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Fandom Beacon Academy.

William takes the blade away from her and he slowly . . . slowly pulls her away from Loki's dead boy. She looks up at Will, "Will . . . what am I going to do?" Her tears stream down her face. She had never seen a death before. She was breaking, her heart was going to shatter. It hurt so much. Her mind was clouded with rage. She was shaking violently. She hugged herself tightly digging her nails into her arms. "Will . . . Will . . . he's gone . . ."
"Yeah... he's gone." William coldly replied back after he pulled Aires away from the dead body. "It's a natural part of life that we all have to go through some day." Well not everyone will die in such a gruesome death though. Loki was just unfortunate enough to die in such a painful way. "But... it's something you'll have to get over with soon. He'll just be another memory of yours in the future." He then walks over to Loki's dead body and bends down to examine the large gash.
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"I've never lost someone! I've always been the one that was lost. The one that other's never loved or needed or wanted! And now that someone finally loves . . . he dies!" She walks over to him. "How can you be so calm!? This is bullshit!" She began to glow with rage, "I will kill him." She glares at will. "I loved Loki, are you telling me that if Lulu died the way he did you would be this calm?"
William slides his hand down Loki's face to close his eyes and mouth. He then places Loki's hands over the large gash to make the dead student look like he was sleeping."To tell you the truth... I don't know. I'm so used to seeing people die and mentally learned to be calm during situations like these." He said as he got up and looked at Aires in the eyes. "But I'm sorry for your lost Aires. He was a good person to know." He then pulls out his wrist scroll to call the school's staff about the bloody situation in the forest.
Aires stifles her sobs and in defeat nears William, she places her head in his chest and silently cries hugging William lightly. " Sorry. . ."

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Ferlick saw the reply and sighed continuing to fiddle with his weapon. If he made a mistake his whole room would go up in flames but he didn't have time to be worried about things like that. He was at Beacon now and he was going to belong here whether that meant fighting off Grimm or burning up because he flipped the wrong cable it didn't matter to him. He had been admired even for a second by the students who saw him create the wall and the scar it left would take years to wash away, so if he did die at least he would be remembered as the guy who made the school look ugly. he sent one last reply to Alex which was a simple question. "Something else happened at the dance while I was fighting grimm didn't it?"
"No, I should be one apologizing here." William sighed before patting Aires head. "I was never good with saying the right words to others after they just witnessed someone important to them die." A Bullhead flew by the area and landed right next to the students. Several guards come out the airship before they start putting the dead into a body bag. "So sorry if that sounded mean Aires. That's just my personality in general." He leads her to the Bullhead that was waiting for them to board in. "Want me to accompany you back to the school or are going to be okay by yourself?" He asked while sitting Aires down on one of the passenger seats.

"A laser strike nearly destroyed Beacon but other than that... nope. Everything else went well." Alex typed in his message to Ferlick. After sending it, he smacks Markus's face with his scroll.

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She was a mess. She didn't want to be aloe but the only one she wanted to be with was dead. "I'll . . . I'l be fine by myself." She said not being able to smile. She gets up from her seat and flies out of the Bullhead her tears turn into the rain.
"Oh look Willy. You made another female cry this month." A.D joked at William after Aires and the airship flew away from the area. "A.D... do you like me at all?" The student asked while heading back to Beacon on foot. "Nope. Everyone in Remnant hates you since your such a scumbag to people." The A.I insulted as he attempts to order Archdeath to go into sleep mode. This command doesn't work at all and only results with the armor moving around a bit. "But am I a monster?" The A.I remains silent from this question and William doesn't say anything else for the rest of the walk back.
Ferlick finished his modifications, or at least what he could think of for now. He looked down at his scroll and almost dropped his tools. The idea that somebody would go that far to attack Beacon only made an idea he had earlier stronger. It didn't all fit quite right anyway. Trey had been so sure of himself that he was using tear gas and it had turned out to be Grimm bait. Even if he had given Ferlick a can of Grimm bait to have that much of the stuff didn't even click at all as making sense. He decided to send another message this time with an idea that had been bothering him. He typed the message fast and sent it the moment the idea formed more clearly in his mind. "I don't think that the Grimm bait was Trey's. Think about it this way somebody swaps Trey's tear gas with grimm bait which is kept in similar containers. After he unleashes the bait a swarm of grimm head towards the dance and put the school in peril. Because of the no weapons rule the teachers are the only people able to stop the grimm from wreaking havoc. Suddenly with the teachers working at the grimm a ship opens fire on the students. The teachers cannot turn their backs to save the students or they will be overrun and suddenly hundreds are dead. It would have been a massacre."
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Trey awoke with a start. He was breathing rapidly and his Semblance was slowly starting to disintegrate the bed he was on. He made quick work of calming himself before looking around. "Ugh...I really gotta fix that detonator." He slowly climbed off the bed and suddenly fell against the wall. "Gah, and then I'm lining my clothes with armor." He grabbed his lamppost and used it as a crutch to get out. "I seriously need a ranged weapon, a flamethrower isn't going to cut it..."
Elinore walked up to the blood scene quietly. She allowed William to do the talking while she stood by Loki's body. She...couldn't believe he was dead.... what.... what was the last thing she even said to the guy? She felt like she hadn't sen him all week and now here was his body. She may not have been as close to him as Aires was, but the two of them were still close friends. He stayed with her all that time during her coma, and for that whole month William was gone. And they caught rabbits together. "Rest in piece my dear friend..." she said quietly as the other two started to leave for the bullhead. She silently turned away and followed after them, a little distance behind because apparently time moved fast when you looked at dead bodies.

William had decided to move by foot, a decision she was glad he made sense she still owed him a bit of an explanation. She ran up after him and put her hand on his shoulder, "when you fell out of that tree." Elinore finally said, pulling William to a stop. "That's when I realized I liked you. You put your own life in danger for me and you hardly even knew me. And that's when I realized, wow, this person actually cares. And from there William, you just continued to show me how unique and wonderful of an individual you were. I wouldn't have anyone else as my partner." she said with a smile before leaving back towards the body. She wasn't just going to leave Loki there. She'd wait with him until the staff came to pick him up.
On the way back he passed Elinore and a guy. He suddenly looked serious. "How many casualties?" 
"Don't ask how I know, I see the look you have and I know something bad happened and I feel like it's my fault."
Markus looked at him, almost outraged. "Because, believe it or not. I was saving it. It was either shoot or invade this whole school, and I choose the lesser of the two evils.... Because if the white fang invaded, everyone would either be killed or taken prisoner, and that is if they are feeling generous.... You can recover from two blasts, but an invading army, you think that you could hold them, but trust me... This place would fall.... A lot of people were put on a list, a kill list. If anything I saved everyone.... They think that this whole place was destroyed with two shoots."
"One," Elinore said softly as she stopped to talk to Tray, "two if you count Aires heart.....he was... a good friend. And a good teammate" she said with a nod. Teams hadn't been officially announced, but she considered him part of her team. But now he was dead. "Apparently someone came out and attacked him. You weren't at fault, none of us could have done anything..." she sighed. She'd seen people close to her die too many times, and it was always because she wasn't there to do anything about it.

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"..." Saving Light suddenly roared to life. "..." Suddenly as quick as it burned, Saving Light dimmed back to normal. "Do you know who killed him?"
"No. Only Aries knows and she's too heart broken right now. I'll have to ask her later once she's had some time." Elinore replied with a slow shake of her head. "But mark my word. I hunt down whoever did this and I will find them. And when I do, I will make them wish they'd never been born." Maybe she'd skin whoever did this alive. But she was always preaching forgiveness and mercy, all that compassion crap. So perhaps she'd kill them. Then skin them....or set them on fire and watch them burn to death. Fire was always a good option.

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"I'll help, I feel responsible." He turned around and marched back to his room. "Now to find myself a purple suitcase." He checked his Scroll and replied to Ferlick's message "Sure why not."
Benjamin was laying on the roof again, this time his mind blank and free of thoughts. He hadn't even though about the fact that he had only recently been crushed to near death underneath an Ursa and before that rode a Nevermore. This time he was just relaxing and admiring the day. He still hadn't found his dorm, but he did run the clothes he was given for the dance to the cleaners to get rid of the smell of dead Grimm, so he didn't need to worry about clothing needing a place for the time being.

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Trey went back to his room and posted a note on the door. It says: 'Wanted: Purple Briefcase'. "And now I wait..." He said as he started making blueprints.
Ayaan was tired. She was glad she had skipped the dance, both because she hated wearing dresses, nor had one. Or for that matter, someone to go with. Not that she cared, she had gone into the city for the day.

But, what she did care about was the fact that Beacon apparently got attacked, someone even killed. Ayaan kicked herself for not being there, not being able to help.

And so she found herself wandering the school grounds, aimless, tired. She was currently looking for somewhere to sleep, since her dorm was a mess. Seeing an especially sunny patch up on part of the roof, Ayaan stretched and jumped, landing gracefully, and almost falling straight onto another Faunus. She vaguely remembered his name as Benjamin.

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Benjamin was staring into the blue sky when he heard the sound of someone coming towards him. Quickly leaping up to see who the visitor was he immediately relaxed when he saw it was Ayaan. "Oh, hey, it's Ayaan, right?" He says, sitting back down and rubbing the back of his head. The one time in my life where I have a blank mind and someone shows up, he thinks as his mind becomes cluttered with thoughts again. "Take a seat." He offers, patting the roofing next to him.
Alex raises an eyebrow toward Markus. "Do you really think your superiors would be convinced that Beacon was destroyed?" He then looks at Ferlick's message. Interesting theory the student had. "They'll find out that the school is still standing soon. Probably from one of the faunus students here." He texts someone about Ferlick's message before continuing to interrogate Markus. "Now your going answer some questions. First, who's on this hit list? Second, how long were you planning this attack for?"

William was about to say something to Elinore but Trey appeared from nowhere. He silently walks away while the two students talk to each other. After making it to the crowded dining hall, he buys himself some food before sitting down at a empty table. "A.D, status report on Archdeath 2.0." He asked A.D when clicking the button to partially open his mask failed. "Still unstable at the time. The new alloy you used is being a Grimm to me, since it won't listen to my commands at all." The A.I reported with a amused voice. "Which means no food for me again? Dust." William smacks his metal face onto the table in disappointment and made a hole without realizing it. Too hungry to care at the moment.

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Drake breathed a sigh of relief. "Good, there is nothing wrong with my computer." He saw alert, a ship was still in range. "Hold on." He said as he began to check on what the ship was doing in orbit above beacon.

Markus cleared his throat. "First, they will believe it because the ship that is under my command said it is. And everone on that ship is loyal to their captain before anything....Second If I tell you, you must do something for me." He motioned for him to come closer.
Ferlick sighed and walked over to Trey's room knocking on the door. He doubted Trey had seen many things that had happened but he wanted to ask him a question about his theory. He tried the handle and found it locked so he knocked again. "Trey I want to ask you a question about the dance, something is bothering me."

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