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Fandom Beacon Academy.

William jumps off the roof of the store and lands on top of a unsuspecting hostile faunus. "Eliminating hostile." He takes a pistol out of his jacket before shooting the faunus in the head two times. A few operatives attacked him to avenge their fallen comrade with their own swords. William put his arms together in front of him as several blades bounced off Archdeath's gauntlets. "Engaging three new hostiles." He charges toward one of the faunus in his defensive stance before kicking him in the stomach. Smacking the faunus's lowered head with both hands, he separates his arms to shoot one operative with a pistol and the other with a lightning bolt. Both went down immediately and he returns his attention to the dazed faunus front of him. "Die." William grabs their face before shocking them with thousands of volts of electricity. He then attacks the other White Fang operatives nearby and helped the students take out the remaining attackers. "You should all head back to Beacon my comrades. It wouldn't be good if the police saw Beacon students nearby the dead bodies of White Fang operatives." William told Tavril and Benjamin as sirens can be heard coming toward the store nearby. "I got the situation with the police covered, so go."
Benjamin face palmed when William spoke. "You're a student too genius. And the cops aren't the biggest problem." He says as he freezes a small group of Faunus with the ice dust he had previously intended on using against Will. The first faunus had finally gotten free only to be shot by Hayden, who was now using a sword and gun, making light work of the White Fang.

"William needs to snap out of this or I'll kill him." He groans as he uses the band between Trivial's hilts to choke out a Faunus on his back as he fired off a few shots.

Benjamin was again busy dodging bullets and blades from the hostile force. "Don't you guys ever quit?" He asked, shooting a faunus in the gut and throwing him into the remaining forces around him.

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Tavril punched another White Fang member and threw him at another when all of a sudden, something catapulted out of the window from the shop. It landed down in the middle of the field on top of one of the faunus...on fire of course. She was always catching herself on fire... "HEY!" Elinore snapped as she stood up, crushing the faunus beneath her feet, "I'm trying to sleep here!" she shouted. Elinore picked up the faunus she was stepping on and threw him at another, catching both of her vitoms on fire as well. Too bad other people weren't fireproof.
"No, I'm a mercenary. But my brain tells me that won't get me out of trouble too." William responded back while reloading his pistol. He suddenly salutes to Elinore when he noticed her walking out the building. "Commander Lulu! Welcome back to the living mam! What are your new orders?"

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"...why do I always get the nuts..." Trey mumbled as he grabbed another faunus and hammer tossed it. "I'll get the car ready." He stalked away to get the car.
"Elimore, please incapacitate your boyfriend." Benjamin says, clearly annoyed at William's lack of memory. He was still swinging around a barely conscious faunus by his chain. "This is getting ridiculous." He fired a blade at one of the White Fang vehicles. He retracted the chain rapidly and threw the soldier against the vehicle, crushing him against the car.

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Trey blinked twice as he saw the car get crushed. "..." His lamppost slowly burned to life. "Screw this!" He positioned himself behind the car and hit it, causing it to go flying and land on several faunus. "...*deep breath* I'll get a new one..." He said as he stalked off to get a bigger car.
Elinore stared at the group, her red eyes darting from person to person. "Stay out of my way." she said coldly as she walked up to another one of the white fang members who was trying to shoot her, but the bullets kept melting. She grabbed his head and quickly snapped his neck. "All of you need to leave." she said to the students as she fired a shot from her cannon axe at a group. "I'll take care of the rest."
"I got a van!~" Trey cheered as he drove towards them, running over several faunus along the way. "Get in the back of the van!" He looked at Elinore. "And someone make sure she gets in, I don't any of you to die on me now!"

Aver was secretly smiling, his plan had worked even though only one died indirectly. He slipped from the darkness and grabbed a random student, a girl. She tried to scream but as she opened her mouth he made her drink a red liquid. She stopped struggling and stood still. He gave her a knife and motioned for her neck before walking away and hiding once more. The girl slowly lifted the knife and slit her throat, she bled out and died at the hallway.
"Yes mam. I'll contact you when the situation blows over." Saluting once more, William runs away from the group and A.D activates the jacket's cloaking glyphs. He dissappears into thin air before several cop cars appear the down the street with sirens blaring.

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Benjamin and Hayden run back towards the car they escaped from the warehouse in. In unison they yelled that they would meet everyone back at Beacon. Benjamin hopped in the drivers seat and took off as soon as Hayden was in shotgun. "Time to go." He says, flooring the gas.

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Trey frowned, it seems no one would like to go into the van. "See you guys, I'm out of here." He grabs Tavril and shove him in before taking off to Beacon.
Tavril ran over to one of the cars and hopped in, "just drive. Leave. Now." he said quickly as he slammed the door closed and locked it. "Go!" he snapped a Trey.

Elinore looked at the group of cops and knelt down to touch the ground. They started to shoot, but once again the bullets melted before they could hit the flaming girl. A fire wall blared up between her and the cops, and after a few moments it dissipated, Elinore was nowhere to be found.
The next morning...

Alex woke up in his office with scrolls all over his desk. Apparently last night's activities caused a lot of attention due to explosions and lots of dead people. He had to call in a lot of favors to make sure no one knew Beacon was involved, including the secret recovery of a dead female student. He yawned, which caused his feline ears and tail to go up in unison. "I am going to kill everyone involved in yesterday's mission." He muttered to himself as he heads toward the dining hall for breakfast. Not the best way to start off the morning.

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As Trey neared Beacon he shouted. "I think you should know, I don't know how to drive!" He said as the car hit a large rock and flipped over several times before landing upright at Beacon Academy. "Perfect landing!"
Alex stops in his tracks before a random car landed in front of him. Seeing that Trey was in it, he punches the window open and pulls the student out of the car. "Morning." The tired professor head butts Trey and throws him back in the car. Satisfied with his recent actions, Alex walks around the car to head to the dining hall once more.

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Tavril, glad to be alive after the previous day's horrible drives, got out of the car and followed after Alex. After last night's fight, there was no way he'd be welcomed back to the White Fang. So he had to find an alternative. "Hey," he said as he stood behind Alex, "I want to enroll as a student."

"Hey...hey Miss...Miss?" Elinore woke up to someone shaking her and calling her Miss...what? She stretched and stood up, a blanket that was put over her fell down to her lap. "Huh? Where am I?" she yawned, looking around what appeared to be some kind of...bedroom? "You're in the apartment room above my shop...you were on fire...then passed on the garage floor..." a mechanic said with a nervous smile. Elinore nodded and stretched again, "so...do you sell bikes?" she asked him. This was probably...the weirdest encounter ever.
Aver watched from afar. Oh goody, more victims... He swiftly lifted his crossbow and aimed for the teacher, he quickly fired a poisoned arrow before turning to hide in case he misses.
"What?" Alex muttered as the faunus pair entered the dining hall together. "Who the dust are you?" Suddenly a arrow hits a student next to him, who became unconscious after the poison entered their blood. "Hey kid, give this guy a antidote. I'm not sure if you killed him or not." He called out to Aver, who was hiding behind a trash can. Not the best place to hide. He then motions Tavril to follow him to the food counter to get some breakfast. "As I was saying before, who are you again? I don't think we met before."

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Tavril watched as an arrow came out and hit a student...this place....what was wrong with these people?! "I'm a....friend of William and Lulu's..." he said as he followed Alex, never taking his eyes off the student who had been hit. He finally looked away and continued on, "I want to become a student. And if I can't I want some other way to help. Like...an assistant or something."
"A friend of William and who? Lulu... nope. Never heard of her before." Alex yawned as he got two trays of food from the counter. He sits down at a secluded table and begun eating his breakfast. "But I don't know you well enough to accept you as a student or assistant. So what did you do before coming to Beacon kid?"

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"Lulu, Laluna, William's girlfriend? Ah, she probably doesn't have any classes with you." Tavril sighed, "what i did before...heh...I guess...you could call me a body guard. I never really worked anywhere. I used to be part of a civil rights group, but that didn't really worked out." he muttered as he crossed his arms, "but if you don't have space for me I guess I could freelance some. But it definitely looks like the school isn't a very...secure area" he said as he gestured in the direction the student who was with an arrow was is. "I can't believe I let Lulu come here."
"Oh you mean Elinore! Sorry kid, I don't really call her that in class." Alex said while rubbing the back of his neck. So Tavril knew Elinore... how tragic. "But this civil rights group your talking about is the White Fang, now isn't it?" The professor got his scroll out and began typing something on it. "Despite being affiliated with the group, I'm willing to accept you as a student as long as you behave here in Beacon. Everyone deserves a second chance for a new life." Pushing a button, a student application form appears on the teacher's scroll. "Now what is your full name, age, blood type, and other pointless information? I have to put you in the records if you want to attend here."
Trey slowly walked away, seeing that he wasn't needed and went to his room for a nap.

Aver psychotically grinned, and held out a flask of acid laced with Fire Dust. He threw it into the dining hall as he passed by, so no one will see him. He savored their screams of pain.
Tavril sighed. He hated paperwork. "Tavril Wraith Luminous, nineteen, A...I think, and I like long moonlit walks on the beach. Can't you just make up a bunch of bullcrap for all of that? It's not like it's actually used for anything." he muttered. Some kind of flask was thrown into the room then burst into flames, which really only hurt the person it hit...weirdos... "this school..is...different." he sighed.

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