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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Reaper woke up to a beeping sound coming from the Phone and he picks it up to see a message. "Alright then......." He gets up and puts on his armor and sword. He walks towards the council room and gets the council Ready. Once they were, Reaper ordered an escort of about 12 Grimm and heads out towards the meeting area.

Kha: "Why are we arranging an alliance with these people? I mean we could take care of the White Fang ourselves!

Legion: "They are an unknown, we can't fight them by ourselves for they are more advance then us!" ((I'm having Legion be an A.I. But he can't be hacked.))

Reaper: "Enough! I don't want anyone complaining, we're forming this alliance against the White Fang and this is also to protect us for awhile!"

The council arrive at the meeting place with their guards with them.

Ferlick woke up in the infirmary with a major head ache. He looked around and held his head cursing under his breath. "For the love of all things dust it feels like somebody played around in there, and that's my job!" He doubled over for a second and threw up in a nearby bucket immediately drawing the nurses attention before waving them off. "And now I'm starting to talk like that lunatic Alex." He sighed and laid down looking up and asked a nurse for mouthwash so he could make his mouth taste a little better. Perhaps he had overexerted himself this time, after all three of his ribs had been broken when he left the infirmary and they were still broken now. He pulled out his scroll and highlighted a name from the third page of the data that Alex had sent him sending the name to him with a message. "target". He proceeded to drop his scroll from exhaustion and asked a nurse to come over and get him something to eat from the dining hall. He still didn't like people much, but he hated losing even more.
The drop ship is carrying no one. The pilot walked out of it and spoke. "Come on, get on. We don't have all day. I'm taking you all to the air ship, but I can not take all of you.... I can take you." He motions to the professor. "And you." He points to the council members. "I am sorry to your guards but they can't fit on the ship.... Just taking all of you would put me over the weight limit."
A.D heard the low frequency message and tries to gain altitude. Flapping his wings, he managed to fly off the ground with a broken wing. "I can do it! I believe I ca-" SMACK. "Dammit! I really hate you!" The metal hawk exclaimed as he slides off a floating glyph, which he flew right into before getting above the forest. He crashes on the ground and a black glyph appears below him. "You can't escape now A.D! No one can escape the Hellsing my little A.I!" Before A.D could send a message for help, Natalya opened Hellsing and sent the naughty bird to the Void. She dissappears into thin air after her task was complete.

Alex arrived at the rendezvous point with a piece of toast in his mouth. He looks over his scroll and sends a message for a better copy of this target's name. Seems like Ferlick's message got corrupted. He puts away the device before waving at Reaper from across the open field. "Hir Reger and regam pefule! Hole in a mundite." Alex finished his toast as he arrived in front of the drop ship. "Then lets head out. Anyone else coming along for the ride?" He asked the pilot while entering the drop ship. Sitting himself down on a passenger seat, he takes out his scroll and starts typing on it. But was it him or did he just felt a strange breeze enter the ship? Meh, probably it's just his mind being jumpy. The professor is being transported in a enemy airship after all.

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"I was given an itinerary of who is going to be on this ship. Looks like we got the faunus. I was also expecting a girl, but I was not informed about the stiffs." He motioned to the council. "But I can take them, and the other guy, but the guard looking guys, I can't take. With everyone I would be lucky to get to the ship."
Ferlick looked at the message and jumped up. His message had been perfectly fine when he sent it, what had happened in transit? He sent the name in plain text fifteen times in a message to Alex this time with the added message. "Somebody is messing with the message". It was a hunch of course, but messages didn't just randomly corrupt on the way. The man whose name he had sent also had an address listed in the information, and more importantly a good reason for Ferlick to target him. From what he could gather that man was the one who had pulled the strings at the dance and caused chaos. He was also the reason Ferlick was forced to make a large black scar in the courtyard and why he had only one eye. "I just wish I could go there myself."
Reaper nodded but garret and Kha looked offended

Kha and Garret: "We are not........"

Reaper cuts them off before they could say anything else "Oh shut you two!" Then he gets on the ship and sits down next to Legion, The A.I. With a body and severa. while both Kha and Garret sit down well not Kha he just hangs above everyone since he has no hands.
"well if that is all then buckle up it is going to be a bumpy ride." He walked up to the cockpit and strapped into his chair. He unlatched a radio. "All right welcome to the puddle jumper transport. I am Kevin, and I will be taking you to all under heaven.... Ah time of the flight is... Ugh 12 minutes....Ugh Please buckle up." After everyone buckled up he lifted off. It was going to be a short flight. ""If you look out the back you will see beacon academy."
Aeron woke to a steady beeping, and took a moment to try to tune out the sound. More than the beeping, there was a high pitched ringing and his vision had narrowed to pinpoints. Aeron sat up, which caused a sharp pain in his head. He hadn't suffered any physical injuries, but his overuse of his aura nearly killed him. His vision beginning to clear, he found the morphine dial and gave himself a healthy dose so he could try to sleep this migraine off. He dreamt of sandwiches floating in darkness for some reason, but accounted it to heat stroke.
"Yippee. I think I can see my office from here." Alex said sarcastically as he casually looks out the back of the airship. Too bad the gym was under construction right now, otherwise he wouldn't need to move to a different room and make it his temporary office. Ferlick's message arrived in his inbox and saw the information on it. "We'll check this guy out after I'm finish with my current business. See you later." After sending the message to Ferlick, he lays his head down on the comfy headrest behind him. Who knew the White Fang had really comfortable passenger seats in their airships?
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They landed in one of the hanger bays. "Alright we have landed." A few guards walked over to back door. "Welcome, and now I must ask that you give up your weapons." Markus walks out into the hanger bay. "It is only a precaution. Need to know that you won't go crazy with my offer and such."
Alex gets up from his seat and looks back at it to see where they organization got it from. Before he could notice something missing from it, he turns around and looks at Markus. "No, Bluntfire stays on me at all times. I might enjoy smashing stuff, but not during meetings like these. That would only ruin my reputation and cause my other partners to distrust me." He said while walking past the back doors. The guards tried to stop him but he gave them a cold stare. They got the message to back off and he walks into the hanger bay. "Nice airship you got for yourself Markus. Who gave you a beautiful airship like this?" He whistles when he saw several armed Bullheads docked next to the drop ship.
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Aires wipes her brow and finishes unpacking. She is oddly hot, so she takes out her purple and black checkered mini skirt and a purple tank top. She puts her hair up in a pony tail and the tail reaches down to her butt. "Phew, that's better." She looks around and then lies on the ground once more. Great, now what? She thinks to herself. Suddenly she hears something. Her heart begins to pound. Slowly and silently opening her door she looks around and then crosses the hall. She stands outside his door. . .And knocks.

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Elinore sighed as her bike pulled up to the bay just as the ship took off. **** her liiifffeeee.Well, it looked like she wasn't getting to go see what that was about. If only those ships were patient. She reved the bike and drove back to Beacon
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Nexus sighs then gets up. He goes and opens the door, since he is shirtless all of his scars show. A few burns, some cuts and gashes, and a very large scar crosses his chest. His back isn't much better but each one seems like they all healed with time, not a doctor. "Hmm?"

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"I suppose you could. Did you need anything?" He pulls her inside and closes the door behind her

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"Um well no but I" She looks up at him and smiles nervously She looks at the ground. "I was lonely"

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Nexus smirks and leads her to his bed and sits her down. "I can help just trust me."

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Somewhere deep in the Phoenix Fortress Sora felt something from a long time ago. "Get the Admiral." The woman said clear and simple. Her guards did so immediately as to not anger her.
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Trey groggily woke up. Somehow he felt different and the light was a bit to bright. He brought up his hand cover his eyes from the light when he noticed something. His hand looked smaller and slimmer. He stared at it for a while. "What. The. Dust." He said before covering his mouth. His voice was higher than before. Suddenly he felt something tickling his neck. He felt for it and found hair, his hair, his hair had grown longer. He slowly looked down and her feminine shriek echoed through out Beacon Academy.
Reaper exits the ship and looks at Markus and says "I'm keeping my weapon and so is legion because I don't trust you nor do I part with it!" And the group keeps walking on and when guards tried to stop them but starts to back off after Garret and Kha leave the ship and they follow Alex

@KillerWilly @dakup
Aeron woke to a feminine shriek in the bed across the room from his. He groggily sat up, his head feeling much better, despite the scream. Funny... That sounded like it came from this room, but the sign says that lamp guy, Trey, is my roommate. Aeron, now sitting all the way up, asked the girl "What's wrong? And more importantly, was it urgent enough to wake me up?"
Trey's eyes widened as she heard Aeron. "N-nothing..." She stuttered, hoping no one would notice her change from male to female. "Go away! I'm completely fine!" What happened to her? Why was she a girl now?
Aeron laughed "Girl troubles? Tell me, I might be able to help" he said "At worst, it couldn't hurt" he took a drink of water from the glass by his bed as he studied the girl, and he couldn't help but feel a nagging sense of familiarity. Then again, it's not like he had been focusing on the girls at this school, he could have passed her by and subconsciously recalled the face.

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