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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Elinore took a deep breath and nodded, "When people close to us die...we have to remember to remain strong. It's our burden, our duty, to carry on their memories. As long as we carry them with us, then they can't die." Elinore said as she gently moved her hand over her heart. "As Huntresses and Hunters, we must take that pain, and redirect it constructively. It's out job to protect...everyone. In our hands alone is the responsibility to insure that no more families are ruined." she said quietly. "Do you understand?"
Alex reads the recent message from Ferlick. Checking the data that was stolen from the White Fang's hideout, he noticed the third page missing from its file. "E.L, I want you to check the data for any harmful programs and delete them. Make sure to track the source to its owner before recovering any data taken by them." The A.I, which was under the desk in its feline body the entire time, transfers into the professor's scroll to follow her new orders. Alex turns his head toward Drake. "Since your still here, you want to help E.L out with our little technical problem? I'll give you some extra credit if you succeed."

William was still in the library reading his book when the girl across him got up and left. Looking at a nearby window, he noticed it was starting to get dark outside. That student probably left for dinner. Putting his book down on the table, he got up from his chair to leave. Suddenly a familiar, cheery voice spoke to him from behind. "Long time no see Willy! I didn't know you returned to Beacon Academy!" William quickly turns around to confront the owner of the mysterious voice. He was surprised that A.D didn't detect her on his radar, since he hates it when that woman appears from nowhere. "What are you doi-" Tink. F***. He should've expected that. On top of William's mask was a opened upside-down metal ammo box. A strange glyph forms from inside the box. "Mam, once I get out of this box, I will-" The glyph sucked William's head and the rest of his body into it and he disappeared instantly. Closing the ammo box before letting it hang on its sling, the librarian picks up the book on the table. "Dating for Dummies? OMG, I didn't know Willy had a girlfriend! How come I never knew about this?" Having a smirk on her face, Natalya walks toward a bookshelf and slides the book into its assigned spot. Seems like her new job just got more interesting.
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"Just watch yourself Markus, don't lose yourself in the pain anymore than you need to. Balance is hard to keep, but it's necessary to continue forward..." Elinore said softly before leaving the room. It was becoming increasingly hard to ignore the fact that her family was dead. Everyone she'd ever loved was dead. And now her friends were disappearing. Aires, Loki, it couldn't be that only Elinore and William were left... well.... at least she had William. Elinore opened up her scroll and tapped away a message. 'You know, you still haven't shown me whatever we were going to do the other night. I'll put on a dress if you'll meet me on the roof.' She sent it to William and headed back up towards her sanctuary.
"A.D... what happened? Why didn't you tell me she was behind me?" Floating around in the empty dimension known as the Void, William bumps into a box. Inside it was a huge supply of sandwiches with different meats in them. After pushing the button to open half of his mask, he takes one out before eating it. "Well she is a master infiltrator. How am I suppose to detect someone like that? But where are we?" A.D asked with curiosity. "I'll tell you later when I'm finished eating. Apparently that woman knows how to make a good sandwich." William kept on eating his food while still floating around in the Void.

Natalya received a message from William's account, which she hacked into her own scroll. Reading the message with a grin, she sends a message back to Elinore that she'll be there soon. The librarian leaves the library and heads up to the roof. Wait a minute... which roof was Elinore talking about? "Hey girlfriend, I kind of forgot where our usual spot on the roof was located. Mind sending me a map or can we meet somewhere else?" She sent the message and starts jumping across a lot of roofs to find Elinore. Apparently Beacon Academy had so many buildings that it was easy to get lost around here.
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'Sure thing boyfriend.' Elinore sent, a map of the area they usually met at attached. Elinore headed over to her room and opened her closet. She grabbed her stuff and prepared for what was sure to be an interesting evening.

Elinore laid the stereo down on the roof and snapped on some music. She might as well prepare for the occasion. Was she wearing a dress? Hell no. There were many things in life that got Elinore upset. She had a pretty short temper. But there was one thing she couldn't stand above all else. Being lied to. And so obviously. It was horrible. William had memory problems from time to time. Sure. But if he forgot where the roof was, then he wouldn't have remembered they were dating and he definitely wouldn't have remembered what they were doing. And sense when did he ever refer to her as 'girlfriend'? If you were going to try and lure someone into a trap, at least do your homework. "Tavril, care for a dance?" Elinore asked coldly. She tapped her foot out of frustration, waiting. "I refuse to partake in such stupidity." Tavril growled back. But the double ambush Lulu had planned sound like quite fun.
Natalya heads to the specific rooftop indicted on the map Elinore sent to her. Stopping from a few buildings away, she observes Elinore from a distance. Wow, I can't believe Willy got himself a cute girlfriend! Oh how should I present myself to her? Hmm... meh. I'll surprise her. After activating the cloaking glyphs that were enchanted onto her clothes, Natalya sneaks her way to Elinore's roof without being noticed. She walks up behind Elinore before uncloaking herself. "HI WILLY'S GIRLFRIEND! DO YOU ENJOY HUGS, BECAUSE I DO!" She hugged Elinore tightly before lifting her off the surface of the roof.
Tavril couldn't pick up the sound of walking over the sound of Elinore's annoying old music. Though he was just about to be pulled into a stupid dance when suddenly a girl popped out of nowhere from behind Elinore. Startled, he punched her in the face, knocking the two of them over. Elinore simply stayed stiff as a board. She didn't fare well with surprise hugs.
"Oww! Didn't your mother tell you that it's rude to punch a lady in the face?" Natalya pouted to Tavril as she rubbed her face to make the pain go away. Noticing that Elinore wasn't really moving much, she starts poking her face. "Hey Willy's girlfriend? Is your brain functioning properly? Hello?" Realizing that poking Elinore in the face was useless, she lifts her head toward hers. "Well it seems like you need a prince to wake you up from your curse. But since Willy isn't here, I'll substitute for him!" Natalya slowly moves her lips toward Elinore's lips to free the student from the frozen curse placed inside her heart. Just like in the fairy tales, only the hero isn't a male this time.
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Nope. Nope. Nope. No. Nu-uh. No. Elinore shoved her palm up into the girl's stomach and flipped her off of her. She quickly stood up and brushed herself up "Nope. Nu-uh. No way." She said with a shake of her head. She took the axe off her back and crossed it in front of her to help her from any future...attacks. "How do you know William?" she asked coldly. She doubted he would skip out of mentioning such a.... colorful character.
"What! Willy never mentioned about me before?! Oh I am so going to torture him when gets back from his trip!" Natalya said in a disappointed voice while laying down on the roof. She rolls toward Elinore and stops when she noticed the axe in front of her. She gets up before quickly getting down on her knees and begins bowing down to Elinore. "I'm very sorry for not introducing myself in the beginning. My name is Natalya Regit and I'm William's adoptive mother." She looks up at her with a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
Elinore stared at Natalya for a moment. She didn't exactly know what to believe. On one hand, William had told her almost nothing about his past, but on the other hand, this woman was crazy. "Then you'll know the answer to this question. How'd William's parents die?" she asked as she crossed her arms on the hilt of the axe. One test. A test was all she needed.
"Are we there yet?" She asked Nexus. She was getting nervous. I hope I made the right decision. Lulu . . . Will I hope you're okay. I wonder if they've figured out I'm gone already?
Ferlick looked up at his visitor and managed to sit up. "I meddled in the mind of a man with immense Trauma and caused an episode." He was starting to get better and it was possible for him to speak now. It was amazing what the Beacon medical staff could do, and Ferlick was happy to find he was able to move and talk again. "I tried to form his thoughts but his mind was too strong for simply my willpower to take over his subconscious." he pointed in Trey's direction and sighed. The proximity that Aeron currently had with Ferlick would allow him to see the image that he was also sending over to Trey, but on a more subconscious fuzzy level. "Do you have a reason to be visiting or do you simply enjoy talking to people who have been beaten by lampposts?" He wasn't in a particularly happy mood and he laid back opening his scroll again to try and find the missing third page of data. "I have data to scan."
"I don't know. Alex and me never found out what happened to William's biological parents. Heck, we're not sure if they're even alive right now." Natalya said while staring down at the ground. "Alex adopted Willy after rescuing him during a raiding mission about 10 years ago. I only met him a few years back, so you have to ask Alex for more information about that subject." She stands up and looks at Elinore with a sad smile. "If you don't want me here then I'll leave you alone right now. It's just that I never thought Willy would get himself such a beautiful girlfriend so early during his life." Natalya silently bows her head down to Elinore before she slowly walks away to get off the roof.
"Well, in all honesty, I was investigating the beeping, as it almost made me lose consciousness, then I heard about someone being beaten with an appliance, and had to know the details," My curiosity is getting the better of me lately, I need to ease up on that or I won't just be visiting here. Wait, data? "What kind of data? Something to do with the attacks? Oh, sorry, I'm prying, I'll leave you alone. Wait, where does one pick up a Scroll? Oh, shoot, I should let you rest. Then again, you aren't resting, you're using your Aura, not strongly, but it's there, and you are also 'scanning data.' I'm being rude, I'm sorry. Why am I still talking?" Something was happening, was it this boy's Semblance? He said something about putting something in someone's mind... no, because he could see that image: a light in darkness. When Aeron tried to focus on the image, it slipped away, but he could see the glow in the void. He suddenly realized why he was talking so much, and his cheeks got red, and Aeron lost control of his Aura, and it all rushed into his chest, causing a rapid temperature change. Too rapid. Aeron dropped to his knees and gasped for air, but the air felt stinging cold in his burning lungs. He grasped at his collarbone to try and calm himself, but his pendant wasn't there, it was still in his pocket, almost repaired. His heart was pounding in his ears and his vision narrowed to a pinpoint. What an ironic way to die, surrounded by people who could help you if they knew what was wrong, but nobody would think to check core body temperature with a roast thermometer. Panic is your worst enemy, but it is an adversary like any other; it can be fought. As Aeron remembered Asa's words, he already felt better. Long dead and just a memory, but that man can still heal with the best of them. Aeron steadied his breathing, forcing through the pain of his lungs and the numbness of his hands. Slowly he was able to stop his semblance, returning his body temperature to normal. A couple more wheezy breaths, and Aeron was able to stand again. "I... I have to go. Later, brainiac." Aeron said as he hurried out of the infirmary, almost tripping over a --thankfully empty-- gurney. Aeron just took a moment to stand outside and breathe properly.
Ferlick sighed as he watched everything happen in front of him. what was it about people and almost dying because of invasive thoughts. I mean yeah sure he was forcing the brain to think something that wasn't it's own creation but why would that cause any harm. He shrugged and continued to scan the data. "See you later bat boy." He wasn't in a good mood at all and it made him almost angry at anybody trying to enter into a conversation with him. It was enough work to keep his semblance under control without accidentally knocking all the nurses unconscious but now he was trying to get out some lost data. Even at his current brainpower there was no way a scroll was gonna cut this. He sent another message to Alex quickly before returning to the data. "We need a bigger computer."
Benjamin had been spending time in his room, toying with the various gadgets he had found around the school and city. Once a scavenger always a scavenger, he thought as he priced them together into a small sculpture that resembled a motorcycle. The sculpture was made of anything the faunus could find around Vale and Beacon from scrap metal to bullet casings. "Looks like I have a new paperweight." He said as he set the scrap on some of his coursework.

He then decided it he was definitely hungry after listening to his stomach growl at him. He left his chain blades on his desk and began trudging through the halls towards the cafeteria. On the way, he made brief eye contact with Hayden, the guy he had driven his escape vehicle with. The dude with the sword that would not compact. Only now he wasn't carrying the broadsword and had a metallic pack slung about him.

In truth, Hayden had just finalized his design for the stored version of Trivial after countless hours of drafting and testing designs. He was walking back to his room which was now set up to accommodate his holographic design technology. The room had been completely rearranged to have everything against one wall and a wide space for adequate room. He decided it would be best to leave the room as is for now and went for a much needed walk in the courtyard since he had been constantly working from the time the group had returned from the raid mission.
Really? Huh... maybe shed ask William about that. Surly he knew something....maybe. Maybe that's why he never talked to her about them "Natalya wait," Elinore called after the girl, "you can stay. I'm sorry for doubting you, but you know how it is. There's all sorts of bad people out there....may I ask, if you're Williams adopted mother, what are you doing here?"

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Natalya stops walking away when Elinore told her she could stay. Seems like Elinore took the bait. "Well I landed myself a job as a librarian in the school's library, since one of the old members retired early. Something about a psychotic android and burning doors." She said while walking back to Elinore with a smile. Holding her arms out to her, she motions Elinore to give her a hug. "Now that we got introductions out of the way, can you give me a hug... wait. What was your names again?" Natalya asked as she tilted her head out of curiosity.
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Nexus got off the boat when it pulled into the harbor at their destination. "Follow me, I sent notice ahead to get the preparations ready." He laughs slightly and takes Aires into a dark chamber lit only by a few torches. Three people were tied up, crouching on the floor. "One is a farmer, one is a butcher, and the last is a gardner. We got paid to kill, we show no remorse and no sympathy. You wanted to kill, then kill." He looks at Aires and smirks.

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"What are they being convicted of?" She asked Hey heart sinking then she understood what he meant. She slowly looks over to him. "Wait . . . Me, kill them?" She looked at the ground ams clenched her fists. "But . . . . I" Her voice left her and she trembled.

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"It doesn't matter what they did or even who they are. We get paid, we do the job. Now kill one, and prove you aren't the weakling you say you are!" He notices her shake and growls. "Stop shaking you are not some random girl, you are a Faunus, now prove it!" He steps over to the men and stands behind them. "DO IT!"

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"AHHHHH!" She screams a blood curdling scream and activates her wings. She stands watching them and she continues to tremble. "This is isn't right!" She looks at him. "We can't just kill for the sake of money!" She stares at the three then back at him. "I'm not SCUM! I'm not-" something in her mind breaks and her eyes switch to this glowing neon violet. Tears are running down her cheeks, but her face shows no emotion. Within seconds she thrusts her wing blades into each of the prisoners. Blood splatters on her face and then she begins to laugh tears still streaming. Her laughter is creepy and she slowly licks the blood off her fingers. She looks at Nexus with cold dead eyes. "Wanna be next?" She said with a wide slightly off grin.
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Reaper was walking in the city until his head hurts and he holds it with immense pain "what.......the........Hell......" And he kneels down as his head increases with pain since his mind was still linked with Aires's mind.
"Now Now Wings, you wouldn't want to lose after your first day would you? Besides you passed welcome to the Talonz." He claps slightly before laughing maniacally, his laugh chills blood and caused shakes in even the strongest of men. "This is how you succeed in life, blood and money! They come hand in hand, and when you are with me you will see how great this way of life is!"

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