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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Reaper felt something of evil and it seemed to be linked with his headache but he started to walk slowly and in a painful manner. "What's going on?" He muttered to himself as he walked out the city and far away from it. Once he was far enough away he blew the whistle that summons Steel. As steel appears, Reaper gets on it's back and began to show it where he thinks the darkness is and steel took off towards the evil and dark presence that was causing him much pain.

((Is it okay for Reaper to meet you guys?))


Aires's eyes changed colors to her mix matched norms. She sees the dead gore she caused and she slowly fades into numbness. I didn't do that . . . I didn't kill them . . . I . . . I couldn't have done this . . . She stares at the dead body. What had happened to the happy go lucky Aires. The one that smiled all the time. She wasn't a killer, she didn't do this. She knew that if she was going to stay alive in the White Fang, she needed to lose all of her emotions. A new Aires was about to be born. Her mix matched disguised the pain she felt, the heart ache that came about and the guilt that washed over her. She didn't even remember touching those prisoners. But it was unmistakable. Those were her feather blades and that was their blood on her hands. I did kill them . . . she looked at Nexus. "What now?"
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Trey slowly woke up and blinked twice. "Aw man, I fainted. I wasn't even able to use that technique." He sighed. He tried to roll of the bed but landed facefirst against the floor. "Mhfm mffhh fhmm." He said. He slowly plucked himself from the floor and used Saving Light to hobble over to Ferlick. "You alright? What happened?"

Aver quietly snuck out from the last teacher's office. All day he had been planting several unstable chemical explosives laced with Dust. He pulled out a switch and pressed it. Within a few minutes they would explode.
Elinore, denying the request for a hug, smiled back "My name's Elinore, and this grumpy pants over here is Tavril." she said as she gestured over to the wolf faunus who had been watching them with the up most distrust. Then again, he distrusted everything. "So if you know William so well, then do you know where he is?" she asked as she looked around the roof like she was expecting to see him hiding somewhere, "you were on his scroll."
Ferlick looked over at Trey and smacked him in the face. He immediately regretted it having used the hand that was broken feeling a sudden pain. "I was knocked around by you don't you remember. I tried to use my semblance to distract you but your mind took over. You had this image of a dying lamppost and a bunch of grimm running rampant and you kept talking about being alone while you beat me into a tree. I've been spending three hours worth of aura just trying to give you a better image to wake you up!" He wasn't angry at Trey but he was mad at himself. He was responsible and so he felt like he was the one who needed to be punished. Ferlick took a second to calm down and stopped his semblance the image of the bright lamppost and Ferlick standing beneath it fading as he went back to his scroll.
Trey rubbed his face. "...That image huh..." He looked far off. "That...was the day I got Saving Light." He looked thoughtful. "I suppose I should thank you. The first and last time that hapened was when I got Saving Light, I cleared off an entire town of Grimm." He fished around his coat and pulled out another eyepatch and handed it to Ferlick. "I'm sorta sad that I wasn't able to use that technique though..."
Natalya crossed her arms and frowned. "William... he left Beacon again. Something about a high-paying job in another kingdom from a different land." Her eyes were looking up at the sky, which was now filled with darkness and bright stars. "He gave me his scroll's account and told me to tell you that he'll be gone for a while. Probably a month or so." Natalya looks back at Elinore with sad smile. "I didn't want him to leave you and I tried to talk him out of it, but he can be cold at times. That's probably the reason why William doesn't get along with other people much."
Nexus frowned as he watches Aires' mind freak out. "We are to go get our debrief and then we return to beacon. We are working as spies for now. Until we are told otherwise we won't touch another person. Well you won't, I get free reign to do whatever I want." He hands her a phone and opens up a bank account on it. It has around $50,000 in it. "That's for the three hits you just took out. More will be added later. Come now, we must hurry." Nexus leads her to a dark room that had a single spotlight on them. A older manly voice speaks up, "name and rank." "Nexus, Talonz sect with highest rank of Arch Demon. This is new member Wings, Talonz sect rank of Eagle. My trainee." The first voice confirms the words and a second more womanly one speaks up, "Were you given permission to get a trainee?" Nexus growls and laughs, "You should know that I don't answer to you. I do what I want, when I want. So how about you debrief me before I show you why I get free reign to do what I want." The voice audibly shudders, and so does the other 4. "Alright Nexus relax, you finished off the Valentine's yes? Good, they betrayed us and paid for it," Nexus growls and clenched his fists so tight his hands bled, the voice continued anyway, "So you current mission is to just keep an eye on the students and act accordingly if some seem too strong. And miss. Phoenix yes we know who you are, your mission is to assist Nexus in anything he desires, and learn our ways from him. If he picked you, He must have a reason. That is all." Nexus grabs Aires and leaves the room, He lets her go and smashes his fist into the wall shredding his knuckles. "You ready to go?"

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"You idiot I'm pretty sure you used that technique on my face. I just got functionality back in my jaw." He bit down a few times just to make sure and stood up putting his scroll down. "If you were going to try to stop me from leaving Beacon you didn't have to break my legs and arms to do it." He still had a cast over his left arm and he had to use a crutch in order to stand and walk. "But I guess I don't have a choice but to stick around, can't get away from Alex like this." He started to hobble back to his dorm before turning around. "If you are so scared of the dark and being alone, be the kind of hunter that lights it up." He then continued to hobble away though the nurses tried to stop him.
Trey gave a small grin as he shouted back. "Trust me, if that technique was used on you you'd get more than a broken jaw, you'd get broken everything..." He paused. "And thanks for being a friend Ferlick."
Ferlick waved his good right hand and continued to walk yelling back. "I do have a broken everything!" He sighed and shook his head laughing a bit before making it into his room. He fell down on his dorm bed and let out a pained groan. He should have stayed in the infirmary and he had wanted to make it all the way to Alex's office to "request" a pass off Beacon so he could find good computer but he had only made it here, and now he was exhausted. He sent a quick message to Trey hoping to get a request filled. "Trey you wouldn't happen to know how to steal an off Beacon air pass from Alex's room would you?"
Aver watched from afar as teachers' rooms blew up within Beacon Academy.

Trey sent back. "I might have a plan." Suddenly he felt an explosion rock through out school.
Aires looks at his bleeding hand and smiles, she takes his hand in hers bringing it up her mouth. She kisses his it with a devilish smile and looks up at him. "Yeah, I'm ready. So what should I call you, Master or something?" She snickered licking the blood of her lips. "Hey Nexus" She began a bit more serious. " How do they know who I am?"

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Drake nodded at alex. "The only question is, does it deal with coding, or is it technical?.... I ask because it has been sometime sense I have done that and I might be a little bit rusty."
Alex was about to answer Drake when they heard explosions all over the school. Getting off his chair quickly, Alex leaves his office and drags Drake out of the room with him. He checks his scroll and was getting alerts from the staff about the recent incident. Good thing he was at his office for most of the day, otherwise it would have been destroyed. BOOM! Never mind... it blew up right after he left the gym. "This is the last straw! E.L! Send the whole school under Code Red now!" Alex ordered as he watched several janitors run into the gym to deal with the fire inside. A minute later, annoucements and messages were sent to everyone in Beacon.

"Due to the recent incidents, Beacon Academy is now under lockdown. Everyone is to head to your assigned rooms and wait in there. If anyone tries to enter or leave the school at any time during the lockdown, you will be immediately prosecuted and/or shot on sight. We thank you for your cooperation. Please have a good day."

Guards and teachers were patrolling the entire school with weapons in hand. The walls protecting the school were on high alert, including the school's air port. It was impossible to leave or enter the school now. Not even the best infiltrators and assassins could get in or out without getting detected and shot down. Alex let goes of Drake and tells him to head to his room. Then he heads to Ozpin's office. It was time to find out who's been causing trouble to Beacon.

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Markus watched as Elinore left. "But maybe sometimes it is better for them to let go of the pain." He had also lost his parents, his family. It was weird that he was the only one left in his family. He watched as many guard flooded into his room. He was lucky. The nurses were trained well. because after a few days of laying around His shoulder was back into working order. He stepped up from the bed. "This is going to feel nice." He said as he whispered under his breathe. When the shot came down he pulled out the tablet that he stole. "All under heaven, please tell me that wasn't you." His air ship was above them. "We didn't get an order.... Hold on." One of the faunus's began to type furiously. "Sir the cannon was fired remotely" He typed some more. "It says that the radio signal came form below, I can try and pin point it, should I?" "For gods, sake yes, they tried to kill me." "It will take me a minute."

Drake was lead around. "Really, this is going to happen now." Before he left alex he spoke out. "I can try and find out where it came from. But it will take me a few minutes. Can you give me that time?"
"WHAT ASSIGNED ROOM!?" Aeron shouted at the extremely unhelpful teacher with a magnificent moustache "I got here an hour ago!" Aeron was getting really fed up with the adults here. Ozpin was the only person who was ever decent to Aeron, and he hadn't seen the headmaster since his entrance interview. Aeron decided to go back to the infirmary and make himself useful. He was pleasantly surprised at his apparent skill as a nurse. Asa would be proud. Aeron considered signing up for the field medic courses, despite the medic's more somber act of making a dying person more comfortable, rather than a doctor's healing. Aeron found an extra Scroll in the supply closet, and added courses to his list. Aeron finally figured out what he wanted to do with his life, but the happiness was moot, since he had no friends to share it with. Next goal: Make friends.
"What are you talking about? The explosions came from some of the teacher's offices." Alex said as he stopped to look at Drake. His scroll suddenly beeps with another message. A airship shot at the school from the sky. Why the dust was everything going nuts today? "Dammit! Yes, find out where that shot came from and send me its location. I have a suprise for them." He told Drake before walking toward Ozpin's office. It was time to test out the new security measures installed into Beacon after the school dance incident.

When Natalya finished speaking, she heard a cannon being shot off from the sky. Seeing the laser coming toward the roof, she quickly opened Hellsing before holding it above her head. A huge glyph appears out of the box before it sucked the laser into it. She closed it before whispering some words under her breath. Opening it once more, the glyph reappeared as the laser came out of it and went back to the sky. It nearly hits the unseen airship as it passes by it. "Seems like everyone wants to attack Beacon today..." She muttered before closing the box and letting it hang on its sling. "Well it seems like you two have to head to your rooms. We're in lockdown right now, so see you later!" Natalya said before jumping off the roof. Right before touching the ground, a glyph appears and cushions her fall. After getting off the disappearing glyph, she runs off while sending a message to the staff about the recent air strike.

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Steel flew Reaper to a ship and he landed drawing attention of course. The monsters talons scape against the metal floor as he landed. Reaper gets of Steel and sees the doors leading inside the ship open as Faunus soldiers began rushing out and they surround the weak, exhausted, and in pain Reaper who just stares at them as his headache gets even worse. 'Whatever the cause of this headache is it's close by.....' He thought to himself.


"We know who everyone is my dear. And Nexus is fine." His ear twitches and he walks onto a balcony and watches someone land on the cargo ship near by. "Hmm. Down there, after we solve this I'll answer any questions you have." He disappears in a puff of smoke and reappears behind Reaper. "And you are?"

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Reaper didn't move but his Head was in pain and he answered very weakly since he was exhausted and in pain "My.......name........is.......Reaper......." Reaper could feel the Darkness nearby but he didn't do anything because he was in a weak state.

"And what prey tell are you doing on my ship? I have half a mind to separate your head from your shoulders, but I'm in a good mood I have a lovely lady waiting for me and I don't want to keep her waiting." Nexus taps his foot slightly as all the White Fang members back away from the two.

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Reaper saw the retreating soldiers and replied "The.........Darkness is....... Causing me pain........ The source is........ Over there....." And Reaper points towards the ship that contains Aires.

The faunus kept on typing. "Just..one.. More... second." He yelled in triumph. "Sir, it is coming from the admin building.... It looks like from one of the janitorial closets from the looks of it." Markus ran out past the guards, out the door and into the admin building. He bumped into Alex. "Listen I can stop the airship from firing again, but I am going to need some help. So can we put aside our difference and work together on this?" He said as if he knew that it was easy to tell that he was desperate.

Drake ran out of the building and rushed to his room. He tapped the screen and began to trace the signal. It showed that it was coming from the admin building. He looked for his tablet but couldn't find it.

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