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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"...Hmmm." Trey said as he pushed a button on Dying Light. "EPIDEMIC!" Dying Light transforms into a rocket launcher and fires two missiles. They spread out and blew up an area. "HATRED" It transforms into a grenade launcher and fires three grenades, it takes out a larger area. "JEALOUSY!" Dying Light turns into a gatling gun and fires rapidly, it takes down three trees. "GRIEF!" He picks it up and it transforms into a giant shuriken and throws it, once it returns multiple trees have fallen down. "REVENGE!" Dying Light morphs into a large cannon and suddenly fires a big red laser that vaporized the ground. "And finally...." He motions for Ferlick to step back.
Ferlick didn't move a single step simply watching as the show continued. He held Phoen forward and pressed the birds right eye the barrel of the gun changing to shape into multiple smaller barrels. "I think we do make a good team we have the same ideas." He laughed and then pressed the other eye the barrel widening into a dish style with a small container in the center that seemed to be holding a blank dust crystal. "It's a rare find a blank crystal, go ahead hit me with your best shot."
"...Okay then, you asked for it." He took a deep breath. "AAARRRGUUUUUUUUUUMMMEEEEEEEEENNNTTT!!!" Dying Light transformed into a massive missile battery. All the missiles fired towards the sky then arched downwards to Ferlick. "Firing second wave!" Another set of missiles were set up and prepared to fire.
Ayaan smiles. "Looking for somewhere quiet. The constant people start to get on my nerves..." She said, stretching in the sunlight. "When do you think they'll assign the teams?"

(Sorry it took so long to reply, my notifications seemed to die there for a bit)

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Ferlick held up the dish shaped Phoen and smiled. "Rebirth!" The disk began to spin and all the missiles headed his way went directly into the dish. They exploded upon contact but instead of their full destructive power being realized the explosive energy was suddenly pulled into the blank crystal as it took in the energy the crystal began to grow in color slowly becoming a glowing red dust crystal. By the time all the missiles had hit the crystal was glowing brighter than most crystals did and he aimed it at the rest of the missiles. He pulled the trigger and the energy was exhaled at them creating a beam of energy the size of the dish. When it was done the crystal was once again clear and he put Phoen down the weapon closing back up into blade shape. "It takes in energy and throws it back, its a project of five years."
Trey smiled. He transformed Dying Light back into a briefcase. " I really don't want to demonstrate all 666 forms..." He stopped... "No...wait...actually...I do have one more form I could show..." He set it down. "Now you might really want to step back now."
Nexus walks into the med bay and looks around. "Should be here somewhere, ah hah there you are." He walks over to Markus' bed and looks down at him. "You awake? Whether you are or not, i was hired to come here by one of your subordinates. You may know who i am, i am Nexus Arket, the best hunter from the White Fang's secret group the Talonz. Either way, i am here to help get you back into a ship. You want my help?"
Ferlick laughed and stepped back sitting on a nearby rock. "I think that I should stop showing off myself, our little light show might draw some unwanted attention." He thought for a moment and then smiled. "By the way I have cleared your name with Alex I informed him that your grimm bait was stolen and that you were set up. We had been having a conversation about the whole night anyway and that's when I came up with my theory, now impress me!"
Alex stares at the newcomer and puts his hand on his shoulder. "Haven't your mother ever told you it's rude to interrupt a interrogation?" He said with a dark smile.

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He kicked Dying Light open and large machines started to pop out. Soon it formed two legs, then a torso, then arms then a skull head and soon a massive mech was standing over the forest, easily towering over Beacon Academy. "BEHOLD! PAIN! AHAHAHAHA!"
"My mother was killed when i was young. So i wouldn't know in truth." He looks at Alex and raises an eyebrow. "You don't scare me, I'm only here for money, so do what you want I'll get paid in one way or another."
Ferlick stared up at the mech and was dumbfounded. "Are you kidding me! That is too much just too much how on earth did...what did...how!" He sighed and shook his head. "I was hoping to be more discreet but you just had to do that, no everybody knows we are here." He sighed and looked at the mech. "How do you make it small again, or even get in it?"
"What the dust..." William muttered after seeing a huge mech nearby his area in the forest. Not the weirdest thing he's ever seen before, but still. Not good if it's going to attack Beacon Academy. "Well time to take it down hopefully..." He takes out a rocket launcher out of his bag and aims at the mech. "Opening fire." After pulling the trigger, several heat-seeking missles start flying toward its target at full speed.

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"Hostiles intentions detected master." A feminine voice spoke from the mech. "I'm having fun here Pandora! Neutralize target." The mech's eyes glowed. "Understood!" It fired a tiny knockout dart into where Alex was and it hit Nexus. "Hmm...fine, Intent." The mech then suddenly turned into a cloak and slowly fell. Trey caught it and put it on. "Happy?"
Ferlick sighed and shook his head. "You are ridiculous. You make no sense and you keep doing things like that after you have been in trouble for accidentally unleashing Grimm and then you make a huge mech and unleash it upon the world." He began walking back to the academy. "I am going to try and find Alex this whole thing is bothering me and I want to talk to him about it, nobody hurts my friends."
"Target has changed form. Eliminate new target." The heat-seeking missles now start heading toward Trey's cloak.

Alex catches Nexus after a random dart knocked the assassin out. "Now that was unexpected..." The professor puts Nexus on a bed before returning to Markus.

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Aires appears in the medic bay. She was different. Wearing tight leather leggings, a skin tight combat battle corset, her pistol boots that laced up all the way to her knees. On her hands she had leather gloves. The girl meant business. She walked up to Nexus placing a blade towards his neck. "Bastard." She then looked at Alex, "What? You gonna stop me?" She asked her eyes like black fire.
"Incoming!" Pandora screamed as missiles approached. Trey swiftly brought his hands up and caught the rockets. "Strike one." "Master, traces of AI are present." "Strike two. Trace the source and send this message: I do not appreciate unprecedented attacks on my person, then send it back." Tendrils appeared and touched the missiles before flying one more, this time in the direction of it's source."
Ferlick shook his head and kept walking towards Beacon. "Be careful Trey you might get attacked again with that attitude. Your best bet was to have just destroyed the missile before sending the message. Scrolls are easy to track if there is an AI nearby them after all." He pulled his own scroll out and checked for a new message. He sighed and closed it. "I'm going back to get some food I haven't eaten in a while and I am still recovering." He touched his eye which now simply had an eye patch covering it but with a horrible looking scar crossing over it. "I hate this look."
"They can try, I still have 658 forms I haven't used yet." He turns Dying Light back into a briefcase and walks to the dining hall. "I'm really hungry." He orders a plate of food and sits down to eat.
Ferlick sighed and ordered himself the biggest plate they would give him. he dug into it furiously only stopping to look up at Trey. "Do you think perhaps the number of forms might slow you down? And that maybe you should stick with your first weapon. I mean you seem to be so ready to replace your old lamppost poor thing is probably sad."
Elinore slumped into the nurse's office. Even though she was wearing her normal cloths, she still wore the eye holeless mask from the dance. The less people who saw her eyes, the less times she'd be asked when the last time she slept was, because after the series of events and heartbreaks, she couldn't sleep a wink. She'd stayed up the whole time, thinking, planning, contemplating. She'd come into the nurse's office to find Tavril who was probably doing something about those third degree burns she gave him. But what she found instead was a madwoman in black with a blade at some students neck. "Hey you!" Elinore snapped. She sounded like a girl who hadn't slept in a loonnggg time, "You're not the one going round killing students are you? You killed my friend. And people who do that don't live." she said as she took the axe off her back. In her current state she couldn't recognize the woman as Aires.
"Do it . . ." Aires said not tuning around. "I don't care . . . All I care about is being with Loki . . ." She turns to look at Elinore, "Lulu . . ." She said her eyes going from black to neon purple and ice blue, "He killed Loki . . . He killed his own cousin . . . I'm going to kill him!" Her eyes turned back to black and she picked up the blade.
"A...aires?" Elinore asked as she lowered her axe, completely dumbfounded. "Aires....take a second and listen to yourself...what would Loki say if he heard you say you were going to kill his cousin?" she asked as she took a step forward, "do you think he'd be proud? Do you think he'd say 'Yes Aires, this is what I wanted you to do with your life'?"
"HE'S DEAD LULU!" She said trembling. "He's gone . . . and I couldn't do anything to save him . . . " her eyes watered as her grip on the blade grew tighter. She was bleeding. "He killed his whole family and now he killed Loki . . . why just because someone paid him to do it . . . What would you do?"

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