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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Trey grabbed the lamppost of the side of her bed. "Stop looking at me!" She shouted as the lamppost lit up. She moved it threateningly against Aeron.
Lamppost? "T-trey? What... WHAT!? How? You... so... you're entirely female now?" Damn. "Should I... call the nurse, or..." Aeron didn't know what to make of this. Has this happened before? Probably not, this is the kind of thing you hear rumors about.
Trey huffed as she put her weapon down and stood up. "You." She said. "Will keep quiet." As she stood her long black hair cascaded downwards, reaching her back. "And yes, as far as I'm concerned I am a girl." She grabbed a glass of water next to her bed and took a long drink. "Oh Dust, what do I do now..." She sighed after drinking and resigned herself by flopping onto her bed. "I don't know what to do..."
"I understand... Alright, I will allow you to keep your weapons." he lead them to the bridge, and he sat down in his chair.

Markus was sitting in his captains chair. “well, your probably wondering what this offer is. The one that has drawn you out here, to my ship.... Well first you should know my terms.....” Markus got up from his chair. “I want back into beacon.... I want to be put as a guard, no better yet guard captain.... but now you might be asking, why should I let him back in..... Well your standing with it, on it, and in it. I give you my ship. This massive heavy cruiser is under my control. With 30 Laser cannon, and 40 Plasma cannon. Not to mention the amount of torpedo tubes within this.”

He cleared his throat. “The tech on this giant bird is advanced, for the white fang.... Oh and I forgot to mention that this is a prototype ship.... And the leader of this beta weapon, seek my approval on it before any others are made.... But you must want to know more.”

“Now you must have some airships, like the blood gulch. But can they get you past the white fangs lines.... Hows about getting intel on locations of prisoners, shipments, even troop movements.... Not much I bet..... But you must be wondering what else can this do?”

Markus moved over to the window. He cleared his throat. “You seem to be missing some people over at beacon.... A certain winged faunus.... What about william? I can get information on them. Have the faunus transferred under my command, then take her into custody where you can take her. As for william... If he has had himself captured, I get his location and request a prisoner transfer.... That goes for anyone at beacon.”

He walked back over. “So what do you say? Am I accepted back into beacon or not.” He put out his hand for a hand shake. If alex accepted then he would have control of the ship, and all the advantages. If not then... Well lets not go there.
Ferlick stumbled into Trey's room and started to laugh uncontrollably. He had to hold his chest because the laughter hurt his broken ribs, but this was too priceless. "Oh my dust, what the hell happened to..." His words and laughter were cut off when he once again vomited into a nearby bucket having to hold onto the walls so he wouldn't fall. "You know Trey you make a very pretty lady." He smiled and took out some of the mouthwash the nurses had given him for his strange vomiting fits. "Though I don't appear to be in a better situation myself, got a headache that could birth a goddess and I can't stop throwing up." Just as he finished that sentence he wretched again and threw up into the same bucket taking another swig of the mouthwash. "How did this happen to you?"
Trey refrained herself from impaling Ferlick right then and there. She took a few calming breaths and calmed down. "I don't remember, it's like my mind has gone blank." She said. "Agh! This is so frustrating! Out of anyting that could happen to me! I could blow myself up! I could lose one of my arms! I could go blind! But no! I just had to turn into a freakin girl!" She said angrily. Out of anger she disintegrated Ferlick's mouthwash. "...I really need to evaluate my life as it is..." She started to cry a bit. "Why Ferlick? Why did this happen to me?"
Alex was observing the bridge while Markus spoke about the offer. The room had lots of technologically advanced equipment, some that would even shame military-grade airships. It makes one wonder how much influence and power the White Fang has. "The offer sounds good, but are you and your men going to cut your ties with the White Fang? I can't have active members of a infamous organization working in Beacon Academy as guards." He walks over to Markus and looks out the window. He could see the top of Beacon Tower from the airship's altitude in the sky. "But why do you want to come back to Beacon? I don't think your superiors would enjoy losing this airship and its crew." Alex asked with a raised eyebrow, ignoring the hand behind him. "Also what happens if I reject this offer? Are you going to attack the school again?"

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"Well I can cut ties, But if I do then I lose all abilities to get information. They would think that I would be apart.... Actually that give me an Idea. I could say I am going to spy on them, and give them wrong information." He watched as he moved. " I want in because, I have seen some of the errors of my ways. I am not going to attack beacon, no matter. As for my crew, they wouldn't be apart of the school..... But if you reject the offer, then you will be missing on this opportunity."
'"Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something, Trey... Or... Tanya? Nah, Trish? Maybe. Ferlick, what do you think? We need a name for the poor girl, even if this is temporary." Aeron detached his morphine IV and walked over to The-Girl-Formerly-Known-As-Trey's bed. He listened intently, then said "Pulse normal for someone who just got news this big, heart pumping a little weak, but I have no reference point for you, so it could be normal, breathing a bit too fast, but once again, that could be panic, and..." Aeron let out a hypersonic screech as a form of primitive X-ray. "...You are, for all intents and purposes, female. Nice to formally meet you, miss, name's Aeron, by the way. Maybe your newfound femininity will make you easier to talk to." Aeron laughed, posing his comment as a jab at Trey's gruffness, but hoping he could ply a reading off Ferlick by his reaction.
Alex was silent for a minute. Sighing, he looks at Markus with a serious look on his face. "Fine, I'll accept your offer Markus. But your crew must listen to my orders too. So if I want them to open fire on the forest for no reason, they will open fire without any complaints. Also you'll be accepted back as a 1st-year student, until Ozpin approves your demand for becoming a guard. We can't just let anyone become part of the security staff." He then looks at Reaper. "Now what do you want Reaper? There must be a good reason why you and people wanted to talk with me."

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Reaper and the council looks at Alex "Like I said we've all agreed that I will purpose an alliance against the White Fang with you." The council nodded their heads and Kha spoke

Kha: "We can give you resources, Make equipment and we can also help train your students in the field of combat and dust as well but that's your choice." Legion also added

Legion: "We can supply troops and have your students be trained to have some of them as mounts."

Reaper nodded his head "and there is more we can give you but it'll take too long to list everything but we need something in return though." Reaper continued "We need that your students won't attack us at any given moment no matter if they hate us or not and if they do the alliance is over, we need you to house our blacksmiths and combat trainers and some of our troops as well, and you'll help us when ever we need it." Reaper finished then added "So do you agree to this alliance?"
Elinore had parked her bike in the middle of the forest and had gone back to working on enhancing LunarRedemption. Currently she was trying to get the dust to be more powerful, specifically the explosive part of her little cannon~ She had the canisters that her axe fired lined with fire dust that would activate once they were launched out of the cannon. She put the canister down on the ground and it instantly caught on fire. Elinore's eyes opened wide and her dark blue aura flared up around her. The canister exploded, the shield like properties of her aura protected her from the blast, but it was still...quite the experience. Those bombs were still way too sensitive.
"Shut up." Trey muttered. She could already tell that this was going to be embarassing. "I'm going out." She said as she grabbed her lamppost and jumped out the window, landing almost perfectly if she didn't lose her balance at the end. She walked to the forest adndecided to take out her anger on a tree when she got in an explosion and knocked Saving Light furhter into the forest. "Aaaahhhh!" She screamed.
Ferlick swore and followed after Trey grabbing her when she lost hold of saving light. "You really should stay in bed." He helped her stand back up and picked up Saving Light and tossed it to her. "Perhaps as with all things that happen to you, you tried to do something you shouldn't have and faced the consequences. That's really why everything bad ever happens to you Trey." He leaned against a tree and threw up again. He used the last of his mouthwash and sighed. "I think I used my semblance too much, or something like that my mind is going all out of whack."
Aeron sighed as the others left. All alone again. He thought about going after them, but his muscles still felt weak and his head was still swimming from the morphine. He decided to walk around campus to stretch his legs, but beyond that, nothing of import occurred. When he got back to the infirmary to collect his things, it was early afternoon, so he headed off to the cafeteria to get lunch.
Elinore looked up from her explosive canisters when she heard a girl scream. "Hello?" she called out, "are you okay?" it didn't sound like a scream in agony, so no one had gotten caught up in her explosion...probably. She shrugged and went back to fixing her explosives.
"...Hey, Ferlick..." Trey asked. "Did you really mean it...when you said that I made a pretty girl." 'Why am I asking this?' She thought. She took a step away and immediatly screamed in pain. Her foot had gotten caught in the explosion.
The moment Elinore heard the scream she loaded and locked her axe and bolted up, running towards it. "Oh my dust, I'm so sorry, it was an accident, I didn't mean for this to happen," she started blabbering as she ran up to the two. She stopped and tilted her head slightly, slowly lifting a finger to point at Trey, "H-hey....do you have a brother? His name is Trey? High energy? Somehow immune to taking explosions to the chest? I mean seriously, I hit him and he just thought it was fun..." she'd gone off on another tangent. "Oh! Yes, that's right, are you okay? Do you need help getting to the nurse?"
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Ferlick reached down and looked at the foot. He sighed and shook his head picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. "Back to the infirmary for you, you got put out of commission now." He looked over at Elinore and laughed a bit. "Well you see the thing is this is Trey, something happened and he is now a pretty little girl who seems quite fragile in comparison to his old self don't you think. He even feels pain from an explosion to the foot" He started walking back towards Beacon with Trey on his back now.
"I'm not in pain!" She shouted. "I'm in mild annoyance!" She looked over to Elinore. "And for the record I did not think the explosion was fun, the flight I got from it was." She struggled to get off of Ferlick. "And I am not fragile! I was just caught off guard."
"Wait....that's Trey?" Elinore asked as she followed after the two, trying to get a closer look at the girl. The curious girl circled around the two like a puppy while trying to get a look from every angle, "how is that even possible?" she said quietly. Trey struggled free from Ferlick and that made her chuckle, "you're not hurt? I could have sworn that was a pain scream, and not a startled one. I should know, I'm pretty well versed in being female." she said with a smug grin.
Ferlick sighed and kept a hard grip on Trey, even though it hurt him in this state to grip anything with this amount of strength he wasn't going to let Trey's strong attitude to stop her from getting hurt. "You got burned don't try to act strong in front of me I've been inside your head after all and I saw what was in there." He made it to the doors of Beacon and motioned to Elinore. "Can you open them for me, I can't quite get a hand free right now." He held back the need to vomit again and closed his eyes to concentrate on pushing that and the headache back. "Perhaps I should let the nurses treat me too."
"Let go of me. I can get to it myself." She said. It wasn't a lie, she could but not without being in pain. "I really hope that I don't need to bathe..." She said. "Can one of you guys get me a mirror or something.
Elinore propped open the door and leaned against it to keep it open, "You're sick too? You've gotta be more careful. That forest is dangerous. There's Grimm running allover the place." she said as he walked through the doorway, "I'd hate to see anymore students harmed...." she sighed, "and sense I'm the female here, once that foot's treated I'll take you to a mirror...unless you want to Ferlick~" she cooed teasingly.

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