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Fandom Beacon Academy.

One uneventful battle with dark illusions, AK-130 Androids, and a Spider Droid later, the train finally arrives at the city's train station and William escapes unnoticed. He took out his scroll and began sending messages on his way to the docks. It was time for him to make a new jacket while finishing some unattended business from a few days ago. On his way to the docks though, he spots a familiar clothing store. After looking at his crispy jacket and the store, he enters it without hesitation. Might as well be dressed fancy for tonight...

Alex motions Ferlick to come inside his office when he heard him knocking on his door. "Hey kid. How was your recon mission?" He asked after receiving a message from William on his scroll. "Does Drake have a super computer we can borrow for Markus?"
Nexus lets out a stance and flash steps behind her. He places the scythe against her throat and then laughs. "I wonder, you want to learn the ways of ninjutsu? I was taught their ways as a kid. I believe you could benefit from their fighting style. You interested, if not what do you specifically want to work on."
Elinore's axe clashed against the blades on Tavril's hands. He jumped back to minimize the impact. Elinore was momentum based, he didn't want to give her something to bounce off of. All who made the mistake of blocking her would stand no chance against her brute force. But today, she was off. "Elinore, you're not fighting right, I barely felt my bones shatter." he said half jokingly as he stood up straight again. "I'm fighting fine. Hit me harder you wimp!" she shouted as she brought her axe down over him again. Tavril rolled out of the way, and luckily wasn't followed up by any form of attempt to hit him. "You're tired. Go to bed." he sighed. "I can't. So fight me." she retorted. Tavril sighed and lunged at her. Elinore brought her axe up to hit him, but he dodged out of the way and hit her in the throat. She stumbled back and he flipped her. "You need to sleep." he growled as he stood above her. "Now rest." he said before walking back towards the forest. Elinore sat up and shook her head. She had to get better. She had to be the best. No sleeping disorder would get in her way.
After meeting up with Roman at the docks, William walks to the Grimm Reaper. His right hand was carrying a new suitcase and his left hand a flat black bag. No illusions or cops were after him when he entered the store through the back door. He lays down the items before sending a message to Elinore.

Elinore, are you busy tonight? If not, meet me at the city air docks at 19:00. We have some unattended business to complete together.

P.S: Wear formal attire

After sending the message, he prepares himself for the evening. The only problem now is whether or not Alex would do his part of the plan. Because if he doesn't do it...

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Elinore had her axe open with a small screwdriver in hand to tighten up some of the springs on the inside of her axe. She needed more recoil, more power. She'd have to do some physical training to make sure she could handle that recoil as well. She was in the middle of it when her scroll buzzed. She moved her hand over but misjudged the distance between her hand and the blade, cutting her palm open on the blade. "AH FUUU," Elinore bit her bottom lip and grabbed her hand. She winced and pulled out her scroll. She had two messages from Markus and William. Both wanting to talk to her. Alright....she could do that. What was that red stuff on the screen?....OH crap, she was still bleeding! Elinore closed her axe and ran back to the school. Maybe Tavril was right, being tired and thinking straight did not go hand in hand. She'd have to work on that, and find her dress again. Unfortunately that dress she wore to the dance had been singed by her semblance. That was...a while ago. Maybe? She'd lost track of time.
Ferlick nodded to Alex and stepped into the office. "From what I saw he had a tablet hooked up to a very large powerful looking computer. It seemed like he was working on a project but I didn't stay to watch I feared he might notice me. I may be strategic but I am not so great at sneaking." He stood in front of the desk and let out a small sigh as if he was trying to say something hard. "Sir I would like permission to hunt down a group of white fang. I believe that if they are operating within our school then there must be at least a team of them in the city of Vale. They could have valuable information for us." His bandages were now all but gone but he had been forced to keep the eye patch. Apparently his eye was not going to be fine, and he had now permanently lost it. Perhaps he would lose the eye patch when he was ready to let his wounds feel air, but for now he wasn't going to risk infection. "I would like to find the group positioned in the city and see if they have any important data on them that I might bring back."
Alex nods in approval to Ferlick's proposition. "Okay. I'll grant you permission to look for more of these moles in the city. You can take along anyone who wants to join, but I'll send requests to some students who might be free right now." He takes out his scroll and sends a mission update to a specific group of students under his V.I.S list. They were to all meet at the school's air docks at 18:00 with weapons prepared and disguises on. Those who joins would get 100's on their next two combat tests. "I've sent you coordinates to a possible White Fang hideout located at the Industrial District of the city. I'm making you and someone else in charge of this operation kid. But I'll hold you and your co-leader responsible for any deaths." The professor gets up and pulls Ferlick out of the office with him. "Now if you'll excuse me Ferlick, I have some business to attend to." Alex begins walking away from Ferlick as he took out his scroll to send some messages.
Ferlick nodded and went to his room pulling out the only extra clothing he had. It made him look like just another vale teen and so he managed to hide Phoen strapped against his back the blade being easy to hide under the baggy shirt he wore. He grabbed a sandwich and then went back to his room to prepare. He put his scroll into his baggy pockets having chosen a big orange shirt and baggy cargo shorts for his attire. In his other pocket he placed two vials of red dust in his other pocket going to the air pad and waiting. he was wondering who the other team leader would be. He had given the mission idea but he was hoping for back up he just didn't know what other students the teacher would trust to come with him, and which one would be his co-leader. He sat by the air dock for the others to arrive humming to himself and eating the sandwich.
Reaper was sleeping and his dreams were full of darkness as he kept hearing "Release the power within you, make humanity fear us like they did at the dawn of their existence!" The dream faded away as he woke up in cold sweat but when he touched his neck the collar was gone and he was in his bed. The collar was on the floor and it was open but Reaper never fiddled with it at all, he then thought that this was the help of something that can't be detected. Whatever freed him he was thanking it, he gets out of his bed and stealthily exits through the window. He gets to the armory or to where his sword was and grabbed it. He was now fully equipped with his armor and weapon as he began walking outside not even caring who sees him since he was free and more powerful then ever!
Elinore walked back out of the nurse's office again with bandaging around her hand. Okay, so that was two. Not that bad. She opened her scroll again to find another message on her bloody scroll. 18:00. Yeah no. She couldn't do that...unless William was? And infiltrating the White Fang....dressing up like a faunus...she quickly stared tapping away on the electronic device. "hey, are ypiu gpoimg tp the ,ossion> .....gpd dammot, ty[ing withput my roght hand os hard!" Elinore sent the message with an agrivated sigh. Stupid damaged right hand.
Reapers arm was enveloped in a black flame as it covered his entire left arm. He then left the academy unnoticed and was heading toward the city to finish a couple of loose ends. As he arrived there he smelled the scent of many humans and this disgusted him but his first stop was to finish some white fang members since he still holds a grudge against them. Reaper was at the docks until a familiar smell came to mind "so the robot freak is here as well......" And he followed the trail but he had no quarrel with William but instead with the white fang. The scent trail led him to some sort of store and he decided to stay out of sight until it was necessary to come out.

"OH ELINORE! I HAVE A PROPOSITION FOR YOU!" Alex yelled out before doing a surprise hug attack on the somewhat injured student. "How would you like to be co-leader with Ferlick on our new mission tonight?"

William receives a message when he was done stitching up his new jacket with the materials he got from Roman earlier. After trying on the jacket and testing out its new enhancement, he opens up his scroll. Oh, Elinore sent me a message. I wonder what it... is? Wait... whaaat? He doesn't understand what she was trying to say to him and sends a message back that questioned Elinore's typing skills. He looks at the mirror to check himself out again, only to see a masked man with a strange curved knife behind him." HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?!" William picks up a nearby axe before throwing it at the masked intruder. The illusion vanishes after impact and the axe hits the wall behind it. Damn illusions. They keep popping up from nowhere. He should take a nap or eat something, but he was too excited for the surprise date with Elinore later. He goes back to stitching up his new jacket with a sigh.
Huh? She hears a ring and sees her scroll has a message. "Looks like I might have to skip the training." She tells him pushing his weapon away from her, her getting cut in the process.She begins to walk away and then turns to him, "I guess I'll see you around." Blankly she flies into her room window getting ready to meet up Alex and her friends. Another mission and this time . . . without Loki . . . Alright then. "Let's do this." She said determined packing her things and swimming her backpack on her bed locking her room and running outside.
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William put the jacket into his closet before going to the kitchen for a snack. After boiling some water in a kettle, he opens up one of the cabinets and grabs a ration box out of it. He needed to eat something if he wanted to calm himself down. The last time he ate or drank something was... before he got trapped in the armor. Which was nearly a week ago... oh well. He's been in worse survival conditions then this, except there wasn't so many illusions in the other ones. "Time to eat a nice snack and drink some calming tea. Nothing will ruin... dust. Just dust!" Looking through a security camera connected with his mask, Reaper could be seen hiding nearby the store without a collar on him. Grabbing the axe stuck onto the wall, William walks outside and throws the axe right next to Reaper's position. "What are you doing here?" He asked outside the store's entrance with arms crossed.
Elinore fell down on the ground in a daze from the unexpected hug attack. She sat up and shook her head to make the room stop spinning, "leader? Mission? Me?" she asked in a confused daze. She sat there for a moment before it clicked. When it did she instantly stood up and nodded, "I'd be honored. Leading a mission...Yes!" she said with an excited jump. She opened her scroll again and smiled, only to find that William didn't understand any of her one handed nonsense. She placed the scroll on the floor and began to tap out a message with her one good hand, "are you going on the mission tonight? I'm co-leader~"
Reaper saw the axe and it missed him purposely, he looked up at William then said "I'm just here to finish up some business, it has nothing to do with you or any human In this city." Reaper walks past him but stops right next to him facing the dock and says "Look I don't know how my collar got off my neck but don't worry about me since I'm gonna be busy taking care of a few things." And with that he started to walk away.

While Elinore was sending her message to William, the professor intercepts the message and typed up a new one. After sending it, Alex tells Elinore to get ready and walks toward the nurse office. "Time to give me my list Markus. I got a computer and your going to me the information I want." He orders the nurses to place Markus into a wheelchair before heading to Drake's room with the prisoner. "Open up kid. We need to borrow your super computer thing right now." He shouted while knocking on the door a few times.

William stares at Reaper and goes back into the store after he couldn't see him anymore. Going back into the kitchen, he loses his appetite and heads to his room. Opening up his scroll, he finds a message from Elinore that told him to wait at the store instead. Elinore would go there and meet up with him there. He sends a message that told her yes and he would wait for her at the store. He goes back into the closet to check out his new tuxedo.
Aires takes off flying and lands in front of Beacon. She then turns and gazes at the school. This place . . . it once held so much, and now he's gone. . . She sees some familiar faces and then looks towards the sky. "What can I do, Loki? Can you even hear me?"
Benjamin wakes up in his room after deciding to sleep in it for the past couple days. The temporary dorms were not that great in his opinion, but he did have access to the showers now. So that is where he headed. After he was done, he checked his scroll for his schedule spying the message from Alex stating to go to the air docks, so that is where he headed.

Hayden's airship was just arriving in the docks. He had received all the necessities early and his luggage had arrived before him by several days. He felt the scroll in his pocket and decided to check it. He read the message from Alex and shouldered the large broadsword he carried. "Well Trivial, time to do some work." he tells his weapon and makes his way towards the requested dock.
Ferlick waited at the launch pad for whoever was going to co lead with him. Even if there was only one other member to the team he had already formulated a strategy. The students directly beneath him were beginning to suffer a strange phenomenon of randomly fainting but he didn't care. He figured that the base would be a standard factory of warehouse, most likely a warehouse. That gave an average of 5 entrances four of which would be large shipment entries and the other being an office entrance. Coming in through the office entrance would be the best bet. Though the office would most likely hold their superior and the information they wanted they would have most of their force guarding the larger entrances because that would be where they would expect a larger attack to come from. With just two people or even 5 it would be easy to find a way into the building take out any guards without being noticed and steal whatever data the superior had on them while still escaping unseen. Finishing with his thoughts Ferlick turned to the only flight supervisor still standing and asked for the smallest easy to fly ship they had and a manual of how to fly it. He might as well learn a new skill while he waited. Once the manual arrived he began to read at lightning speed taking in the pages two at a time.
Looking at the time on his scroll, Alex kicks open the door and goes inside the room with Markus. "Drake, I want you to give this prisoner access to your computer. This is a order and you are to follow it. No questions asked." The professor leaves the room quickly as guards go inside to watch over Markus and Drake. He arrives at the school's air docks at the appointed time by a few minutes early and walks in front of the Bullhead they were going to use. "Students, we are going to wait here for a few more minutes before we depart for the city. I'm sure you all know what the mission is about but you are being lead by two leaders. One is Ferlick" He points at the student reading a flying manual. "and the other is Elinore. Who shall be arriving shortly. But we are going to stop by my place to get my van, since walking to the hideout would take too long." He then enters the small airship and waits for any other students that wants to join in the mission.
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Ferlick finished the manual and threw it away getting into the drivers seat. It was really quite simple to learn and he was already at the controls turning the ship on as people entered. Two of the students fainted before getting in the ship and Ferlick sighed shaking his head. If they couldn't handle his semblance at a weak level then they would be useless in combat. It was safer for them to be left behind here and so he waited for Elinore to arrive. He had never really talked to her but he had seen her around and she seemed competent and smart. "Can I get directions to your house sir? I don't think I can find it without knowing where it is." He smiled a bit, this was going to be a lot of fun, and who knew maybe he would find another valuable team mate for the future.
Benjamin entered the airship, feeling a wave of thought. The feeling was invasive to his thoughts and he did not enjoy the thoughts of other people in his head. "What the dust?" he asks aloud. He had caught wind of Alex's spiel about who was in charge, but failed to pay any real attention. Ferlick and Elinore huh? Guess I just have to worry about myself, he thought as he took a spot of the ship near a window.

Hayden had entered the ship and taken a spot near the cockpit. Or he at least attempted to, but the size of the blade and his unwillingness to separate himself from Trivial he moved towards the back where there was more room. "Sometimes I wish you compacted." He tells the sword as he leans against a wall.
Alex looks at Ferlick with a raised eyebrow when he entered the cockpit. "Ferlick... get the dust out of the pilot seat. No one here but me drives." He grabs Ferlick's head and drops him down into a passenger seat. "Now stay here and don't come back into the cockpit. Got that kids?" He announced coldly before sitting down on the pilot seat by himself. Just because he trusted these students for this mission, it doesn't mean they could start getting cocky with their skills. He didn't know how well they performed on missions and wasn't going to give them privileges yet. Giving Ferlick and Elinore the positions of leader was pushing the chain of command for him. Sighing, he turns off the engines of the Bullhead.
Ferlick sighed and sat back. He had spent almost half an hour learning to fly this thing just so that he could make everything easier and now he was sitting in the back. It made him slightly mad, but he wasn't going to argue with Alex. "Yes sir." He sighed and cracked his knuckles getting ready for the mission mentally at first and then physically. He pulled out Phoen and began to refill the blades dust intakes. He was at about half full on the blade after all the fighting he had done the last two days and he figured he might as well be at full when lives were at stake. He was in charge of making sure the other people here came back alive, and so that was his top priority. He began to count the other students and inspect the weapons they carried with them. In particular one stood out with a weapon that was big enough to barely fit in the ship. As he looked he realized he had a lot of big muscle, but not as many infiltrators as he had hoped. This mission was still going to be as stealthy as possible, but it may end in an all out fight, at which point they would need a quick way out. "Sir how fast is your van?"

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