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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Again . . . oh no . . . " she says hurting, putting on the helmet. "I'm sorry Lulu." She says ready to ride. "I'm sure I'm fine but you gotta do what you gotta do."
"Sir! Please put down the gun and calm do- BANG!" William shot the sign behind the clerk to get the message across that he wasn't messing around. "Uh... so you want a sandwich and tea?" Retrieving his free food from the clerk, he walks out of the store a few minutes later. He starts eating his sandwich after finding the button to open up half of his mask. "Now your telling me that your a A.I named A.D, I have a crazy girlfriend named Elinore, and I'm a mercenary/student. Is that correct?" William crosses the street during a green light and jumps out of the way when a yellow motorcycle nearly hit him. Strange... the driver and passenger look familiar. "Yes Willy, that is correct. Now would you mind telling me where the void your going?" The armored teen walks into a empty club and sits down at one of the tables. No one was really in there since it wasn't nighttime... or even open. "I don't know... this place just reminds me about someone."

Alex got a message from Goodwitch about a Grimm horde heading toward the school. "So Tavril, want to help me hunt down some Grimm?" Running toward the walls protecting the school, he goes through its gates as the horde approached the gate defenders. The professor leads the defense after smacking a Deathstalker's face with Bluntfire.
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Elinore reared the motorcycle back like it was some kind of horse and drove forward. This was why she gave Aires the helmet. She could drive a lot of things, just not exactly safely. "Tell me if you see him!" she called back to Aires. Where was EL? EL could probably track the student down. Maybe she'd get William to upgrade her bike so the device could hop in and talk to her. AS SOON AS SHE FOUND HIM! Man was he a lot of work....

Tavril ran out after Alex and jumped up on top of an ursa, hitting the bear in the throat with his blades. "This is the SECOND time I've seen this happen here." he yelled over to Alex, "and I've only been here a handful of times." he said before jumping off its dead body. A deathstalked began crawling towards him and his ears laid flat. Those things were...not okay.
"WAIT!" She said spotting a teen in armor. "There Lulu! He's there!" Aires said pointing a club. Her bird like vision was unmistakable.
Leaving the closed nightclub, William walks across the street. "Willy, how the heck did you get in here in the first place! Also incoming motorcycle at your 3 o'clock." A.D reported right before Elinore's bike ran William over on the street. "Is it really 3 o'clock? How long wa- AWW!!!" He just lays where he was ran over and doesn't move at all.
Elinore quickly stopped the bike, causing it to rear back again and the front wheel to slam back down again onto the ground. "Dammit..." she whispered. He didn't need anymore brain problems! She kicked down the stand and ran off to go help William "Hey, hey are you okay?" she asked as she sat William up. "C'mon, wake up....and don't try to kill me again when you do. I'm really sorry for hitting you"
"Will! We found you! Thank Goodness!" She said getting off the bike and looking at him on the ground. "Hey . . . um are you okay?" She asked him. "I think Lulu needs to work on her driving skills and- oh wait, that's right you lost your memory huh" she said rubbing the back of her head. "Uh Will??" She looked at him, "Hey Lulu? He alright?" She asked.
William sat up when someone moved him off the ground. "Who are you?" He asked the two girls looking at him. "OH COME ON! REALLY GIRLS! WE'RE BACK TO STEP ONE AGAIN!" A.D yelled out of Archdeath's speakers. Why the dust was his owner keep losing his memories all in one day?! That's like a new record for William! "Who the void said that?" William asked confused.

"Meh, it's pretty normal for me to do around here." Alex said as he stuck the end of Bluntfire into the incoming Deathstalker's mouth. "Eat fire!" The weapon turns into a flamethrower and starts spitting out fire into the Grimm's mouth. After burning it's stomach, the Deathstalker goes limp. "What? Was the wolf scared of a Deathstalker?" He taunted as the Grimm started retreating back into the forest.
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"Are you kidding me? Do you mean to tell me you don't remember this?!" She asked frustrated as her wings blasted from her back and spread across blocking the sun from his face. "Oh you're crazy girlfriend over here? I mean look at her . . . she's effing hot! WIll! Come back!"
"Listen, I've been trained for stealth and deterity." Tavril said before running towards a Beauwolf and clashing claws with it. He broke the hold and span, uppercutting the grimm with his claws and then dragging them down through its jaw into its throat, "I'm not meant to take down big armored arachnids."

"H-hot?" Elinore asked with a flustered blush, "well I guess I'm considered attractive but I would say hot, I mean" she stopped and sighed, "Willy, please just come back with us, I promise everything will make sense in a little bit, okay?"
Ben heard the crash and watched what occurred from the nearby roof. "Again? Really?" He asks aloud and stood up a little. "He needs to make better helmet..."
"Sure scary winged person and my crazy/hot girlfriend." William gets up and starts dusting himself off. "Lead the way."

Alex nods while being impressed by Tavril's skills. "Yeah, I can tell. But nice moves kid. You could become a elite assassin with those skills." Watching the rest of the Grimm retreat, he puts his weapon back in it's melee mode and slings it onto his back. "Want to head back to the school or you want to take out any stragglers? Your choice."
Tavril watched as a couple of other students ran after the group of Grimm, "I think we're safe for now..." he said before walking back towards the school, "and I was just an assassin. I think I'm good on assassination for now." he replied with a shake of his head.

"W-what? You think I'm hot too?!" Elinore asked as her blush deepened, "Okay..that's just the memory loss talking." she said with a shake of her head, "okay, sense there's three of us we've got to walk back. Let's get going." she sighed as she started to head back towards Beacon.
"I'M NOT SCARY!" She growled walking a little bit in front of them. "Lulu, give yourself some credit . . ." she turned to face front looking at the sky, "you're very beautiful and you still have a boy that cares deeply for you he just has to remember that's all. . . at least you're not a freak . . . like me." She noticed how gloomy all of that sounded and then she turned around to face them, "Heh, my bad just forget what I said."
"Guess it's about time to go back." He says as he watches the group begin to walk back and hops down onto the street, landing slightly in front of them where one of the cars he stole was sitting. He fiddled with the ignition to start it up.
Elinore lightly punched Aires in the arm, "I'd give my left arm to be a faunus. It's a great race. A strong race. Humans are just jerks because they're jealous they don't get cool superpowers." she said with a smirk before Benjamin jumped down onto the road. How did his legs not break? It was a mystery to us all... "Are the cops still not after you for stealing that car?" she joked. "Got room for three? We need to get back to beacon so brain damaged here can start remembering things"
"Never mind! Your both not scary or freaks! Your very nice and hot ladies!" William exclaimed while raising his hands up to surrender. He really didn't get what was going on anymore. Now a random guy jumped into the car nearby them. What a strange world he was living in. "Wait, who's brain damaged? Is it you or you or maybe the talking armor?!" He points at everyone and himself, while feeling proud with his damaged intelligence.
Aires finally smiled for the first time since Loki's death. "Thanks Lulu" She said giving her a light punch on the arm as well rooming her eyes at Will.

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Benjamin laughed at the cop comment. "Naw. They just kinda froze before they could call for backup." He says with a laugh. "Hop in. This has plenty of room." He stated and opened the rear door. Whoever was riding shotgun would have to get their own door, he thought. "Wanna drive Elinore? Although you did just crash into your boyfriend." He teases.
"That's his fault for walking out into the middle of the road." Elinore sighed, "I'll drive if you want me too. Not safely, but better than William" she cooed as she walked over to the driver's seat door
Aires slipped into the drivers seat. "Oh no you don't!" She was terrified of Elinore's driving. "I'll take us." She said firmly.
Benjamin nodded and hopped over the car, throwing in a quick handstand to show off. He then slid in on the passengers side. "Hopefully the cops don't decide to try kill us this time." He notes with a laugh. "Especially because this one is brain dead right now." He said, pointing at Will.
Heatray made his way to the library after giving up his search to keep his mind as well trained as his body. "I need to read more on that fire dust book I found last week."

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