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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"I'm finally finished!" William exclaimed after constructing a huge bomb with the materials in his bag. "Willy, you do know this might kill you..." A.D warned after William took out the bomb's detonator. "Well you don't need food and sleep A.D, since your a A.I. But I do because I'm a living thing." The armored student was about to click the button when he noticed missles coming at him. "A.D... did those missles destroy the mech?" He asked as the missles were closing in on him. "Nope, but the sender named Trey did say to go f*** yourself." A huge explosion can be heard all over the forest after the missles made contact with the bomb. After flying up into the sky for a few moments, a passing Nevermore Major swallowed William up mid-flight. The Grimm flew away from the explosion site and to a unknown location.

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"AND SO IS ANNABELL BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I CAN GO AROUND DISRESPECTING HER MEMORY!" Elinore snapped. She wasn't nearly as calm and collected as usual. And on the average day she still had a short temper. "People close to us will die. That's our punishment for being part of this world. But as a huntress it's your duty to take those deaths and carry on stronger. Now tell me Aires. Do you think petty revenge is going to make you stronger? Do you think letting Loki's death destroy you is going to help anything?"
Nexus rubs his face and shakes his head. "The hell hit me? And it seems I pissed someone off without even doing anything. Alright! That's a new one for sure, but uh what is going on?" He raises an eyebrow at the two girls.

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Her rage takes over when he wakes up! "NO!" She swings the blade and then stabs . . . herself. Her arm begins to pour blood down her arm. "You're right Lulu." She said tears steaming down her cheeks. Her eyes return to her normal colors and she looks at Nexus . . . "I'm sorry . . ." she shutters, "I'm sorry . . . " She shakes more, "I'm so sorry Nexus, being raised as a killer, having to kill your loved ones . . . I loved Loki, it's true, but I can't kill you . . ." she takes the blade out and screams, "BUT I CAN KILL ME!"
Nexus grabs the knife and forces her to hold herself as he holds her. "Loki wouldn't want you to kill yourself girl. He'd want you to remember him as he was." He pats her head trying to get her to relax, "it will be fine. You can always hate me, but never hate yourself. Don't hurt yourself, Loki wouldn't be happy if you did."

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"Shut up you Loki killing bastard!" Elinore snapped at Nexus, "be quiet! I'll deal with you soon enough!" she didn't want him dead necessarily, but injuries were fare game. Painful injuries. Ones that would remind him to never hurt her friends again. Or...do...that to Aires. She was turning total punk bad girl. The outfit change was fine, but not the attitude. How was she supposed to go around saving people if everyone on her unofficial team wanted to kill people? Then...then she stabbed herself. No. Elinore let Nexus take her knife before she tackled Aires. She held Aires down and sat over her, "Aires," she said as she slapped the girl, "Get. Ahlold. Of. Yourself!" she shouted, slapping her between every word.
Trey returned to his room and picked up Saving Light. "Master, multiple hostile intent detected." Trey sighed, why does everyone one to hurt people? "Knock them out, al of them." Several knock out darts were fired and flew to the nurse's office and hit everyone except Alex.
Alex suddenly grabs all the flying darts before they hit their marks. "I am going to kill whoever is keep shooting these damn darts..." He muttered to himself as he watched the drama continue in front of him.
"OUCH! Lulu cut it out!" She threw Elinore off of her and stood up holding the wound she did. "I apologize I won't do this anymore." She said, her vision going blurry. She had been through a lot. She walks over to Nexus and slaps his face, "Don't you'll get anything help from me. She got dizzy, her breathing went shallow, the wound kept bleeding more and then her vision went black as she fell she said, "Lulu . . . I'm sorry . . ."
Elinore sighed in relief and picked Aires up. Now she wasn't going to go around hurting herself, "Nurse! Come bandage this girl up!" she called as she laid Aires down on a bed, "and you!" she said as she turned to Nexus, "knock yourself out! I'm too tired to do it myself."
"I got that covered." Alex said as he karate chops Nexus's neck. He takes the unconscious assassin/student to a nearby bed and lays him down there. He then looks at Elinore with a smile. "You feeling alright girl?"
"I...yeah...kinda...." Elinroe said with a slow nod, "how long has it been sense the dance? A day right?" she asked with a tilt of her head. A day wasn't a long time. That was like...an all nighter. That was relatively normal.
Benjamin just smiled and shrugged. "Sadly, social interaction is good for one's health." he says with a little chuckle. "And I dunno. I was admitted a couple of hours before dance. So your guess is as good as mine. But if I must answer, I'd bet its gonna be soon." he said as he laid back to stare at the clouds and blue sky.
Trey was lounging around in rooftop, wondering what he should do now. "I suppose," he said to himself, "I could go around, seeing if anyone needs help..."
"Yep, but you should go take a nap soon." Alex said while looking at all the unconscious students in the room. Seems like the head nurse now got a lot of responsibilities on their hands. "Do you know where your boyfriend is? Haven't seen him for the past few days." He asked with curious eyes while his feline ears go up and down in anticipation.
"He's missing too?" Elinore asked with a sigh, "alright...I'll go find him" she said before walking out of the nurse's office. It looked like she had to go around fixing her whole team. Or what was left of it. Then she could nap. If she could nap...it was getting increasingly difficult to sleep. Now if only she had the slightest idea where he'd gone off to.
KAW KAW! A Nevermore Major cawed out during it usual flight nearby the school. It always looks for any stragglers or intruders that might walk right next to the school's outside walls and eats them up whenever the opportunity presents itself. The avian Grimm even managed to eat some flying student in the air by luck. Not many of those are seen these days. KA-ARGH?! The Nevermore suddenly starts choking and begins to fall down onto the ground. Before impact though, the stomach of the avian explodes as bursts of lightning come out of it with guts flying everywhere. The dead Grimm skids on the courtyard and stops in front of the headless statue there. "That was nasty. Really nasty man." A.D said in disgust while William burst out of the Grimm's body with blood and guts covered all over him. His jacket was burned to a crisp and his body feels like its bones were broken from the impact of the explosion a while back. The only thing that wasn't affected was Archdeath itself, which looked like it wasn't damaged at all for some strange reason. "Aren't you used to me getting eaten by the Grimm a lot? I've been swallowed whole by them during my years as a merc with you A.D." The armored student replied back in a humorless voice. He lifts himself out of the dead Grimm and starts walking toward his room in defeat. He needed a shower and a new plan to get the armor off of him now...
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Trey was walking around, seeing if anyone needed help until he came across someone in armor and covered in guts. "You need help man?"
"No I don't need help. Thanks for the offer though." William said coldly before he continued walking back his dorm building. Last thing he needed right now was more interference in his miserable life.
Elinore stopped walking towards William's dorm when she saw him walking towards it "Oh, William," she said with a yawn, "there you are....are you okay?" she asked. He looked...like he's be eaten.
"Well don't make hugearse mechs appear from out of nowhere again, mate. It's frowned upon around here." William said after tossing a bloody gut to Trey. He noticed Elinore during his walk back to the dorm and motions her to come inside. "No, I'm not okay. The past few days haven't been treating me well." He sighed as the couple approached his room's doorway. He opens the door slowly and begins to disarm the traps set inside the room.
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Elinore walked into the room after almost running into the door frame. She sat down on the bed and yawned, "I'm sorry to hear that. I haven't really been...good the past couple of days...I mean, you were in jail, and I don't even know why" she said with a shake of her head, "I'm being a crap girlfriend."
"...You...have just pissed me off!" He yelled. "I will prank you, I will prank you in the most humiliating way possible!" He then mumbled "Pandora, hijack his systems, suppress every electronic device functioning on his person, I wan't to give him a rude awakening. Start with waking him with female moaning sounds that wan't stop until Elinore has heard it.'
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Ferlick had returned to his room and quickly pulled out his scroll. He typed out a message to Alex short but to the point. "I want to have a meeting where is good?" He was being eaten up inside by everything that had happened, mainly because the one thing that bothered him beyond anything else was strong people picking on the defenseless. Nothing else would ever bother him as much as that. He was tinkering with Phoen at the time still attempting to increase the output from a single dust crystal and he was making progress with the new tools he had.

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