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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Yeah I kind of did.... I wanted to talk to you about something kind of important, if you wouldn't mind?" He leaned on the bed that he was kept in for the longest time. "It might sound a little self centered but I wanted to talk about me... and my past."
"Your past?" Elinore asked as she leaned against the door, "sure, you can tell me your past"

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"My name is Aeronwen, but everyone calls me Aeron, I'm a bat Faunus, in case there is some other mammal with wings I honestly don't know how I am still alive, but I don't think you know the reason, and, in consideration of anyone who may want to use this workshop in the future, can we either take this outside or just calm down?" Aeron was reversing the temperature change he made, hoping a warmer ambiance would ease the tension. He still didn't put down Fintas. "Given your confidence, I would assume your apparent lack of weaponry is a facade, and you either use Dust, martial arts, or some sort of hidden weapon. Am I correct?" Aeron edged closer to the table where he left Asa's pendant, and slowly grabbed it, pocketing it carefully, to show he wasn't hostile, then eyed a clear path to the door that he could sprint through if need be.
"Yeah, come on in. My door is open." Alex called out from his desk. He motions Drake to give him the list when the student entered his office. "Sorry for barging into your room and ordering you to let some stranger use your computer. I was kind of in a rush at the time."

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"A long time ago, I lived in a good part of vale." He cleared his throat. "Me and my parents were out.... A family outing to my grandfathers funeral. We were wearing our black. We were already sad, then we came to our house. It was destroyed.... Hell it would have been cleaner if a tornado had gone through it. I rushed up to my room to see it in tatters. when I came down I heard something happening on our front lawn. After s rushing out the door I saw my mother being taken away from my father to a black van. My father was bloody..... My father died there, on our front lawn." His tone was starting to get sadder. "I was sent to a foster home, which was run by the white fang. I kept running away after some time..... I found my mother. She was in a brothel. I fought with the weapon that I crafted at signal. but the bastard pimp of her's, stabbed her. A single bullet ran through his head...." A single tear ran down his face. "I held her in my arms. She was dying, and I could do nothing to save her.... He last words were.... "Remember that young kid that you once were." I tried but I couldn't help it." The tears started to go down his face. "Mom, i miss you." He whispered. "I tried being that little kid. But I couldn't be a little boy in a world of hate and hell. I had to be strong, and the only way was if I let my anger flow."

Drake pulled up the email, and shared it with him. "All sent out.... and next time, could I maybe get a heads up before you send someone to my room with an explanation on what is going on."
"My wings are my weapon of choice and yes I do use dust from time to time. I'm guessing you don't know who I am." She put her arms up slowly above her head as a sign of peace. "Truce? I do not want to fight. I apologize everything here has been tense as of late." She flashed a smile in his direction and noticed him grab something. I wonder what that could have been. She looked straight at him. "You have an interesting name."
Nexus plays with his tablet a little bit as he sits on a bench waiting for his ride to arrive. The tablet buzzes and he reads the new email he got. "Get debriefed and then return and continue keeping an eye on the students. Sounds easy enough, too bad i get bored easily." He laughs slightly and then leans back looking at the sky. His white and black tiger tail swishes back and forth as his mood is shown to be happy. His ears twitch a bit and he turns his head and sniffs the air. "That smells good."
Alex recieves the message on his scroll."Thanks, I'll tell you in advance next time I need that computer again. But you can leave now." He motions Drake to leave as he began reading the list.

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Aires's wings twitch and she senses something close. "Bye bye . . ." she says to the boy, "We may meet again sometime, by the way my name is Aires." She flings her wings out and speeds away.

Seeing Nexus she dives down until she is an inch away from his face. "Heya." She said, the wind from her decent blasting her sweet scent over him. "How ya been?" She was slowly changing and it was terrifying.
Nexus raises and eyebrow at her and takes another bite of his hotdog. "I've been in a better mood, or at least thats what the vendor guy said. 'You seem to be in a good mood, your tail swishes back and forth like my cats when he's happy.' I got mad at that, i am not a cat. I am one of the greatest hunters in the feline race. The tiger is magnificent not something stupid and tamed like a house cat. I refuse to be tied down to someone like a pet, i'm too noble for that."
Ferlick was finally able to move again, but he was using most of his brain and willpower to create the image for Trey. Occasionally Trey's own mind would try to overpower the image that Ferlick created of the bright lamppost with him smiling against it by launching grimm at the post. Ferlick could stop these images simply by "fighting" the grimm but that required even more brain power. He didn't want to increase his semblance either because the sudden flow of the injured would get it too and their minds might not be so happy about the images. He was able to pull out his scroll which was damaged but still working and sent a message to Alex. "Third page stolen data attack."
"Watch yourself," she said sitting on him tucking her wings into her back. "One day someone and you better hope it's not a woman, which it probably will be, will tie you down and make you face your worst nightmares." She takes a bite of hot dog sure to push his nerves. Licking her lips she smirks at him, "Mmm, yum." She says looking at him, and smiling. She was . . . smiling . . . at the man . . . who killed . . . her boyfriend . . . wait, what?
Nexus laughs heartily and smirks. "I doubt that, no one will control me. It's not possible, and uh what the hell that was my hotdog. I paid money for that." He pouts a bit before moving her off him and standing up.
"Eh, I was hungry." She smirks. "So Nexus . . ." She says looking up at him with mix matched eyes. "What are you thinking about right now?" She asked him, catching him off guard. Why was she being so nice to him?
He turns to her and raises an eyebrow at her, "Currently? Why you're asking personal questions, is what i'm thinking. But before hand, i was thinking about how peaceful it is here. Besides the obvious dip-holes that roam the school, and the like, but it's pretty quiet out here."
"Yeah, I guess you're right." She turns to face him. Her face changed, she meant business. "Nexus . . ." she said waiting and hearing the wind howl, her scent flowing in the wind. "Let's be friends." She whispered. She looked at him, her eyes now both neon purple, "I want to be your friend." She said once more. She held out her hand for his, "What do you say?" She smiles sweetly.
His face flashes a kind smile before it quickly disappeared. He takes her hand and shakes it politely. "Friends it is, but i thought you hated me."
"Loki, wouldn't want me to." She squeezes his hand, a little pain could be seen in her eyes, though she hid it. "To be honest, I vowed to protect someone and now I have no one to protect, " she looks at him with determination, "So I'll protect you." She smiled, though this smile bore the pain and sorrow in her heart and it softly turned into a smile no one had ever seen before, a smile of promise.
A small ship arrives and waves at Nexus. "Seems their here, ready to go?" He walks over and gets onto the ship and looks at her. "It's a bit of a decent trip. A few hours and then we will hit the island."
"Alright." She looked back at Beacon. Her face frowned and her heart broke even further. "Good bye. . . my friends . . ." she said walking to the ship and getting in. "A few hours huh, sounds like fun." She chuckled flipping her hair.
"Nexus." She says finding a seat. "What will your section of the White Fang say when they see you've brought me along." She fumbles with her fingers. I haven't been apart of the White Fang for over five years . . . I wonder how much it's changed and how it hasn't.
"I don't know you, and-- okay, now she's gone" Aeron sighed. At least now he didn't have to explain why his given name was actually feminine, especially because he didn't know either. Well, now I can say for sure I'm not the weirdest one at this school. Aeron wandered around the school, and saw several people tapping away on their Scrolls. Oh yeah, I need to pick one of those up. Aeron wandered around, not sure where he would get one, but he was distracted by the most horrible beeping sounds in his life. He almost doubled over in pain, frantically trying to cover his ears. The beeping seemed to come from several sources, and each sounded in a pattern akin to a heartbeat. Growing accustomed to the loud noise, Aeron walked inside the building where the sound originated, deeply curious as to what strange machine could be making such awful noises. He found himself in the infirmary, which seemed to be packed beyond capacity. There were nurses and doctors and patients and visitors all rushing around like madmen. Is this how normal doctors work? Aeron thought to himself. He caught snippets of dialogue, one of them seemed to be deeply personal, so despite his curiosity, Aeron tuned that out and listened for the reasons people were in here. The nurses were the most helpful '...acid burns on the head...' '...Broken ribs, arm, and neck, beaten into a tree by a lamppost...' '...stabbed multiple times...' Wait, 'lamppost'? Aeron found the patient info clipboard that mentioned broken ribs. Ferlick, huh? Well, my name doesn't seem so odd now. Aeron listened to hear steady, but labored breathing and an active, but resting pulse. Awake, but only just... Aeron's curiosity as to how someone got beaten so badly by a lamp overpowered his strong urge to leave this place as soon as possible. "Knock knock." Aeron said, slipping through the courtesy curtain. "So... I heard you got pummeled by a street light. Oh, banalities, of course: I'm Aeron, yes, I am a bat Faunus, yes, I am Albino, and yes, I'm new here. Now on to how you got beaten by a lighting fixture."
"My section is special, we don't care about you or your past. If you get accepted you get a new name and a new life. I was given the name of Nexus when i was 4. I was called kitten until i earned the name. You'll be fine, our sect isnt like any other anyway, only special people know about how to get us." He laughs slightly and watches the water fly by.
Aver slowly peeked out of his hiding place and loaded arrows into his crosbow just in case. He stepped out and leaned against a wall. When a single student passed by he put his hands around the student's mouth to prevent him from screaming then he suddenly twisted and snapped his neck then poured acid all over him. He stole the student's scroll and walked away.

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