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Fandom Beacon Academy.

He lays a boombox on the ground and sends a message to his friends about a more private dance if they wanted to come. "I sent a message to the others, and yes i would." He takes her hand and leads her into a waltz that matches the music
"Everyone please calm down. We got the situation under control." Alex announced over the speakers in a cold voice. The music stops playing and a group of janitors came in before they started cleaning the mess with some spells, which summoned glyphs all over the dance floor in seconds. All the pies thrown were suddenly sucked into the glyphs and made the room sparkling clean. The destroyed roof and walls were fixed in a matter of seconds after Glynda Goodwitch used a strange spell. "Now that everything is cleaned, let's get back to our party. Okay?" The DJ said with one of his creepy smiles as he plays some dub step.
"I hope the others make it!" She said smiling, "and you said you couldn't dance liar."

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Elinore stood by the food area and munched on another one of the delicious chips when she someone whispered in her ear. A chill went down her spine. So Markus was there? That's probably why Tav hadn't warned her about him. "Hello Markus," Elinore replied calmly back, "I must admit I didn't expect you to see here." Then some person ran through the place...on fire...with pies. "Didn't expect that either..." she mumbled. Her black mask with its lack of eye holes made it impossible to pin down Elinore's expression, but it wasn't hard to guess it was something to the effect of unamused. Crazy freaking school.
Trey, overhearing the reperations, burst back once more. "EEEEEEKKKKKKK!" he screeched as he let lose several cans of tear gas and activated his mask's gas mask. "EEEEEEKKKK" He dashed and crushed an entire canister on Alex's face and dashed away once more. On his way out he brought out one more button and pushed it. The cannons fired once more, this time, tear gas.
"I said i didn't like to dance, i know how. My mother taught me. 'Always be prepared Larion, in case you need to dance your way out of danger, or to impress the girl of your dreams. Either way if you step on my toes again i will send you flying out the window again.' She was a charmer my mother, taught me how to fight in hand to hand, while my dad taught me with a weapon." He laughs happily remembering his family. "I'm sure they would have loved you, now your family on the other hand. Are all going to have their heads smashed underneath my size 16 boot. I will destroy them for ever laying their hands on you. That's my job. TeeHee"
Markus stepped back, He just took a pie to the back for her. "ONe would expect the last thing to happen.... Plus, you know I wouldn't miss it. I was once a student here remember." He grabbed a cup and poured himself some punch. "But there is more pressing matters..... But first, where is William?.... I thought he would be here."

Drake heard the music choice. He walked up to the booth and said. "Bro, you got to play some better music." He took out his tablet and connected it to the system. It was a simple system. He went onto his music library and began to play.

ww.youtube.com/watch?v=4QDECwqKE0g (I will post the next one, it is being stupid)
"So this how you want to play ya stupid idiot?!" Alex roared after Trey leaves the gym. As the angry DJ left his job to get the crazy prankster, Glynda summons a spell which made all the tear gas form up into a sphere in the center of the room. The remaining janitors then summons a glyph that sucked the contagious gas into it. The staff then fixed the walls once more. Everyone looked out the windows to see Alex take out Bluntfire and smack the masked hooligan into a nearby building. After having some teachers send the unconscious student to the nurse office, Alex returns to the stage with a emotionless face. He then starts playing the music Drake gave him and the students return to the dance floor as if nothing happened at all.
"William won't be attending...." Elinore sighed as she saw the lamppost guy run back in. No doubt he had something worse planned...wait...was that...teargas? What?! These were students!! Luckily the staff cleaned it up quickly. She turned to look at Markus and smiled halfheartedly, "but I'm sure you can bring up....more pressing matters with me can't you?"
From afar Trey observes the dance from the nurse's office after waking up. "Hmmm, tear gas seems less potent..." He opened a canister and sniffed it. "Oh Dust...this isn't tear gas..." He suddenly looked fearful as he heard multiple growls and loud screeches from outside. He looked out of the window and saw lots of Grim converging towards the dance. "This is Grim bait..." He immediatly jumps out the window and runs towards Saving Light. He activates his flamethrower "I just hope no one notices before I'm through." He charges.
"Oh I will bring up more pressing matters, but first.... We never had our chance to talk, so if you would mind joining me on the second floor to talk that would be good." He said as he began to make his way to the stairs to the second floor punch in his hand.

"If you wouldn't mind I will join you up here." He said as he kept his tablet plugged in.

(I talked with a mod and they just told me to do this, I am sorry.)
"Dust, I'm late for the dance!" William said as he starts running toward the modified gym from the school's air docks. Apparently a lot of things happened during his absence and he didn't want them to mess up his important night with Elinore. The student was running in his new tuxedo with Archdeath 2.0 underneath it, which can be explained later since he was in a rush at the moment. "Just got to explain to Elinore what happened and OH COME ON! REALLY?!" He stops as he watched a horde of Grimm heading toward the dance with hungry eyes. "I really hate my life..." William mutters as he charges at the horde with electricity bursting out of him.

"Yeah, I don't mind kid." Alex replied to the student with a better taste of music.
"Does that mean that I'm the girl of your dreams?" She laughs, "Loki, my father and brother are horrid is true, but my mother is the worst. Airtight my birth parents were gentle and kind they just got scared."

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Benjamin looks out the window to an onslaught of Grimm headed for the gym. "What the dust is that?" he asks with a concerned look. The students would have been fine if they had their weapons around. But they were all in their dorms or lockers. "This...Could be really, really...BAD." (What an understatement)
Elinore followed up the stairs with Tavril behind, making sure that no one else was going to interrupt. Elinore stopped the moment she was on the second floor and crossed her arms, "alright, now can you discuss these matters with me?" she asked. Now she didn't have any food to mindlessly stuff her face with.
"Just trust me that i am getting angrier and angrier the longer they exist. I just hope that my mind wont shatter when i am done with them." He looks past her and frowns. "I'm afraid Aires, that this constant stress will tear my brain asunder and rend it useless."
Markus was walking up the stairs when he heard a voice in his ear. "He is on his way." Markus smiled. "GOOOOD." He said under his breath. He walked up and sat down in one of the chairs. "Please join me... I promise I won't bite, much." He smiled.

Drake played the next song.
"You're stalling," Elinore said as she sat down in a chair and gazed out the window, "I'm starting to question just how real this matter you need to discuss is..." she sighed. "I suppose I have nothing else better to do..." she chuckled, her gaze never breaking from the window
Ferlick looked out in horror as Grimm headed towards the gym. He swore loudly and started running jumping into the air and placing his feet once again on top of Phoen he kicked the head of the Phoenix rocketing towards a Beowolf that seemed to be at the lead of the pack. He landed with his blade going straight through the creatures chest lodging at the hilt and continuing to propel him and the beast farther forward so that he skewered two of them. "This didn't work now did it Trey." He pulled his blade out of the two and began to create a fire barrier with dust making a long line in front of the gym with him and the Grimm on one side. "I really should have left a space for back up."
Drake grabbed a mic. "I am going to try something." He began to play the instrumental to minnie the moocher. He began to sing the song.

(that would be him singing in the song)

"You know it is rude to not look at the person who is talking to you.... But who am I to talk about what is rude or not." He heard the kid singing. "The kid is good." He was referring to the kid singing. He snapped his attention back to elinore. "First I wanted to say we have both changed sense we first me.... you became more outspoken then that girl on the roof.... and if you want all these people.... even your precious william to live.. you will come with me."
" Loki, you'll be alright. I'm here to protect you. With my life heh heh remember I've already died once I can die again especially for you." She said holding him closer to her.

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Benjamin couldn't decide what would be the best option. He could have spammed everyone's scrolls with a mass message of emergency if he could figure out how. "Guess its time to alert Alex." he says, tracking the faunus. Once he found him, he brought him towards the window. "What now? Panic won't help anyone."
William rams himself into a Ursa after Archdeath finished covering the rest of his body in dark armor. The Ursa flew into another creature, which made the horde stop on their charge toward the gym. "NOTHING IS GOING TO MESS UP THIS DANCE!" The student coldly roared as he kicks the side of a Beowulf's knee to break its leg before twisting its neck with both hands. He then takes out two blades from the back of the armor as he starts slicing the Grimm apart, while electricity was now bursting out of his armor and blades. Whoever put up that fire wall was smart, since it would prevent any Grimm from entering the gym. Which means more for him....
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Elinore's attention snapped to Markus. "Well...that is quite the pressing matter...very well." she said as she stood up, "I mean, who am I to resist? I don't have any weapon for defense, and I must say I've grown to enjoy the company of these people...so alright, I'll go with you." she said in a flat tone. No doubt he had the place surrounded, who knew how many of those masked figures were white fang members.
"No worries kid. We got that covered." Alex said to Benjamin as the staff start putting curtains in front of the windows. "We'll got a squad of nearby Hunters and Huntresses to deal with the problem outside." He smirks while looking at his scroll to check on the situation with the Grimm outside. Seems like some students were already taking care of the creatures as the school's Grimm Trash Disposal Squad came in to help in the fight. Which means less problems for the professor today.

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