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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Yeah I wanted to ask you something." He was trying to lift his arm, the one that had the hole in the shoulder. But it just flopped. I just wanted to see how your doing... I heard that william tried to kill you?" He seemed worried. It was easy to tell that he cared for her.
Alex sends a message to Ferlick and tells him not to worry. That feeling he had was probably from all the hidden cameras installed around the school. But he couldn't type that down or else Ozpin would fire him. He requested that Ferlick investigate Drake by himself since he was busy. The professor puts his scroll away and takes out a pocket knife. He walks toward a bloody faunus in the center of a poorly lit room, who was tied onto a chair with chains holding them down. "Now lets get ready to know each other better." He stabs the faunus in the leg, which lead to them screaming in pain. This process continues on as the mole begins giving Alex the information he wanted.

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Elinore pulled her jacket collar up over the bandaging on she neck and shrugged, "It was...it was a scratch" she yawned, "nothing bad. I mean, he didn't put me in a coma this time." she said with a shrug, "so it's all good...all good...yeah..." she yawned again. She needed some stronger coffee.
Ferlick looked at the message and sighed. He had a vague idea of who Drake was from whispers in the halls but no clue where to find him right now. He shrugged and began to run up and down the halls of the school looking for Drake. He went into every open door that he could find even at one point accidentally slipping into Miss. Goodwitche's office getting a firm lecture before explaining his mission. She informed him where she had last noticed Drake and he went quietly into the area looking around. He activated his semblance for a moment his thoughts speeding up and his ability to think increasing. He was able to see where the dust was moved from footsteps and followed them to find Drake. In hopes of not being spotted he hid behind a box and watched his actions.
"Yeah...." He noticed that she was jumpy. "So why are you so jumpy. Its like you need some sleep."
"I...I haven't slept in a....about a week" Elinore mumbled before taking another sip of her coffee "I just...can't. I think you call...call it insomnia" she said slowly "I need more coffee or something. Try..to ...not get hurt" she said before she walked out of the room. Maybe she'd do some training later that day, at least she could increase her stamina.

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Nexus sips his own coffee creation that he made that morning. He walks past the nurses office heading outside into the courtyard. He seems distracted by his notes going over new information that was coming and going through the networks he kept tabs on. "That is no way to work, and i think he should have seen that one coming. Hmph." He sits on one of the thicker bushes and yawns wide. "Damn, why must i be tired."
Aires walks outside and sees Ephemeral. She whistles, "Come here Ephemeral!" She waves her arm and signals for the creature to come near her. " He's the only thing of Loki's I really have left beside the trident." She runs up to the animal petting it. "How are you?" She asked Eph.

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Eph lifts her onto his back and takes her to where Nexus sat on a bush. Nexus looks up and raises an eyebrow. "You bring me the strangest of things Diablo, strangest of things. But it seems you know her, from where?"
" Diablo?" Aires said confused, "His name is Ephemeral." She declared getting of him and standing Nexus in her new get up

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"Told you my name was better. But whatever i don't care, call him what you wish." He goes back to looking at his notebook, and then sighs. "I need a tablet or something, this is crazy annoying."
"Here, " She tosses one to him, "it's mine, though I don't use it." She says looking straight at him. A week had already past since Loki's death and like most of her comrades told her, she began to honor his memory but numb the pain as best she could. "Hey" She says catching him by surprise. The wind picked up at just the right moment for her hair to whistle with it. Her hair was intensely long and black, she inhaled, "teach me how to kill . . . " Her words were like a pin dipping to the ground.

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Nexus looks up at her and raises an eyebrow. "Teach you how too kill? So you can eventually kill me?" His mouth upturns into a maniacal smile and his eyes perceive the chaos and insanity in his mind. "Sounds fun, when do you want to start?"
Ferlick left the room that he had been observing Drake in as quietly as he had entered. He immediately jumped in with a crowd of people, something that he absolutely hated but would get anybody off his trail if they were on it. He pulled out his scroll and sent a message to Alex quickly about what he had seen. "I saw somebody meeting Drake's description hooking a tablet up to a computer." He hadn't stayed to watch the whole thing, only to see what was happening. He was too scared of being seen, and something scared him about the situation. It felt like there were more than just one threat in the room like something else was watching from the shadows and Ferlick did not like it. He quickly returned to the dining hall, a place with too many students to pick out just one, and too many teachers to try anything funny. He got himself some food mainly being a big turkey and ham sandwich with sharp cheddar. He loved cheddar cheese and turkey for that matter, the ham was just there to add a more dry meat.
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She got close to his face. She analyzed every inch of it and dove into his eyes. I don't want to kill you. I already tried and I couldn't." She says the pain rising inside her. "I just need to become better than Luna or Will . . ." she her eyes switching colors again. She stayed put so close to his face. She saw some resemblance of Loki in it, but she knew and accepted that he would forever be out of her life. "I want us to be enemies . . . " she said quietly, inching even closer to his face. She neared his ear and whispered, "And even better friends."
Nexus nips at her face playfully before standing up. "I can see the benefit in that statement. You know of any good... private areas so we may train?"
"Actually I do." She picks him up, "The lake where you killed my boyfriend . . ." Aires says thrusting her wings out and pulsating into the air. She then drops him into the lake and smirks. "Whoops did I do that?"
Before he lands in the water, he summons his scythe of ice and freezes the the top of the lake. He lands on the ice and skates around a bit. "This is a nice place. Come. What weapons are you currently equipped with?"
"Well I have my boots, my wings and a crap ton of dust." She says landing on the ground. "My weapons are powerful, but they never taken into account. Hand to hand combat is also something that I lack." She said keeping her distance now.
"I advise you use blanks for this, because if you don't and i get shot. I will get angry." He spins his scythe in his hand as he thinks of some ideas to teach her. "I have some ideas, but you have Loki's trident yea? It would be a good idea to use it."
Drake heard someone sneaking around, but he just thought nothing of it. Maybe it was time to install some cameras. He tapped on the tablet, when the screen was done. "Well this is backed up.... Maybe I should invest in a hologram projector while I am at it." 
Markus laid back in his bed. He was still healing, and would take a lot of time to heal. A tree was sticking clean through. His left shoulder. He was luck it wasn’t his right, because his right was his dominate hand. He like the view, the nurses were good looking, and the human one’s weren’t bad looking. But he loved the faunus one’s more. But that wasn’t the only reason he like the view, he could see outside the window. He could see his ship.

The crew was loyal to their captain before anyone. Markus was able to make a connection with his crew, that only few could ever think about. Being the captain he had some privileges, like he lead people. Not to forget that he can change orders if he doesn’t think they are right.

“I am glad I changed the orders, I wouldn’t want to hurt Elinore.” But he wouldn’t mind hurting William. He just didn’t like him, it was that plain and simple. “Why do I hate William?” He thought, yes william was strong, he wasn’t a faunus. “I will need to somehow be able to talk to him.” This wasn’t like Markus, not in the least. William came with in inches of killing Markus. If Elinore didn’t step in then, markus would probably have been left in the dirt.

He of course wanted to talk to elinore. He wanted to tell her, about why he hated the humans, but she was a human herself. Maybe it was time to look over his life, and see if he was wrong. He pulled out the scroll that he had stolen off of cardin. The idiot must still think that is going to find it.



Subject: We need to talk.


Dearest Elinore,

Elinore I want, no, I need to talk to you. It has been something that I knew I needed to talk about, but could never talk to anyone about. Please when you get a chance come and see me. It is important.



He sent her a message. He only hoped that she would come. It was a talk that was something in the making. He knew that it was something that he would have to talk about. He got a video from the ship above.

“Captain, command want’s us to move. What should we do?” Markus sighed. “tell them we will not move, we are still surveying the area, and looking for the items on the list.... and if they send something back, send it to me.” He said. “It is not the time to say what I am going to be doing... not to them at least.” Markus was being secretive, something that he knew would get him in trouble. But it would help him in the future, and it would protect everyone in that school.

Drake got up from sleeping in his bed. He was going to check out his computer today, maybe even start a new project. He walked over and stood above it. He laid his hand down on the screen, and watched as it lit up. “What are we going to do today?” He said.

He looked at it, it was sleek, and black. He went into his folders and looked through his files, and projects. He saw something that he hadn’t done in a long time. He opened the project and loaded the file.

It was a hologram projector attachment for his computer. The hologram projector, would cause allow him to make things in the 3rd dimension, and allow things to move around, like an A.I. Their were a lot of things that he would need. Most of them were accessible. One was how was the thing going to be attached., and the last one was going to be harder. The first thing was the hard thing, he needed to was to get a A.I

He sent a message to the one that he tried to eliminate while he was trying to save that kid (Markus).

To: A.D

From: Drake

Subject: Project help



So this is going to sound a little weird, seeing how we don’t know each other that well. I need some help with a project that I am doing. It’s a hologram projector. Imagine you having a body that you could walk around, with out it being a android. Message me if you want in or not.



After he sent the message, he began to work on the code. He would stay up all night if he had to finish the project. He began to make the odd thing. He started to look at the machine and began to work on a housing storage device that could hold the projector. He thought maybe it could be like on top of the machine, so it would rest on top and have a bubble top so that it could have 360 degree view.

He thought about that kid sometimes, what was causing that big guy to try and kill him. Was he a student at beacon? He saw the big guy, he wasn’t wearing anything that would say he was apart of beacon. The kid(Markus) was wearing a suit, he knew about the dance. Was he a student at beacon, or was the big guy an enemy.

He had to focus on the task his at hand. The projector, he needed to focus on the projector.
William entered Forever Falls hours after Alex called him to do a favor. Lugging a body bag across the red forest, he finds a small clearing with a boulder in the center of it. He threw the bag onto the boulder and unzipped it to free the faunus mole. "Your free to go." He told the dazed faunus as he gives them a pistol. "But send a message to Luminous that we will find them. Because once we do, they're not getting a quick death." The armored student walks away and heads back to Beacon Academy on foot.

"I'm free to go?" The mole watches William leave and decides to point the pistol at him. No way were they letting one of the White Fang's targets get away with that armor of his. They pull the trigger and one bullet hit William. BANG! CLICK... The magazine was now empty. "Wait... you only gave me one bullet?!" They yelled out to the student who was giving them a small salute. Suddenly, Ursas approached the defenseless faunus due to the sound and ripped them apart.

"Why didn't you kill them yourself?"
A.D said as William continued walking back to Beacon, ignoring the cries of pain behind him. "Because I showed the enemy compassion A.D. I simply gave them a chance to live but they ruined it by shooting at me. Now they're food for the Grimm." He nods his head to agree to his own logic. Archdeath vibrates a little in agreement. "Compassion my electronic arse. But you know the guy who tried to erase me before is asking for my help?" William walked next to a railroad while a Schnee Dust Company cargo train was passing by him. "So what are you going to do? Did they make a offer too good to resist?" He jumps on the train to hitch a ride to the city, since he was too tired to walk. "Yeah, they were going to give me a holographic body. But I sent them a small virus as way to say no, since they tried to terminate me before." That and some technical data on how to build a hologram projector. The A.I felt it would be fun to see what might happen if their project worked. William silently nods and looks outside the cargo box to watch the red trees go by him.
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Drake was alarmed when he opened the response. A warning sign lit up. "Warning: Virus detected." The A.I must have sent it. In the file was a way to build a hologram projector. He knew how, he just needed an A.I to help test it out. But it looks like this one won't help. He didn't know any other A.I that might help. He stopped what he was doing, let out a breathe, and stood for a second. He went back to work. If that A.I wouldn't help then he would make an A.I himself.
Ferlick sighed and finished his food. He was starting to feel an emotion he had only ever heard rumors about before. It was something like loneliness. He sent another message to Alex. "Why are we watched at Beacon? Do they not trust us?" In a moment of deep thought he had activated his semblance in an unoccupied corridor. He had felt both the feeling of being watched and suddenly had an idea of why. The teachers always knew where to find students, and they always seemed to have an eye out for them. It clicked in his mind that perhaps the teachers were watching the students in Beacon. He stood up and began walking towards Alex's office hopefully running into the teacher for a chat about Drake and what he had seen him doing.
"Loki's trident is with him." She looked at the ground, "I feel wrong using it . . . I can't use . . . I won't." She said sternly at the end. Taking her stance she looks up at him and a dark smile spreads across her face she whispers, "Come at me bro."

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