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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Nope. Just thought of them. I was going for similar to glacier and guard. Maybe it should be something with chain instead, but I like the sound of it so far." he notes, writing the names down in the his scroll. "Maybe language classes are worth taking..." he thinks aloud and also types in some words that mean or look like chain.
(ugh sorry guys today and tomorrow are going to be just crazy for me)

Ferlick sighed as he exited the office and went to his dorm. He was tired and felt like a failure. Beacon really wasn't the right place for him. In the end no matter how much he tried he just didn't work well with others. Being in a team wasn't his style and it showed when he had attempted the mission. He sat down on his bed and opened the data he had taken. He had made a secondary copy with a slight encryption so that he could review it himself. Despite being an overall bad student he usually wouldn't do something like this that might violate the rules, but he had taken everything so far personally. The attack on the school as almost a success because of a prank he set up and it made him very angry. He read over the info and sighed. It wasn't anything good, but he had no reason to share it with anyone, after all he had nobody to share it with. He sent a quick message to Trey just to make sure he was right that no casualties had occurred. "Trey everyone alright that went with you?"
Nexus finished setting up his training dummies, and targets. He sets his scythes Blizzard and Hellfire onto the ground and pulls out his kunai knives and slows down his breathing. He throws the knives and the all hit their targets. "I feel like I'm getting better, not that I wasn't already the best."

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Elinore took William's hand and once again explained his own history to him. She started off by telling him about his history as student then began to explain his friends and other connections. She told him a couple stories about their missions before going into their own personal relationship. She finished with telling him about the mechanics of his suit so that he wouldn't starve again. By the time she finished the ship had landed once again. She stood up and smiled, hoping she did an okay job at reminding William about who he was, "Hey, will you take Aires? She's out and we gotta take her to the nurse's office." she explain as the people in the ship started to file out
"Of course, Aires is the unconscious wing lady... right?" William said as he picked up Aires out of her seat. "Now lead the way to the nurse's office... Elinore. Yeah that's right. Your Elinore and she's Aires." He starts trying to organize his brain with names while leaving the ship. It might take him a while to remember everything.
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"You can call me Lulu too, if that's easier to remember," Elinore told William as she headed towards the storage area. She took her bike and started towards the school. She dropped the bike off at the front of the school, taking er keys with her so no one else could jack it, then led William towards the nurse, "does any of this look familiar?" she asked as she led him through the school
"Kind of. It all seems very vague to think about from my memories." William looks at the gym as they passed by the huge building. It feels like he should know this place the best for some strange reason. "Hey Lulu, who's in charge of that huge building we passed by earlier?" He asked when they entered the nurse's office and gave Aires to the staff in there.
"Alex, I think you refer to him as your mentor." Elinore said with a nod, "come on, let's go talk to him. Maybe that'll start ringing bells" she said as she took William's hand and led him towards the gym. Bringing William to Alex was...risky. He wasn't exactly above pulling pranks on innocently brain damaged people. In fact, this would probably just screw William up some more...she'd hurt him if he tried anything. She'd hurt him in the face!
"Right, my master. He's the big scary guy with feline ears on his head... and a big bat. Which seems painful to get hit by." William muttered to himself as Elinore lead him to the gym.

Alex was checking the new metal bars installed for the 'Pit of Pain' when he noticed Elinore's presence. "Hey Elinore and my dear cyborg, what are you two doing here at this hour? Classes were finished a few hours ago." He walks toward the couple with a smirk. "But never mind that. I didn't know you were friends with a faunus like Tavril. He's a good fighter and should still be in the room." The professor starts calling out for Tavril in the huge room and couldn't see him anywhere. Maybe he went on a bathroom break. "There's a cyborg with us? Where is he?! I must meet this cyborg." William starts looking around the gym in search of this mysterious cyborg, who couldn't be seen anywhere. This cyborg must be a master of stealth if William didn't see him yet.
"Loki" Aires said slowly waking up. She could hear the beep. Her eyes opened and she saw a mask on her face. Her heart beat picked up as she yanked away her vital monitors. "Damn, how long have I been out?" She gets dressed and then leaves the nurses office. Stepping outside She calls Ephemeral, "Here boy!" But there was no answer. "Ephemeral!" She began to worry a little. "Ephemeral! Where are you? Don't make me look for you!" She flung her wings out and they glistened. They were cleaned and beautiful once more. She pulsed and was in the air. She kept calling until she saw Nexus. "Huh?"

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Nexus practices his flash step a few times but stops and starts coughing up blood. He spits out a glob of it and breathes heavily. "Damn, i thought i got past it." His vest hung on Blizzard, and his long sleeve shirt was on Hellfire. The tanktop he was wearing for training was soaked in sweat, and his hands and fingers bled a bit from the non-stop training. He flips onto his hands and does one handed push ups while doing a handstand. "One.... Two.... Three.... Four.... Five......"
"Tavril's here? Oh no...we're all doomed. Let's just give up now." Elinore sighed with a defeated shake of her head. She chuckled at William's excitement to see a nonexistant cyborg, "he means you deary," she laughed, "the suit makes you look like an android or something." she explained as she patted him on the shoulder. "Willy lost his memory...again. At least this time he's not trying to kill me" she said with a shrug.
Aires notices Nexus cough up blood and worries. She lands a few feet away from him. She wonders if she should ask if he's alright but she warriors in the shadows instead.

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"Two hundred... Alright switch." He switches hands and starts counting again. "Weak is not what i am, i am the strongest." His breathing gets more controlled and he starts up his push-ups with renewed vigor.
"He seems fine." She said a little relieved. Alright then. Time to go find Eph.

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Nexus grabs his chest and falls over coughing up blood. "Arghh...." He rests on his knees his forehead on the ground as he wraps his arms around himself trying to control his coughing.
"I'm a cyborg?! No wonder why my body felt so weird!" William exclaimed in excitement. He starts doing a bad impression of the robot in celebration of being a guy in armor. Alex laughs when he saw William dance. "Willy, stop dancing. Your dance skills suck but are just too funny to watch." The professor calms himself down before taking Bluntfire out. "But he lost his memory again? Well that should be easy to fix." Alex motions the dancing William to come to him. "Hey Willy! Come over here so I can smack you in the head!" William stops dancing and went behind Elinore in fear of being smacked by Bluntfire. "Don't let him hit me Lulu! I shouldn't die for dancing the robot!" He pleaded while shaking Elinore's shoulders back and forth.
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Alright, she couldn't ruin his fun. William was having way too much fun thinking he was a robot. "Alex, you cause him to lose any more memory I'm going to cut you." Elinore threatened. "Come on William, let's go get something to eat." she sighed as she brushed William's hands off her shoulders. They were both like little children. At least they weren't being murderous. She started to walk out of the gym when she was suddenly ambushed! Elinore fell forward after being tripped by some incredibly fast force and was caught just before her face slammed into the ground. "There's a murderer here." Tavril told her coldly as he picked the girl back up, "you need to be more cautious."
William goes behind Tavril and starts pulling his wolf ears out of curiosity. It was fun messing with the ears as he kept stretching them. "Hey Tavril, mind holding Willy down for me? I need to smack him in the head to return his memory." Alex asked as he gets into a sluggers swinging stance to smack William's head with full force.

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"Sure, no problem." Tavril growled as he held William back. "Hey! Stop that!" Elinore said as she jumped between the two, "we're not hitting anyone!" she said as she held her arms out to protect William
"Elinore, this is for his own good. Don't you want to know what he wanted to do with you last night?" Alex asked with a smirk as he slowly circles around Elinore. "Hey! Stop grabbing me! I don't want to be taken away!" William yelled out while struggling against Tavril's grasp. He didn't want to be taken away to a bad place again. A place where he'll be forced to do things he never wanted to do before the kidnapping. "LET ME GO!" Electricity starts to burst out of William and starts shocking Tavril. "Dammit, I'm hitting him now!" Alex exclaimed as he swung the bat at William's head. SMACK! After it made contact with his head, William goes silent and electricity stopped flowing out of him.

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Aver slowly slid out from the shadows, that was a close call. He pulled out a green vial and attached it onto his weapon. He then walks through the hall and shoots everyone with his poisoned arrows, smiling all the way. An d to make sure of their death, he pours acid on all of them.

Trey was awoken by a sound from his scroll. He sent a message back to Ferlick saying that he wishes they got back safely. He then proceeds to walk to the dining hall. He sees the dead bodies and shouts "Help! There's been a murder!...Well...Murders!
Tavril jumped out of the way the moment he felt the shock. Elinore tried to stop Alex, but he got to William before she could. She took a cautious step back when William went silent. "W....William? Are you alright?" that was a stupid question, of course he wouldn't. He was probably gunna snap and kill them all now...great...
"Oww... who the dust hit me?" William groaned while sitting up, his original mind apparently back after being unconscious for a minute. "See! I told you smacking his head would work!" Alex jeered as he puts his weapon away. He takes out his scroll before quickly leaving and saying his farewells to the group. Apparently more students were murdered in the dining hall. After the professor left, William gets up confused with the situation. "So what was that all about and when did we get back to school? My memory is a little fuzzy right now." He asked Elinore and Tavril while cracking his neck. Whatever hit him probably gave him neck problems.

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Elinore stared at William for a moment and sighed, "Pad the inside of that helmet better..." she mumbled before walking out of the gym. She swore, one day he'd die from blunt trauma. Tavril disappeared back into the hallway. He wasn't going to try to help him. Stupid pikachu.

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