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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"It drives at around 120mph. But your not going to use my van as a escape vehicle." Alex turns the pilot seat around to look at the students with a smirk. "I'm just dropping you all off at your objective. You're going to have to find a way back to Beacon with the information by yourselves, since it will show how resourceful you can become during missions. This is sort of a test in some ways, so don't expect me or the police to assist you when the operation begins."
Ferlick sighed and nodded. The van was a good asset to have in this mission, but he was sure that there would be more vehicles in the area. If it really was a white fang warehouse then there was bound to be at least one vehicle there for them to get around. He was hoping for another small airship because it would be the fastest way out, and he had just so happened to learn how to fly one. He just hoped Elinore got there in time to join in on the mission, it was getting to launch time so hopefully she would manage to make it on time. "Sir when we arrive back with the data should where do you want us to hand it to you at?"
"At my office kid. I'll be waiting in there for one of you to arrive with the information." Alex said before turning the seat back to the controls. "But if I'm not there, give the information to this cyborg-looking student named William. He'll know what to do with it."
Ferlick nodded and waited there for Elinore to arrive. If she was late he would probably have to leave without her, which would be another lost asset but he figures that wouldn't happen and so he continued to prep Phoen. It was always good to clean out the pipes that allowed the weapon to spread dust to five different ports and so he started to clean them out to keep from clogs.

(Ima sleep)
Trey opened his eyes and yawned. "Ugh, that was a nice nap." He looked at his scroll. "Sounds interesting. I think I'll go." He looked out. "Screw breakfast, I'm coming guys!" He held his lamppost in reverse as Fire Dust started to coalesce. Then he slammed it down and shot out the window in an explosion. He landed facefirst on the vehicle.
Alex just stares at Trey when the student landed face first on the Bullhead's windshield. "What the dust..." He turns on the wind wipers to get Trey off of the windshield, which actually worked as his face was peeled off it on the first swipe.
Elinore walked back to the nurse's office and to here she last saw Markus...who was...missing. "okay then..." she mumbled before running back out. She was to go meet with William at the shop before the mission because who knows why. Hopefully they could get to the airship before 18:000....which was what....6? It was 5:12 now.....blarg!

Elinore rushed into the store after an extensive run and stopped to pant, "Hey William, you ready to go?" She called

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Markus was moved to a wheelchair and moved to a room with a kid that looked a nerd. "So I hear you have a computer I can use." Drake looked up from his tablet. "Yes and no." He unplugged his tablet. "Yes I do and I only trust a few people to use it, and no I don't trust you so you are not allowed to use it."
William was trying out the tuxedo when he heard Elinore come in the store. Which isn't suppose to happen right now unless she's another illusion. "Elinore?! What are you doing here so early?!" He cautiously asked while coming down the stairs without any visible armor on him. He stopped when he noticed something was wrong with Elinore's appearance. "Umm, not too be rude, but why are you here wearing normal clothing? Didn't I tell you that our business required formal attire?" Yup, she's probably another illusion. Which was waiting to scare the void out of him right now.

Alex received a notification from A.D about Elinore's current location. He decides to start up the Bullhead before sending out the mission coordinates to any student who didn't arrive yet. Can't let everyone miss out on the fun because one of their leaders was already at the store before them. "Everyone please put on your seat belts. We are taking off in 10 seconds." He announced while the small airship started hovering above the ground. Everything suddenly moved fast when Alex started flying at full speed toward the store. It felt like a mad man with no eyes was driving it.

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"Whooooooo!" Trey shouted. It was obvious to anyone that he was enjoying this. "C'mon teach!" He shouted, "You drive like my grammy! GO FASTER!"
Ferlick sighed and gave Trey a smack on the head. "Trey please, I am in charge of you right now so I would enjoy if you could try at least to keep with my plans." He turned around to face everybody and began to address them all. "Alright, Elinore and I have been put in charge of this operation, though the don't seem to be here. Do not be mistaken we will not be directly assaulting a white fang operation. I plan to get in through the office entrance. It will be the smaller of the entrances available, and most likely less guarded due to its size. Once we enter the office we will take out all the operatives we must as stealthily as we can. I would prefer the use of semblance for this because it is less noisy to use that a weapon. If an all out fight is unavoidable I want all students who would consider themselves heavy fighters to cover the more delicate members of the team. We are looking for the commanding officer, so find him and get any data he has on him."
Elinore stopped and stared at William for a moment....."I...asked you if you were going on the mission today, and you said you'd meet me here..." she said slowly. Maybe he didn't understand? Elinore leaned against the door to catch her breath. Man she needed a better way to get around. Maybe she'd pick up on some kind of vehicle...like a motorcycle or something...yeah, that sounded good.
"Wait, we have a mission? When was it assigned?" William asked Elinore before getting a message from Alex. Seems like A.D kept the message on hold. After reading the message, William sighs and face palms himself. "No, I'm going on the mission tonight. It was a simple misunderstanding, so I'm going to get ready now..." He goes back to his room and takes off his tuxedo quickly. Putting on his new jacket, the armored student comes back down with a huge bag. "Elinore, let's get the van ready. They'll probably be here soon."

Alex lands the Bullhead behind the Grimm Reaper and opens the doors of the airship. "Okay ladies and gentlemen, we're going to use the van now. But no fighting over spots. There's enough space for all of you to fit." He said while opening up the garage door. Though that was a lie. Some people might not fit in and would have to use some other means of transportation. But who would volunteer to... never mind. Seems like he found his volunteers. "Hey Elinore and my robotic bastard! Want to go on a special mission for me?" Alex asked when he saw the couple getting the van started up.

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Ferlick looked at the van and sighed shaking his head. "This won't fit us all. I may be a student sir, but I can tell when you are pulling my leg. I will get myself another inconspicuous vehicle. I'm sure your neighbors won't miss their car, and if they do they can just blame you!" He smiled and walked over to a car parked on the street. It was a nice sports car so in order to keep from damaging it he used Phoen and a small amount of red dust to melt the keyhole into the car and the alarm system around it. He then hopped in and hot wired the vehicle sitting down and smiling in the driver's seat. "Official government business right? We are going after enemies of the state after all, now who wants to ride with me?"
Aires landed next to Alex. Retracting her wings in she smirked and looked at her friends. Some time had past since Loki's death and she never smiled after that but she still spoke it was just emotionless, "Hey. What's the plan? I got the mission, what's the details?" She looked at Alex with her mixed matched eyes.

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Alex explains the details of the mission to Aires, like how the team were infiltrating a warehouse through the office entrance and stealing data from a undercover White Fang agent(s). He looks at Ferlick and face palms himself. This kid is really starting to piss him off. "Okay then. I want Aires and Elinore to go with Ferlick. That way, we'll have enough space for everyone to ride in the van now." He motions the two girls to go the sports car before entering the van himself. As the rest of the students went inside the vehicle, William gives him a glare behind his mask. Seems like his old pupil is pissed off at him. "Don't be such a downer and get that big bag in the car! We have to get going my metal fiend!" Once everything was set, the van drives out of the garage and toward the Industrial District.
Elinore followed after William and laughed. "I'm sorry we had to cancel your special plans. And that you...uh...couldn't understand my message. I screwed my hand up earlier and it's kinda hard to use it." she laughed as the group appeared. It appeared it was a rather large group this time, not enough to fit in the van. But apparently car jacking was a liable source of movement. As long as it was blamed on Alex, that seemed like a pretty legitimate. "I guess I'll talk to you when we get there" she sighed to William as she walked towards Ferlick's stolen car.
Aires whispers to Elinore, "Alex knows I can fly right?" She asked waddling over to the car. She sighs, "Let's go."

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"Maybe it has something to do with stealth" Elinore whispered back. She didn't know how this plan was supposed to work out. A giant group of people walking into the office entrance of a White Fang hideout, only a few of them being a faunus by the way, was extremely suspicious. Perhaps Ferlick had some better details worked out.
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The van was overly cramped and Ben would have much rather ran there than be crammed in the back of the vehicle. Not to mention there was a person also occupying the space who refused to compact his weapon or move it to the side so there was room. "You have got to be kidding me Alex." he murmured.
After driving past many stop signs and going over the speed limit a lot, the two vehicles finally arrive in the Industrial District of the city. The van stops at the end of an empty street. "You kids see that old warehouse down there with the five entrances? If my information is correct, the building should be owned by a undercover group of White Fang members." The professor points at the warehouse with suspicious hooded workers walking around it. "Expect heavy opposition if things go bad. Now get out of the car and begin the operation." He motions everyone out of the vehicle but grabs William's shoulder to speak with him privately. After a minute of silently talking together, William nods before he suddenly disappeared in thin air. "Good luck everyone. Don't do something stupid!" Alex yelled out of the van's window with a smirk. He drives away from the group and heads back to the Grimm Reaper by himself. Hopefully the mole's information was all true and the mission goes smoothly for his students. But anything can always happen when you least expect it...
Trey stepped out of the van. Stealth? His lamppost wasn't built for stealth! "I guess I'm doing this the hard way..." He said as he cracked his knuckles audibly. "Saving Light is going to be a last resort." He looked at the entrances. "Do you guy want me to cause a distraction?"
Ferlick smacked Trey on the head and held a finger to his lips. He had his semblance only slightly on to increase his perception beyond what any of them could reach. He heard footsteps around the corner from where he had parked and so he motioned for everyone to get down. He then slowly began to walk around the corner peering around a wall briefly to notice two armed guards. It was easy to take them out really, but without being seen was going to be harder. He looked at the people in his team and thought briefly before walking up to a girl with a bow. After whispering something in her ear she fired two arrows into the guards necks and another student quickly dragged the bodies into the bushes. He motioned for everyone to stand and then to follow him to the office door. "Everyone, we have at least 15 people behind this door, who here has a semblance that we can really use to take them out quick and quiet?"
"William's out silent force, and he's uhh..." Elinore said quietly as she looked around the group. Elinore had semblance, and she could take on groups. It was the quietly that disqualified her. She was a...loud fighter. "Aires, I think you've got the upperhand here" she said with a nod and a gesture towards the door.

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