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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Markus nodded to the pilot. There was a feeling that the ship has landed. "Were on the ground, but I would advise you not go outside." He didn't want her to go outside because he knew what was out there. But she was angry and he couldn't control her.
"What could possibly make me not what to go out there?" Elinore laughed as she started walking towards the door. Tavril clutched his arm, the sleeve of his tuxedo half burnt off. The woman was crazy! Crazy I tell you! He's be treating those burns for the next month! Elinore stopped at the door and grinned, "whatever it is, it better not be dangerous. Otherwise I'd give me my axe. Because if I went out there and died right now, all of this would have been pointless, now wouldn't it?"
"Your a moron." A.D insulted William as his owner was chasing the fleeing airship at full speed. "Shut up A.D. I don't need your damn insults right now." William replied back coldly as he watched the airship land in the forest below him. He then attempts to land the Bullhead nearby the grounded airship quickly. "Well I'm not the one who was planning on killing my own girlfriend. Also... it seems you still suck at flying." The A.I sighed as he watched William loose control of the Bullhead already, which might crash into the airship soon.
"Do you wanna know the reason why.... The reason why I came back... It was because..." He sighed."Because of you.... Do you remember the day... the one on the roof. I was furious, and you heard me.... You treated me like we were equals." the pilot got out of his chair. "I owe you for letting me go... and now I am returning the favor." He unsheathed a knife from his coat pocket and stabbed the pilot. "Tav, your mother put out a list.... Of people that she wanted killed. yours and hers were on it, and I was sent to be the one to bring your heads back. He was the other sent if I could not. So for the sake of me, for tav, and for everyone please put that down." He walked over and deliberately touched her arm. The pain was excruciating, but for her he would go thought worse.
Ferlick walked back into the school a new set of battle wounds on his chest now. He was getting tired of being hurt, and even more tired of having to constantly get himself fixed up. This time he went to the nurse who looked him over and clicked her tongue before bandaging him and sending him off to his dorm. He didn't want to be recognized by anybody but it was inevitable that somebody would have seen him. After all he was now the kid who created a blazing wall of fire at the school dance. This wasn't going to be an easy year for him. He finally made it to his room and sat down exhausted and hurt laying back and playing with a vial full of dust before putting it down. "Well, this was a fun day..."
Elinore's semblance dimmed down and simmered away. She took a deep breath and turned to Markus, "I treated you like an equal because you are," she said as she put her hands on his shoulders, "It doesn't matter if you're a faunus or not but what you chose to do with your life that matters. And kidnapping people and threatening to blow up schools are not the proper choices to make if you ever want anyone else to see what I do. Tonight I'm thankful that you saved Tavril and my own life. But shall you continue on that path that you're on...There will be no hesitation for me to kill you." she gently kissed him on the cheek and turned away again. "I hate to interrupt you two but there's a bullhead coming right at us!" Tavril announced as he grabbed Elinore's axe and pushed the two of them out of the ship. He grabbed Elinore's hand and dashed out of the impact zone. William was a mad man! Now he saw how Elinore and William got along so easily.
KA-BOOM! The Bullhead crashes into the airship and causes the two vehicles to explode. This creates a ball of fire before it spreads out into the surrounding trees, which started a small wildfire in the forest the group were in. "Next time, I'm piloting you douche." A.D said as William got out of the fiery wreckage. Parts of his armor that were ripped off from the crash suddenly grew back and filled the empty spots in a matter of seconds. "Maybe if you had hands I'll let you drive." He replied back to the A.I before scanning the area for any other survivors.
Ferlick was getting restless by morning time and he woke up far before the other students. He couldn't quite explain it but the feeling of fighting all those Grimm off when there were actual lives on the line made him happy. He couldn't help himself and so he walked into the battle room where Alex taught and began to train again secretly. It really was a nice thing to have all those holes in the wall that Trey had made and if he kept to one side of the large room nobody passing the hole could see him immediately, though they might be able to hear him. He kept himself to exercise and sword drills, figuring that using dust would have been a stupid idea in a place like this. Suddenly without realizing it his blade was stuck in the teachers desk and he was panicking. The desk was made out of something much stronger than he had anticipated and he was having a bit of trouble getting it out.
Elinore looked around at the firey mess and sighed. "This is...a wonderful dance" she sighed. "We're taking you back to Beacon..." Tavril sighed as he started dragging Elinore back to Beacon. "Hey wait, we need to find William first," she retorted as she broke free from Tavril's grip and headed back towards the explosion site.
Markus jumped out of the airship at the last second. He landed on a tree. It was starting to look like his vision. He would accept if he died. He got a kiss from elinore, along with saving her from a few assassins. Markus looked up into the night sky. "H..H.." It was like he couldn't speak. "H.. H..He...Help." It had finally came out. It was uttered softly, he was trying to not use as much energy as he could.
Several AK-130 androids surrounded Ferlick after the student’s blade broke into Alex's office. "Prepare to be eliminated intruder." The androids warned as they were about to shoot the student down with their guns. "Don't shoot him down. He's friendly." Alex ordered the androids before pulling Ferlick's sword out of the desk easily. "Nice sword kid. You made this?" The professor asked as he observed the weapon closely.

"You sure you need help Markus?" William asked the injured faunus as he approaches Markus slowly. He lightly puts his right foot on Markus's neck and electricity starts skidding on his armor. "If you need help with dying, then I'm your man for the job."

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Ferlick looked up just as he got the blade out with a flustered scared look on his face. It took him a second to realize he wasn't still about to be eliminated and he relaxed a little. "Yes, I made it back when I decided I wanted to be a hunter..." He looked at the damaged desk and then at him. "Sorry about your desk Sir I slipped..." He was still a bit frightened about all this. Here he had broken into a room cut a hole in the professors desk and there he was standing in front of him. "I just wanted to train some more, I wanted to be able to take on the same amount of Grimm as yesterday without getting myself cut up."
"You wou... would ha... ha..harm an injured man... I lost all the respect, I h...had.. for you." He said. he was in so much pain he couldn't he keep both the small tree that was sticking through him and the boot with electricity running through it. He focused on the boot. He used any and all the strength that he could use. But it was only enough to match the amount he was pushing.
She was sure this was an intense moment, until Elinore tackled William to knock him away from Markus. Elinore crossed her arms as she sat on William, "You owe me a dance." she huffed before standing up. Tavril came up to Markus and picked him up, "alright...the the nurse with you" he sighed as he lugged the faunus on his shoulder back towards the school. Crazies. All of them.
Markus was able to breath again. It was slow but he could. When tavril pick his up he said. "Your mother.... your mother... i...i...is...a...a. really, piece of work." He said as he put his hands on his wound. The tree went clear through.
"Accidents happen all the time in the gym, so don't worry about the desk. That can always be replaced." Alex said after handing Ferlick his weapon. "But call me Alex since everyone else does." He then sits on his leather chair behind the damaged desk with a smile on his face.

William stands up before staring at Elinore for a few seconds. "Why did you do that?" He asked coldly before walking up to Tavril. He kicks the wolf faunus from behind, making Markus fall off his saver's shoulder and onto the ground. He then grabs Markus's face and begins to crush it with one hand. "I never asked for an ounce of respect from you. I just want to kill you, so please die right now."

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Markus could barely see anything. His vision was beginning to fade. He took he unhurt arm and put it on the hand that was squishing his face. He was trying to push the hand away from him.

Drake was leaving the gym, when he saw the ship hit. He rushed out to the crash site to see elinore, someone he saw at beacon tackle the brute in the armor. Drake recognized the armor. He took his tablet and began to furiously tap, and scribble. He had read the Manual on the armor that teh brute was wearing, and his adopted father helped to create it.
Ferlick nodded and thought for a moment. "Sir, I mean Alex how do we get teams?" He had never been told how that worked and he did want to work with Trey. He was unsure though if they picked teammates or if they went through some sort of selection process. "I think I'm ready to be a part of a team now, I've realized I can't work alone all the time."
Tavril stood up and growled, but only to get tackled by Elinore. "There's no use now. Just...stay out f the way" she told the wolf faunus as she sat on him, "William," Elinore called out to him, "remember the rabbit." she said with a small nod. Markus's life was in William's hands now. She couldn't do a thing about it. "You're heavy..." Tavril muttered. "Your mother is psychotic" Elinore sighed in response
Drakes tablet flashed with a warning. He read it. "Warning: A.I in the area." He knew that it was a good thing to put the A.I detection system on his tablet. He rushed, quickly, he had to find a flat rock or something that he could use as a flat surface. He found a tree stump and placed the tablet down and began to furiously type. "Who ever you are, hold on for one minute, that is all I need."
Alex's smile goes away after Ferlick mentioned about team formation to him. "You'll get your teams when Professer Ozpin feels like it's time to announce them." He then gets up and puts his hand on Ferlick's shoulder. "But were you friends with Trey by any chance?"

William continued to crush Markus's head when he heard Elinore say something to him. Something about a rabbit. How was that related to what he was doing right now? He stops crushing the injured faunus's face before looking up at Elinore. "The rabbit represents compassion, right?"

A.D was managing the suit's systems when he suddenly gets a strange message. "Who the dust is this?" He asked as he starts connecting with Drake's tablet.

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Elinore nodded back to William, "the rabbit represents compassion. And bad things happen when you forget the rabbit..." Elinore said softly as she stood up, "I....think it's time I told you about Rolland" she said quietly
Markus could barely see, but he could hear. "Compassion my ass." He took his good arm and used all his strength to diesel william. "Get off me." He said. The suit was making him weight twenty times heavier.

Drake typed. "Your worst nightmare!" He hit enter on the program causing it to begin. It was a termination program, and is ment for anything and everything, A.I's, tablets, computers, anything electronic. The tablets screen began to fade out. "I just hope this doesn't go back to the master computer."
A.D laughs when he noticed Drake's program attempt to terminate the A.I and its systems. The guy was good, but not good enough against a A.I like him. He quickly sends out a homemade virus into his own systems, which canceled out the hostile programming and rendered it useless. He was about to send s recon program into Drake's tablet but noticed that it was now disabled. Oh well, at least he knew where the hacker's location was now.

William gets off Markus after he was punched by him. He pulls out his hidden pistol and shoots a bullet right next to Markus's head. "Don't do something stupid." He warned before looking at Elinore again, the pistol still pointed at Markus. "So who's Rolland? Is a friend of yours?"

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"Why... Wh..why would I do anything stupid." He asked. "I got a hole in my shoulder and I can barely see."

Drake knew that only a mastermind could stop this program. He ran back to the dorm, he needed to check the computer. It had taken him a year and a half to get all the programing correct and wanted to make sure that it wasn't broken.

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