you might know at the party! That mostly goes for you Elinore, the Club Smasher!" She yelled out as she drove the vehicle away from the other team. The van arrives at the other side of the docks a minute later. "Get in that boat and be ready to leave. The mission begins when the airship departs from the harbor." Parking the van in a empty warehouse, she leads the group to a docked speedboat. She gets in the driver's seat and waits for the airship to leave.

"Roger that Reaper. I'll contact you if we're coming to your base later." Alex sent the message before putting the scroll away into his orange tuxedo. Straightening up his tie, he looks around the crowd full of infamous Underworld criminals. Although he was never part of the criminal life, he had old clients that wanted to meet up with him at Junior's party. But the host himself sent him a invitation as a way to apologize for not paying Alex for his services a while back. He boards the private airship after it landed on a empty space of the docks. He shows his invitation to the guard before heading inside to take a seat next to someone he knew. "Hey Beta. What are you doing here?" The bald man in the beige tuxedo looks at Alex with a blank expression. "I'm representing the Hellsing for tonight. Nothing more, nothing less." Beta simply responded. The two men then remained silent after that.
Teri blushed as she shuffled in her seat awkwardly."Thanks..." She took one of the glyphs and put Cobra inside. She stepped out of the van. "Well, aren't you coming?" She said to Ferlick as she got into the airship.
Aeron opted to fly near the boat, mostly as it would be unpleasant to be sneaking around in vomit-stained clothing. As he watched the 'muscle' board the air barge, Aeron couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret at his mouthiness before that got him shoved on to the other team.
Aires was hiding from Elinore. After Loki's death Lulu was the most important person to Aires and She couldn't just let her down anymore. "Let's go . . ." Aires tugs Nexus's ears. She looked so different then what she use to look like. Between the black and purple skin tight outfits and her long hair was always tied up in a sharp ponytail. Her eyes were the only thing still the same and even then they changed.

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Teri shifted uncomfortably. The dress reasonably comfortable, sure, she could admit that she did indeed look good and if she were still a guy she would totally hit on her. She shifted once more, she felt insecure without her weapon out, she took a deep breath to calm down
"Alright, let's go. Remember, at the first sight of danger you contact the team with your scrolls. I have a zero casualty tolerance on my missions so I don't want anyone to try playing the hero. We're playing with the big dogs now." Elinore said while addressing the group one last time before they split up. Elinore led group A to their rondevou point while Tavril left to follow Nat.
After all the party guests boarded the airship, it lifts off the ground and flies away from the docks. "Showtime kiddies! Put on your seatbelts and stay inside the boat at all times!" The engines of the speedboat roars to life as Natalya drives the water vehicle toward the airship. After saying some words under her breath, she snaps her fingers which caused glyphs to appear on the outer surface of the speedboat. The vehicle and its passengers turn invisible for the entire trip. Thirty minutes later, the airship arrives at the island and docks in its personal air dock. The guests leave the airship to head inside the mansion nearby it. On the west side of the island, the speedboat becomes uncloaked when it approached the hidden entrance to the sewers. The sky was turning dark as Natalya parked the vehicle right next to the sewer's walkway. "Everyone head inside first. I need to do something before I head in there with you all." She told the students as they got off the boat.
Aires looked at Nat as she addressed her concern, "What would that be? What do you have to do?"

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"Oh, don't worry, this is the part where she abandons us and leaves us to die. All part of the plan, no need to fear." Aeron said, landing next to them. "You think we're stupid? No, we all go in at once, or I tell Ozpin all about our little excursion, and maybe some of the nice folks inside the manor as well." Aeron froze the grate off the sewer drain, and made an 'after you' hand motion with more than minimal malice.
Ferlick took the invite and stored Phoen in it and placed the invitation in his pocket. He hid the dust in his inside jacket pocket now figuring he might as well hide it. "I'm coming I'm coming don't worry I just hate parties so stop me if I get agitated and want to blow the place up alright?" He laughed nervously and boarded with everyone else sitting down and looking around. "So we are basically robbing this guy, what for?" He didn't understand the motives for this mission or even why Beacon students were doing it.

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