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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"A scroll isn't enough for you?" Alex takes back the rejected scroll from Markus. "But what kind of computer do you need? We just have normal ones in the library."

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Ferlick watched and sighed closing his eyes and trying to keep awake. "It's a lot of work for you though isn't it. You have to protect the students from others and themselves." He frowned a bit and opened his eyes finding an adrenaline pill and taking it. He looked over at the man talking and stood in front of him. "Different from Alex I want to know nothing of your plans I want you to tell me who is on the inside. How did they know that Trey had a prank planned!?" To him it was more important to destroy a mole and get rid of the insider than know why they were there.
"The scroll won't be able to pick it up.... I need something a little bit bigger... Something that can get me in contact with my crew.... After that I can get you the list." He said as he lifted his handcuffed arm. "As for this?"
"Then do you know where we can get ourselves a better computer? I'm not freeing you until part is established." Alex flicks Markus's forehead with a grin. "But I want to know if Ferlick's theory is correct. Who's your mole in Beacon?"

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"What? I have no mole here." He looked at them. "IF you don't believe me, hook me up to a lie detector, and it will show that I don't have a mole." He had to calm down. "I don't know where you can get a computer like that, Maybe you could look from someone that had a few creates when the brought everything into there dorms."
Ferlick sighed, his theory had been wrong. Suddenly his eyes went blank again his mind changing its functions to his whim. The sheer amount of brain and willpower used in this aura technique meant that everyone else in the room could get a general idea of the thoughts running through his head. He was running through every second of the dance from setting up the cannons to fighting the grimm until he found himself in the nurses office. His mind would pause on certain moments on occasion but it never stopped racing. "It doesn't fit though it's too perfect to be a coincidence and the attack would obviously have failed any other way...who do you work for? Directly for I mean not just in general." His thoughts had not stopped but he was frozen on the horrified face of Trey his mind trying to figure it all out.
"It could just be luck.... And who said I was planning on attacking. My orders were to kill Elinore and everyone.... I was about to, but she talked me out of it.... She said what would be the point. I changed my orders, and now I am going to die. No matter what you or anyone does. The white fang... They can, and will get anyone to turn." He said, he wasn't afraid to die, he just would regret not saying something. "I work for the white fang, but directly, from trivals mother, SHe gave me the orders, and when she finds out, she will not be happy with me."
Alex was looking through surveillance videos until a metal cat entered the room. "Alex, there is a student with a super computer in their room. His name is Drake Scagallati of the 1st-year students." E.L said while laying down on top of Alex's head. She stares at Markus with a small hiss. "You've seen better days."

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"Would everyone, stop saying that. I am pretty banged up, yes, this is true. But you don't have to say that." He hated when people kept on saying something, over and over. "Go and talk with him. If he will allow me to use his computer and I will get you that list."

(I might have to go, I will reply tomorrow.)
"We'll do it tomorrow, since curfew is about to start." Alex said while looking at the time on his scroll. After several guards enter the room to watch over Markus, the professor motions Ferlick to leave with him. He leads Ferlick to the dining hall. "What do want for dinner? I'll buy it for you."

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Ferlick looked at him and shrugged. His eyes had finally returned to normal and he thought for a second. "I usually have something spicy doesn't matter to me really." He was still thinking about everything. "He said he didn't plan the attack so it is easy to believe that my theory could still stand, I don't know who it is but somebody is getting names and of a few new Beacon students too that isn't easy to get." He sighed and sat down. "I should really relax though shouldn't I?"
"Yeah, you should. It feels like your head is going to explode." Alex joked after getting their food. He sat next to Ferlick before he starts eating. "But security breaches can always be fixed. Once I find our little mole, I'm going to torture them."

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"OH I see how it is. Leaving me here with all these guards... Well at least bring me some food...." He said as they left. "Can I get some food?" He asked one of the guards, but he didn't reply. "To sleep it is then." He said as he lowered his head and began to fall asleep.

(Sorry, now I am gone, I had a meeting, and all this weird stuff. now I am gone.)
Ferlick began to eat slowly and sighed. "I just wish I could help to fix it but all I know is what happened when It all went down." He sighed and continued to eat. "If I could just figure out who broke into Trey's room..." He finished his food and started playing with his fork. "I just...if it is a teacher then I don't feel quite safe anymore."
"If it is a bloody teacher, I'm going to slowly torture them with a spork." Alex smirked. He was about to eat a cookie when it suddenly disappears from his hand. "What the... RUBY! STOP STEALING MY COOKIES!" The professor yelled out while he starts chasing a red-headed girl around the dining hall. The pursuit continues out to the hallway as both professor and student leave the room.

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Ferlick looked up and sighed. He had finished his meal and noticed the girl take the cookie but he was tired and almost fainting. He trudged back to his room and sat down on his bed falling right asleep with his scroll open next to him. If he was to get a message it would wake him he was sure of that.
Elinore sat down in the lunchroom. She couldn't really remember leaving William's room. But he had left it some time ago, and she guessed she left too some time after that. She couldn't remember very well. Her world was just becoming kinda blurred. Even though she still couldn't sleep, Elinore felt a growing tiredness in her, so she went to the lunch area to have some coffee to drive away the haze. She sat down the with coffee in her hands, staring blankly in front of her. She was lost in thought. Aires had turned insane-suicidal. Loki was dead. Loki's killer was still in the school. Markus had almost blown up the school. White Fang members were probably still about to terrorize them. Some prankster sprayed grimm bait everywhere. Grimm were probably still running rampant. William was having increasingly harder times with his armor. She wouldn't allow another death. She'd do anything she could to prevent that. Unfortunately, that burden came with an extreme case of insomnia. Though she'd only been awake for two days straight, her heavy usage of semblance the day of the dance had a heavy tole on her. Normally she passed out after extensive usage. But her body wouldn't allow her to rest. Elinore's mind had experienced the equivalent of not sleeping for over a week.
William was running around Beacon with some strange noises coming out of his armor. Anyone that he passed by would look at him funny and start laughing. He couldn't think about anything but to find some building without anyone in it. "A.D, where's the most deserted place to go to right now?" He asked the A.I after running inside the dining hall. "You should probably go back to your room. But it's too far from your current location." A.D reported while looking for spots for William to go hide in. "I don't give a dust! Just find me the nearest location with no one in it at this time!" The armored student with female moaning sounds coming out of him passes by Elinore without even noticing her. It stopped playing for a second when he was right next to her, but continued playing after gaining some distance away from the sleepy girl. "Go to the library. No one might be in there right now." With his new objective in mind, William heads the school's library and goes inside through a conveniently opened window in the darkness.
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Ayaan nodded, laying back as well to stretch. She enjoyed the quiet. And the view, the view was pretty nice from up here. Ayaan smiled. "I missed this..." She said, half to herself. She has partially forgotten Benjamin was there.

(Sorry again... Really, my notifications have died for this RP or something)

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Trey groggily stood up and shook his head. "*Yawn*That was a short nap." He looked around. "Huh, I guess 10 of those really work on me." He walked out as Dying Light shifted to its cloak form. "To the library it is!" He walked to the library with a stride.
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William was in a empty section of the library. A place where it was dark and roomy. Somewhere no one would go to unless they like reading hundreds of old books. "A.D... why the dust won't it shut off?" He was in the darkest corner of this section, his body laying down on the cold floor. The inappropriate noise was still playing out of Archdeath's speakers. Over and over and over again. "I don't know. Must be a virus in the system." A.D lied before increasing the volume. "A.D... why the dust won't it shut off? Why the dust can't I get out of this armor? Why the dust am I alive for? Why the dust can't I sleep? Why th-" The armored student kept asking all sorts of questions in the darkness by himself.
Trey stepped into the library. "Now where is-" Trey stopped when he heard moaning and smiled. "That's a very nice hiding spot you have there..." He creeped towards the library door and opened it. "It'd be a shame if something were to happen to it..." He took a deep breath. "HELP!" He shouted loudly, "THERE'S A PERVERT WATCHING PORN IN THE LIBRARY!"
William kept laying on the cold floor. The nice cold floor of the dark section of the library. Something he can't really feel because the armor won't allow him to feel it with his bare skin. So how did he know it was cold? He didn't since the mind thought it was cold. So the body in return thinks it's cold. While the soul knows it's cold. Together, they are all cold. Which makes the connected owner cold. Very, very cold. "Willy, you know someone just called you a pervert? Hello? Remnant to Willy? You in there?" A.D asked his unmoving owner in a worried voice. The current situation just got bad it seems...
Elinore's attention snapped back to the real world when she heard someone calling for help. She knew it. There was always something dangerous roaming the halls of the schools! She dashed towards the library and stormed in, axe in hand "Who's hurt?" she asked as she looked around the library. She heard the noises and sighed, "that's not exactly a situation you call help for..." she groaned. Though this was definitely not the place for that kind of behavior.
Trey looked on while still unseen, thankfully he made Intent for stealth and armor. He silently cleared his throat and made his best female voice. "Oh William!" He said in the fake voice, "Do me more." Then he quickly stood aside, away from any possible collateral.

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