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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Alex silently stares at Markus as the guards watching over the faunus arrived. They were about to subdue Markus before the professor tells them to stop. "Fine, we'll work together. But don't make me regret this decision." He said coldly. "Now what do you need help with?"

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"The woman belongs to me now, and I know how to fix your problem." Nexus laughs slyly and places his hand on Reapers head, severing the connection that he had with Aires. "There now you two don't share a link, I'll ask for payment later. But first get off my island." He removes the memory of this ship and island from Reapers mind, and it knocks him out. Nexus lays reaper on top of steel and it flies back towards beacon.

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As markus shook off the guards. "I know where the broadcasting station is coming from. It is in one of the janitors closets, but I don't know where it is. DO you know where [insert room number here] is?"
"Yeah, I do. We'll head there right now." Alex motions Markus and the guards to follow him to the specific janitor's closet. After arriving in front of the closet, he approaches the door with Bluntfire in his hands. He looks over at two guards as he starts counting down numbers. "Three... two... one... BREACH!" One of the guards kicks open the door, immediately rushing off as another threw a flashbang grenade into the closet. After detonating, Alex rushes into the closet to attack whoever was in there.

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Markus having no weapon decided to let them do that. After they rushed in. He couldn't see anything that didn't look like a transmitter, only things that would be in a cleaning closet. "There is nothing that looks like a transmitter in here." Drake rushed in as they breached the door. "Look for something small, about the size of a paint can. That is your transmitter."
Alex stops and slumps his shoulders when he realized no one was in the closet. Apparently they were only looking for a transmitter... "Is it this?" He asked Markus after he picked up a strange box.

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drake sighed. "First I would ask that you ask someone that knows what it looks like. No offence but I don't think he knows a lot about tech." Markus sneered at him. "And second, let me see that, From here it looks like it, but if I can see it I can confirm it."
"Hey, I'm just the guy who likes smacking people. I leave the tech stuff to other people." Alex retorted while giving the box to Drake.

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Reaper was knocked out before he could say anything and woke up on Steel and saw that they were flying "What happened?" As he shook his head, Steel who still had his memories of the island and ship connected with Reapers mind since he was half Grimm and showed him what happened. Reaper was furious as he still felt the Darkness but it wasn't hurting him. "He just made an enemy that's far worse then he could have ever imagined!" Reaper thought long and hard about the white fang and decided that he was going to declare war! Reaper went back to his base and talks to his council and they all agreed to what Reaper suggested. Reaper and the council head out towards Beacon Academy to discuss an alliance and such against the white fang.
Drake chuckled. "Thank you." He took the box, and inspected it. It was a transmitter. "This here is a transmitter. So mr.Smahy you can have at it." He placed the transmitter down on the ground. "After you."
"Any idea who placed the transmitter in the closet? Last time I checked, the janitors aren't evil masterminds." Alex said while a guard starts checking the transmitter.

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The guards patrolling the school's gate see Reaper approaching and they point their weapons at him. "Who are you and what is your purpose here?" A guard yelled out to Reaper.

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"I don't know, but they must have known what to do because would you of thought to check in here from something like that.... Because I wouldn't plus it is a little bit sophisticated to be in here." After a second he took out his pike and smashed it. "Now there won't be anymore firing from the skies. anymore."
The guard jumps back when Drake's pike destroyed the transmitter. Before they could say anything though, the staff received a report from the guards patrolling the school's gate. "Great... more trouble." Alex sighed. "I'm heading to the gates. Do you two want to tag along?" He asked Drake and Markus before leaving the building. Minutes later, the professor arrives at the wall and the guards assigned there tell him about Reaper. He heads outside the gates to greet the escaped prisoner in person. "I didn't know you enjoyed your brief stay at Beacon, Reaper. Thinking of attending here as a student from now on?" He asked sarcastically with a smirk.

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Markus walked with him. Before they got to the wall he asked. "Tomorrow find me, I have a proposition for you that I think you might like." HE rushed off before he could get an answer. He rushed back to a drop ship from the airship above. When he got up to the ship he grabbed his communicator "Elinore, I want you to be at this meeting tomorrow." He sent her a message asking her to be there.

(Can someone tag her around here. My internet is slow.)
The guards were about to shoot at Markus until Alex ordered them not to fire. The proposition Markus proposed sounded interesting. "Are you going to answer me or not, Reaper? It's nighttime already and I have other business to attend to right now." He asked Reaper coldly. The time for jokes were gone and he needed to deal with the situation in Beacon as soon as possible. Finding the lockdown school's current problem was his top priority at the moment.

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Elinore struggled to keep her balance when the building shook from some kind of explosion. And a ship fired at the school too! And William was going to leave her again after promising not to! Without saying goodbye! Why was everyone attacking the school?! Tavril picked up on Elinore's anger and before she could even do anything, he knocked her out. He caught her before she fainted and nodded to the crazy woman, "until next time Miss." he said before taking Elinore off. There was something familiar about her name, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He put Elinore down on her bed and sat down at the foot of it. This one was probably best to wait out. Her scroll beeped, he took it out from her pocket and read the message. And what exactly does this meeting entail? he replied.
Reaper looked at everyone and glared at Alex "I'm here to discuss an alliance but since all of you are busy at the moment I'll come back tomorrow if you want me to?" Reaper wasn't playing any games nor was he joking. The council was still hidden from everyone else and will appear when Reaper says so. ((I'll post what the council is made out of and I'll post it in the OOC.))

"Yeah, I think that would be best for everyone right now. I'll contact you when we should meet." Alex gives Reaper a old cell phone before heading back into the school. The guards closed the gate and told Reaper to leave the area. "Now to deal with the current situation..." He muttered before entering Ozpin's office in Beacon Tower. Time to catch himself a psychopath.


Natalya went back to the library to resume her work. She didn't need to get in trouble with the head librarian on her first week in the job. As she passes by some students who were told to stay in the library because of the lockdown, she gets call from her personal scroll. Going to a dark section in the building, she answers the call. It was from her people in the Hellsing.

"What is it Beta?! You better have a good reason for calling!" Natalya exclaimed to her second-in-command over the scroll. "We're currently in pursuit of a possible spy, mam. They saw us doing a deal with Roman at the docks and escaped to the rooftops. We're currently in pursuit of him right now." A hooded man wearing a trench coat reported while chasing Heatray on the rooftops. Two Hunters dressed like him were running right next to Beta, each carrying a baton and pistol. "Well capture them and interrogate the little s***. If they're not a spy, drug them and leave them at the air docks. No need for unnecessary casualties." Natalya replied while looking at some old books. "Roger that mam. Beta out."

Natalya puts away her scroll after the call ended. How annoying it would be if the person was a spy. The organization didn't need more problems with other Underworld groups. Yawning like a cat, she walks back to a more lit up section of the library. Hopefully she'll get to see him soon after work. It has been a while since they saw each other...

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Reaper nodded and left the area heading back to his base with the council and Reaper went to bed because he was tired and he had a long day. He quickly passes out.
Aires smiles when Nexus comes back. "I was beginning to think you had forgotten about me." She giggles wickedly.

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Nexus brushes the hair from her face and smiles, "How could I forget?" He laughs slightly and walks to a hallway with a bunch of rooms. "This one is yours, mine is next door knock if you need me." He heads to his room and takes off his shirt, and vest. He paces the room before sitting down and starts meditating. Symbols float around him as he starts to focus his chi.

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Looking at the school's security feed for almost a hour, Alex finally finds his culprit. It was a good thing Ozpin had those hidden cameras installed all over the school. Otherwise it would have been harder to figure out the culprit's identity. He haves E.L send a message to everyone that the lockdown was over, which includes a link to pictures and video clips of Aver's deeds throughout the day.

"To the staff and students of Beacon Academy, the lockdown is now over. You may return to your previous activities. Curfew will still be in effect at 10:00 PM, but a late dinner will be served until 9:00 PM.

Lockdown was initiated due to cases of pointless murders and set explosions in staff member's offices. We have the identity of the culprit and we ask for your help. The suspected culprit's name is Aver Aquotis. More information on him can be found in the link below."

*link* (Contains Explicit Scenes. Not for the faint of heart.)

After sending the messages, Alex walks out of a door that leads to a resticted section in Beacon Tower. Guards rush past the professor to aid in the search. Seems like they got reports of Aver being seen nearby the library. Hopefully they can deal with him by themselves. I'm too hungry to fight... Alex heads to the dining hall and gets himself a late dinner after arriving there minutes later. He eats at his usual table and looks up to see the room crowded with students. Seems like everyone was hungry for dinner...

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Aeron left the bathroom, feeling considerably less nauseous and considerably more hungry. Why!? Why would there be a link!? Why would I follow it!? With the lockdown over, Aeron decided to finally check out his dorm. The initiates dorms were large, built to house all of the year's newcomers until they had been put in teams. They were technically coed, but the girls stayed to one side and the guys stayed to the other, unless they were feeling brave or stupid. Meaning there was always at least one guy on the girls' side. Aeron didn't feel like trying to find his way back to the cafeteria to fill himself back up, so he settled down in the corner of the room, attempting to meditate on the days events. He arrived at the school, he was harassed by security, he saw the bird Faunus girl, who, on a side note, was oddly absent from the dorm, but there are multiple initiates dorms, it was likely she was in one of those. He repaired the chain of Asa's pendant, he got lost, he found the infirmary by the annoying EKG beeping, he met Ferlick, he promptly had a panic attack and almost died, note to self: keep better control over my emotions. The school got locked down, the moustachioed teacher was unhelpful, he went back to the infirmary, he learned how to be a nurse, the lockdown was lifted, he ate, he watched the security footage, he vomited, and here we are. Aeron sighed. It was an eventful day, but he didn't gain much from it. He got to Beacon, he got a Scroll, and he was more alive than some other students could boast, but Aeron still felt as if the day wasn't productive enough. Aeron slipped out of his meditative position and leaned into the corner of the walls. It wasn't long before his breathing grew steady and his pulse slowed. Luckily Asa snored, or Aeron would never have been able to fall asleep with the racket some initiates made.
Elinore had woken up with a raging headache by the time the message was sent out. She rubbed her head and looked around. Tavril sat with his head back to her, tapping away on her scroll. "Hey, give that back." she said as she reached forward for it. Tavril tossed it over her shoulder and stood up "Lock down is over. Let's go eat." he said as she walked away with his hands in his pockets. "Dinner sounds good..." Elinore mumbled as she followed him to the dinning hall

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