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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Ferlick held onto Trey and sighed. "I know when you are just talking tough Trey, I can get into your mind again if I want to, and I know you don't want that." he walked through the door and looked at Elinore. "I'm not sick I just have a headache and a vomiting problem. Okay and my hand and ribs are broken but its nothing." he started walking towards the infirmary and blushed. "I think I will pass on that I don't think Trey wants me peeping on his new female body." He made it in and dropped Trey on a bed laying down on one himself and pointing a nurse towards Trey's foot stealing some morphine for himself.
Elinore laughed at the two of their reactions, "Relax guys, I was just joking," she chuckled as she followed them into the infirmary. "So Trey, when exactly did this happen?" she asked with a smirk, "it's not exactly...normal to just wake up a different gender you know."
Ferlick lay down and started to fall asleep. "Nobody knows he forgot and I don't remember either." He sighed and closed his eyes feeling drowsy from the medication. "I think I'm going to take a quick rest and see if I can't wake up with more bones in their right places. I'll talk to you all later." He was asleep quickly having kept himself awake for far too long. (Be back later guys)
Aires comes out of Nexus's room. She wipes the sweat off her forehead and fixes her hair. Walking proved to be a challenge as she skipped into her room. She wondered if anyone heard her but that thought quickly faded away. Was she getting feelings for him. "Of course not!" She scolds herself in her room lying on the ground.

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Alex stood there silently for two minutes. Wow... that was more demanding then Markus's deal. "Okay, I'll accept your offer for an alliance Reaper. Beacon Academy will not attack you or your people and we will send aid whenever you need it. That is until our alliance is over." He walks over to the exit. "But no deal on housing your people in Beacon. We're a school designed to hold students and staff, not a military base. So if you're okay with those terms, give me a text with that cell phone I gave you." He gives a smirk. "Now I'll be leaving Markus, so don't be late for classes tomorrow."

Leaving the bridge, he heads to the airship's hanger and enters the same drop ship he arrived in. Telling the pilot to head back to the back gates of Beacon, the professor sits down as the vehicle left All Under Heaven. Glad that nothing bad happened during the meeting, Alex lays his head on the seat's headrest, which wasn't there anymore... wait what? While checking the other seats for headrests (which didn't have any), the pilot lands the drop ship in front of the gates. He leaves the vehicle and enters the school, before it closed behind him. While heading to Ozpin's office to report to him though, he heard some silent footsteps before feeling something soft against his cheek. The invisible force goes away instantly and Alex stood there confused. What just happened? Standing there like a statue for a moment, he forgets about the strange occurrence and continues walking back to Beacon Tower.


Uncloaking herself in the hallway, Natalya takes out her personalized scroll to look over the information she took from the Markus's airship. Apparently her scroll picked up the low frequency transmission sent to A.D earlier and decided to snoop around the forest for clues on its sender's location. She saw the drop ship Reaper and Alex boarded and cloaked herself into the vehicle unnoticed. Her boots had glyphs that manipulated with gravity, which allowed her to silently hide behind Alex's seat without her weight affecting the ship's movement. She entered the All Under Heaven and started stealing whatever she could take from the inside the huge airship. This includes information (like blueprints on the airship), weapons and explosives in the armory, unused White Fang uniforms, and left a explosive surprise for anyone who felt like getting chili in tonight's dinner plan. She put everything in Hellsing before leaving on the same drop ship with Alex and enjoyed watching him look for the headrest known as her body. After giving a surprise kiss to the professor, she heads to the infirmary.

Apparently one of the guys Natalya sent to the Void last night drank one of her ancient, rare potions. Knowing that William wasn't curious enough to drink one of her stolen potions, she enters the infirmary in search of the culprit. Now which one of these girls were... never mind. It seems she found her thief, which was a female student that looked like that lamppost kid from last night. "Oh my gosh! Is that you Trey?! Why are you a female now?! Weren't a male like... after that fight with the bomber? Which I think knocked out you and everyone else involved, making the medical staff carry you guys to the infirmary last night?" She asked Trey in a confused voice.
"I don't know..." She said. "It's like my mind is blank, I'm getting nothing." She gave a slight pause. She looked familiar...like she's seen her before. Inside her head the lamppost suddenly gave a bright flash as her spell slowly wore off. She gave a couple blinks before smiling darkly. "You know...having a traumatic experience helps defend me from mental tampering." Saving Light slowly caught fire. "Downside, it gives me a major attitude adjustment." Saving Light was smashed into her, immobolizing her effectively. "Now, who are you and what do you want?"
Natalya smiles back while a black glyph was in front of her body, which acted like a shield against the surprise attack. "What are you talking about? Do you want to talk about these traumatic experience with me? I'm very good at helping people with mental problems, despite them having a rude attitude toward staff members." She walks away from the glyph and next to Trey's bed, the glyph magically holding Saving Light in its current position. It couldn't be pulled back out without the librarian's orders. "If you want to be a male again, I suggest you play along and not mention anything about last night's adventure with anyone. Otherwise I'll just report you to Ozpin for assaulting a innocent librarian in the infirmary room. Got that?" She quietly whispered into Trey's ear before moving away from her bed. "Now Trey, what do you say to people you attack for no good reason at all?" She asked with a smile.
She glared at her. "You think I care about that?" The glyphs started to disintegrate. "Here's the deal, you let William out and promise not to hurt anyone, I'll forget all of this and not bother you for anything, even the cure." She fished out an old tape recorder. "I have these as well, they've been recording this conversation. Now, accept it or I hand the tapes over to Ozpin."
Elinore stopped leaning against the wall the moment she heard William's name. Elinore's mood darkened and she kept a hand on her dangerously half finished axe. She blocked the doorway and glared at Natalya. "So, do you want to start explaining yourself? I should have guessed it when you said adopted mother. Ha! Adopted mother. Trestina here may let you off the hook, but I definitely won't." knowing people like Nat, negotiation wasn't something she'd be open up to. Good thing force was her specialty.
"Hang on...Trestina?!" She complained as Saving Light successfully pinned Natalya to the wall. "If anything, I'd be called Teri or something." Any glyphs Natalya tried to make were disintegrated.
Natalya looks at Tre-... Trestina with a smile. "Just because you have me against a wall, it doesn't mean I can't use Hellsing." She silently says a few words under her breath and the ammo box opens up by itself. A glyph appears out of the box and suddenly a Ursa was in the room. "Oh look! A Ursa! What might happen if it attacks you?" She said with a smirk as the Ursa suddenly attacks Trey and knocks him against a different wall. Saving Light falls off Natayla and she moves away from the small battle. "But I am his adopted mother Elinore! You can't just blame me for William disappearing by himself!" She told Elinore while approaching the blocked doorway.
"He he yeah. Sure. As if I didn't just hear Teri tell you to let William out." Elinore laughed as she readied her axe. "There's two things in this world I can't stand. When people hurt my friends, and when they lie to me. And it looked like you've done both." she said as her axe caught fire, "so you better be doing some convincing before I take your arm off." she said as she moved to block the door completely.
"So you're planning on staying this way? Why else would you need a name change?" Aeron said as he walked into the room. "I left my jacket," He said, holding up the worn piece of pleather from beside the bed he was in. "I suppose a little competition can't hurt" he grumbled. "I don't believe we've met, miss" Aeron said, drawing Fintan "Aeron, and it's a pleasure. Now, If you wouldn't mind taking back your pet so we don't have to kill it, well, that would be just wonderful."
"Hmm... what to do now?" Natalya pondered as she backs away from the doorway. Okay the door wasn't an option, since there were two students blocking it. But whoever said she can't use the windows? "See you later suckers! Names Natalya too, kid!" She yelled out while jumping out of a open window in the room. She lands on a glyph right before she touched the ground, the strange glyph-warding effect now gone. She starts running away toward the library.
Aeron sighed "Take care of... this, will you?" he said, gesturing at the Ursa pinning Teri to the wall, then took a running leap out the window and unfurled his wings midair. He quickly overtook the woman, landing in front of her, arms crossed. "Going somewhere?" He asked, bored. The woman wouldn't be running if she was any threat at all, so he might as well have some fun with it.
The fire on Elinore's axe died away and she pointed it at the bear. She hit the trigger and launched a bomb at it. It hit the ursa in the back and exploded, taking the stupid bear out. She always hated Ursas. With a burning passion. She put the axe on her back and walked out through the door. Librarian, library. Duh.
Everything was blurry for Trey, there was an Ursa in the room. A room with people, she couldn't save William from that dark place...dark...dark..."It's...dark...so dark...alone...in the dark..." The lamppost in her mind went dark. "Graaaahhh!" She ran at Natalya with great speed and tackled her, she pinned her to the ground and punched her face repeatedly. "The dark! The dark!" She laughed maniacally. Any glyphs she tried to make were disintegrated.
Natalya stops running when Aeron flew right in front of her. She looks at the student with a impressed look on her face. "Ah, if only I had wings to get around places much faster. But since I don't, I always have a back-up plan for problems like these." She was about to do something until Trey did a surprise attack on her. She was punching her face repeatedly, which annoyed the librarian a lot. She lifts up her legs to get Trey off balance a little bit before punching her in the side of the stomach. This makes Trey fall off the teacher. "Now have a kick in the face!" She kicks Trey in the face and takes the tapes after pulling hersef off the ground. She continues running away to the library... which was blocked by Aeron... right... "Cover your eyes!" A flashbang falls out of the teacher's skirt before exploding, which blinded everyone within a 10 ft radius. Running past the blinded students, she continues running away to the library. If only that damn building was closer to the infirmary...
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She stood up. Teri held the lamppost at a javelin position and threw it with great force, it landed in front of Natalya and exploded, knocking her back. "Darkness...darkness~" She sang in a haunting voice. As she slowly walked to the downed Natalya. "Flesh and blood...so fragile..."
"What is with people and explosives these days" Aeron shouted a little too loud because of the bad case of tinnitus he was experiencing. His vision clearing he went to Trey/Teri, who was still babbling on about the dark "Trey! Trey, listen to me, there's no more dark, everything is light, we're all okay. You don't want to kill anyone, so just calm down." Aeron was saying in a calm, soothing voice that belied the panic he was feeling, moving some heat to make a comforting warm around the girl going through a psychotic break. He gestured for Elinore to check on the downed librarian.
"OWW! WHAT THE DUST!" Natalya exclaimed after falling down onto the ground after getting hit by Saving Light's explosion. She turns around and looks at the creepy-singing Trey walking toward her. How very disturbing... and she thought William was the only one who said creepy stuff during his moods. "HEY DIMWIT! IT'S SUNNY TODAY! GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT!" She yelled out to Trey after quickly getting off the ground. Good thing the glyphs enchanted into her clothing wasn't affected by the glyph-warding effect. She quickly opens up Hellsing and taps Saving Light, sending it to the Void. She began running toward the Beacon Tower, since it was closer to her location.
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Elinore sat in the library at the librarians desk with a book open. She's already left for the library before everyone jumped out the window after her. Why follow after someone when they'd be sure to come to you? Tavril sat on the desk reading about espionage or something like that, he was always a fan of the stuff. Maybe because he was raised on it. But Natalya would have to come back eventually. And when she did, Elinore would be ready.
Natalya was running toward the tower until she saw Alex coming out of its entrance. OH S***! She began running toward the library now, since she didn't want to meet up with the professor yet. Entering the library through a open window, which she uses as a secret entrance whenever she was late for her shift, she dusts herself off in the dark section she was in. Good, now all she had to do was play it cool in front of the staff. Then when the creepy Trey comes bursting through those doors, she'll just call for help and be the innocent victim. Well after she destroys the tapes she took from Trey... "What the dust? Really?" She said when she arrived in front of her desk. How did they... right. She's a librarian and obviously would head to the library. Duh... stupid logic! How dare you mess with my brain! "So... do you two like the books your reading? Also, please read at a different table please. This is a librarian's personal desk and its not meant for students to sit on." She asked the pair with a innocent voice.
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"Air, you wanted to see me?" The Admiral said walking into her office. She looks up at him and smiles.

"My dearest. How are you?" She asks looking at him with evil intent. She doesn't give him time to answer. "Love, I've been thinking and I'm pretty sure that there's something you haven't been telling me." She kisses him, "Now dear husband, am I mistaken." She says running her gloved hands up his spine.

"Air, honey, you called me down for this nonsense? How many times are we going to go over this?" He took her hands in his. " I've never lied to you, my darling. Frankly, you growing suspicious makes me believe you're hiding something from me." She takes a step back, her face contorted into a malicious stare. "Ar," she began "Where's Kaze?"

"Air don't change the subject-"

"Where's Kaze?"

"Sora stop this!"

She grabbed him by the collar and brought his face and inch away from hers,

"I swear I will call up every organization there is in the White Fang, including Talonz, so help me! Where is my son?" She firmly said as he flicked his hand toward a guard, "Go fetch Kaze."

"Sir!" The guard said leaving. "Happy now my wife?" He growls as she hugs him then pages him away.

"Indeed, now be gone. I have work to do." Ar leaves without another word.

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