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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Tinko looked out a window at the carnage being wrought on the school grounds. Students and teachers alike rushing into the fray as the horde of Grimm flooded the destroyed gates.

"Yeah," Tinko said into a device he held up to his ear "yep he's probably connected somehow."

Tinko backed away from the window as two frantic students rushed past him and down a flight of stairs.

"Don't rub it in, that's mean you know..." Tinko muttered into the device with a yawn

He stepped back to the window and rubbed his free hand along the glass.

"Now, I probably should do something... but-"

He jerked the device as loud yelling spewed from it.

"Okay... I'll go help... Tinny"

Tinko quickly closed the device before the voice could retort.

Chuckling sluggishly at his own joke, Tinko pocketed the device before spreading his arms low.

Two Revo-blades slid from his bathrobe and into his hands.

Swinging them to and fro, Tinko marched up the steps without a care in the world.

He got to the top floor and began looking for an open window.

He found one that was partially open, and slid one Revo-blade in the open space before opening it the rest of the way.

He folded his body in a little ball as he perched on the edge of the window.

The sounds were even louder out here, despite being higher up.

He embedded one Revo-blade in the wall next to him, then raised the other in his wobbly hand before closing one eye.

"Okay, let's see if I still got it..."

He stuck out his tongue and pulled the trigger.

A split second later a speeding bullet carved a large hole through a random Beowolf.

Tinko blinked, then rubbed his eyes some more.

Soon another Beowolf was brought down, and another soon followed.

Several of the Beowolves with no clear targets noticed the strange deaths of their fallen pack brothers, and were soon found scaling the walls towards Tinko.

Tinko leaned out a bit and finally registered the snarling furry figures racing up to him.

Blowing some air out of his mouth from exhaustion, Tinko stood and fell off the window sill.

Holding out one Revo-blade, he embedded it into the back of one of the climbing Beowolves, halting his descent.

The momentum pulled the Grimm back, it's hold threatening too loosen as Tinko's unexpected weight caught it by surprise.

As the Beowolf fought to regain it's hold, Tinko angled his other Revo-blade downward towards the other Beowolves.

He then let loose a rapid fire that shaved down there numbers by about a half.

Getting the idea that he had the advantage of high ground, the Beowolves dug their claws in deep before charging along the wall in order to get to him quicker.

While trying to stay awake, Tinko pulled the trigger on his other Revo-blade.

The force tore a hole in the Beowolf he was hanging from, while also forcing him out and away from the wall.

He partially charged the dust in one Revo-blade while he began the process of fully charging the other one.

With the partially charged Revo-blade, he let loose a barrage of small-scale artillery onto the Beowolves on the wall.

Many died, others fell.

Tinko's Revo-blade finally clicked empty, and with a sigh of annoyance, he swung it towards the wall.

It cleaved into the wall and let him descend slower.

He slid the spent Revo-blade into his bathrobe as several of the falling Beowolves descended past him.

He pulled another Revo-blade from his bathrobe and quickly checked over the ammunition before launching himself from the wall.

He steam trained directly into one of the falling Beowolves, and quickly jammed the charging blade into it's abdomen before spinning around it and locking his limbs around the Grimm in a strange resemblance of a harness. He spun the falling Beowolf and fired at the other falling Beowolves beneath him.

However, the Beowolf he was riding was still kicking and reached towards the wall in an attempt to stop it's descent.

Once Tinko finished picking off the falling Beowolves beneath him, he spun to deal with the ones above him and quickly saw what his unofficial ride was attempting to do.

He quickly swung one blade around it's neck, and then held his other Revo-blade behind his back.

The Beowolf latched on to the wall the same second Tinko unlocked his limbs. The momentum sent Tinko speeding, and making the Revo-blade around the Grimm's neck act exactly like a guillotine.

Tinko was close enough to the ground after decapitating the Beowolf for him to land without harm.

He looked back up and briefly acknowledged the rest of the Beowolves falling toward him before raising his overcharged Revo-blade.

He pulled the trigger, and immediately turned to jump into the mosh pit near the school gates.

The overcharged bullet whizzed towards the falling Beowolves in a blinding flash of light, and quickly dispersed into a lethal cloud of flames, which roasted the Beowolves like some terrible mid-air furnace.
Aires looked at Tinko, "Whoa. . . Nice going kid." She said holding her bleeding shoulder.

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Ferlick sighed and held his head falling to the floor. "Weeks?! How have I been out for weeks?! What's happened while I was out." He was vaguely aware of a commotion outside but the more he learned about his condition the more he was pissed off at that woman for sending them there. "Where is that woman? Where is she!" He was screaming now and his rage had built to the point where he was loosing track of his semblance. As far as he was concerned that woman was at fault for the death of a student and his current condition. "I will rip her spine out!" He was standing again and his out of control semblance had left the nurses on their knees most of them barely conscious. By the time he controlled himself he was standing among mostly unconscious nurses and patients and starring out the window. "I'm going to find her..."
Teri pushed him down onto the bed. "Mister, you are going to lay down and rest. After that we can go but now you rest. Please" She pleaded as she tried to calm him down.
Ferlick shook his head and stood up again. "I can't just sit around and watch Teri I did that for two weeks conscious on this bed!" He looked up at her and sighed taking a deep breath. "I want you to be honest with me now, what is the state of the academy...how many times have we been hit in two weeks." He had read the data himself a long time ago, and what he had read wasn't pretty. "Did anybody else die at the party?"
"No one else died, as fas as I know." She said. "We haven't got a Combat Teacher and a Librarian as far as things go." She paused, slightly doubting herself. "You...wanna go to the dining hall? You do need to eat you know."
Ferlick sighed and then suddenly looked up. "Alex!? They took Alex?" He jumped up again and immediately was back on his knees. "Perhaps I should eat something, but only if you promise to tell me what happened while I was asleep on the way. I need all the details you have before I get go..." He cut himself off mid sentence and tried to smile to hide that he had even mentioned it. "Before I get myself back to classes..."
Ferlick sighed and looked at her. "Very well, once I know all I can I will steal one of the drop ships we used on our first mission. I learned how to fly one before that mission just in case. Once I have stolen a ship I will try and locate Alex and bring him back as well as burning that librarian in a nice small room. Shall we go eat now?"
Ferlick shook his head as they walked. He had no intention of taking her, but he would play along until they got to the actual ship. "So give me the rundown on the current situation. What happened while I was out?"
"Nothing much, just more classes, I'm not one to ask for precise details, try asking Eleanore." She said. "And if you ditch me I'll kick your butt the moment you return."
He nodded as they neared the hall. "I'll have to contact Eleanore then, but this is a big problem. Only Alex had access to the full data that was recovered and he was the only one who had heads or tails of what it meant." He sighed and practically kicked down the door to the dining hall. "If I ever go unconscious for this long again go into my room and see if I was working on something alright."
Noticing that the Grimm had been successfully beaten, Aires gets to her knees and then stood up painfully. "Hey Ben," She cocked her head towards him "Go see what Lulu is up to, would you? I'll be right there. I'm gonna take care of this injury and I'll be right back." Aires heads to the nurse and her vision begins to get fuzzy. Those claws were drenched in something. Was she poisoned. "Not good . . ." She said losing her grip on reality. She saw Teri and Ferlick heading to the dining hall. She huffed slightly when she saw Ferlick kick the door down. There was sweat dripping down her face. She tried smiling towards them clinging to the wall. "Hey look who's awake . . . Agh . . . Glad to see you're up and about-" Aires's vision then blurred. "Oh dust." She whispered her body trembling now.

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Once the Grimm were dealt with, Tinko gave a loud yawn and began reloading the three Revo-blades he had used in battle.

Afterwards, he slid them into his bathrobe before turning to walk back inside.

Suddenly, he remembered why he got involved in the first place.

He knocked himself on the head with his knuckles for forgetting, he had to see if he was connected to the attack.

Tinko spun towards the wrecked truck, he then blinked a couple times to stay awake before he began stumbling over to it.
Benjamin nodded in a response to Aires and headed back towards the rooftop. "Normally she helps in fights like that. Guess this whole Will thing is rough on her..." He muttered as he walked.

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Felix looked away for a second and lost Jessica, when he saw him out the window surrounded by Grimm remains he was shocked how'd he get down there so fast, when he noticed the open window he figured it out and decided to follow him because there was nothing better to do. Upon exiting through the window he realized he was falling at a high velocity so he conjured up a cumulus humilis to soften his landing and to lower him down closer to Jessica Parker.
Aires felt a sharp pain in her heart and knew that the poison was hindering her. " Damn it, Ben! Help." She whispered. She couldn't say anything else her body was flaring with the toxin. Her temperature rising. She couldn't see Teri or Ferlick anymore. She tried to keep moving instead she sat down leaning on the wall breathing heavily. She smirked slightly slowly wiping her brow. She thought she saw an angel with beautiful green emeralds for eyes. "Damn it. I'd this how I die?"

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As Angel was one of the students who believed in being fashionably late, naturally, she'd start school fairly late. As she was walking in one of the hallways, she saw a faunus girl sitting with her back against the wall. She walked closer and saw that she was injured. "Now what have we here? What has happened to you?" She asked the faunus female as she knelt before her, brushing her hair away and looking at her tired face.
Aires looked up, "Nurse. Office. Now. Please." She tried smiling at the girl. "Explain later." She huffed

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Angel quickly complied and began helping the female stand up, bringing her uninjured arm over her shoulder. "Whatever you were fighting has gotten you pretty banged up." Angel commented as she saw the injury on her other shoulder and cringed.
The nurses were hard at work on her shoulder. Some were cursing her for getting hurt once again. Aires looked up at her savior with mix matched eyes. "Thanks for helping me." She smiled and then winced as the nurses began to filter the toxin out of her system. "We were attacked. Out of no where tons of Beowolfs came out and began shredding us apart." She winced again and then smiled. "Thank you, you really saved me and thank you for taking care of me nurses."

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Angel stood there as the nurses continued rushing about and cursing at the female. "Beowolfs? I was wondering what all those carcasses out there were. Looks like one of 'em took a liking to you. Gave you a little parting gift." She said as she pointed to the injury.

"And no worries, I couldn't exactly leave you there to die anyway. The name's Angelica Diaval. But you could call me Angel or Dia." She added with a smile.

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Aires smiled lightly, hopping off the bed. "I'm Aires. Nice to meet you Angel." She looked at the girl and noticed how many more students there actually was at Beacon. "Wow. Heh heh. Interesting. Anyway, wanna get something to eat?"

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