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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Tavril quickly left the room upon William's request. He didn't get why he couldn't stay, but there was no use arguing with the medic. He sat down outside the door and crossed his arms. He had one job, and he couldn't even do that.
Alex transfers the data into his own scroll before giving Ferlick his scroll back. "Well you tried your best Ferlick. Not every mission will go as planned. But I'm holding you responsible for any property damage your team caused within the last few hours." He motions Ferlick to leave the office. "Because someone haves to take responsibility for that sports car you stole."

A hour later, William comes out of the room. "Officer Tavril, your allowed to enter the room now. The injured only sustained a small cut on the head, but nothing serious." He motions his faunus officer inside. Elinore was sleeping on the bed with bandages covering her head. "She's just unconscious, so don't wake her up." Kneeing down, William starts cleaning up the mess of unused bandages and needles on the ground.

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Tavril entered the room again and sighed in relief. Okay, she wasn't dead. In fact, she was sleeping, which was a victory itself for the insomniac. He sat down and stared at William for a while, "Hey, Braindamaged. Do you...have any memories?"
"Sir, my name is William Reaper. Not Braindamaged." William puts the medical kit back into the closet. "But I don't know. All remember is my name and that I'm still training to be a mercenary like my master. Though..." He puts his hand on the pistol hidden in his jacket. "I don't remember you at all. Actually, where am I and what was I doing before?"
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"Oh wow...that's...a minor case of serious brain damage..." Tavril said as he folded his hands in his lap. He knew nothing about the guy, so he probably wasn't the best choice to fill him in on his own history, "as of current Mr.Reaper, you are stationed at Beacon Academy as a student. You're learning to broaden your horizons as fighter....I guess."
Ferlick nodded and took his scroll. "Just have them take the money from my personal account. I may not look it but killing Grimm gets a man a lot of money if he charges for it." He sighed and turned to exit the office. "I was wondering sir, why did you put me in charge of the mission?" It had been bugging him. He had purposed going alone, and was suddenly in charge of a few other students safety. He wasn't expecting the responsibility he was given or the difficulty of keeping them organized even with a co leader helping him.
William stares at Tavril for moment before putting his hand away from the pistol. "Beacon Academy? Student? What are yo-" Suddenly a hysterical laugh could be heard from Archdeath's speakers. "What the dust?! Why is the armor laughing and wait a minute... when was I wearing armor?" William attempts to peel off the armor as the laughter grew louder by the second. "Willy, why the dust do you keep losing your memories a lot? Didn't you already lose it during that convoy mission last year?" A.D laughed. "But you can't get the armor off without knowing the password!" That was a total lie since William could command the A.I to disassemble the armor at any moment. But his brain damaged owner forgot about that. "The armor can talk?! But what password?!" William sat down frustrated as he tried to remember the nonexistent password.

"You wanted a unofficial mission Ferlick. So I thought maybe you should be the one to lead it, but it seems like I made a bad decision." Alex starts closing the office door slowly. "Now I understand why Professor Ozpin didn't assign teams yet. None of you first-years are ready for such a huge responsibility." Finally closing the door shut on Ferlick, he looks over the data with a grin. Seems like everything went as planned.
"Ah...you're little talkative digital friend is still here." Tavril said with a nod. "He's suffered from memory loss before?" he asked the AI, ignoring William for now. He'd much rather talk to a computer than a human anyways. "ever found a way to jog it again? Or are we stuck with....that forever" he asked with a gesture to William.
Benjamin entered the room and immediately began to backtrack. The reason he came in was nonexistent and he just stood frozen at the door. "Um, what's wrong with Will?" He asks fully entering. "How did he loose his memory?"

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"This bastard got shotgunned in the face earlier. It probably caused him some memory loss." William starts punching himself in the face to shut A.D up. This causes the mask to dent before it repairs itself. "But no need to worry about his memories coming back. He usually regains most of it if you give him time to remember it all." The student began smacking his face on the floor. "Though it isn't rare for William to get memory loss a lot. Mostly if you have a dusted up brain like his."
Benjamin grabs Will's arm to prevent him from demoralizing himself further. "This happens often? You must love this AD." He says with a chuckle. "Will, calm down and we'll get you back home. And back to a place where we aren't responsible for damages." He adds thinking of what might happen if he did break anything in the shop.

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William stops smacking himself when he felt Benjamin grabbing his arm. Electricity bursts out of the arm and began shocking the faunus. "You shouldn't have done that Grey. He doesn't like it when people suddenly grabs him when he haves memory loss." A.D said while William pushed the faunus off of his arm. "Don't touch me." He stood up and walked over to the closet to get something in there.
"Yeah...that might be best..." Tavril said as he stood up, "let's gather the rest and head back to Beacon. We'll leave Lulu here to sleep." he said as he walked towards the door, "some time at Beacon should start ringing some bells."
"Everyone else can leave. I'm going to stay here to watch over Commander Lulu." William pulls out a shotgun from the closet. He pumps the shotgun with a shell before pointing it at Benjamin. "Now leave the base or be terminated. That is a direct order private."
Benjamin reeled back at the shock of electricity pulsates through him. "You son of a bi-" Ben begins reaching for a vial of ice dust. "I am no private. I get that you are protective of your girlfriend, but chill." He says as he looks at the gun. "Can't you halt his armor AD before I have to?"

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"I would, but it'll be more fun to see what William might do to you soon." A.D said as William began approaching Benjamin with the shotgun. "I said leave or be terminated. This is your last warning sir."
Benjamin loaded the vial into his Chain Blade and swapped away the blade. "You are coming with us. We'll either bring Elimore or leave someone here who remembers her." He says as he aims at the teen. He prayed that his latest weapon modification worked and the dust would released as intended.

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"Reaper, Benjamin, sand down!" Tavril snapped. "I'm in charge here now. Benjamin, you go downstairs and gather the others. Start heading back. I've got the William situation covered." he barked. He didn't need any unnecessary fights right now.
"Yes sir. Standing down now." William lowers his gun before saluting to his officer. "Wow Tavril, your such a party-pooper. Couldn't you at least let them shoot each other once before butting in?" A.D complained with a disappointed voice.
"Butt out AD." Benjamin orders before lowering his arm. "Sure Tavril." He then heads downstairs to find Hayden bursting in. "What's going on?"

"White Fang incoming. Gotta move or hunker down." He states as Ben motions to let Tavril know. The teen moves upstairs and Ben takes a post by the door. He then knocks urgently at the door.

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"Yeah, you're right. I should have let them shoot each other. Do you know what would make that party even more fun? If you deleted yourself." Tavril replied coldly. "William. You are to report back to Beacon once your satisfied that 'Commander Lulu' doesn't need protection at the moment." he sighed before leaving. Benjamin informed him of incoming White Fang members. Great. "Alright. Shoot on site." he said as he continued on.
Benjamin relayed the order and made sure everyone was ready for an attack. Hayden reset Trivial to its twin sword form and walked outside to see if he could spy anything suspicious. The White Fang members that he had spotted earlier were in four full cars and driving around almost aimlessly. He had taken the precaution of moving their vehicles to the back of the shop and now say and waited for the seemingly inevitable.

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"Engage the targets now." A White Fang officer reported over the radio as the vehicles begun driving toward the store. The faunus operatives began shooting out of their cars and bullets began hitting the weapon store's front windows. Apparently it was bullet-proof since the bullets couldn't break through it easily. Suddenly, someone shot a missile from the top of the store and destroyed one of the approaching cars. "Eliminated a hostile vehicle. Loading weapon for a second shot." William reported as he begun to reload a rocket launcher with another missile. He shoots again and nearly destroys another car. "F***! Get out of the cars and begin the assault!" The vehicles swerve out of the way to avoid the second missile and stops in front of the Grimm Reaper. "ELIMINATE THEM AND RETRIEVE THE STOLEN DATA!" The hostile faunus exits the cars and begun their assault against the students, not knowing they were from Beacon yet.
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Benjamin opened the door and shot a blade at one of the Faunus, grabbing the spiders armor. He pulled the operative off his feet and towards himself to be thrown. The White Fang manner wailed as he was thrown back to where he started, taking out another Faunus.

Hayden was busy fighting a few faunus as he swapped his weapons to a staff and parried their attacks. "And fire..." He says, switching the blades to sub machine guns and unloading the rounds into the Faunus who were simply knocked back by the bullets. "Uh-oh." He says as he breaks the staff into twin swords. "Some have vests. Higher caliber weapons advised." He shouts to the nearby students.

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Tavril simply walked out into the crowd. As a known member of the organization, no one bothered with trying to stop him. One of the members stopped firing to laugh at Tavril, "You really wanna show your face around here wolf boy?" the panda girl sneered. "Ming..." Tavril sighed, "I've always hated you." he hissed before stabbing her in the neck. He picked her up by the neck and threw her at another member. That felt good.

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