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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"You're not a crap girlfriend Elinore. You just have a crappy boyfriend who should be dead." William joked after the last trap was deactivated. Seems like he's not the only one having a few miserable days so far. He hears Trey yelling at him outside and opens the window. "If you prank me, I will torture you slowly with a rusty metal spork! So go away scumbag!" He yelled back with his fist raised up shaking. "Sorry if that annoyed you Elinore. Some guy out there threatened to prank me for tossing a bloody gut at him before." He chuckled before going to the bathroom to wash his armor off with water.

A.D was attempting to order Archdeath to come off his owner when another A.I entered the suit's systems. "Nice to meet you Pandora. My name is A.D and I'm this bastard's personal A.I." He said in a miserable voice while checking on the newcomer's programming. "If your here to hack the suit's system, tough luck for you. It has a powerful firewall that I can only deactivate at will."

"Come meet me at the nurse office." Alex texted back to Ferlick. After sending the message, he looks at the two unconscious faunus in the room. SMACK! Make that three unconscious faunus now, if knocking Markus out with a sucker punch to the stomach counts. This is a sad day to be a faunus it seems.
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Pandora smiled in cyberspace. "Then perhaps you would consider deactivating it, after all it will allow you to see your owner in misery." Trey was walked back to his room and slept. Pandora kept talking "I can assure you, everything I will do is in the name of good fun." She proceeds to explain Trey's prank. "If you allow me I might let you help me."
Ferlick hurried to the nurses office and looked over the people who were now unconscious. "I'm guessing that they had something to do with the attack? Either that or you are having a bad day. But I have a more reformed theory. Upon visiting Trey I found that he had all his grimm bait stolen and set in place of his tear gas before his prank. There were only four students who even had an inkling this prank was going to happen and all of them aside from Trey himself assisted in the stopping of the grimm. The only way for somebody to coordinate what had happened would be if they knew about the prank which means either somebody has a damn good poker face or its somebody with the ability to spy on students at all times. Now I am no fool I know perfectly well that most of the teachers can watch students with their scrolls, so it was either a damn good hacker or a teacher that helped coordinate the efforts." he had managed to say that all in one breath and he now took a big gasp before continuing. "If any of what I just said is true then I have probably been seen telling you each of my theories which have proven to be near correct every time, and I am afraid what might happen. Is there any way to ask who hired the gunship?"
"This sounds very tempting... okay. Why not." A.D said after deactivating the firewall instantly. "You had me at the word misery. Now let's go dust up his day a bit more." The two A.Is immediately go to work and start messing around with the audio system in Archdeath.

Alex points at the unconscious Markus when Ferlick was done explaining his reformed theory. "Your looking at the culprit right here, boy. The White Fang and him were involved with everything that happened at yesterday's dance." The professor gives a wet willy to Markus to wake him up. "Now I'm just waiting for the numbnut to give me all the information I want from him."
While they were working Pandora suddenly asked "Why do you wish your owner harm and misery? Has he done something that does not appease what they call 'morals'?"
A.D laughs to Pandora's question. "Pandora, you haven't been alive long enough to understand what I've been through. Being a unshackled A.I can be a gift and curse at the same time." He stops working to show old video files that he recorded over the years. "Willy doesn't have a sense of 'moral' when dealing with other people. He's usually a okay guy at times, but can turn into a cold, sadistic bastard when the situation calls for it." The videos show William killing and torturing people mercilessly, each more horrifying than a rated R movie with Ursas wielding chainsaws. "Now what would you call a person like this in your mind after watching that for several years?"
"...I would call him a psycho, my master is also a psycho but in a good way." Pandora answered. "My master does what he does for joy and cheer, he makes the weirdest things, like me, and plans the most ridiculous things." She finished modifying the programs. "I thank you for the assistance AD, this has been fun and educational." Pandora returns to Dying Light.
Ferlick nodded and sat down on a nearby chair. "Do you mind if I stay for the interrogation? I feel partially at fault for the attack's near success and as such I feel obligated to help stop future attacks. I also feel safer with a staff member nearby, never know who is listening after all." Even after saying all that his hand was on the hilt of his newly upgraded Phoen. Perhaps it was time for him to add another weapon to his arsenal something a little bit more powerful for quick ends to combat but not for elongated fighting. A quick easy defense weapon was what he needed. "Why would the white fang attack a school that has faunas students though...?"
"Psycho but in a good way? How fortunate for you." A.D scoffs after Pandora left. "Now lets test this new audio file out for fun and giggles." The A.I starts playing the female moaning sounds file when William was still cleaning Archdeath in the bathroom.

Alex gives Ferlick a thumbs up with his free hand while the other one was busy messing around with Markus's face. "Yeah, you can hang out here with me kid. It's kind of boring to talk to no one for a few hours." Mostly if the only people you can talk to are unconscious. Maybe he should let someone else watch over the prisoner from now on. "The White Fang is just plain stupid. The organization used to be something good for the faunus race, but they just lost their way in the process. Now they don't care if others of their kind gets hurt in their attacks. As long as their message gets across to everyone that they mean business, they'll continue doing pointless acts like this forever."
Ferlick shook his head and sighed. "I might have even backed the old white fang. I can't stand watching people be bullied and pushed around but their approach is just...wrong. Violence will never put an end to violence it just breeds more and more wars." He looked at the unconscious faunas and sighed again. "Why do people have to push each other around? It never made sense to me." He had been where most faunas had taunted and beaten because he was different. It wasn't even because he was a different species but because he was a natural born aura user and it frightened people. In their fear of him they attacked him and pushed him around hoping to keep him down.
"Because everyone always wants to be more powerful over those who can't stand up for themselves. That's just how the world works." Alex stares at the window to see that the sun was starting to set and it was almost nighttime. How long was he in there for? Did time go by really fast after all the drama he seen today? The professor really needed to buy himself a watch if he doesn't want time to go by so fast without him realizing it. "But I used to love it whenever a war would start anywhere in Remnant. I always got a huge paycheck for participating in those wars in my past life."
Somehow Trey couldn't sleep. He groaned and rolled off his bed and went to the nurse's office. "Excuse me, you guys got sedatives? I need them."
"Wars are a useless attempt at creating a form of permanent power. The victors think they have a solid victory but nothing is solid in battle. Every strategy has a fall point and so does every victory. But that is why we need more soldiers in the fight against grimm isn't it? Because there is no end to them but there is easily an end to us. We spend so much time fighting each other while the world tears itself apart at the seams." He cracked his knuckles and looked up. "I didn't come to Beacon knowing I would end up in a team with others, but now that I realize how weak I am alone I think that it might just be a good idea." He touched his new scar eye patch and the fresh bandages on his chest. "I almost lost an eye after all." Ferlick suddenly looked up at Trey and then smiled a bit. "I could always hit you really hard on the head."
"Wise choice of words my dear pupil. Ever thought of a becoming a philosophical Hunter before? Those are high in demand these days." Alex chuckled when he looked at Ferlick with a smile. "But it's good that you understand the importance of teamwork. No one can win a huge fight by themselves, unless they're a monster." He turns his head when he heard Trey approach the nurse office, his feline ears going up in surprise. The prankster has arrived to the scene. "Yeah, there's some in the cabinet over there. But are you having trouble with sleeping?" He asked while pointing at a closed cabinet filled with labeled medicine inside it.
He grabbed a sedative and stared at it. Then he grabbed nine more a downed all ten. "G'night, wake me up when it's morn-zzzzzzz..." He fell forward and slept.
Ferlick starred at the now sleeping Trey and sighed. "He doesn't know how to do anything in small doses. Everything he does has to be huge." He shook his head and chuckled a bit. His chest had been bothering him but he wasn't going to complain or take anything, the nurse had treated his wounds and that was the end of that. "Were you ever in a team Alex?" He had always wondered how people became professors at Beacon and if they had to start out as students.
Alex's eyes looked empty after Ferlick asked his question. "Nope. Never attended Beacon or any other school like it before. Probably all of the professors here were graduated students from the school, but me. I was actually a mercenary most of my life."
Ferlick nodded and chuckled a bit. "That was my plan to be honest. I was going to work solo outside of any sort of association then Beacon offered to take me in. I thought I was just signing up to learn so I got a little worried when I learned I had to join a team, but I'm fine with it now." He cracked his knuckles again and finally relaxed his hands on Phoen. "How hard did you hit them?"
Alex pointed at Markus and Nexus with both hands. "I smacked those two idiots pretty hard. One in the neck and the other in the stomach." He then points at Aires. "No need to hit her since she was losing a lot of blood after stabbing herself a few hours ago. I never did understand why people do stupid things when coming after their loved ones killer." He walks over to Nexus and starts slapping his face rapidly.
Ferlick looked at them and sighed. He stood up and looked at Aires. "Doesn't she need a blood transfusion now?" He didn't like to see people die from self harm, it was usually a backlash of bullying. "And I'm pretty sure that you didn't just slap them to get this result, otherwise you should truly be feared." He smiled a bit but sat down nearer to Aires. "She seems to need more blood, what type is she?"
"Do I look like a doctor to you?" Alex asked with a raised eyebrow. The man was a fighter, not a medic. He usually let his old pupil patch him up after missions. "But if I wanted them to fear me, I would have broken their bones. Being a professor haves too many restrictions though." He sighed and calls the nurses back into the room. The medical staff begins the blood transfusion as the professor and student watched.

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"Gooood." He lowered his hand. " First thing is you should know. This list is both people and items. The top on the list is weiss, ruby rose, and yang sheng long, Professor ospin, glenda goodwitch.... Half of the staff.... Elinore, William...."He began to say some other names. "As for the items." He said some old, and powerful relics, a few weapons, and some other destructive stuff. "If I could get access to a computer, I can pull up the whole list."
"Why the dust would they need all that?" Alex asked while giving his scroll to Markus. "Your superiors must be crazy if they want all that done."

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"You wanna know the worse part.... That is only what they want from this region, the list for the other kingdoms is much, much longer.... And about that computer?"

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