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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Where's William? The truth." Elinore said coldly without ever looking up from her book. She didn't budge. She wasn't going to let a mage scare her. It was rock paper scissors, tank beats mage. Okay, maybe Elinore took these fighting rolls a little too seriously, but they'd never proven her wrong before.
Natalya sighs when she realized that her innocent librarian get-up won't work on Elinore anymore. She sits down on the desk next to Tavril and looks over his shoulder to see what he was reading. "What you reading there Tavril? Is it good?" She asked, ignoring the question Elinore asked her in order to get away from that subject.
"It's a book." Tavril replied simply. He was always the grumpy one. Getting a conversation out of him on a good day was hard. Especially for a human. "Natalya," Elinore chimed in again, "where's William....I don't even see a goal in kidnapping him if you're just going to keep it a secret." she said in an obviously annoyed tone.
Natalya spins around to look at Elinore with a smile on her face. She crosses her legs before speaking. "Well it's not technically 'kidnapping' if your just keeping him safe from the outside world. Don't you know that he haves a messed-up mind already?" Making bunny ears with her fingers, she moves them up & down when she said that. "I thought you two knew each other better then that..."
"I know that William is a unique individual," Elinore said as she flipped the page of her book, "if there;s one thing I've learned about him, he is the most resilient people I've ever had the honor of working with." Elinore finally looked up from the pages of her book at the woman with a blank expression, "I would hate to resort to violence...but that was a lie. I'd love to resort to violence. In fact, I may just take a page from Willy's book and move into the territory of good old fashioned torture." she said as she laid the book in her lap and began to tear the pages out of it, "that is, unless you'd like to tell me where William is."
Ferlick woke up and cracked his neck. Trey's attitude was pissing him off and he walked up to her and grabbed her head suddenly. He pulled her head towards him so that his forehead and her forehead were pressed against each other. He activated his semblance then as powerful as he could get it and began to portray the image that he had used from earlier. Again the lamppost that had gone out began to burn brightly and iluminated the streets causing the grimm to fade away out of the existence of her mind. Then Ferlick appeared leaning against the lamppost and smiling with his arms held out towards her. As he created the image he began to speak. "Wake up you dunce and look around! It isn't dark anymore and the only flesh that is weak is your own if you keep giving in. I swear to god I will break my hand smacking you out of this!"
"Ah... torture. Alex and Willy always did enjoy torturing their prisoners after capturing them in the battlefield." Natalya looks at the ruined book on Elinore's lap. Poor book. It never did anything to deserve a fate like that. "But if I do tell you where Willy is, would you do something for me in return? A favor for a favor?" She asked while holding a hand up to Elinore.
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"Light...?" She stopped, the lamppost in her head coming back to life. "No...dark?" Teri suddenly felt warm. "Light~" She said in a daze as she suddenly hugged Ferlick, it was obvious that she was out of her mind that time. After a few moments she blinked and suddenly pushed herself away. "*Ahem*...Forget you saw that." She dusted her clothes. "Let's go to the library, I want to get my weapon back."
Ferlick sighed and stopped using his semblance grabbing another shot of morphine so that he would be able to function. "I've already seen it twice Trish and its really hard to forget." He injected himself quickly and gave a mean look to the nurses who were trying to stop him. "I have no idea which way the library is to be honest, would you mind pointing me in the right direction Trish? Or would you prefer Trisha?"
"...Teri, it's Teri." She said as she lead the way to the library. "...Ferlick...don't hurt yourself for my sake, okay?" She said as they approached the doors.
"I'm not hurt Teri don't worry about me." He kicked open the doors and looked around drawing Phoen and turning her to the gatling cannon mode. He lifted it up by one hand and pointed it around the library, and it was very suspicious how few students were in there. "Teri maybe stay back? You don't have a weapon and I don't think you are used to that...body yet."
Nexus crouches on the ground holding his head. "I only did what I was told... I DIDNT WANT TO KILL MY OWN FAMILY!!! Yes I did they betrayed me, left me to die! Arghhhh!!" He clutches his hair, the blood of some prisoners coat the room and their bodies litter the floor. He gets up in a fit of rage and hammers the wall with his fists. Blood splurge out of his knuckles and some of the cuts that he had reopened. His white tank top was soaked in his blood. He headbutts the wall and walks out of the room and towards his own.

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"A deal?" Elinore asked as she folded her hands in her lap. "What kind of deal? And if I'm going to do something for you, you're going to return William." she said as she crossed her arms. Of course, she wasn't going to let Natalya be at the head of this negotiation table. Elinore was the one in charge.
Getting bored of waiting Nexus leaves a note for Aires telling her to head back to beacon. And then he himself vanishes in a puff of smoke and reappears in the courtyard of beacon." I need food." And he heads towards the cafeteria.

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Pulling her hand back, Natalya pulls in Tavril so he could listen to the deal too. "I need you and some students to attend a party with me tomorrow night. The host's name is Junior and he haves something I want in his private mansion, which is located on a island not far from the mainland." She whispered to the students ears. "If everything goes well, I'll return William to you at the party before we leave. I'm sure you two have some catching up to do on the ride back to Beacon."
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Aires looks over and sees a note shoved under her door. She looked back at herself into the mirror. She turned sideways and sighed relieved. Taking the note into her hands she read it and sighed. "I can't just head back to Beacon . . . " She looked round her new home. "I might as well explore since Nexus isn't here." She placed her shotgun boots on and placed her dark purple thigh length dress on. She fixed her hair and put up in a long pony tail again. She tied a purple bow in her hair and silently stepped out of her room. "Now then, where to explore first?" She said wickedly.
Nexus takes his bag of food and heads outside. He finds a nice place to sit and starts eating a burger. "Humans make the greatest food. So good."

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Aeron followed closely behind the two, unable to keep his blood from boiling at the way they were talking to each other. When they got to the library, Aeron decided to swing around the perimeter of the building, looking for a back entrance. He spotted a window that gave direct view of the librarian and two students at a desk. One of them was the girl from earlier, Elinore, and the other he didn't know. Aeron listened to the conversation through the glass, not willing to alert them by opening it. "...he haves something I want in his private mansion, which is located on a island not far from the mainland." he heard the librarian whisper "If everything goes well, I'll return William to you at the party before we leave. I'm sure you two have some catching up to do on the ride back to Beacon." This woman is mental. Why would she need students to go if this wasn't a trap? Aeron shook his head, hoping to catch the eye of one of the students inside, since the librarian's back was to the window. He used his semblance to make some frost on the windowpane and wrote 'TRAP' backwards in the ice, so the students could read it.
Aires saw some guards and quickly hi d herself. Phew. What am I even looking for? She looked around the corner and it was clear. Sprinting she ran past a door with a strange red light coming from it. Huh? She got closer and stayed out of light.

"Kaze! Sweetheart!" Sora held out her arms to him. He came up to his mother and embraced her. "How are you darling?"

"I'm fine mother. How are you?" She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"That's a good boy. I am alright, a little troubled because of your father but other than that, I'm great." Kaze gave her a puzzling face.

"Mother, what's the matter with you and father? Are you two going through a-"

"Captain!" A guard rushed into her office. "Sorry for the intrusion Ma'am." Sora's gloves light up with her anger. Kaze steps in front of her and questions the guard.

"It's your daughter . . . Ma'am . . . We've found her." Sora slowly discharges her gloves and her eyes widen. Kaze's head turnsi n the direction his mother. The silence was terrifying. She looked at her son dead in the eyes. His blind eyes cold and now a mustard yellow. She whispers in his ear and motion the guard out of her sight.

"Yes . . . It's true . . . Aires is alive." He tells her. Sora's expression changes and her smiles turns lethal.

"You knew." She growled. "Insolent brat!" A scream was heard throughout the base.

"What are you doing here?" A guard yelled as he charged towards Aires. Whoops, time to go. She sprints in the other direction. She needed to find n opening. Find an escape, find an escape, Aires, huh? She sees a window. It was small and round but she went for it. Just her luck, it was open too. She increased her speed and jumped though the hole and spread her wings. "Haha! I guess it's off to Beacon now!" She flapped her wings harder and faster feeling free. And landed at Beacon Academy. What the hell had happened while she'd been away. She walked through the school receiving several hellos and nods from her classmates. Looks like no one has seemed to notice I've been gone. She wondered why so many areas looked like they had been blown up.
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Nexus walks around and yawns. He lights a cigarette, a specially made black looking one with a red flame and red smoke. "This is an interesting place, strong competitors." He watches some of the other teams run around and get things done.

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Tavril and Elinore exchanged glances for a moment before both nodding, "Alright, we'll do it." Elinore said simply, "but you better not be planning anything sneaky. You can get burned by a bad deal." she hissed as she torn up book in her lap caught on fire. She caught frost on hte window out of the corner of her eye. Trap? Trap was just another word for challenge.
Natalya gives a small salute. "You have my word. I just need some good infiltrators to assist me with the job. But extra muscle would be nice too, just in case the situation gets out of hand." She opens up Hellsing before pulling out a map of the private island. "This is how the plan will work. I need Team A, which will be our muscles, to enter the party as guests. They will remain in standby and may help out Team B, which is the infiltration team, from the inside." She points at the west side of the island. It shows the entrance to a hidden sewer pipe. "This is where Team B will enter. We'll be sneaking our way through the island's sewers to gain entrance to the surface of the island unnoticed." Sliding her finger east, the pipes lead to underneath the mansion. "From there, we'll find the entrance to a hidden escape route to the basement. That's where the vault is located. Team B will break their way into it and steal anything in it. Once we escape the island unnoticed, Team A will pull out of the island when the party ends." After explaining the plan, Natalya sends digital copies of the map and plan details to Elinore's and Tavril's scrolls. "Now is there any questions?"

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Aires walks towards her old room. She opens it and sees the mirror still shattered. She smiles slightly. She opens a drawer with her cakes in it. "Yum." She then hears a beep, "huh?" She nears her pillow and pulls out her scroll. "Library?" She makes her way to the library across the campus eating a mini cake. "What's going on at the library?" She enters the library and hears a woman taking to Elinore and Tavril. Aires steps in and interjects, "I have a question."

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"Yeah, I got a question. Where are you this whole time while students risk their asses?" Aeron said, leaning on the sill of the now-open window. "I heard a lot of 'we' in that plan, but not a lot of 'I'" Aeron signed up for this school expecting to learn the ways of and practice fighting Grimm, not chase down bombers and go on missions of questionable legality for a librarian of questionable credentials, but this was nothing if not interesting.

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