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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Not brain dead, damaged." Elinore said as she hopped into the backseat, "it just some...memory issues" she said with a nod. Too bad...she wanted to know what his surprise was for her that had been interrupted by the mission.
While everyone was talking among themselves, A.D whispers something into William's ear through the speakers at a low volume. "Okay. I'll take the motorcycle since no one want to ride it! Also since the mean talking armor guy told me to." He jumps onto Elinore's motorcycle and starts the engines before driving off with it. Despite having amnesia, he still knew how to use vehicles at least... which is bad for other people.
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"Alright." She reveed the engine and engaged the car. Let's see if I remember how to drive a car. "Okay, here goes." The car screeched and as she left skid marks she sped up riding right along Will. "Get back here!" She yelled throw the window.
Hayden finally emerged from his room to go grab some dinner, frustrated that his weapon modifications didn't go as well as planned. He just needed an experts help with the final part so the two ends would connect and form a block that would be worn like a backpack with a cross strap. He sat in the cafeteria with a look of defeat on his face.
"Oh fuck no you don't." Elinore said coldly from the backseat as she watched the worst driver in all of history take her new bike. "Aires. Get him!" she hissed as she leaned forward and pointed at her bike, "don't let him hurt it!...or uh, hurt himself more." Aires took off and quickly caught up, "I swear William," she shouted out the window at him, "you hurt my bike your losing an arm!"
"YOU'LL NEVER CATCH US COPERS! NEVER!" A.D yelled out as William tried to drive away from his pursuers. "I'm sorry, but the mean armor guy told me he'll eat me in my dreams if I didn't take it! That's worst then losing an arm... I think!" William exclaimed as the vehicles approached the air docks.
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Benjamin looked at the bike and back to Elinore. "I'd offer to freeze it, but I'm all out of dust." He says as the girl angrily yells at her brain damaged boyfriend. "Although I'm certain AD would have some counter measure for his entertainment." He groans. The AI had greatly annoyed him recently with his bloodthirsty ways even if he was just a transferable piece of software. Ben had half a mind to find and disintegrate the falcon body it had.
"He's a machine, he can't hurt you" Elinore sighed, "AD, I WILL DROWN YOU!" Elinore snapped from the car. She'd give that AI a head just to put it on a pike! It'd gone TOO FAR this time.
"Lulu get ready to take the wheel!" She yelled increasing her speed. "Ready?" Aires prepared herself, "NOW!" She jumped through the window and tackled Will off of the bike and into the air. Her injured boy working hard causing her to bleed a little more. "A.D. cut it out!" She yelled angrily.
Elinore, who was in the backseat, struggled to take the wheel of the car. Crazy plan, CRAZY PLAN. She lunged forward and grabbed the wheel, managing to steer off the course of crashing into anything but water. She jumped up into the front seat and hit the breaks before it hit an airship. She sighed in relief and got out of the vehicle, only to get almost hit with her own bike that lost its driver. "William...please stop listening to the armor...." she sighed. Her poor bike...
Aver stiffened as he heard footsteps in the library. He quickly hid and popped out when he passed by, throwing a cask of poison at him and shooting a few arrows as he ran. They wouldn't catch him, not until he's killed everyone.
"Good thing it's stolen." He jokes as he gets out of the car and follows Elinore. "I'm all for drowning the AI if that's even possible..." He says as if casting a vote. "Maybe the next one will be less hostile."
"Let's go you two!" Aires says landing with Will. She stumbles a little until she hits the ground on her bum. "Ow. . . " there was a trail of blood running down her face. "Oh Will you're heavy . . ."
"Okay, okay! Don't be angry for having fun with this bastard!" A.D said after Aires landed back onto the ground. Can't a A.I have fun with his stupid owner? "LET GO OF ME!" William exclaimed as he gets away from Aires and crawls toward the airship. He gets up still panicked from the recent flight. "Just leave me alone." He walks inside the airship and finds a empty spot to sit at by himself. People were apparently scary to him now.
Elinore loaded the bike onto the holding zone of the airship and walked back towards the passenger section. She sat down near William, leaving him a bit of space. "Hey...are you okay?" she asked with a soft smile, "I'm sorry about all of that...AD just tends to...get you in a lot of trouble. I wouldn't listen to him all the time" she said with a slow nod. She patted the space next to her, "if you'd like, I could explain some of your past, or just....hold hands" she offered meekly.
Benjamin entered the airship and was about to go sit with Elinore and William, quickly heading in the opposite direction once he caught a few words of what Elinore said. He didn't want to be a nuisance when she already had a boyfriend who didn't remember her.
William looks at Elinore and wasn't sure if he could trust her. Who knows what might happen if he got close to this girl. But the offers given to him did sound appealing for some strange reason. "How about both options? Would that be alright Ms. Girlfriend?" He scoots himself next to Elinore and slide his hand toward hers. It moved slowly though since he feared that Elinore's hand might suddenly grab his hand and take him away to a horrible place. A place he never wanted to go to before.
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Benjamin sat near the front of the plane, the thing on his mind is that Will finally stopped using military terms to address people. He then turned his thoughts to how everyone had names for their weapons, except for him. "Names, names, names..." he thought aloud and started to think of possibilities.
Aver dodged and threw a cask that caused smoke to fill the room. He ran out but not before slamming the door shut and welding it with acid. He then ran an hid.
"How about the Chainbladers, the Can Openers, or the Chade Blains? They sound like good names for your weapon." A.D suggested to Benjamin after transferring himself out of Archdeath and to Benjamin's scroll. It felt nice to get out of Archdeath after being stuck in it for a while. "Nice scroll you got here Grey. Did the Creator finally give you one or did you steal it from somebody else?"
"Yes, Alex gave me a scroll." he groans at the AI, ignoring the suggested names. "Why don't you go listen in on how your master is doing. I don't think this is the best time to leave him. I mean, he doesn't remember anything and he can probably barely work the armor in his current state." He peers down the aisles to the couple and looked back. "I'm thinking something like Glacium and Guarda." he says, content with the names at the moment.
"Don't worry about Willy. He's not going to die if I'm not there for a few minutes. But he's not my master. I prefer the term 'owner', since master kind of pushes the line of power between the user and A.I." A.D retorted with a offended voice. The airship finally departs from the city's air docks and begin flying toward Beacon Academy. "Though why Glacium and Guarda? Do they hold a special meaning in them?"

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