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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aeron looked around the room at all the people he barely knew, he looked at the librarian that he couldn't even trust. He thought about Teri and Ferlick slow-dancing in the other room. He slowly lowered his shotgun. He reached out his hand to hers and took hold of it. Strong hold. He froze their hands over and pulled up his gun, letting the 12-gauge buckshot loose in her stomach. "You really should know better than this if you are trying to seduce people, but," Aeron said, leaning in close and then whispering with a grin on his face "You aren't my type." faster than even Aeron knew what he was doing, Aeron smacked the woman upside the head with the barrel of Fintan, with enough anger behind it that the force would have knocked a Grimm out cold. He rounded the gun on the attacker in she shadows and let loose two more shots, then swapped his tattered jacket for the coat-tailed tuxedo top from one of Scarlet's men, one without bloodstains, mind you, and stamped out into the hall. He navigated to the party room, clearing a path towards a couple talking, yanked them apart, then pulled Ferlick in close and kissed him. Aeron pulled away as the room went silent. "And now we run, Brainiac." he said, and sprinted out the front doors, shoving past security as they stood, agape. By the time any partygoers had reacted, he was halfway to shore. What in the world did I just do?
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Teri blinked. She blinked a lot of times before straightening up and stepping back. Her mind was still trying to process what had just happened. She aimlessly ran and followed Aeron, eventually reaching him at one point. "What happened?"
Aeron stopped running, whirling on her "Wouldn't you like to know, mister 'I'm pretty now'?" Aeron was no longer flustered, he was furious. "Everything was ****ing peachy until you just up and had a hormone swap, then began driving your wedge between us." Aeron's voice was getting lower as he got angrier and closer. As his temper rose, so did his temperature. He was literally steaming when he yelled "Do you know how hard it is to love someone who's playing for the other team? No, you don't, because you're on the right team now, so you just figured, 'hey, I haven't seen any other girls fawning over him, I'll give it a shot' and it ****ing works! I am sick and tired of being stomped on, of-- GAH! You don't give a shit, I'm out. Take him. He's all yours." Aeron said, sprinting off again. when he reached the tide, he pumped his wings and soared off. A small glass pendant, filled with ash, lay in the sand.
Teri picked up the pendant and pulled out Cobra. She loaded a packet onto it aimed for Aeron and fired while shouting. "Hey! Wait! Come back!" A field of needles and string were launched and caught Aeron into a makeshift net. He fell to the water as Teri quickly swam to him. "If you really want him, have him..." She said. "I would rather have a broken heart than live knowing that I broke someone else's" She swam them to the shore. "I'm not for him, he doesn't need a nearly insane, weird and destructive person like me to weigh him down." She laughed. "I have a freaking lamppost for a weapon! That's insane as it is."
Ferlick stood there and began starring at the two. Chaos had begun at the party and he seemed to be the center. It was bad enough that he was confused as hell but now Teri and Aeron were arguing over him. This situation was only gonna get worse so he decided to go for a quick way out. He used his Semblance at its full capacity using the thought that somebody had spiked the drinks. 95% of the party guests suddenly fell to the floor unconscious while 4% of them were particularly certain they had seen a man spike the punch table, and the last 1% felt very confused. He then ran out of the building and looked around. "What the hell! What is happening right now!" He looked at Teri and Aeron and threw his hands into the air frustrated and quickly pulled out Phoen from her little invite pocket. He loaded up the weapon with extra dust and kicked it to life skidding across the water on his rocket powered weapon. As he passed the two he looked over and shook his head. "By the way I am bi, but would you two please not fight over me I am not exactly a hunk of prime meat." He sighed and continued rocketing past them with a wave of his hand.
Aeron didn't hear what Teri said, or what Ferlick said, he was too busy panicking can't breathe can'tbreathecan'tbreathe Aeron tried to fly away, but his wings got torn up in the net, he tried to calm himself, but his aura went haywire. Frost crackled around him as his body heat rose. Suddenly, he stopped struggling It's okay, boy. Asa. It wasn't a question this time I can go now? I'm so tired. But... My friends... ...Will move on, as you have, for so many. Aeron smiled as he breathed out, light fading from his eyes as he didn't breathe in again. As the heat trailed from his body, his aura made one last move as the other two were filled with warmth. Aeron wasn't lost anymore.
"NO!" Teri shouted as she dived for him. She picked up Aeron and was crying. "This is my fault...this is my fault..." Her Semblance was going out of control, disintegrating the waters around her. "Why! Why! Why!" She cried. She slowly drifted away.
"Hey! At least I don't have a burning passion to eliminate the whole human race because stupid racists killed my daughter!" Natalya retorted as a metal mask started appearing out of the ammo box. The librarian stops pulling out her wild card when she saw Aeron attempt to fatally wound Scarlet. Sighing from what she was about to do next, she summons a glyph to protect the faunus from the fatal blows. But whoever said that the glyph would take 100% of the impact force? After Aeron took two shots into the empty darkness and quickly left the room, Natalya walks over to the fallen faunus. "I'm actually worse then the rest of the human scum in this world? Really, that was best insult you can come up with?" She chuckled as she helped Scarlet up.

Alex was about to drink a glass of wine when he noticed several students from Beacon start causing a racket in the party. Then almost everyone went unconscious as Ferlick ran out of the building. He face palms himself and gets puts the glass down on the table next to him. "Hey Junior... mind getting me a bottle of hard liquor? I think I have a headache right now." The confused host nodded and had one of his men get the professor his requested drink. Without pouring it into a cup, he chugs down the alcoholic drink in a few seconds. He felt a bit better and had the man get him another bottle as he made his way toward the band to listen to some calming music. "Okay... mind telling me why the dust you're all here for? I don't remember giving out a mission to mess-up Junior's party tonight." He asked Elinore when he noticed she wasn't playing the cello with the band.
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Ferlick suddenly fell into the water s a little bit away. He had stretched out his semblance in order to keep a small check in on the others but everything was out of control now. He found himself gasping for air even though he was floating easily above the water and he pulled out his scroll making a quick emergency message to Alex on his scroll. "Sir emergency one Beacon student dead another close to death possibly I am unable to move, please help." He sent the message and tried to swim but his body would only let him float. It was a terrible thing to be inside somebodies mind sending a very subtle thought as they died. He felt the chill of death and as the light went out in Aeron's soul Ferlick felt his mind reject the thought and then cease t exist. He floated there in the middle of the water far from either shore and cried. He screamed and cried out looking up at the sky. It was the worst feeling he had ever experienced and all he could do was float there out in the water and scream.
A.D flew around the island and noticed the three students in the body of water below him. He would have tried to help them if he didn't fear the water itself and simply reads the message Ferlick sent. Noticing a familiar figure on the air docks located on the island's cliffs, he perches on the man's shoulder. "Nice head. Finally getting over the fear of being laughed at for being bald?" He joked as the man watched the tragic scene below him. Beta ignores the metal hawk and called someone on his cellphone. A minute later, a Bullhead with the signature colors of the Hellsing suddenly appears after it uncloaked itself with the same glyphs a certain librarian uses. The small airship floats down and the beige uniformed soldiers in it pulls the wet students inside. The Bullhead flies toward the air docks and pushes the students out onto the solid ground. "Ever heard of being gentle?" A.D joked as Beta waves the airship to leave. The Bullhead suddenly disappears after cloaking itself. He walks away to let the students mourn over their dead comrade and heads into the mansion. Noticing a glass of wine on a table nearby, he drinks it slowly. "The man knows his wines..." He muttered to himself as he watched the guests begin to regain consciousness.
Ferlick couldn't stop shaking. His body wouldn't allow him to stay still. He looked at the body of Aeron and he began to convulse as if having a seizure. His mind kept telling him that it was still trying to send a message to the corpse but it couldn't and that only made the knowledge he was dead worse. His mind was working hard to try and get into the mind of a corpse but after feeling the mind die out it was also trying to stop itself. The conflict within him made him convulse rapidly and his eyes began to grow cloudy. He was finally able to stop his semblance and the convulsions stopped but it only gave way to him curling up in a ball and crying. He could still feel it, that strange foreign feeling of being connected to a mind as it dies. He couldn't stand it, it felt like dying but he was still here. He wondered if this is what it felt like for people who died in their dreams but instead of waking up at the moment of death stayed asleep. Then again that made him a dead man, and he didn't like the sound of that. "H-help, anybody, somebody." He began to scream again, the pain in his head and the sorrow taking over his mind, he couldn't think straight at all right now.
Markus walked into this party. Wearing some armor that a guard would wear. He was a guard now and he wanted to make sure that it was known. "Alex, what is going on? I keep getting a message from some of the neighbors complaining about the noise coming form here." Markus's new weapon was on his back. It was still in war hammer form. He was waiting for the right time to reveal it.
Aires quickly noticed the students she dive and flung then all to shore Aeron included. "YOU IDIOTS!" She bopping their heads and making a concoction from her forbidden dust She put some in her mouth and gave Aeron a kiss transferring the dust into him. He began breathing hard. She looked at Teri "he'll be okay" She smiles, "Forbidden dust . . . I'm the only that knows about it . . . Shh!" She winked and flew away.

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A man walked out of the manor. He was slightly dazed from Ferlick's semblance, but he walked fine. He wore a white suit with a blood-red corsage, his hair was dark brown, but graying. He strolled along the shore until he saw the medical bulkhead. He pulsed his wings until he was alongside it and hopped in. He navigated to the gurney where the young bat lay motionless. "I must say, I'm proud he didn't do it himself." The man said to no one in particular. He leaned over the boy, kissed his forehead and put his hand on the boy's chest. The air grew colder as the boy began to glow with flames. The man gathered the ashes in a small glass pendant, melting over the top and placing the sealed pendant on the gurney's pillow, next to a near-identical one. He looked around for Fintan, but it was lost in the deep. The man glid off the side of the bulkhead, soaring into the distance, never to be seen again. The man, trailing tears, said "Goodbye, my son."
Ferlick's mind finally snapped. The convulsions had stopped and he was no longer shaking now. His eyes changed as well, all light disappearing from them. His mind had decided what to do with everything now and he slowly stood up. He moved rigidly as if he was no longer in control of it. He looked around and picked up Phoen reloading the weapon with double the normal dust it contained. As he looked around he finally stopped facing southwest and activated Phoen flying off in that direction. His mind had made the decision to kill and destroy. He flew for a little while and came across a White Fang factory. Though many of them started to fire their weapons almost all of them immediately fell down screaming in agony. Ferlick's semblance usually increased his brainpower to 300% that of a normal human. It did this by taking the electricity that normally ran to all over the brain and focused it into certain places cutting off other places while simultaneously protecting from brain death in the no longer used areas. This normally took from emotions and pain receptors as well as long term memory and a few other less important parts leaving them at varying functionality. Currently his brain had managed to create more electricity than was normally present increasing his brainpower to 150% before rerouting of the electricity. Then it decided to reroute all brainpower to two places, the part of the brain that used logic and the specific part of the brain that causes anger. This lead to a 400% spike in brainpower the overuse of the two areas causing the thoughts of immense rage to go out throughout the whole compound. Those that felt his thoughts enter their minds were not persuaded by them, but were so overpowered that those who were weak their minds rotted and they died painfully. The rest of them fell to their knees holding their heads in pain as he causally strolled around the compound cutting off their heads without any thought.
Teri slowly blinked awake. What heppened? She looked around and saw Ferlick acte different and fly off to a diffrent direction. He was fast but it didn't take long for her to reach Ferlicks location. What she saw almost sickened her, if it weren't for the fact that she's seen this before, bodies of Faunus lay about in different areas, blood was scattered all over. She saw ferlick and tried to stop him. "Felick please stop!" She said as she blocked her path.
Ferlick looked at Teri and raised his blade to cut her down. His mind wasn't working as it should anymore and as he raised his blade the fire burst out of Phoen's beak and it blazed in his hand. He swung down headed towards Teri's neck but just as he had begun the attack his brain stopped. His mind fell under the strain of what had happened and his hand went limp the blade falling harmlessly to the ground and Ferlick drenched in blood fell into Teri. His mind was hurt horribly, and it would take him some time to wake up. As he fell he let out a long sigh and then coughed blood coming out in a big clump onto Teri's dress.
Aires sees Ferlick dump a bunch of his blood on the dress that she let Teri borrow. "Ugh . . . great . . . and I actually liked that dress too. These stupid kids are gonna get all of us killed . . ." She huffed slowly making her way to them.
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Teri caught Ferlick. He was sort off heavy and he looked so peaceful when asleep, she put him on her back and started to move. "Sorry about the dress." She said as she passed Aires. "I'll pay you back, I swear, just help us get back, please." She pleaded.
"Back where? To Beacon. Heh." Her eyes had changed once more. They were black now. "You know I really liked that dress . . . and sadly you all failed with the mission." Aires cocked her boots and neck at the same time. "You know people like you . . . weak people . . . really piss me off." She smiled wickedly. "I use to be weak too. But . . . ." The air became think and difficult to breathe . . . .she whispered, clear as day, "not anymore." Aires flung wings out and aimed her hidden gun at Teri.

Aires! What are you doing! You can't kill her/him/it whatever! They are from Beacon! AIRES! SNAP OUT OF IT!

"Huh?" Her eyes goes back to their normal mix matched tones and she lands. She looks at Teri a little frustrated, "I'm sorry . . . " She said looking at the ground rubbing her arm. "Here I'll get you back to Beacon, or at least to Alex." She didn't look at Teri . . . "Don't worry about the dress." She mumbled extending her hand to her.
"...No." Teri said as she handed Ferlick to Aires. "You're right..." She slowly backed away and prepared to run. "...Tell him I'm sorry for being an idiot." She ran away.
"Teri!" Aires yelled after her but that person was fast. She sighed, "Great . . ." she flung Ferlick onto her back. "You're not light are ya." When she got to a place where she could set him down, she did. "Ferlick. Hey, come on buddy, wake up." She gently strokes his face and tries to get some water into his system. "Ferlick!" She yelled a little scared and frustrated. "Come on, please open your eyes!" We can't lose another person . . . not another one . . . Her eyes watered as she glanced up at the sky. The rain slowly began to pour.
Teri ran and ran until she could run no more. "I'm such an idiot..." She cried. "All I bring is bad luck everywhere I go." She was so stressed that her mind was on the verge of breaking. The lamppost in her head was dimming rapidly. "Everything is my fault!" Her mind was so distressed that it sent out a massive signal. "Why? Why do you hate me God!" She slowly took Cobra and aimed at her head. "Is this what you want!"

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