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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Elinore begrudginly left her room, as if she had much a choice, she was practically pushed out of it really. But then she heard a voice, a familiar voice...that wasn't...it couldn't be...she turned her head and there he was, right as rain, William. "W...William?!" she gasped, her eyes brightening up under the black mask that cloaked them, "William! I..I thought you'd left, you're here!" she exclaimed, completely lost for other words to say
"What are you talking about?" William said as he slows down and starts walking toward Elinore. "I was stuck in the police station for the entire morning. Didn-... why the dust are you threatening me for Markus?" He stops in front of the door as he stares at the angry faunus through his mask, kind of pissed to see Markus with Elinore next to him.
Benjamin was finishing up the few remaining Grimm just to say he is still around. In a flurry of acrobatics and throwing, he was eventually beat down by an Ursa. The faunus tried to dodge and block, but the Grimm had him essentially cornered and pinned. "This is gonna hurt." he says, shooting his Chain Blades into a tree and retracting the chain at a rapid rate, sending him and the Ursa flying into the tree. Unfortunately for Ben, he ended up hitting the tree, and the Ursa slammed into him.
"Oh you don't know.... I came to her when you left. I was here to pick up the pieces." He knew what buttons to push. "I was here, and you wern't." He wanted to get him angry.
Elinore took a deep breath and stepped back, "William...just listen to Markus okay? He's got the upper hand here, and one wrong move can kill everyone here," she said cautiously, "so just...listen to Markus and follow the lead...like a dance. We're at a dance" she said calmly. She wanted everyone to just calm down right now, including herself.
"Well I would try to Elniore, but... I'm kind of confused right now." William said as he scratches the back of his armored head. What the heck was Markus and Elinore talking about? When did he say he was going to leave before? Oh this situation was getting confusing now! "Okay I admit. I was late to the dance, but I have a good explanation for my recent absence." He said as he raises his hands up in front of his chest.
"shut up." He said he didn't care. "Second, Take off the armor. All of it." He didn't want him to have any upper hand.... "And lastly. Get back, Go to the gym and wait. when I have left you may move. Understand?!"
"Umm... no?" William replied back as he crossed his arms. "Because I have two problems with your orders. Problem number one, I'm not going to leave Elinore alone with you Markus." He said coldly. "Problem number two, I can't take off the armor at all. It's been stuck on me for an entire day."
Elinore opened her scroll and laughed, "You mean to tell me...oh, I bet it was AD. You jerk of an AI. Sent me a message telling me you were leaving Beacon," she laughed. Elinore suddenly snapped back to being serious, "I'll kill you AD." she said coldly. She didn't even want to try to get between the two. It just seemed like a bad idea.
"Alright." He said coldly. He brought up his fingers to his ears and said something loud enough to say something. "Are you over target.... Good, one in the courtyard, and another on the other side of the gym." Two loud booms were heard. One shot landed in the courtyard, and another on the other side of the gym. "The next one comes down on this whole place, so try me."
"Okay, let's get blown up together!" William jeers as he raises his arms up above his head. "Because if you get blown up with me in the end, then I'm not going to give a dust about your threats. So you could blow up the whole school too since I don't even care about it!"
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"But you care about her... you talked about having a soul.... And if you have a soul, or even a heart you would care about her."He began to back up. He was pulling elinore. She was his captive and he was going to make sure that she goes with him.
"Yes, but I would also die with her in the end." William smirked behind his mask, now walking toward Markus as he backed away from him. "I'm glad that you remembered about our talk in the cells, since it seems you got stronger from last time we met." He then pulls out a pistol that was hidden in his tuxedo, which was now ripped and covered in saliva. "But I never said that I had much of a soul to begin with. Most of it died a long time ago Markus." He then points the pistol at Markus's head and was ready to pull the trigger on him.
Markus started to laugh. "You said that the mind and the soul need the body to connect. It now looks like yo don't care about that.... And your right I have gotten stronger, psychically, mentally, and spiritually." He leaned into elinore's ear. "Now do you see what I see?"

"Do you really wanna know what I see?" Elinore asked coldly. "I see two morons. Ready to kill all those innocent people down there over a grudge that isn't even very well justified here!" she snapped. Elinore's aura flared up, not out of will but out of pure frustration, "no one down there is even involved in any of this. And you're both so willing to kill them all! You both sicken me!" she snapped. "I can't believe either of you."
Markus's ship fired on the building, creating a hole that they could land a beam across. Markus moved towards the beam, pulling elinore. "Well it has been fun william.... But." He looks at his watch. "My my look at the time, I must get home. Mother will be worried sick." He pushed elinore onto the ship. "But we must be going."
William still keeps his pistol pointed at Markus's head. He wasn't willing to put it away even if Elinore insulted him, since he knew Markus would attack him if he did. "I admit I'm a moron but... really? You f****** take her away when I'm still speaking?" He said as he watched Markus take Elinore away to the ship above with a beam. Now that was unfair! He doesn't have a airship that helps him with his dramatic escapes! "Don't underestimate me Markus." William starts running toward the school's air docks and steals himself a Bullhead. He then flies the small airship after Markus's airship, which was entering into the night sky at full speed.
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Benjamin wakes up to see two ships pass over his head. "What the dust?!" was all he could muster. He did consider attaching himself to the second ship, but the Ursa prevented him for successfully firing his blade into the ship.
"I....hate everything..." Elinore sighed as she was pushed into an airship. She sat down on the floor, refusing to move another inch. She might have been cooperative before, but now she refused to be anything but annoying. "Hey, look what we've got in common." Tavril said with a smirk as he walked up behind Elinore. He knelt down beside the girl and put his arm over her shoulder, "Fluffy's gunna save us," he said with a smile. It was something Annabell used to always say. "Yeah, that's right, Fluffy's gunna save us." Elinore replied with a smile, "I just hope this is over soon..." she sighed.
"Okay, let's clean this mess up people. We don't have all night so hurry it up." Alex ordered the janitors as they start cleaning up the mess left behind by the recent Grimm attack. The party-goers were heading back to the dorms now and took pictures of the mess with their scrolls. Not caring about that at the moment, he looks around and finds several students who were injured before having them sent to the nurse office immediately. He then noticed Benjamin under a dead Ursa. "Having fun down there?" Alex asked the trapped student before pulling the dead body off of him with ease.
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"what is a great enemy without respect my witty enemy." He yelled before he was out of ear shot. He moved to one of the seats in the back of the ship. "That is not what I meant by that. I meant he would see you dead. He is no great man, Nor am I, but I am willing to accept this. But what about him, and what about you.... I got you out for a reason... but it seems you do not care."
Benjamin looked up at Alex unimpressed by his joke. "Not even a little." he said sniffing and then reeling back in the disgusting smell of dead Ursa on his new clothes. He felt the back of his head for any bleeding from when he crashed into the tree, finding a little in it, but not much. "I assume the dance went okay?" he mutters as he got up. "Hey Alex, you know how to get this stupid scroll to tell me what room I'm in for now?" he asks the older faunus.
Elinore took a deep breath, "Got me out? You got me out?" she laughed in almost an insane fashion. Her dark blue aura once again began to become consumed by flames. Tavril took a step back. He knew better than to be by her when she was like this. "He'd see me dead just as easily as you'd see every student in that school dead. What do you think this is? A game?! You say you got me out. Ever once stopped to consider how I flt about this? Huh? He would see me dead. Ha! You know who else would see me dead?" Elinore asked as she stood up, her fire semblance roaring like a forest fire, "me. Tavril, shoot me. Right now. Right here" she said as she pointed at her temple. "What? Lulu! What on earth are you saying?! Calm down!" Tavril stuttered. "If you won't, then I will." Elinore said as she walked over the the wolf faunus and grabbed his wrist. She help up his gun blade to her head and smiled, "land this ship, or I'll shoot." Elinore cooed with a soft smile.
"It should have it in one of your messages in the inbox." Alex said clicking several buttons on the scroll, which led to Benjamin's personal student account. "But the dance went pretty alright. Nobody really panicked much and it went smoothly, mostly thanks to some kid with a good taste in modern music." The professor lifts his head up and looks for the student who helped him onstage among the crowd. Whoever he was, that kid is getting an A+ in his next combat test.

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