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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aires reached the bottom of the stairs and saw a boy she had never seen before. She could tell, he was Faunus. She could see the situation was tense. What's going on? She still had a lot of time before meeting up with Nexus, she hid in the shadows and watched Aeron.
"Tavril." He said with a nod. No handshakes. He didn't do that jazz. "You relocate heat? That's even more useful. Listen, there's a black haired girl who has the tendency to catch on fire when she's mad. Next time you see that, freeze her over" he said with a grin, "but that's a lot of heat to move." he said with a nod. Ha. He'd like to see Elinore's expression. Crazy female. "I'm glad to find other faunuus at this school though. There's not a lot here. It's mostly just stupid human"
Ferlick had finally made a decision and it wasn't easy for him. He didn't fit in at Beacon and he had been the main cause of the injuries for those under his command. Even if he did understand that he needed a team, he simply wasn't ready for one. He picked up his scroll and began to type a message to Alex. "Sir, I understand what you meant earlier, and you are right. I am not ready to be a member of a team. But I have also realized I am not ready to be a member of Beacon. In order to make it at Beacon it seems one must be prepared to work in a team, and work well with others. I fit none of those two requirements and therefore must assume that I do not fit at Beacon. The mission you put me in command of failed because I did not rely enough of the others in my group. I attempted to take matters into my own hands and in the end many of the men and women under my command were injured because of that. I am not prepared to be a leader or even in a team and so I must resign from Beacon. Perhaps some day I will be ready to return but for now I must ask if you will accept my resignation. I know this letter should go directly to Ozpin but for some reason I doubt he would let any student leave this academy. Will you accept my resignation from the academy?" He sighed and pressed send on the message standing up and packing his things. His mind wasn't ready to Beacon and as things were he was never going to be able to get what he wanted with his attitude, not here. If he went off on his own perhaps he could find out who had fired off that round and ruined the stealth of the mission, and perhaps he could stop something he had read in the stolen data.
Trey decided to visit Ferlick, he hadn't seen him since he got back. When he opened his door he found a sight that severely angered him, his lamppost flickering with fire. "What." He said. "Do you think you're doing."
Ferlick turned to see Trey standing in the doorway of his dorm. "I am leaving Beacon. I don't belong here." He finished packing his things and placed Phoen on his belt. "I have sent my resignation to be accepted by Alex. He opened my eyes to how out of place I am. I was put in charge of a group of students and I failed to keep you all safe. I was too selfish and I relied on myself instead of all of you. I don't work in teams Trey alright, I just don't. Besides I will never be able to get the answers I want from inside these walls."
Trey smiled sadly and slowly put Saving Light down. "...A final spar..." He said. "A fight between us, can we at least do that before you leave?" He asked. "We never really got to fight properly. I'll be waiting in the forest." He said before heading to the forest.
"A girl who starts fires, got it. Am I to assume this is she?" he said, gesturing to the voyeur on their conversation "Or is this just some random girl, spying on our conversation? Come on out, miss." Aeron was seriously rethinking his decision to come here, what with the racism, the threats, the murder, and now people eavesdropping? That was his thing. "I'll tell you what I told Tavril here: You can't sneak around me, it just doesn't work." Aeron flicked his ribbed, white ears. "I may be white as snow and six feet tall, but that doesn't mean I'm bad at spotting other people when they don't wan't to be spotted"
Aires had been caught. She sighed and slowly stepped out. Her black raven hair sleek and steady cascading, ending at her torso. She opened her mix matched eyes. She stared at him with her ice blue eye and her neon purple eye. She was beautiful but quiet. She slowly walked up but kept her distance. "I'm sorry . . ." her voice chimed, it was like silk, "I didn't mean to."
"Just keep an eye out for killers" Tavril said before slipping back out of the door. He had some hunting to do. There was still a killer out there. And he hated Aires voice. Like silk. Who else had a voice like silk? His mother. That woman was awful.
Ferlick sighed and shook his head with a slight smile. He would give Trey a spar before he left, that was the least he could do. He picked up his small suitcase and headed out towards the forest going back to the scorched bit where they had lit a group of trees on fire before. For some reason the little patch of dead trees made him happy, it was a place where he had made friends. He shook his head hard to stop from thinking about it, he didn't need to start calling the people he was leaving behind friends. "Alright Trey, let's make this quick."
Alex sends a message on his scroll after waking up from his small nap. After sending them, he drinks his warm coffee.

To Ferlick,

Kid... dust no. The point of being at Beacon is to learn how to work better together. Your not suppose to quit after one bad mission. It's all about learning from your mistakes, even if others get hurt in the process. So if you dare run away, I will hunt you down. Period.

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Trey lit his lamppost, Fire Dust flowing to the tip. He then leapt and smashed it into Ferlick, his usual smile absent. He then rapidly twirled it around as he jumped back. "You..." he said, his eyes slightly teary. "Are about to see a technique I've perfected over the years." His lamppost spun faster.
Ferlick was distracted by the message on his scroll. He was still looking at trey but with the help of his semblance he easily managed to keep an eye on Trey to type a message to Alex in five seconds. "Well then if you refuse to let me leave, then I will have to get this done before you consider me gone." He was going to get some answers and he was going to do it now. Besides he had found a name that was particularly interesting to him in the data he had stolen. It happened to be the man who had come into Beacon and framed Trey. He drew Phoen and concentrated on the battle again. "Hey lets see how well you concentrate." He began to think about random things his semblance making the thoughts impose over Trey's subconscious. They ranged from random animals to people making weird faces.
Watch your back Tavril. She watched him leave. "It's not like you ever acknowledged my presence as a Faunus you moron." She murmured. Looking the other boy she blinked. "You gonna reject me too?" She flung her wings out and took a stance. "I'll fight you if it means protecting me."
Trey was slowly getting affected by Ferlick's semblance. He suddenly had a vision, of a dark town, the only light coming from a lamppost. He could hear screeches of Grim, he felt tired, scared, he wanted to run for his life. The light from the lamppost slowly dimmed until it darkened completely. "No..." He whispered. "It's...too dark..." The light from his eyes slowly dimmed. Saving Light started to spin faster. He suddenly leaped and smashed into Ferlick while it was still twirling. He then unleashed a large barrage of attacks, each one making his attacks faster. "...It's...so dark..."
"And now he's gone..." Aeron's gaze followed Tavril as he left, and let his eyes linger a little too long on the door after it shut. Aeron shook his head to clear it, and turned back to the girl, "No, I'm not gonna... Hey! You're the Faunus girl I saw in the air earlier. Do you have... Heterochromia Occularis? Cool. If my irises could have pigment, I would love to be heterochromic. If you really want to fight, though," Aeron shrugged his wings through the slits in his jacket and pulled Fintan from its holster "I'll try not to disappoint" Aeron preemptively began drawing heat from the surrounding area and his own body and concentrating it in Fintan's head until it glowed a dull red and his fingers went numb.
Ferlick was caught off guard by what happened. He was not expecting what happened to Trey and he turned off his semblance just in time to be hit by the barrage of attacks. He didn't know if this was the technique but either way he didn't want it. He didn't want to see this technique even if it was on purpose. It was too cruel and he took each of the blows directly to his body. Soon Ferlick was embedded into a tree trunk his left arm and two of his ribs shattered not to mention his face which was completely bloody the still healing ursa wound over his eye having reopened and blood pouring from his lips. "Trey stop, I'm sorry." He had begun to cry, he felt it all, the pain and seen the vision. It felt like his semblance was at fault, but there was no way that he had created that vision. He had done the stupid thing and stopped using his semblance when he felt himself lose control of it. The trauma in Trey's mind had overpowered Ferlick's will and now he was on the brink of consciousness.
"All alone!~" Trey sang as his lamppost spun faster. "All alone...In the dark!~" He suddenly stopped and Saving Light slowed down until it stopped. "All...alone...In the dark..." He suddenly knelt down and sobbed uncontrolably. "All...alone...all...alone..." He cried repeatedly until he fainted, tears still streaming from his eyes.
Ferlick could barely move but he was able to grab his scroll. He sent an emergency message out to Alex, his consciousness slipping he could barely type out the words. He was hoping adding the words emergency would make the message seem more important and perhaps have a nice beeping sound so that help would come fast. It simply read "Hey may be dying in the scorched part of the forest."
Alex arrived to the scene a few minutes later. He simply smirks at the strange scene in front of him. "This is what happens when you try to leave Beacon Academy without permission. You get attacked by crazy friends like Trey." The professor joked as Ferlick and Trey were carried to the nurse's office. The medical staff put the students on beds and began treating them for any injuries. "I got to head out kid. So don't leave the room until your healed." Alex told Ferlick before leaving the nurse's office.

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Ferlick looked up at grunted slightly looking over at Trey. He wasn't able to form words yet due to the damage to his jaw but he tried his hardest to communicate with semblance. He used his semblance only slightly in order to just barely plant a thought in Trey's subconscious. He was afraid of causing another episode in his friend, but if that did happen he would feel it too. The thought was a simple one, it was the same lamp post that he had seen go dark but he used all the willpower and mental strength he still had to make it burst forth with light. The post began to glow brightly and underneath it Ferlick imposed himself leaning against it with a smile. He hoped that the thought would not be twisted again by Trey's trauma and that perhaps it would help his current state.
Huh? Looks like this kid means business. I didn't want to fight, but if I have to I will . . . Her wings lit up and then they turned into her blades she then saw it. "You have wings . . . too" Another flying faunus . . . no way. There couldn't be brother that father got rid of them all. "Tell me who you are!" She yelled forcefully, a little peeved to see someone else with the ability to fly. "What faunus type do you hail from? And how can you still be alive?" She disengaged her wing blades and retracted them back into her back. "Tell me who you are."
Markus pulled up the list. "Here, give this to the tiger faunus.... Now If you would excuse me, I have somethings I must go and do." He wheeled himself out with his good arm. He made his way back to the infirmary. "Now to rest."

Drake grabbed the tablet with the list on it. He walked out behind the faunus in the wheelchair. He walked down the stairs, outside. Then to the door of the tiger faunus's room. "Hey, are you in there? I got the list that the faunus was talking about."
Elinore walked into the infirmary, she still had business to take care of. The place was pretty crowded, it seemed like someone was busy hurting student. How disgusting. "Hey Markus," she called as she waltzed in, "are you here? You wanted to talk to me?"

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