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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Tavril's mother?" Elinore asked. He'd heard some things about the woman before. Tavril never seemed very attached. That was probably why she could order his death so easily, "and sure you can drive away, but I think I've had more near death encounters when you drive than when I'm in the fi- OH SH!!"...a metal claw broke through the roof of the vehicle along with a loud bang. Elinore stared at the claws two inches away from her head and leaned back "I think they found us..." she said as the claws cut through the metal. The roof of the car was peeled back and a wolf faunus stood on top of the car over them. "You'll be sorry you.....it's...it's you guys." Tavril sighed. Of course it was.
"No you can't hit him!" Elinore replied to Trey, "only i can hit him!" she huffed. "You couldn't hit me if you wanted to." Tavril replied back as he crawled down into the car, "There's two others. A red panda and a mouse. I figure you got about 10 minutes before they find you." he told them as he sat down in Elinore's lap simply to get her more upset. Which it did. Elinore tried to push him off, but the faunus was too determined to stay there. "I hate you." Elinore sighed.
Trey, sensing discomfort, promptly plucked Tavril up and pulled his ears. "No annoying the nice lady, okay?" He paused. "At least when I'm not around, then William gets to deal with you."
"Hey Fluffy. How was your day?" William asked the faunus who was sitting on top of Elinore's lap. Which he won't get involved with since they're childhood friends. Because if they weren't... let's just say someone is going to loose their legs. "But two agents are coming after us? No problem. I'll just shoot them both in the face when they appear."

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Tavril growled at Trey, "I wasn't bothering a nice lady. I was bothering Lulu." he responded angrily, flicking his ears. Inform some friends about how to save their lives and he got that in return. "I will stab you in the face." Elinore hissed back. "You wanna go!" Tavril snapped back at her. "I'll take you down!" she shouted back. Obviously, they were the best of friends. "Lulu, 3 o'clock." he said with a calm nod towards the window. And just like that their little spat ended. Elinore aimed her axe out the window and hit the car to their left. Seemed like the mouse faunus found them...one down, "Tavril's a childhood friend." Elinore explained as she put her axe back down, "he's uh...saved my life... a lot. Let's put it at that."
"Oh...." He put him down. "Sorry, I thought you were hostile." He pulled a stack of Lien from his coat and stuffed it at Tavril's pockets. "Real sorry mate."
"Yes, like kidnapping her during the middle of battle when engaging the enemy. That sort of saving." William said as he turns his head away from the road. This causes the car to hit the van right next to them. "Oops and oh dust... this is going to hurt." The passenger of the van was a red panda faunus with a shotgun. Which was pointed at his head. BANG! The car swerves out of control after William got shot, which made the car crash into a dust store.

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"Not to Lulu." Tavril said as he rolled down the window to the car, "the rest of you are fair game," he said before shooting out of the window at something behind them. "Or at least, you were. I think I'm done with these idiots." he sighed as he sat back down. "What? Really? You're quitting?" Elinore asked as she looked over her shoulder at them, "why?"

"They all want me dead." Tavril replied with a shrug, "might as well screw them over by telling you guys all their plans." he laughed. But that small moment of time when Tavril wasn't hating everything in the world, quickly ended as the red panda crashed their car by shooting the driver.

Tavril pushed some debris off himself and stood up. He looked around at the group to try and reorientate himself. From the hole in the wall he could see the tail lights of Ming's car. At least the stupid panda thought she was done with her job. He hated Ming. "Are you guys okay?" he asked as he looked around
"I'm good!" Trey said while pocketing several dust crystals and walking out and picking the lock of another car. "I'm driving." He said as he got in.
William lays on the debris dazed for a moment. He looks at Tavril through the dented mask, which reformed quickly by itself. Getting up as if he never got shot in the face, he walks up to Tavril. "Reporting for duty sir! Who needs to get eliminated or tortured today sir?!" He exclaimed while saluting to his commanding officer.

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"Uh....right then. So this one's brain damaged..." Tavril said as he took a step away from William. He stood up straight and looked at William "Mission success private. Take a rest for the night. Your survices are not needed at the moment." That sounded....rightish. He looked around at the debris for a moment, "Hey....has anyone seen Lulu?" he asked after a moment. It was weird that she hadn't said anything yet..."William, search the rubble for your girlfriend..." he said cautiously. What a stupid way to die if she died in that crash. How was he supposed to protect her from that?....oh fuck, She was dead. She had to be dead. This was why she was so quiet. Tavril dived towards the rubble and started sifting through, looking for any signs of Elinore.
"Yes sir! Commencing search mission now!" William begins searching through the rubble with Tavril. "Not to be rude but who is this 'girlfriend' of mine? Is she my other commanding officer sir?"

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Knowing Elinore, she probably did wear the pants in the relationship. "Uh...yeah, kinda." he said with a nod, "your single objective should always be to make sure she doesn't die. Because then Annabell would hate me. And you'd probably be pretty messed up too once you finished being brain damaged." he mumbled before coming across a splotch of black. Oh no. She quickly dug out Elinore and gently shook her a bit, "Lulu...get up Lulu...come on..." he put his hand over her neck. His heart sank. He picked up the girl and ran to the car Trey stole. "William! Let's go!" he snapped as she jumped in, "we need medical attention, STAT!"
"Yes sir! We'll give medical attention at the base!" William entered the car and sat shotgun. "Head to the Grimm Reaper comrade! With haste!" He yelled at Trey while giving him directions to the store on his scroll.

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"Get to the Hopper!" Trey screamed as he put the pedal to the metal and the car shot forward. He drove to the base and neared its entrance.
Benjamin had been following Trey's vehicle closely, or as best he could with learning to drive a week or so ago. When Trey's car sped up, he mimicked the motion and pulled up to near parallel. Hayden was riding shotgun with Trivial ready to fire at any approaching enemies. "What the dust happened?" asked and aimed back.
Ferlick finished collecting the data and looked at the chaos. He could not afford any casualties and so he stood up and placed Phoen into her cannon mode. He aimed her at a large group of white fang and began to take them out, brute force being necessary now. "Guys find and commandeer an airship! I can fly it so get it ready and I'll be right there. The Grimm Reaper is fast but we need to get straight back home no stopping on the way understood?" He started to make sure that everyone was getting outside and provided covering fire. Phoen was sufficient to take out 5 or 6 white fang with a well aimed shot and with his semblance at full he could easily hit that. "Now hurry!"
"Your superior officer was injured my comrades! But we're heading to the base to apply medical treatment there." Just as William said that, the vehicles arrived at the front of the store. He gets out of the car and opens the front entrance door with his keys. Motioning Tavril to come inside with a injured Elinore, he leads them to his room. "Put her on the bed and make sure nobody else enters the room." After Tavril put Elinore on the bed, William takes out a medical kit from the closet. "Now you must leave sir. Only me and the patient can be in here." William ordered as he pushes Tavril out of the room before closing the door on everyone waiting outside.

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Ferlick managed to get the remaining students into the small vehicle. It was a more assault ready version of what they had taken from Beacon but he had the general idea of how to fly it. He took off as soon as the last student was on the ship taking a head count. Nobody had been left behind but two had been injured badly but nothing they couldn't survive. He ordered the others to treat them as he flew back to Beacon. This specific vehicle was much faster than he had expected and it took him only a few minutes to make it to Beacon landing the ship and immediately getting medical attention for the injured. Once he was done with that and had pushed away medical attention for himself he headed towards Alex office to give him the stolen data.
The second vehicle follows and stops outside the shop. "I'm back here again. Man, we gotta hurry." the faunus groans. He exits the vehicle and motions for Hayden to follow. "Or keep watch. We may need a lookout." he says walking in.

Hayden nods and waits, Trivial still in smg mode and ready to fire. The young man took up a post next to the two vehicles and was waiting for any signs of White Fang members.
Alex motions Ferlick to come inside his office when he heard him knocking on his door. "Hey kid. Do you have the data from the White Fang hideout? Heard things got pretty messy down there."
Ferlick nodded and handed over his scroll. "Somebody shot off a weapon without a silencer. I don't know who because I don't think they were from our group but it ruined the whole idea of stealth so we had to use force. The only casualty was my dignity at having to use a less than appropriate image to distract the guards." He sighed and sat down exhausted. "All the injured are being treated but Elinore, Trey, William, and another student went off on their own to treat Elinore's wounds I have sent all the other wounded to the nurses office nothing serious though they really weren't expecting such a large force to try and take them on."

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