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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"If you promise to try to eat and sleep." Elinore said with a sigh of relief. She couldn't believe she made it out of that. She sat up and gently hit William on the shoulder, "you know, most girls would leave you after the first attempt to kill them. You've got to be pretty special if you got me to stick through two" she laughed, "so you can't sleep either huh..?" she sighed, "you should take a break for the next couple days. Just relax a bit." she said as she rubbed her neck. She took her hand away to find a bit of blood on it. Well, at least he didn't cut too deep.
"Yeah, though I'm more amazed that we even started dating after I nearly killed you last month." William chuckled through his mechanical prison. "I'll try to eat and sleep from now on, but the armor won't le-" Before William could finish what he was saying, A.D interrupts the conversation with a excited voice. "ELINORE! TOUCH WILLY AGAIN!" The A.I yelled out with glee. "A.D... didn't I tell you not to ruin the moment in one of our discussions before?" He sighed to A.D's comment before realizing that his shoulder wasn't covered in armor anymore. "Elinore... please do not be scared. I simply want to hug you in a passionate way." He told Elinore in a creepy voice before giving her a hug. A really tight hug filled with joy and happiness.
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Ferlick sighed and looked around Alex's office. The teacher was not here and so he would have to look elsewhere. It was very possible he had finally gotten tired and taken a quick rest like Ferlick had but he was too restless now to even keep asleep. He left the office and went into thought mode his mind running through theories and ideas at lightning speed each thought implanting itself so strongly that as he passed by other students those that were weak were overcome by his own mind and fainted. It was a side effect to his aura, and it only happened when he was really lost in his own thoughts, so much to the point he didn't notice at all.
"Oh my dust... she's so mean but sexy..." Alex muttered while walking around the school after curfew started. He nearly caught the red-hair first year student but had to give up when she involved Goodwitch by hiding behind her. The professor and student were both punished by the Huntress for being too childish over cookies and were given detention. Despite needing to sit in a empty room with his cookie-stealing arch nemesis, at least he was with the lovely woman for an hour in silence. Ah, if only he met her a few years ago... "Why is there students on the ground?" After tripping over a unconscious Cardin, he looks around the path to see more students unconscious. What a weird situation he got himself into.
Ferlick had begun pacing the halls and finally passed by Alex on the way. His thoughts were at this point powerful enough to fully transfer into a refined aura users mind. As he passed Alex a list of teachers and students that had obviously been stolen flew across his thoughts. How Ferlick had gotten a hold of it was his own secret but he had taken it after the dance disaster in hopes it might give some clues. Suddenly he became aware of the world around him and of Alex. He looked around shocked and suddenly let out a small surprised yell. "Oh no no no I did it again didn't I!?" He looked at all the unconscious students and started to try and wake them up, but they would be out cold for a while. "I really should do this in my room."
Alex starts slapping everyone on the face and manages to wake them up. The dazed students all leave when the professor told them to go to their rooms. After that, he smacks Ferlick in the head. "Yeah you should, considering how powerful your semblance is to weaker minds. Don't you know how to control it?" He asked while motioning Ferlick to go back to his room.
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Ferlick started to walk and rubbed the back of his head where he had been hit embarrassed. "I do but only when I am barely using it. When I really start going I forget about the world around me, so I guess I lose control. I've tried training it but I always just blank out and get lost in my thoughts. I don't know how to fix that other than doing it over and over again, but it really hurts my head."
"Maybe I should smack your head more. It'll probably start working better if I do that." Alex joked as they arrived to the first-year dorms. "But it's not easy to control your semblance if you try too hard. You just got it let it flow out of your mind in a relaxed state, otherwise it won't follow your orders."
Pandora set Trey down on a bed. "Is this to your liking master?" Trey nodded. "I'm good Pandora, Protocol terminate." He waited for her to shift back but she didn't. "Master, it appears that when I was thrown the impact damaged my systems, I cannot seem to shift back." Trey sighed, that was the last time he tries to calm someone who went berserk. "Nevermind, just go somewhere, I'm going to rest." Pandora went out as Trey slept.
Ferlick laughed nervously and nodded going into his dorm. "Then perhaps I should rest for the night, might give my mind some ease. By the way there is a new teacher this year first year faunas professor isn't there?" He was already closing his door when he mentioned it but he figured it was worth at least saying before he went to rest again.
"Yeah, that would be me kid." Alex replied back in a confused voice. After Ferlick closed the door on him, he walks out of the building and into the darkness.
Elinore hugged William back and ran her hand over small portions of the armor to make sure it came off before letting him go again, "Alright William, you're free. Now go eat something and go to sleep, it's late." she laughed. "I gotta go patch my neck up. Bleeding to death isn't something you can really just tough out" she chuckled before kissing him on the cheek and heading towards the nurses office. The room was still spinning as she as about to enter physical day three and mental day seventeen of no sleep.
Sandra sat in the lunch room alone, picking at her plate in front of her. "Who the heck is going to eat this?!" She said under her breath.
Markus woke up in the nurses office. He was still handcuffed, and there were still a lot of guards in the room. "It might be early in the morning to do this, but why is there a need for guard in my room.... I can't really do anything with my arm this way." He said as he tried to lift his arm. He pushed the button to call for the nurse. A faunus nurse walked in. "Hey, can I get some food, and something to drink?"

Drake woke up, he must have slept good, because he felt like he could take on the whole world. He grabbed his tablet, and plugged it into the machine. The machine had an advanced firewall, and advanced software so the virus would not screw it over. The tablet lit up. It had a loading bar on the front screen.
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Ferlick slept for a brief period before he woke with a start. He sighed and looked around him cracking most of his joints as he stretched. He had always figured Alex had been with the academy for a while. Even though he was a freelance like he said his air about him made him seem like a veteran professor. He felt bad about possibly suspecting Alex, though had he managed to catch more named than simply species and number of years teaching then he would never have mentioned it. "If it isn't a first year teacher we are in a real bad situation..."
Micheal was tired of studding. it had been so long since he had seen Elinore, or any of his other friends he thought he would go out looking for them. leaving his basement of a room he walked out of the cellar and went in search of the reclusive elinore.
Nexus gets up and curses his face sore. "that man is lucky i don't have a job cause i will put his head in a spike. No reason to hit, and there's no reason to continue to knock me unconscious! Bah why do i even try, i should talk to that Dr. Ozpin character see if he needs me for anything. If not, then i am leaving." He walks towards the office, and waits in the waiting room, since Ozpin is busy lecturing some other students.
Aires wakes up and wanders about. She notices that no one else she cared about was in the medical bay. " What am I going to do now?"

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Elinore walked into the nurse's office with a cup of coffee in one hand and her other hand stopping herself from bleeding to death by holding her hand over the wound. Of course getting the cup of coffee before arriving was much more important than immediate medical attention. That was just basic knowledge. She sat down on one of the empty beds and smiled sheepishly, her fuzzy world too out of focus and confusing for her to try and figure out who was in the area. "Can I get some help?" she called out. A nurse emerged into her small field of focused vision with some bandaging and began to dress her wound. Elinore always hated the feeling of having someone treat her, but this one she couldn't just tough out. She was too tired to try...good thing she had coffee.
Markus was laying in the bed, and saw her walking past the window form his room. "Elinore." He called out. "Hey come here." But she just walked on by. "Well I guess she must be doing something important."
Ferlick finally got up and started walking through the halls. He decided not to use his semblance in order to save many of the students currently talking and walking around from being in a very uncomfortable position on the floor. He was thinking, but he was keeping his mind from entering its deep thought state by distracting himself with other things. Every once in a while just to keep himself from falling in he would comment on a girl or notice somebodies weapon, just to keep from slipping.
Elinore sat on the bed for a while after the nurse had finished treating her. She didn't quite comprehend it until a little bit after that she was done being treated. Elinore stood up and started to walk out of the area before she remembered hearing someone call something out. Oh yeah...that was right, those syllables in that order was her name. It almost slipped her...her...mind. Yeah, that was the word. She took another sip of coffee for a concentration boost and walked towards the room she heard her name being called from, "You...you called?" she half mumbled.
William was still awake in a lab located in one of the school's buildings. He stares at the detached armor on the table and cautiously pokes it with a ruler. The metal squirms in disappointment, since it couldn't attach itself to the ruler. It simply didn't give off a source of energy like William. "What made you stop trying to kill Elinore at the library?" A.D asked as William began pouring some dust on the armor. "The video with Elinore looking at me after that tree accident stopped me. It was first time I ever looked at her up close." He took out a bludgeon and begun smacking the metal with it. "So did the armor go off you because it was connected to your thoughts? Because if it did... oh you like her a lot you bastard." The A.I laughs as William took out some wires and stuck them into the metal to analyze it. "A.D... shut up."

Alex walks out of the Ozpin's office carrying a occupied body bag on his shoulder. He turns around and noticed Nexus in the waiting room outside. "Yo kid, your on standby. Professor Ozpin will PM you on your scroll if he needs you." Something moves in the body bag and a weak voice saying help could be heard from it. The professor punches the bag and it stops moving. "I got some business to attend to, so see you later. Don't be a stranger." He leaves the room and walks to a restricted section of the building before entering it with the body bag.
Nexus touches his left fist to his right shoulder in a polite salute, "Thank you sir, i'll go bum around the school then." Nexus frowns slightly and walks outside and comes face to face with Eph. "Your master is dead, i killed him. What are you going to do? I wont kill creatures, unless i need too." Eph bows his head slightly and accepts Nexus as his new master. Since in the world of animals and creatures, the strongest become the leader. "Come then, Diablo, which is a better name then whatever you have currently, we have some exploring to do."
Ferlick sighed and passed by Alex as he went into a restricted section. He hadn't realized but even though he had been stopping from entering a full thought lapse he had been wandering pretty badly. He waved to the teacher and gave the contents of the bag a small look before continuing onward. He had learned long ago not to distrust allies or suspect anybody you had no reason to suspect and as far as he was concerned any shady behavior from Alex was necessary to keep the school safe. He wished he could have a talk with Ozpin about something, but he would probably be just laughed at, and he wasn't going to bother somebody so powerful with a message about his theories. He had told Alex and he would hope that his theory would be acted upon, the mole being found as soon as possible. He sent a quick pm to Alex because he had become accustomed to working with the teacher. "I feel watched."

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