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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aver smiled as he felt frost cover the timer. Ah...how foolish, my bombs are chemical but my devices are electronic. He stood still while whistling 'Final Countdown'.
Alex sighs as he watches the timer go to three seconds. Just when he thought he could have prevented another death... oh well. Time for both of them to die. "HEAD-BUTT M***********!" He yelled out before head-butting Aver in the face, knocking the bomber out unconscious with one second left. If the professor was going to die, he was going to die after head-butting his killer in the face. Now it was time for him to die and head to the Void...
Aeron! A... Asa? WAKE UP, BOY! Aeron's eyes fluttered open, and his hand went to the insulated handle of Fintan, which glowed as brightly as it did when it was first forged. Aeron quietly aimed the mace and fired the near-molten ball of steel-alloy into the back of the unsuspecting Aver, allowing the spikes to latch in and hook on to the flesh. "Not even gonna scream as your skin melts off your spine?" Aeron had a manic look to his eye as he shakily stood. "Too bad, I wanted to listen to your death wail." Aeron stumbled towards Aver, who was held by the large teacher. "Run and hide from this, asshole." Aeron said, putting the twelve-gauge barrel of Fintan up to the base of Aver's skull and pulling the trigger.
Before the bullet fired Aver froze himself as the bomb detonated. He was unaffected for the ice shielded him. 'Checkmate' He thought.
Ferlick sighed as he watched the situation and stepped forward opening Phoen's third trigger. The dish opened up without a second to spare and the explosion was absorbed into a blank dust crystal at the center making it useless. He then flicked the blade closed and sighed. "I really hate explosions if you haven't noticed already, but energy is so easily made into dust if you know the process."
"BOOM! After the bomb went off, everyone in the building above were killed in the explosion and died. No one was able to recover their bodies since they were all ashes now. The end... NOT!" Natayla narrated in a loud voice after Ferlick prevented Aver's bombs from killing everyone in the tunnel. She walks over to the frozen Aver and Alex, who apparently got affected by the bomber's ice effect at the last second. "Hey kids? Mind helping out your local librarian with freeing these two idiots from their icy prison?" She asked the students as she took a pickaxe out of Hellsing and began breaking up the ice slowly.
Ferlick shook his head and leaned on Phoen. "I am barely standing right now miss, that took a lot more energy then you might think so why not ask mister heat signature over here, what was it Aeron?" He slowly let himself sit on the floor and then lay back letting out a sigh. "Every part of my body hurts, and it really isn't pleasant. Maybe the nurses were right to tell me to stay in their care, but it's boring in there."
Aeron, glad to cool off, sent a large portion of his body heat onto Alex, attempting to keep Aver frozen for the time being. Once the teacher was frosty no more, Aeron proclaimed "Now, if you'll excuse me..." and promptly passed out again, determined this time to not wake up to death and destruction.
Fire from Aver quickly melted the ice he was in and in a quick move dropped foam and smokescreen in front of him, foam above him and acid below him. He fell through the floor once more as foam covered his tracks. He smiled, that was close, very fun. He tossed more chemicals behind him, causing another explosion that would cover his tracks while he hid once more. Just then he was smacked unconscious by Trey, who happened to get lost and pass by him. "Any of you guys after this?" Trey asked.
Ferlick sighed and looked up. "I would bother trying to stop him, but you see once again I'm broken and it looks like Aeron is out of commission too. Ms. Librarian I think we should count our loses and get Alex out of her before he goes crazy and tries to kill everyone." He had stopped using semblance and his eyes and voice had gone back to normal though a little blood was coming out of his nose. "Looks like my nose is still broken, fantastic." He wiped it and continued to sit there exhausted.
Trey burst through a wall, lamppost ready and Aver on his shoulder. "Guys, I found this guy running out. You want him?" He asked as he plopped Aver painfully to the floor.
"Oh no you don't!" Natalya yelled out before Aver nearly escaped the group, expertly avoiding all the chemicals Aver threw behind him. Aver was knocked unconscious by another student and she follows him to the new wall he made. She was right next to Trey before she taps the top of the open ammo box on his head. A glyph appears and transports him to the Void. After capturing the lamppost student with a smirk, she returns to the group after transporting Aver to the Void. "YEAH! EVERYONE IS UNCONSCIOUS! Well... except for you kid." Natalya jeered when she noticed Alex was unconscious from his little fight with Aver. She opens up Hellsing again and transports the two unconscious people into the Void. Then before Ferlick could react, she taps the opened ammo box on the student's head. "We're going to nurse's office now, but I can't carry you at all since your too heavy to lift. So stay still and be a good boy!" She asked with a devious smile while Ferlick got sucked into the glyph coming from inside the box. After closing it, she heads to the nurse's office to drop everyone off there.

Still floating around in the Void, William noticed several glyphs appear meters away from his location. Seems like the woman got more victims... wait. Is that Alex?! "HEY MASTER! WHAT THE F*** HAPPENED?! WHY ARE YOU IN HERE?' He called out to the unconscious man. He noticed the four students floating next to Alex. "Umm... so what did you guys do to piss her off?" He asked with arms crossed while slowly floating away from the newcomers.
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Ferlick looked around and sighed. "I can't believe it. I tell her I don't want to go to the nurses office. I tell her it's boring there so she puts me in a black box to carry me there! I would rather shoot myself then be trapped in a void and then placed in a place that is void of any intelligent life forms. Everyone there is either busy or stupid enough to get hurt by grimm, so there isn't anybody to examine." He sighed and sat cross legged in the darkness slightly pouting. "I don't know who she is but I am going to get back at her, after all I have an explosion just waiting to be set loose."
Trey didn't like floating around aimlessly. "I don't like her..." Saving Light glowed softly as small embers flew around him. "What happens if I blew this place up?" Fire dust started to flow around him as it poured out of the lamppost, it then started sucking it all in, condensing into a tiny ball.
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William laughs when he heard Ferlick complain about his current situation. "Dude, your not going to die and nothing won't damage the Void at all Trey. Everyone is simply floating around in a dimension with no sense of time in it. But just calm down, stop pouting, and have a damn sandwich." He kicks over a box filled with sandwiches to the group. It floats over and bumps into the Ferlick. "What's going on out there? Anything exciting happened in the past few hours?"
"Well that guy." He pointed to Aver. "Just blew up half the school and attempted to get away by using a dead mans switch with Alex, who wasn't buying it. So Alex just jumped on him and a big explosion happened. Luckily my new mods to Phoen let her absorb energy into a blank dust crystal, or the dining room would be gone. How long have you been in here?" He put Phoen into absorption mode, just in case Trey decided to unleash his giant fireball.
"Probably a few hours. But I don't keep track of time when I'm in this empty place." William sighed. "But do any have your scrolls on you right now? I need you guys to do a big favor for me." He asked while taking out his scroll and begins pressing some buttons on it.
Trey stopped the dust, he was a bit disheartened and bored. He suddenly spotted a vial of pink liquid float to him. "Guys...what happens if I drink this?" He said as he grabbed it.
"I don't know... but don't drink that. Whatever that woman puts in here is bound to be dangerous." William replied after sending a message to Alex.
Trey, out of sheer boredom, ignored William and chugged down the vial. "...Kind of tastes like strawberries..." He suddenly felt weird and in pain as he floated further away from them until he could no longer be seen.
"Hey! You alright Trey?!" William asked as Trey floated away from the group. Before he could do anything else though, several glyphs appear and sent the newcomers back to the world of Remnant. "Huh... alone again. Dammit, this is going to be so boring... s***! My sandwiches!" He face palms his mask when he realized his current source of food was floating away from him now. Hopefully his new plan works and he could get out of the Void soon. "And back to square one..."

Natalya frees Aeron, Aver, Alex, Ferlick and Trey from their temporary prison after arriving in front of the crowded nurse's office. Before anyone could react, she creates a small glyph in front of their conscious or unconscious faces. The glyph quickly starts spinning clock-wise. "You shall all forget about what you saw a hour ago. Every single one of you only saw darkness and nothing else. Am I clear or do I need to repeat myself?" She asked her hypnotized victims with a smile. After each one nods their heads as a sign that they were under her spell, the glyphs immediately disappears from their faces. Anyone conscious was knocked out. Natalya disappears as the medical staff noticed the unconscious people on the ground and put them on beds. Guards were in the room to watch over Aver, who was now stripped of all of his equipment. The librarian returns to her new room and goes to sleep.

(Scene turns black...)
Elinore had woken up early that morning, a strange occurrence for the girl who was never good with mornings. But with Tavril enrolled, if she ever wanted time away from him she had to change something about her schedule. Elinore stood in the forest by the school, taking the quiet morning to practice. Well, it wasn't like she'd be interrupted. Literally all her friends had either left or died. So she'd be alone for quite a while.

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Makrus grabbed the tablet and began to type. He walked down to the airship bay. "I want you to fly to these coordinates. and wait for a few people to get to the ship." The faunus saluted and got in his ship, it was a puddle jumper. He walked back up to the bridge and sent a message to elinore and alex with the location of the puddle jumper.
Alex woke up in the infirmary when he realized the room was packed with guards and injured students. Not remember how he got there or what happened after the recent chase, he gets off his bed with a yawn. Noticing Aver on another bed unconscious, he orders the guards to send the lunatic to the cells for interrogation. But this time with actually guards watching over the prisoner. Not students like Cardin who can be easily tricked. After they escorted Aver out of the room, Alex checks his scroll and finds two messages in the inbox. One was from Markus with the location of a rendezvous area and the other from William, which was a empty file. He sends a message to Reaper about the meeting. Then heads to the meeting area while getting himself some breakfast on the go from the dining hall. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Above the forest, a pack of Nevermore minors were flying together in search of food. This was their usual flight path and they always found something good to eat every time. It might be a cute bunny or defenseless human that were ripe for the picking. Now if they could only find some prey... CHA-CHIK! The avian Grimm fly towards the noise in hopes that they'll steal the hunter's prey after they take the shot. They were Grimm, so you can't blame them for being jerks. BANG! "S***! She found me!" A metal hawk retreats from the pack and flies away in the different direction, after one of his decoys got shot down. Before the Nevermores could react, another shot was fired. This time it hit its mark. "NO! MY DAMN WING!" A.D plummets down into the forest and starts hopping away from the hunter now. He had to find help soon or else the A.I was doomed...
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The massive airship was in range, and one of the scanners picked up the shot. A voice rang out, on a frequency that the A.I could pick up. "Keep your current heading, but gain altitude. Bay three is open and waiting for entry."

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