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Fandom Beacon Academy.

She weighed out her options. Should she tell him about Tavril? But all she knows is his name, not something so important it lead it her being kidnapped. She just met the guy for crying out loud! Or she could not tell him anything and walk away. Although there is a slight chance that she'll be caught again. Or worse— killed.

"I— I just met Tav.. I don't know what you're talking about.." She murmured. 'Well.. Whatever it is, pretend you know something but don't tell him. Even if it kills me, I've still gotta protect Tav.'
Aires landed on the rooftop trying to get a better view of the school when she plucked a feather from her wings and wrapped it around her, "Kaze? Come in Kaze. Answer me." She waited for some kind of response as to where her brother could be.

Kaze scans Angel's face with his hands, being blind that's the least he could. "So you just met him huh." Kaze's evil self was coming forth. He roughly took Angel's face in his hands kissed her directly on the mouth. This way I'll know if you're lying to me. Then his wings twitched, and he could hear Aire's voice coming through his feathers. Ending his kiss with Angel he plucked a feather and wrapped around his ear. "What do you want Aires?"
Angel was surprised at what he did. He was kissing her. She tried pushing him away, but to no avail. Then, he suddenly ended the kiss. 'H- he kissed me..' Her fingers grazing her lips. It felt wrong. So very wrong.

Then, Angle heard something she never thought she would hear. "What do you want Aires?" Aires? He knows Aires? At that moment her mind clicked. "Aires! Aires! Find Tavril and don't let him find me! Please Aires!" Angel yelled to the man as loud as she could, hoping she could hear her.
"Aires! Aires! Find Tavril and don't let him find me! Please Aires!" Angel shouted, and then Kaze smacked her hard, leaving a mark. "Stupid girl!" "Angel? Kaze what's going on?" Aired said on the other side of the feather. "Nothing for you to concern yourself with." He hung up and then slowly made his way back to her. "Now you've crossed me. Now I'm angry." He chuckled, "And I was trying to be a good host." His kisses were horrible, they were mixed with a potion that made his prisoners sick. High fevers, cold sweats, anything. "You'll pay for this." He said stroking her facing with evil intent.

"No, that moron Angel has nothing to do with anything. Damn. I have no choice I have to save her. But what did she mean about Tavril? What does he want with Tav?" She asked her flinging her wings back. She backs up to the edge of the roof and runs off soaring back into the sky, "White Fang here we come."
Angel earned a hard slap to the face. She cupped her cheek and could feel the sting on it. "Now you've crossed me. Now I'm angry. And I was trying to be a good host." He said, making his way closer to her. "You'll pay for this." He added, stroking her face.

Angel quickly backed away and slapped his hand away from her. She suddenly felt very hot, like her body was on fire from the inside. 'W- what's happening to me?' She asked herself. She hugged her body, quivering in the process. ''Aires.. Help me..' She layed down on the floor, shaking like a leaf. The last thing she knew, she was sweating waterfalls. "Tavril.." She let out, falling unconcious.
Kaze left the cell and locked it once more. If I leave her in there she'll die for sure. "Oh well." A guard came to Kaze and bowed, "Tell my mother that the girl has been disposed of and is of no use to us." The guard nodded and made his way to Sora. I'm sorry Angel.

Aires raced towards the Phoenix quarters of the White Fang. The White Fang had expanded so much that there many different sects all over. Each more powerful and each more renown. Her father had owned the Phoenix Sect for the longest but now that he was somehow dead, Kaze would have to be the sole heir to that kind of power. She was flying faster than ever. She dove into the water as to not be seen by the thousand of Faunus Guards and she swam up to find an opening. "KAZE!" She yelled into her feather, "Let me in."

"Oh boy, we have company." Kaze said under his breath as he ignored her wishes.

"Kaze! Don't make me force myself in."

"Go ahead like you can." Kaze said before cutting off communication.

"Wrong Answer." Aires smirked as her eyes switched from her normal colors to neon violet. She blinked and hole was created from the blast of semblance. She was in and not alone. "Angel!?"
Angel woke up, due to her shaking more and more violently each passing second. Her heartbeat was quickening and her breathing ragged. 'Is this how I'm going to die?..' She asked herself, losing hope every passing minute. She remembered her past and the friends she made at Beacon. Even if her time there was excruciatingly short, her memories there were happy. Her first meeting with Aires, getting to meet Elinore and Ben, her surprise at Tavril, another wolf faunus, all of them were happy memories.

Then, a blast came out of nowhere, destroying the wall behind her. She forced herself to see who it was. "Angel!?" Someone cried out. It was Aires. Angel smiled at her, although somewhat weak, she smiled. "A- Aires.. You came.." She told her, her voice becoming more and more faint.
Aires saw her on the ground. "Angel? Oh no no he kissed you didn't he. . ." Kaze's kisses were poison not because of the potion but because of his over exposure to the dust explosion. He was basically dust radioactive. "We need to get you back to Beacon." She lifted her in her arms and saw Kaze. His face was sad. He was stepping in front of her path. "Step aside Kaze, she needs help. You should have left her out of this. Now tell your faunus to stand down and let me pass."

"I don't control them sister dear." He said hurt, "Mother does." He steps aside to reveal a woman.

"Aires. Oh my darling baby girl, you've grown up so much. You're so beautiful! Look at you!" Aires couldn't believe it, it was her, it was her real mother. Aires began to sweat. How could it actually have been her mother. Her mother was supposedly killed after abandoning Aires. She couldn't move but she needed to get Angel to safety or else she'd die.
Angel was carried by Aires, but stopped short in front of Kaze. She had alot of questions for Aires, albeit if she even lives when they reach Beacon. They were talking but Angel couldn't make head nor tails of what, her hearing growing weaker.

Then, another figure came into view, an older faunus, maybe a bird just like Aires. Were they related? Angel tightened her grip on Aires' clothing, having another fit, sweat beading on her forehead and neck.
Aires growled, "I don't care who you are! GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Aire's eyes flared a neon color and their glow was bright. Kaze sensed the power she was mustering and yelled, "Mother look out!" She rushed towards her and pinned her to the ground a second before Aires unleashed another explosion her semblance stronger with her need to help her friend. Her stupid family had caused enough problems but she was sure they wouldn't stop there. She soared into the sky and looked back at the people she was leaving behind. She saw the woman that called herself her mother glow as well and her hands began to give off this purple hue to them and then she seized Kaze by the throat and held him in the air. She said something to him that couldn't make out and then he fell limp to the ground. Kaze!?" She felt Angel growing weaker and Aires made her choice. TO Beacon it was. What did that woman do to my brother? Kaze isn't a bad person he's just always put in the middle."Don't worry Angel we're almost there."

She neared Beacon and made it all the way to Nurse. They immediately began to work on Angel and one of the nurses went on and on about how they never get a break, or how they'd never seen this girl before. The hooked up fluids and machines and needles into Angel and they proceeded to push Aires of the room.
Angel was awake, when she reached Beacon, her body at its weakest. She could hear murmurs and voices and the sounds of machines, was she in the nurse's office? They had stuck her with needles and the like, rushing around. She looked to Aires and saw that she was being pushed out. Before she could fully disappear, Angel let out one final sentence. "Aires.. Look.. Tavril.." She let out, before falling into a coma.
Reaper and Truth were on their way to beacon academy which took longer than expected because of truth's curiosity but they finally made it. Reaper went around beacon academy showing Truth around so she knows where to go for a certain type of help until they reached the nurses office where they saw Aires being pushed out "Aires! Over here!" Reaper called over while Truth was waiting beside him.

Aires looked over at Reaper then at Truth. "Oh hey." She said she more worried about Angel than anything.

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"Because a friend of mine may not make it. And if she doesn't then her blood will be on my hands." Aires looked at the ground clenching her fists.

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Nexus appears on the roof and looks down at all the students. "Damn it has been awhile, still seems the same though." He lights another smoke and relaxes, some of his wounds have healed but others still need time. "No strenuous activity for me. Hahaha."

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Aires passes by Reaper and heads outside. She flies towards the lake and sits down. "My mother is alive... but how could that be? She looked just like me. I guess I look just like her. . . Who exactly are the Phoenix family prodigies?" She looked out at the lake and lied on the ground slowly falling asleep.

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"Skin a cat, gain three years. Skin a dog, get two years. Skin a duck, get five years. Skin a goat, get four years. Skin a man, get twelve years. Skin a tiger, get fifteen-"

Tinko repeated all these and more as he stumbled back into the Academy half asleep.

After bumping into several students, Tinko stretched his arms before continuing his semi--conscious stroll.


Tinko began producing a series of numbers as he walked...
Benjamin remained on his spire, deep in thought and what Elinore could possibly want with the White Fang. Besides internally collapsing them, he thought with a laugh as he tried to relax.
Aires screamed waking up from her nap. Her scream was loud enough to reach Beacon. "WILL, LULU, NO!" Sweat ran down her spine and she was trembling as she tried to wipe the tears from her eyes. What a nightmare, why can't I stop crying? She buried her face in her lap and continued to shake. "Where is everyone?"

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Benjamin was jolted back to reality by Aires' scream. "What the dust was that?" He exclaimed, sitting bolt upright.

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Aires looked up her cheeks wet from her tears and her anger at its peak. Her eyes vibrate changing color and as she blinks she sends an explosion across the water. Then another through some trees and her eyes return to normal. She falls backwards and stares up at the sky. "I just can't . . " She sighs. "I want my friends back, that's all, please higher power, I want my friends."

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"Who's responsible for taking them? Why not just fight them and be done with it. You are stronger I made sure of that myself." Nexus sits next to Aires and yawns. He lights a smoke and relaxes. "This is a nice lake."

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Aires sits up and slowly leans on Nexus and takes a hit from his light. She places it back in his mouth and exhales answering him, " I don't know who's responsible if I did I'd be after them. I have gotten stronger, you're right, but everyone's disappeared and one is in urgent care."

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"Hmm what about that one lady who was at the dance that one day. The one who stole Will, what's she been up too? Or the one that tried to steal the same thing we were gunna steal. Might be the same person, not sure but still." He pats her head and exhaled slowly, staring off into the distance. His mind working a million miles a minute, trying to figure stuff out. He holds his head and groans.

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