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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Elinore's eye twitched under her black mask and she stormed deeper into the library. No. Not happening. She followed the noises, ready to kill whatever hussy.... then she found the William lying on the ground. She dropped her axe and rushed forward and knelt down beside him. Okay. Who's sick idea of a joke was this? "William, come on William, get up" she said as she lifted his head onto her lap and tapped on his helmet. She swore. Whoever did this....BLOODY REVENGE
"Do me more?" William repeated when he heard someone in the darkness say that. Do me more... Do me more... Stab me more... Hurt me more... Kill me more... "Roger that mysterious dark force. Reaper shall eliminate you now." He said coldly while getting off of Elinore's lap. "A.D, analyze the room for any unseen hostiles. Give me their location and keep them on the radar at all times." Lightning burst out of the armor, which nearly shocked Elinore due to her being close to him. "Yeah, give me a minute." A.D starts scanning the area for the mysterious force and found Trey in the darkness. "The enemy is right there." The A.I gives Trey's location to William, but not without sending a message to Pandora. "Pandora... RUN AWAY! WILLY GONE NUTS!" William shoots a powerful bolt of lightning at the hidden Trey, which exploded after impact.
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Ferlick had woken up from his nap and immediately went outside starring at the statue. It had bee a while since he had been accepted but he loved to be here now. He bowed his head and then pulled out Phoen beginning to practice a few feet from the statue. He was enjoying himself and he was going to do what he needed to become a strong team member.
"That tickled." Trey said as Intent ground the lightning. He smiled. "Why so serious?" He said as Saving Light was twirled around. "Elinore, back off, he's gone nuts."
William stares at Trey without moving. "That tickled... why so serious... back off... gone nuts..." He starts walking toward Trey at a slow pace.
"Ohh, that's intimidating...let me try." He said as he walked forward to meet him. "Roger...dark...Reaper...eliminate..." He stopped and swung Saving Light, stopping before he hit his face. "...now!" A bright light suddenly flashed in front of William's face.
"Now." William quickly grabs Saving Light with one hand and wouldn't let go of it. The other hand shot a bolt of lighting underneath the weapon, which hit Trey's stomach at close range. He did all of this without moving the rest of his body and his face was still in front of the bright light.
Intent ground the lightning once more. "Bad move." He flipped over the lamppost and disintegrated the armor around his arms. He landed behind him and snapped his fingers a burst of fire burst from Saving Light.
"Bad move." William ducked as the flame nearly hits him from behind. He does a low spinning sweep kick toward Trey, which trips him onto the ground. He then kicks Saving Light away from Trey's hands, before walking away backwards with his arms ready for another attack. Which was now covered in armor again.
"Alright buddy, you asked for it." He threw Dying Light up above him, "Enslave!" The coat turned into a cage. The cage locked William inside and in between and on the bars there was a barrier preventing him from grabbing the bars. "You stay in there until you calm down." He said as he grabbed Saving Light from the ground. "You try anything I'll nuke you."
"Hey!" Elinore snapped as he sent a small bomb flying over at the two. With Saving light throw away and Dying Light used to lock up William, Tray left himself with no protection. The bomb landed down between them and exploded, knocking Trey into a bookshelf. "The library is for reading!" she snapped, "not fighting. Now the two of you stop it!" she snapped.
"Enslave." William walks toward the barriers and tries to grab the bars of the cage. The barriers forces his hands away without much resistance from him. "Enslave... never again. Never f****** again!" His hands were now covered in a electric barrier, which was too bright to look at with the naked eye. He puts his hands through the cage's barriers without any problems and grabs the bars. He lifts the cage off of him before throwing it out of a window. "I will eliminate you." William starts walking toward the bookshelfed Trey with a blade he took out from the back of his armor.
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Elinore bit her bottom lip. The last time she tried to do anything to stop William when he got in his...moods, she was electrocuted and put into a three day long coma. And that was a small zap from him compared to this. She didn't know what to do... she aimed her axe at William's back and fired. She knew it wouldn't hurt William because of Archdeath, but it would catch his attention, "Hey William. Chase." she said with a smile as she started to back up, preparing herself to run. She hoped she could run. The world was being a bit spiny at the moment. The caffeine from earlier must have worn off.
The bomb hit William from behind, which exploded and sent him flying into the same bookshelf Trey crashed into. He gets up unscathed while sweeping some old books off of him. "Chase?" He grabs Trey's head and lifts him up to look at him face-to-mask. "Enslave or Chase?" After staring at Trey for a few moments, he head-butts him before throwing him out of the same window Dying Light went through. "Chase." He starts walking toward Elinore slowly with his blade still in his hand.
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Elinore took a weary step back, "alright...um....alright, now....calm down and give me a hug" she said with a sheepish smile and she backed up with more speed towards the library door. At least she got Trey out of immediate danger...kinda....hopefully that weapon of his had some kind of pillow mode. It seemed to have everything else. The mechanics of which didn't make sense, but she was no mechanic. "Just calm down" she repeated while she raised her hands up a bit. Like how you showed deer you meant no harm.
"Hug?" William tilts his head a little when he heard Eilnore say that word. "Hug... capture... crush... stab..." He raises his hands up like Elinore and continues walking toward her. It would have been fine to copy her movements if he didn't have a blade in one of his hands. "Elinore... it was nice knowing you. I'll make sure E.L writes down your will since you know... she's you in some electronically weird way." A.D said while recording the scene through a camera in Archdeath's mask.
"Hey AD....you think you can run a couple of the videos you've taken of my through that mask of his for me?" Elinore said as she continued backing up, she put her hands behind her back to see if William would imitate it too, "some of the less...rage inducing ones. That'd help a lot, thank you" she said nervously. She had to be sure to stay away from key words, or anything that rhymed with something violent.
"Roger that Elinore." A.D starts playing several videos on the inside of Archdeath's mask. William could see through the metal mask by using several cameras installed in the defensive outer layer, which was recorded back to the inner layer on a special holographic screen. So if someone was to play videos on said screen, well... "RAGE!" William starts swinging his blade around him as the videos were covering his line of sight. He slices a few tables and bookshelves in half during his failed assault at the videos in front of his eyes.
"Okay okay!" Elinore said quickly as she shook her head, "not that! Not that! Alright....uh....better ways to calm someone down..." if only the room wasn't spinning rapidly. Elinore tripped, falling backwards onto the ground. She still tried to scoot back a bit, but the psycho serial killer William made sudden movements very uninviting. He wouldn't stab someone on the ground right? Right? Right? No...she was doomed. "Willy, calm down. It's me, Elinore. Your girlfriend? Remember. You like me, you want to keep me alive?" she said as she scotched back some more. "before our first date you dropped my dress in the water. I made you make me an apology meal?" she was finding the darkest places in the world and then shooting in them. There was so much random guesswork it was ridiculous. But she had one more plan. After that she'd accept getting stabbed and possibly electrocuted.
Trey pulled himself up of the window ledge and widened his eyes. "Hold it buddy!" Saving Light swung at William's legs and pinned him to the ground. "Calm, calm, calm, calm." He repeated. "Happy, happy, happy, happy."
William stops trying to slice the videos when Elinore called him Willy. No one but A.D and Alex called him that, except for a few close business partners like Roman. "Willy... you said I'm suppose to keep you alive Elinore?" He asked until he focused on one recently recorded video on his screen. It was Elinore's story about Rolland. "...even the most despicable of monsters must be shown some compassion. Otherwise you'll end being a monster just like them." Show compassion to monsters? No... a monster should be killed before they cause more chaos to others again. Monsters like him should die. "How can I protect you if I'm a mon-" Before William could finish that sentence though, Trey decides to come back in the library and pins him down with Saving Light. "Boom, boom, boom, scumbag." He said after taking a active grenade out of his crispy jacket with his free hand. The grenade explodes, which knocks Trey and his weapon off of William. Trey flies outside the window again, this time not returning since the explosive knocked him into a headless statue. William gets up as the dents of his armor starts reforming back to their original form. He forgets about what he said to Elinore before except for the word 'monster'. Yes, he's a monster that kills. He slowly walks toward the fallen Elinore with his blade again.
Ferlick was peacefully training outside when he heard a huge commotion and sighed. He was not getting involved in anything aside from the investigation currently and decided to try and see if Alex was back at his office. He had heard rumors about Ruby and figured she could have kept the professor running for miles before he gave up so his hopes of finding him back at the office were slim but he might as well try. The hole made by Trey was nearly filled up again but there was enough of a gap for a small student to slip through and so Ferlick made it in easy.
Trey groaned from his statue. "Pandora!" He shouted. "Emergency Autonomy Protocals activate!" Soon footsteps could be heard and a violet haired girl dressed in Intent appeared. "Master?" She said as she plucked him from the statue and picked up Saving Light. "Can you bring me to the nurse's office?" "Yes master."
Elinore put her arm up like it would have helped anything and closed her eyes tight, looking away. She prepared herself for the worst. She'd seen what he could do. What a shame, she had almost broken through to him. But Trey had to come in and take back all her progress. She didn't have any room to run anymore. It was now or never. "Willy..." she said quietly, "I'm sorry I haven't been there for you," she was pretty sure she was making her final speech now, "you're on of the kindest people I know, I hope you know that" she said softly. She took a deep breath. Probably one of her last. She figured she'd have a couple seconds left, "I only have one last request my dear William, please remember that some lives need sparing..." well, that was it. She was sure she was dead now. "I'm glad I got to know you"
William lifts his blade up and readies himself for a decapitation. After looking into Elinore's eyes for a moment, he swings the blade toward her exposed neck. "Elinore... I'm a crappy excuse of a monster." The blade stops right before it sliced Elinore's head off and is put back into the armor. After that, William lays down right next to her with a yawn. "I should be the one sorry right now. But it seems several days without sleep and food can do a lot to your mind." He turns his head to Elinore with a smile behind the mask. "Though that isn't excusable for my recent actions. Is it possible for you to forgive your crappy boyfriend for being a arse to you?"

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