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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Natalya was walking to the dining hall until she spotted Elinore and Tavril down the hallway. Turning invisible with her cloaking glyphs, she stands still and hugs Tavril when the unaware students passed by her. "HI TAVRIL! HOPE YOU LIKE HUGS SINCE ELINORE DOESN'T LIKE THEM!" She exclaimed while lifting the poor faunus off the ground. This was payback for what happened on the roof earlier.
Aires walks around the room and she lets out her wings. "My new home. . ." She frowned . . . "Is really lonely." She fell backwards and looked up at the cieling. She tried touching it. But her out stretched hand could not reach the above atmosphere. "I wonder what I would be if I were human and could not fly like the humans." She turned on to her side and sighed "if you need me just knock . . . He said to but I can't . . .What would I even say? 'Hey Nexus, I'm lonely wanna cuddle? ' he'll never go for it. I bet tenderness is something he hasn't experienced." She undresses and unpacks her things.

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Aver looked at his stolen scroll. It seems that they know who he is...time to strike. He poured a chemical on himself that would make anyone who got close to him flinch because of the stench. Then he drank a blue liquid laced with Ice Dust. Immediatly, everything he touched froze. He quietly snuck out of the basement and headed for the gym where he set up another chemical bomb that will obliterate the entire room and spread, he then froze the doors shut. He then drank a red liquid laced with Fire Dust and his hands caught fire, he then set off the fire alarm and hid while waiting for the explosion.
Snoring was one thing, but a fire alarm? Nobody could sleep through the hellish noise that created. Unlike any sensible person, Aeron ran the opposite direction of everyone else, who seemed to be running from the gym, though there didn't seem to be a large fire. In fact, Aeron spotted frost on the doors. Two can play at that game. Aeron steadied himself and took a deep breath. The frost melted off the doors, and all the heat from in the room was rushing out of it. He sensed the temperature dropping five degrees, ten, thirty, fifty, a hundred. Any fires were snuffed out, and even the most stalwart of arctic animals would be running for shelter. Now... let's see who the **** woke me up. Aeron burst through the doors, Fintan in hand, a look of intense rage on his face. Hell hath no fury like Aeron when woken early.
Aver grinned as he heard students rush past him. The grin widened as his chemical bomb in the gym exploded. This was satisfying...very, very staisfying. He wanted to laugh but he couldn't because his vocal chords were cut, instead he settled for smiling even more.
Aeron would have screamed, but there was no time. Chemical sludge was flying across the room from the bomb. If Aeron had any knowledge of chemistry, he would have known not to worry. Only the small pilot explosion went off, the room didn't have enough ambient heat to carry the reaction. Aeron ended up covered in volatile slime, but it quickly dripped off of him. The fire alarm had nothing on the cry of pure rage and bloodlust that escaped Aeron's throat then. He scanned the crowd, and spotted a single person who wasn't running, in fact, he was smiling. Aeron didn't think, he launched Fintan's head at the man, letting it whiz over the heads of cowering students and staff as it neared its mark.
Alex was still eating his dinner when he gets reports of a fire occurring in the gym. Wait... what? "I GOING TO KILL THAT BASTARD! NO ONE MESSES WITH MY GYM!" He yelled out before running out of the dining hall to head to the gym.

Natalya sees a tiger faunus run by her and let goes of Tavril. "Someone pissed off the big, bad kitty cat! Oh I got to see this!" She cheered before running off to follow the angry professor.
Aver shot the staff and it whirled to a different direction. He then tetreated to the shadows, disappearing from view. He snuck behind him and threw a venom cask as he shot him multiple times with poisoned arrows before setting off a smokescreen.
As the man disappeared into the shadows, Aeron closed his eyes and focused on his hearing. He whirled Fintan around, retracting the head at the same time as firing off shots at the arrows, taking out two, dodging the rest, and smacking the venom out of the air with his mace. Ignoring the awful stench of the chemical smoke, Aeron dashed through it, following the soft but steady footfalls. This man was obviously trained to be sneaky, but not sneaky enough. Aeron kept on the man's tail, but couldn't make any headway. Two taps on his Scroll, and Aeron had sent a distress beacon off, giving a live feed of location and audio as he followed the huff... persistent... huff... bastard. Adrenaline fueling his muscles, Aeron tore through the fatigue. This guy was not going to get away.
Aver was running, this was a rare occasion. He tossed a few flasks and vials behind him, suddenlt a putrid stench filled the air as more gasses and sounds of breaking glass covered his tracks, a final flask that melted the floor behind him prevented any more advances as he ran to hide once more.
Aeron smirked, this man obviously didn't realize who he was messing with. Aeron flung his wings out as he leaped into the air over the pit created by the acid. "You do not give up, do you?"Aeron called after his target as he kept a steady height above the ground. Flying, he could catch up, but he was hoping someone with more experience could follow the distress signal and offer up some help, so he kept his distance, batting the occasional glass phial out of the air. "Not very talkative, are you?" Aeron teased from above. Not using his legs anymore meant a renewed burst of energy. Luckily the halls of Beacon had vaulted ceilings.
Aver, seeing that his tactic had not worked decided to try another one. He threw another cask of acid onto the floor infront of him. He stood on it and fell down to the floor below while tossing a flask that when broken, expanded and covered the hole he went through, he hid once more.
Ferlick got out of bed and rubbed his eyes. He had heard a big explosion but he was sick of dealing with shit like that. Last time he had tried to solve one of the schools problems alone he got a nice new scar. He rubbed his useless eye again and walked to where Alex was looking at everyone. "So I assume they came and attacked again? I would have taken the fight to them, but I'm a little out of commission, we ever find what was on page three?" He hadn't checked his scroll recently and he wasn't going to try and do any more work with that weak piece of machinery. "I would really like to know a few names I think might be mentioned, and some plans perhaps." He yawned and looked around immediately holding his jaw from the pain. (Hey guys I will be more active soon just have a lot on my plate)
Aeron dropped to the ground behind the expansion foam, putting his ear to the ground. Aeron hated doing this, as it was so degrading, but he let out a screech too high pitched for most animals to hear. This allowed him to create a mental image of what the tunnel system underground looked like, and where his adversary was going. Aeron sent a message with the distress beacon so that it would reach all staff 'Chasing bomber, went underground, following above' Aeron didn't have much time, because the underground tunnel systems didn't exactly match up to the hallways, but he was able to keep a bead on the bomber. Come on, teachers, Ms. Goodwitch, Headmaster Ozpin, ANYONE?
Aver heard the screech and tossed multiple foam flasks before melting the floor again, dropping to the next floor. He then set up another explosive, this time on a dead man switch and waited.
Alex was about to enter the building where the two fighters ran into until he heard Ferlick behind him. "Yeah, the same person causing trouble for Beacon all day ran into that building. I also got the third page in my scroll, but we'll deal with that later. I have to teach someone a lesson." He tells E.L, who was in his scroll, to send the missing page to Ferlick before barging into the building with Bluntfire in hand."WHERE ARE YOU AVER? I WANT TO TALK WITH YOU!" He yelled out as he approached the scene with anger. He saw Aver try to escape by sealing off the hole he dropped into with some type of acid. "OH DON'T RUN AWAY FROM ME FOOL! WE HAVE A LOT THING TO DISCUSS TOGETHER!" Raising his weapon above him, he smashes it against the floor. It cracks a little. "Hey kid! Get out of the way if you don't want to die!" He yelled to Aeron before he continues to smash the new floor with Bluntfire again. This time it breaks and the floor crumbles into the tunnel below them. Alex jumps into the hole and looks up at Aeron, who was still in the floor above him with his head intact. "Hey! Do you know where he went kid?" He asked while looking down both ways to see if Aver was there.
Ferlick sighed and yawned again. He activated his semblance and sent out a simple image. It was of a prison cell with the words Come out and he may be lenient written on the wall. If Aver was nearby he would get the message in his subconscious, and possibly be persuaded or at least be informed by it. Unfortunately Aeron and Alex were also in his range and would get the message too, but it was a handy way of saying hello to people you couldn't see. "Hey you're the kid who asked about how I got hit with a lamp right?"
Aeron was already dashing away, following the object that was the bomber, apparently named Aver. "He... stopped. Uhh, guys? Why would he--" Aeron froze. "You might want to back up, he's down there, but he's probably got something devious up his sleeve. At the question from Ferlick, Aeron said "Uhh, yeah. I was... Aeron, by the way." Aeron stood there for a second, then shook his head and said "This isn't the time for smalltalk. Do either of you have a way down there?" Hopefully a remote-detonated way... Aeron thought, but he didn't voice his skepticism.
"He's down there? Then let's go kill him right now!" Alex roars before jumping down into the hole without listening thinking about Aeron's warning at all. He lands into the new floor and he sees Aver taunting them a few meters away from him. "Oh hi Aver! My name is Alex and I'm going to beat you into a bloody pulp tonight!" He slowly approaches the smiling bomber as Bluntfire was now on fire, thanks to the fire dust fueling it from inside its core.
He lifted up the dead man switch. If he were to ever stop pressing it the explosion would take out all of them. He smiled even more as he beckoned them to come closer if they dared.
Ferlick looked at the bomb and began focusing his semblance on it. A dead man switch activated the moment the button was released unless the bomb itself was disarmed. If the finger holding down that switch moved at all the whole place would go up in explosive flames. "Alex hold on! Send out a message to all students and staff to stay clear of the dinning hall, that's alright with you isn't it, you don't want any of them." Even as he spoke there was no emotion in his voice, and his eyes seemed dead, the light having dimmed long ago when he began to use his semblance. He continued to view the situation and walked up to Aeron casually whispering in his ear. "Can you freeze a man's hand?"
Aver slowly removed his coat. Showing a timer as well. It was a checkamate. If he doesn't get out of range in the next 25 seconds the bomb will set off automatically. If he let's go the bomb will set off. The only way was to let him go.
Aeron had no idea what the device Aver was holding was, but it couldn't be good. Aeron began sapping the heat from the man's hand , but with nowhere to put it, he began rapidly overheating. Even if I die, at least this bastard will die for nothing. Aeron was shaking slightly with the effort of using his semblance so much, but he kept a stoic face to stall Aver from noticing. The hall remained largely the same temperature, but the hand and the switch it held were dropping in temperature. Slowly... too slowly. Aeron gave Ferlick a panicked look, hoping the boy would know the reason for Aeron's concern. 
Noticing the timer, Aeron shifted his focus. Please be like the last one, please be like the last one. Aeron pleaded silently, hoping the man's affinity for chemicals didn't fall short here, then began drawing all the heat from the underground tunnel where the bomb was. Fintan began to glow a dull red, and Aeron collapsed with effort. Aeron was worried he wasn't fast enough when the timer read ten seconds, but then he saw frost crackling up the sides of the hole in the ground. Drenched in sweat and near vomiting from hyperthermia, Aeron lost consciousness, but his job was done
Alex doesn't stop walking toward Aver and approaches him with enraged eyes. Ferlick's message doesn't reach into the man's mind, since his thoughts were filled with anger and rage, which clouded out his voice. The professor only stops when he was a feet away from Aver and gives him a creepy smile. "Hey, you really going to blow yourself up scumbag? Because if you do, then wouldn't this all be pointless? Randomly murdering people before blowing yourself up in the end?" Alex drops Bluntfire onto the ground and grabs Aver in a tight bear hug, which he scouldn't escape from at all. "But let's see if your willing to die for your own cause?! Are you going to be a coward and wimp out? Or are you going to die like a fool?" He asked with a demented smile as he puts his face in front of Aver.

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