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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Yes, yes it is. So your last name is Luminous? What a very... interesting last name." Alex grins when he realized Travril might be related to the infamous White Fang superior. This new information might help speed up his search for the superior now. "Well I'll send in information that will best suit your personality, since you know Elinore so well. Now eat your breakfast before it gets cold." The professor leaves for a few minutes to deal with the burning student situation.
Everyone returned to Beacon. Aires had disappeared halfway through the mission and no one seemed to notice she woke up on a cold dark cell. There is some lighting in the cell. Her eyes flutter open and her vision adjusts. "Wha?" She says groggy. Where am I? "Loki?" Oh, right Loki's not here anymore. She thought to herself and slowly lost consciousness again. She hears her name and opens her eyes once more.
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Aver was hiding in one of the janitor's closets. As soon as a group of students passed by he jumped out and tossed a few flasks, each one containing acid except for one, that one contained a painful mix that causes intense pain. He approached the poisoned one and gave him a knife. He then pointed to himself then him. The student, a male this time, slowly lifted the knife towards Aver before stabbing himself. Aver left before their screams could be heard.
Heatray walk down the hallway of Beacon. He heard of everything he has missed and has decided to see what all happened. "Man I leave town for a week and I miss all the action." Heatray gets lost in his thoughts and walk down the hallways aimlessly.
Tavril walked down the hallway to find a body on the ground. He looked around and picked up the student, "Okay...I officially hate everything in this school..." he sighed as he took the body to the nurse, which was the only thing he knew to do with it.
After dealing with the burning student situation, Alex follows Tavril to the nurse office. "Here's your new scroll Tavril. You'll need it to stay up to date with the school's events, classes, or your friends." The professor noticed the body Tavril carried to the room as the nurses laid the dead male on a bed. Great... another dead student. "Where did you find that body kid?"

"Commander A.D, I'm so hungry and tired. Are you sure this is the right way to a café?" William asked the A.I while walking in the middle of the street. "Yes private, I have a GPS so don't argue with your superior. Now keep walking on the street and let a vehi- I mean, I'll tell you when we get there." A.D replied as several cars nearly hit the armored teen. "Isn't this dangerous to do sir? I might get h- SMACK!" William was suddenly hit by a yellow motorcycle, which made him fly up into the air and crash down on top of a car. "Yang! You hit someone!" A red-headed girl yelled out as the motorcycle drove down the street. "Don't worry Ruby. That guy had armor on, so he might be okay..." The motorcycle makes a turn toward another street before it disappears out of sight. "That must have hurt. You alright private?" A.D asked after William got off the car and continues walking around to find a café to eat at. "Yeah I'm alright. Just hungry, confused, and tired. But... who and what said that?"
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Aires sees a shadow in the cell. " Who are you?" She half asked thinking that it was her imagination.

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Nexus appears outside the police station and frowns. "A mission that went against one of our networks. How odd, but alas it didn't damper my information network that's for sure." He goes and gets a coffee from a small shop, which the clerk tried to hit on him, and sits down with his new tablet trying to figure it out. "Hmmm."
Heatray bumps into someone while lost in his own mind. "Sorry about that." He starts to keep walking towards the Principle of Beacon so see if theres anything that needs to be done so he isn't so bored. " Man how did today get so boreing.
Aver felt someone bump against him, it disgusted him. So while the student's back was turned he shot a poisoned arrow at the students leg before walking away.
"I found him in the hallway...is this...normal?" Tavril asked as he looked away from the dead student's body, "I'd think in a school to train fighters there'd be a lot less...deaths."

Elinore revved the engine of her new bike. It purred, beautifully~ She'd seen another girl at Beacon with a bike. Actually, she had fire semblance too. She wasn't exactly sure who that blond girl was, but she liked her style. She started to drive down the street towards the direction of Beacon when she saw William walking down the middle of the road. She drove up to him and skidded the bike to a halt, "Hey," she said as she took her helmet off, "you okay?"
Heatray was on his way when he felt a sudden pain in his leg. "What the hell." he looked down and saw a arrow. "That douche bag". Heatray was about to go fight the person who poisoned him but decided he best seek medical attention.
"Stupid girl . . .it's me." Kaze said lifting his sister into his arms. He opens up the cell and walks away from the police station. His father appears and smiles wickedly . . . "Father, I got this." Kaze said slowly trembling from his father's appearance. "Do it." His father said, "Understood." He said with a solemn face.

"Kaze?" Aires says weakly. Did they drug me? I ca't move . . . She was suddenly thrown out of the police station and into the busy street. "Ow . . ." she mumbled.
Nexus watches that Aires' girl get thrown onto the street and laughs. "No need to ruin her friday night." He frowns slightly and then sighs. "Plus she made it very clear that my help is not something she wants."
William stares at Elinore for moment before walking away from her. "Who the dust was that... what was your name again?" He asked the talking armor before entering a café. "My name is A.D and that was Elinore you dimwit. How hard did that bike hit you?" A.D asked as William approaches the counter. "I don't know. All I remember is that it hurt and now I have two new targets to hunt down. Now wait a moment as I demand for food... A.D." He points his gun at the clerk and demanded for food from them. "Your really are a idiot..."
A car heads straight for her beaten body. She looks at the car and her eyes blaze a brilliant purple as the car explodes before hitting her. She then rolls onto her side and over to the concrete. "Ow . . . damn . . ." she says spitting blood on the ground. What the hell. . .
Nexus manages to grab the driver of the car before it explodes he send the person on their way, after pickpocketing their cash, and then he walks over to Aires. "Seems someone is having fun hmm?"
"Heh, jealous?" Her witty remark escapes her lips. She slowly gets up and feels her head. She hit in the back of her head. She was still bleeding. "Ugh . . ." she felt sick from standing. "I gotta see my friends." She couldn't remember the last time she saw them. She tried to fly but could get more than five feet off the ground.
Nexus catches her when she came down and carried her to where he saw Elinore on a motorcycle. "Here you are, i have some things to do. I have more of Loki's notes to go over. You still have my card right? Call me if you need someone to disappear, ninja's tend to do that." He laughs slightly then walks off.
"Not really. This... is unusual." Alex motions Tavril to follow him out of the building. He gave the new student his scroll while explaining about class schedules, teachers, missions, and other things like that. They approached the gym before Alex stops. "Now do you have any other questions kid? Or should I let you go to your room to rest? You don't have classes today since your new."
Loki's notes? She wondered watching him leave and looking at Elinore, "Hey . . ." she smirked "What's happening?"
Elinore watched as William walked away, confused. Then...Nexus took Aires to her. Well...okay, everything was crazy anyways, "Hey Aries...are you okay?" she asked as she handed her helmet to the girl, "Here, I'll take you to beacon to go get looked at. Then i have to go find William again...I think he has amnesia..again..."
Aver watched as the sun set over the horizon. He smiled and pulled out multiple canisters of Grimm bait and a couple of flasks. He set them in such a way that it would explode after a short while and attract lots of Grimm. As he went down he smiled as an explosion happened and he heard growls an screeches.
Hayden stayed in his room for the most of the day, now attempting to configure a way for Trivial to shrink down to be storable. "Maybe if I just reconfigure the gun form as a separate system..." He trails off as he begins to sketch his design. "I also need to adjust to fire high caliber rounds."

Benjamin was enjoying his time away from his classes as he couldn't stand sitting and listening for that long. He sat on a roof of one of the numerous shops and pondered his new life.

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