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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"He was my mentor, and my best friend....until..." Elinore took another deep breath, "can we just...ditch Markus at the nurses and continue this on the roof? It's some...personal stuff." she said with a nervous smile.
William nods before walking up to Markus and picks him up. "Nighty night." He said after smacking Markus face with the end of the pistol. He drags the unconscious faunus back to the school, not caring about the students staring at him during his trip to the nurse office. After several nurses take Markus away from him, William turns around before facing Elinore and Tavril. "Does Fluffy know about Rolland too?" He asked coldly.

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Ferlick looked down and nodded ashamed a little and then turned to him. "Yes I am friends with Trey and I admit I helped him with the prank at the dance. I had no idea that it was actually Grimm bait though and I don't think he did either that's why I tried to stop the Grimm from reaching the other students..." he stopped talking and looked up at Alex "Please don't punish him harshly he is a little bit odd but he only means to have fun even if it does end up a little twisted."
"I know he took care of Lulu for some time," Tavril said as he crossed his arms, "but I was never really invested in her personal life so I never dug in deeper" he added with a shrug, "you two enjoy your roof time...I'm going to go find some food..." he said before walking away.
Markus was dragged, and given to the nurses. After a while he awoke, his shoulder in pain. But one of the nurses gave him some pain meds. He began to fall asleep. He just hopped that the tiger faunus that put the collar on him would come. He laid in his bed. he went for something but was stopped by a pair of handcuffs. "Is this necessary."

Drake got to his room. He walked over to the screen and touched it. It took it a minute but it lit up. "Oh thank god." He said in a hushed tone. It was going to be next to impossible for him to repair it allon his own. He preformed a diagnostic check, he wanted to make sure nothing was wrong with his machine.
"Alright, come on William, let's head to the roof" Elinore sighed before walking back up towards her normal haunt. She was hoping that it was something she could just forget. But that seemed to be far from a reality.
William follows Elinore up to her roof base. He wasn't sure what to expect, but knew that it might be important to know if he's going to continue being with Elinore. "So... what did Rolland do in the past?" He asked as he sit down on the edge of roof.

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Elinore sat down next to William and stared out into the empty night sky. "Rolland...was my mentor," Elinore started with a slow nod, "he found me, in the forest about a year and a half ago. He took me in and gave me a home again. He taught me how to fight, he helped me make LunarRedemption into the axe I have today, he unlocked my aura and helped me with my semblance, he even bought me my jacket. He was a student at Beacon, and he would have graduated last year. That's how Finnik and all those upper classmen of team FAUX know me. I can't even tell you how many hours of school he skipped to help me. Finnik thought he'd be held back a year for it. And he would have...had it not been for..." Elinore shook her head and looked down at the ground, "During my training...he'd come to realize that I...was relentless. I cared for nothing and no one. Compassion was the farthest thing from my mind. And he recognized that weakness. So he lured an Ursa back to home." she said coldly, "and I hated it. The moment I saw it I wanted it dead. And I would go through anything to kill it. Ursas killed my family you know, took everything away from me. I wasn't just going to let it live," she explained with an agrivated laugh, "but Rolland wouldn't have it. He told me that I had to remember my emblem. The moon for strength and the rabbit for compassion. And I'd completely forgotten the rabbit. I had to sit and watch the ursa the whole day. At night, I'd have to feed it. Then he'd let it go on its way. So hat did I do? I tried to attack it. But Rollan stopped me. He said 'No Laluna. You have to be compassionate! Otherwise you're just going to hurt the people you care about.' and do you know what I did?" Elinore asked, the pain evident in her voice, "I let the anger take over...and I stabbed him...in the heart...." she said with a shake of her head, "after all he did for me, I stabbed him...and he just...and he just held me in his arms...the knife still in his chest....and he patted my head and he said 'It's alright Laluna. It's going to be okay...never forget the lesson you learned today....even the most despicable of monsters must be shown some compassion. Otherwise you'll end being a monster just like them'" she whispered, "and he told me he forgave me...and then...he was gone..."
Aires wakes up to see Loki's face. Aw just look at him, he looks like sleeping prince, what a cute------"HOLD ON A SECOND!" She looks around and notices that they are still outside by the lake. Eph was covering them keeping them warm. She punches Loki without thinking, "WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!?!" She was sure she remembered dancing an pies but seriously, what was going on.
"Ow what the hell was that for?!" Loki sits up and yawns, he gets up and brushes the dirt off of him. "I don't think.... No... Get away.... you are not getting me too!" Loki takes a few steps back fear written on his face, as a man in a red suit steps into the light.

"Greetings Loki, it seems you remember me after so long? I told you i'd be back, you can't hide from me forever. I will finish this job and you will die here." A red scythe forms into in his hand and he steps towards Loki.

"You'll have a fight on your hands then." Loki steels himself and picks up his lance that Eph brought him and stands at the ready stareing down his old foe. "En garde!"

Loki dashes forward and swings his lance in a sideways motion, in an attempt to knock the man senseless. But his blow gets parried and instead Loki gets stabbed. Thanks to his reflexes only the tip of the blade punctured his chest, leaving only a minor wound where otherwise it would have been fatal. With a deep breath and a growl Loki charges the man, the tip of lance out in front of him, in the hopes of skewering him. In a feat of speed and mobility the man shrinks the shaft of his scythe, and it connects to a wrist guard the man wore, applies fire dust to the blade and then moves to the side and slashing the lance. The fire dusted blade cuts through the lance severing it in half. It seems to keep going before it reaches Loki's body, with a manic smile and an insane laugh, the man slashes through Loki severing his arm, and cutting a large gash into his body.

"Nice try, but it seems you failed!" The man keeps laughing as he walks past the girl and the king taijitu and sits on a stump nearby. Loki lays on the ground coughing up blood.
"L...Lo....Loki....." Everything happened so fast Aires barely had anytime to move. She dashed toward him pulling his bloody body on her lap soaking her dress. "LOKI! Say something, open your eyes!" Aires began to tremble, "Loki, please!" She ignored the man. "Loki, stay with me! Please! Stay with me . . . No-" she wiped the blood from his mouth and tried opening his eyes. "No-please, I'm sorry about punching you, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry about you protecting me all the time! I'll get better. Please just open your eyes! PLEASE!" She began screaming, "WILL! LULU!!!" It was a horrific shriek as she held him tightly to her chest rocking back and forth. "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Her screams could be heard for miles and miles. "LOKI!" She gently sets his body down and stands turning towards the man. Her face was completely drenched in tears, her dress in blood. "YOU!" She accused her eyes black like quartz, "I"M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU." She threatened as her voice changed to a demonic sound, her wings lash out, but they're different now, they were solid charcoal, and her dress was slowly burned because of her purple semblance. " . . . die . . ."
"I'll see you at beacon my lady, Tah Tah." He laughs manically and disappears into the forest heading towards beacon.
Kaze appears from the shadows and bolts towards Aires knocking her to the ground.


"Sister please, screaming and going into your kill mode won't help him any. Where were your stupid friends, huh?"

With one arm she punches Kaze's face and sends him through fives trees and into the lake. "Leave me the fuck alone. . . like you even care." She gets a hold of herself. She goes to Loki. "Loki," she crouches down nearing his face, "Loki, please . . . " Her tears hadn't stop they just became tears of blood. "Loki . . .no, please, just open open your eyes once more. I-I love you . . . doesn't that count for something?" She said breathless, lying on his chest, weeping.

Kaze gets up and rubs his face. "Damn it, where are William and Elinore?" He stands over Aires, not knowing how to help her.
William stares at the horizon when the sun started to rise above it. He silently listened to Elinore's story and was thinking about the lesson of the story. Was it really possible to spare a monster and forget about their sins? Because if you do, what happens when you give them the chance to redeem themselves? Will they become a symbol of order or continue being a harbinger of chaos? This was the problem about the balance between the body, mind, and soul. It wasn't dusting stable and can be a Grimm most of time. "Elinore... why do you like me?" William asked Elinore after hearing something weird from the forest. Must be a animal dying.

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Kaze slowly walks away from Aires, He could feel pain in her soul and it meshed with his soul. He could feel it . . . her agony. He spread his wings and flew off with an exasperated breath. Flying he saw the couple, well the other couple. You think they'll kill me if I go to them? He though to himself, Whatever. . . "Hey you two . . ." the blind winged man said, "My sister needs you . . ." He couldn't say anything else . . . so he flew away.

"Loki . . . it's okay, I'm here . . . did you have fun at the dance? I did . . . it was . . . gre-" she began to cry once more. It was disgusting, there was blood everywhere and all over her and her face, she kissed him one last time and stayed there on his chest weeping.
Elinore looked towards the forest where what sounded like a suffering grimm came from. Weird...Maybe...it was caught in the fire? Oh dust, had someone put out that forest fire? Oh, she was sure someone did. "Why do I like you?" she asked with a soft smile, "do you remember that day in the forest...when those bear brothers invited us over for lunch but there were ursas in their house so I left? Well..." Elinore stopped when a winged faunus flew over then saying his sister needed him. Who the dust was that? Apparently Aires brother. She didn't know she had a brother. Elinore stood up and hurried towards the stairs. What could be wrong with Aires?
William was waiting for Elinore's answer when a male faunus interrupted the conversation. This causes Elinore to leave him hanging out on the roof and was by himself now. Well that was unexpected. Sighing from his recent misfortune, William jumps off the roof to get down to the ground faster. What should have been a painful descent turned out to be a soft landing, since the armored student walked away from it unharmed. That weirdo came from that way. If so, then his sister must be there. He starts running toward Aires location without knowing what he was about to see soon.

Alex walks into the nurse office and tells the staff to leave the room. After everyone left the room, he walks up to Markus's bed. "You seen better days." He smirked.

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Markus watched as everyone left. "Seen better days. thats for sure!" He said as he lifted his arm, the one with the hand cuff. "I take it this is your idea!"His other hand was unusable. "I take it your here to ask me why. or something like that."
Ferlick walked back to his dorm having received no answer after mentioning that everything that had happened at the dance was meant in pure fun. He was afraid of being reprimanded by Alex not only for assisting in making the horrible mistake and the large scar that was now left on the ground of the academy from his fire wall. He was still frustrated when he returned to his room and so he pulled out his scroll and sent a message to Trey. "You really caused a mess you know, but I'd like to work with you so try not to get on Ozpin's bad side now." He sighed and laid back on his bed thinking over the events of the dance. He really should have stayed away from the dance, but then again that may have ended in a few students being hurt due to the weapons rule and he wouldn't have been happy about that.
Aires was in complete shock, she was taking to Loki one minute and crying the next. She couldn't move let alone carry him. " Does it hurt Loki, shh, it's okay, just keep sleeping. You'll be alright, I'll fix you." She said tears still flowing from her eyes. Her mind was clearly slipping away. "I don't want to be without you . . ." Then her mind shattered, her eyes went dark and lost their light. She plucked one of her feathers and held it to her heart. Her hands were trembling her whole body numb with fear and hurt, but I don't want to die, do I? She questioned herself. . . Teetering on the verge of life and death, her tears fell.

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William arrived to the scene and stopped when he saw Loki dead on the ground. "What happened here Aires?" He questioned Aires as he slowly approaches her.

Alex smacks Markus's face with the back of his hand before sitting down next to him. "Yup, my idea to chain you to the bed. Your also correct on why I'm here." The professor said as he sends a apology message to Ferlick for running off when they were still talking. "Now tell me why the White Fang were shooting laser strikes on the school."
On the verge of taking her own life, like a Romeo and Juliet cliché, she looks at William, her eyes were blood shot. She trembles with her feather blade in her hand, "we-this man-Loki and I . . . . William this mam killed Loki! AHH!" She tightens her grip on her blade, "he came out of no where"

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Ferlick received the professors apology and responded that he didn't mind, the professor seemed to have something else important on his mind. He then went on to begin tinkering with Phoen. The phoenix head could easily be removed and underneath the mechanism which took in dust and then created a either a flamethrower effect or a rocket propulsion could be easily reached. He pulled a few fine tools out of his drawer and began to work on optimizing the use of dust so that he could get more speed and power for less dust hoping it would work. He sent a quick message to Alex about whether or not he knew anything about weapon upgrading and if he would teach him. It was always good to have a teacher on your side.
William checks his surrounding area to see if their was anyone else around. He noticed that Loki's lance and arm was sliced apart on the ground with blood stains on them. "Wow, the killer must have been skilled if he took Loki out easily." He muttered to himself before he finally behind Aires. He then takes the feather blade out of Aire's hand while pulling each bloody finger off it one by one. "Aires, I want you to calm down and move away from Loki this instant." He starts pulling her away from the body in a attempt to calm her down. It's never a good idea to bath in the blood of your loved one. Seen that plenty of times in the past to know where that might lead to in the future.

Alex receives the message as he was waiting for Markus to answer him back. He types down yes but he was too busy to upgrade weapons these days, mostly thanks to the new responsibilities of being a professor.
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