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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Hey Brock. You watch the big game last night?" A feline faunus worker asked his partner in the warehouse. "Nope. I kinda find Dustball pretty boring." The partner said as he cocks his pistol. Seems like it was another boring night for the guard and his other comrades. Guarding a office entrance no one will ever attack. "Hey... you heard that?" The guard's ears go up when they heard a strange thud nearby. "Yeah, I'll go check it out." The partner walks toward the strange noise with his gun ready. When he turned at the corner of the wall, he found a dead body on the ground. "What the fu- BANG!" The guard falls onto the ground and doesn't move at all, a bullet wound in his head. "Brock! Are you oka- HRKK!" The man chokes to death as a mysterious invisible force held their neck tight, before a snapping noise could be heard after it. Time to kill...

A few minutes later, the office door opens by itself. None of the guards guarding the entrance inside were alive and on the ground dead.
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Trey watched the killing. "I'll take that as a yes." He looked at the bodies. "I think I'll dispose them, hang on." He gets to work picking up bodies and quietly shoving them into a broom closet, any smaller pieces and bloodstains he disintegrated.
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Ferlick was confused but he was glad for the help. He slowly entered the door and looked around. There were no guards in the immediate area but he could hear them moving on either side. He could also hear the buzzing of a computer to his left and so he made a motion for everyone to crouch again and began moving to the left. He was worried now that they had made a bullet sound. He pulled out Phoen and switched her to the gattling rifle mode. He turned a corner and quickly turned back around holding his breath. There were ten people standing around somebody who looked like a more powerful officer. He sat in front of a computer and he held his breath. He put Phoen back into sword mode and activated his semblance at full power. He heard five of them fall to the ground and the rest seemed very confused. He had to do something distracting for this to work, so he had thought very strongly about a naked faunas woman in a provocative position. He wasn't proud of himself in any way but it stopped most of the guards from taking immediate action and allowed him to turn the corner and stab through four more of them. The last two including the officer turned towards him and drew their weapons. It took a blast from Phoen to take the rest of them out, but that activated the fire alarm and though it was silent water rained down on most of the building. He swore under his breath and attached a scroll to the computer downloading the data. "Guys I fucked up, we need to hold this position for a little while. Remember what I said earlier heavy fighters take a frontal position. Trey I need you to make a big explosion and a fire blocking both hallways to this room. Then I need everyone else to work on another hole to exit the building. Sorry guys looks like we are going out flashy." He turned to Elinore and nodded to her. "Elinore I need you to take command of everyone right now while I finish collecting info."
"I don't think a fire wall is going to work..." Elinore said as she pointed up at the water raining down from the fire system. She hated being drenched in water. Elinore's semblance was fire. This was horrible for fighting. She walked over to the wall Ferlick had directed them to make a whole through and placed her blade up to it, "get the hallways covered. This is going to make some noise." she said as she put her finger on the trigger.
"Who says I need fire!" Trey exclaimed as he struck the walls, making the debris pile up and form a makeshift barrier of rocks and steel. He then looked around and saw an armory, he ran in and collected every explosive he can find and put them on a table. He then put a device on it and ran back to the others.
"Worst infiltration mission ever..." A.D muttered as he watched Trey block access to the room. "It's because that damn bastard didn't want me to use a silenced weapon to take them all out." William responded back to the A.I from outside the debris barrier. White Fang operatives begin grouping up outside the room and were trying their best to get through barrier with their weapons. None of them saw William as he casually walked by the faunus while avoiding physical contact with them. Though some of them were looking at him and each one looked dead. Probably more illusions. When William makes it to the back of the trigger-happy group, he puts down his huge bag on the ground to unzip it. "A.D, deactivate the jacket's new cloaking glyphs. I want them to see who killed them from behind." William suddenly appears out of thin air with machine gun pointed at the backs of the unsuspecting hostiles. He pulls the trigger and starts mowing down the enemy with bullets. "Anyone here alive? I need one of you to send a message." Poking some of the dead with his gun, he finds a survivor. "Your coming with me."
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Elinore stopped to watch faunus dropping randomly like flies. O...okay.... "Time to go..." she muttered when pulling the trigger. The bomb exploded as it hit the wall, followed by a couple more bombs. The explosions left a hole in the wall for the group to get out of, "aannndd, we're gone" she cooed as the jumped through the hole. "We're gunna have to stop somewhere else before we go back. We don't want them following us." undercover white fang agents were probably good trackers. That was their job.
As they all stepped out Trey pulled out a button and tossed it to Elinore. "I rigged the place to blow, do the honors." He said.
Elinore caught the button and stared at Trey for a while. "Alright, tell me where William and Ferlick are." She said as she tucked the button away and crossed her arms. She was glad he waited to give it to her. Two casualties was a very high number for such a small mission.
Stuffing the injured operative into the bag, William zips it up. He heard the explosion from the other side of the debris barrier and decides that would be his way out of the warehouse. Dropping the empty machine gun on the ground and the bag now on his back, he shoots a charged electric bolt at the barrier. BOOM! He walks through the hole he made and approaches Ferlick from behind. "Time to leave 'leader'." Pulling Ferlick and his scroll away from the computer, William drags him out of the hole Elinore made. "Hello mam. Now that we got the information, what's our escape route?" He asked as he approached Elinore while dragging Ferlick behind him.
"And the gunshot is from inside the building." Elinore said as she gestured towards the building they just left from, "we don't blow up comrades. Especially if one of the is the leader." she sighed before William walked up with Ferlick in tow, "Now we can blow it up." she cooed as she hit the button. "Okay crew, let's run! To the vehicles! And then Vale!" she shouted before dashing off. Behind them the building exploded. Massively. How many explosives were in that thing?! A lot apparently. Anyways, they needed to get to a high density area so they could lose anyone who might survive and try to track them. The last thing they needed was Beacon being associated with this...sloppy mission. Had they just dressed someone up like a member of the White Fang, they could have done it with no deaths.
On the way out, Trey stole a car from the White Fang and hotwired it. Its engines started and roared down the path. "Seeya!" He started to ride the car to Beacon.
Elinore jammed her axe into the ground and fired off an explosive round at Trey's car. The bomb hit the back and exploded, effectively stopping the car...unless he wanted to keep driving without a back half of the vehicle. She walked up the the car with a scowl on her face "You will NOT drive back directly to Beacon. Do you know how big of an issue we would have if the White Fang figured out students were responsible for this mess?" she hissed. "do you realize how many people would be killed because you refused to take a couple extra precautions? These are spies we just killed. You think they don't have a way to track us? Especially if we're driving their car? Now get back in the car we stole form civilians."
"Yeesh, alright, next time I'll bring a knife." He dusted soot of his coat. "No need to blow me up for it." He paused. "Although....Nah, nevermind." He got in.
William lets go of Ferlick and runs toward a civilian vehicle. He breaks the window of the car before throwing the bag into the backseats. After giving it a small shock with his semblance, the vehicle roars to life. "Where should we drive to, Elinore?" He asked out of the shattered window as the other students got into their own escape vehicles.
"We're going to town~" Elinore cooed as she hopped into the front seat. It was the superior seat! Where leaders rode! Okay...she might have had a thing with sitting shotgun. Just a little. "We'll shake anyone who might follow there~" she cooed, "then the kiddies can go back to Beacon" she said as she put her hands behind her head and her feet up on the dash.
"Well put on your seatbelt. It's going to be a bumpy ride." William warned before stomping his foot on the pedal. The vehicle quickly leaves the Industrial District and enters the city highway a few minutes later. Almost crashing the car into other vehicles several times, he finally drives into a empty lane. Seems like the other drivers left it wide open for William to use by himself on purpose. "So Elinore... how was your day?" William muttered behind his mask.
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Elinore strapped on her seat belt and sat upright. If William's driving was anything like his flying...they were all doomed. "It's been....painful..." Elinore said with a nod as she stared out the windshield in shock. This...was this even driving? "I...uh...don't hit that car...cut myself open on my HOLY CRAP! axe" she said as she held onto that seat belt of hers for dear life. Even if they were in an empty lane now, it was still as scary as hell.
"You changed your weapon's name to the HOLY CRAP axe? Sounds nice, but I prefer Lunar Redemption instead. It haves a nice ring to it." William laughed as he nearly swerves the car into a truck. "Uh-oh!" The car scratches the side of the truck before he swerves it back to its private lane. "Okay... no more jokes from now on. But yes Trey, I can flip the car if the opportunity presents itself to me." The bag next to Trey suddenly starts moaning in pain. "Hey Trey, mind punching the bag for me please?"
"William...remind me why I continue to get into moving vehicles with you" Elinore sighed as they returned to their private lane...for now.... "Who's in the bad anyways?" she asked as she looked over her shoulder at the groaning body bag. He was alive, so he had to be good for information..or...something.
"My personal messenger to one of the White Fang's leaders. But specifically he's going to Fluffy's mother." William said while looking at the rear view mirror. If the White Fang was coming after them, they would have already retaliated by now. Which means they won or something bad is going to happen soon. "But don't you trust me when it comes to driving away from danger?" The car now exits the highway and enters the downtown area of the city.

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