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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Fine. What do want in exchange for information?" Alex asked with arms crossed. He was fine with his current spot.

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"After I give you this information, you let me go, after I heal." He wanted to heal there because the nurses were good looking, and they had a better medical station then any of the white fang. "So is is a deal or not?" He put up his hand as if to hand shake him.
"Aires" Her brother said silently placing his hands on her shoulders, "what are you going to do?" She stayed silent, she couldn't cry anymore, the light in her eyes was gone, almost indefinitely. "Join me, what else do you have to lose? Leave Beacon."

"No." She responded in a dead tone. " The White Fang." She said, "I'm going back. . ." Kaze froze when he heard her say. "Why?" Worth that she flew away from him.

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"Hmm... fine. It's a deal." Alex said without shaking hands with Markus. "But if I ever see you attack Beacon or its students again, I'll make sure it'll be your last time doing it. Now tell me what I want to know."

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Nexus layer some flowers on top of Loki and walked outside. His feline ears twitch at sounds as be listens to conversations and the like. He sits on a bench hidden off to the side and crosses his legs. He contacts people on his phone as he waits for his new job, while still attending school.

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Aires flies over Nexus and shoots him in the shoulder. "SON OF A BITCH!" She yelled shooting him once more reloading her boots. "Why!" She said landing, "WHY!?" She whispered grabbing him by the collar, her new found strength incredible . . . "Tell me." You couldn't see her eyes but she meant business.
"I was paid to do it. I'm an assassin girl. His uncle paid me to kill his family." He knocks her hands off easily, and then held her. "You think i enjoyed killings my cousin and his family! Now it wasn't, I knew Loki longer then you did. So I am I'm more pain then you!"

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"Let me go!" She said beginning to cry once again trying to push against him . . . "Loki . . ." she pounds on his chest, "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" She whispered falling to her knees. "I love him" she burried her face in her hands.
"You weren't the only one. You are not the only one..." He pats her head and hands her a card. "Call me if you need anything. It's all I can do to help. It'd be foolish to throw the card away." He walks off and heads towards the cafeteria.

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He kills my boyfriend and then gives me a card to what ease the pain . . . Bastard. I'll kill him. She says standing up flinging her wings out, "I'm done with this place." In the sky she could see everything. "I was in love with Loki and I vowed to protect him. If I can't protect him then I will become stronger . . . I can no longer be at Beacon." She landed through her room window and entered her room. She saw it, Malestrom. "Understood, Loki." She could still feel him with her, but how long would that last.
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"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize someone else was up here..." Ayaan said, but sat down at Benjamin's invitation. "So, what are you doing on the roof?" She asked, trying to make conversation.

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"Hmm?" Trey looks at Ferlick. He stops drawing for a second before continuing once more. "What is it that you want to ask? And do you have a purple briefcase?"
After what felt like a eternity without food, William stands up and barges out the dining hall. He bumps into someone on his way to his room without apologizing to them. "Wait isn't that..." A.D said as he starts searching for information on the guy they bumped into before. "A.D, I don't care. Just help me find some weapons and dust I can use on myself." William said while stashing a lot of dangerous equipment into a bag. He changes out of his ruined tuxedo and into his jacket before leaving the room. With the traps active of course. He heads toward a empty area in the forest outside the school. "Okay then. Operation Kamikaze shall commence after I get everything ready." The hungry student begins setting up the area with explosives and other dangerous things.

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Ferlick looked puzzled at the second question. "No I do not but I have a theory about the dance and I wanted to test the waters before I do anything. When you realized it was grimm bait you seemed more surprised than somebody who had just mistaken two bottles, was that actually your grimm bait did you just mix up the canisters or did something else happen?" He didn't want to outright say that he thought Trey had been set up but it was in his mind.
Benjamin laughed at Ayaan's question. "Don't you know that I practically live up here." He says fidgeting with his scroll to look for his room assignment. "It says that I'm in room 117 until I am assigned a team." He states as he reads from the piece of machinery. "What about you? What brings you to my rooftop?"

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Trey thought for a second. "Yes, it's my Grimm bait but I only keep two at hand." He suddenly froze and rushed towards his closet and pulled out a safe. He opened it. "...My entire supply...gone..." His control slipped and he disintegrated the safe but he didn't care. "Ferlick...find me a purple briefcase...now..."
Ferlick suddenly pulled out his scroll and typed a frantic message to Alex. "Somebody stole all of Trey's grimm bait, I'm almost certain now that he was set up and that somebody in this school is pulling strings." Even as he wrote the message he had jumped on Phoen kicking off and flying down the halls. His ability to control the sword like a skateboard had taken years and many scars but it made it so it only took him a few minutes to find a random purple briefcase and give it to Trey. "Somebody knew you were going to pull that prank and it would seem they replaced your tear gas with grimm bait. If my predictions are correct there would have been a huge massacre at the dance, and you would have been blamed for all of it."
He took the briefcase and pulled out many guns, bullets, Dust, a mysterious mechanism and a giant shuriken from his closet. "I already blame myself for it, so don't worry..." Tools came shooting out of sleeves as he begun to work on his ranged weapon. "Now either go or put on a helmet. We're making a new weapon."
Ferlick did neither of them but inspected the parts and gave a small smile. "Mind if I steal one or two bits I think you have everything here I need for an upgrade I was wanted to do myself." He made sure to keep a safe distance from the flying tools and weapons but caught a lot of the dust that came rolling off from tables. "Be careful with this stuff it can get volatile."
He smiled when he said 'volatile'. He grinned, this was different from his usual grins, it was a very dark grin. "That's the point". He gave a gesture. "Go ahead, take what you need."
Ferlick was at work in seconds suddenly pulling open Phoen. On the inside of the blade was what looked like an incomplete gun modification. He started to work furiously first by adding a particularly large red dust stone into the center of the fixture. He then began to get to work on finishing the barrel and firing system. From the looks of it the unfinished piece appeared to be an almost exactly similar set to what was built into the phoenix head. Upon hitting the head two small pipes would come out from the head on either side depending on where it was hit. These pipes would either engulf the blade in steady flame or create a rocket sized burst flame. The gun barrel appeared to work in a similar way but created a more controlled fireball burst. "I could never find the tools needed for this, its about time Phoen broke out of her ashes."
Trey was busy. He was fitting everything he got into the briefcase. He had to disassemble a few pieces but he still got everything into it. Everything fit into it perfectly and as a finishing touch he added a skull symbol outside. When he finished the briefcase was giving off a light that kept dimming. "I name you...Dying Light." He lifted it. "Wanna go test these out Ferlick?"
Ferlick nodded finishing his touched and smiling to Trey. "Lets go see which one is more effective shall we?" He was impressed by the changes he had finally made closing phoen and putting her in her sheathe. It was an impressive blade no matter how it worked and he was proud to be it's father. "You really like fire and light, they should call you the lantern."
"Meh." He walked out into the deepest part of the forest. "Here will do, I don't want to accidentally nuke something." He held out Dying Light. "Come at me."
Ferlick pulled out Phoen and aimed her at Trey. "Get ready!" He pulled back on the phoenix beak and it became a trigger mechanism. At the same time the blade spun and pulled back so that the way it curve was similar to a cross bow. This allowed for him to still use it as a bladed weapon. Underneath it revealed a small rifle barrel that seemed to have been compacted. Suddenly the barrel expanded so that it was about as wide as his arm. He pulled the trigger and a fireball about the size of Ferlick's head shot out with enough explosive force behind it go straight through two trees before exploding on the third destroying it with a powerful explosion. "I boosted it far beyond what I ever thought might be possible."

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